
Friday, February 25, 2011

Narcissists in the news: Charlie Sheen

In an open letter to TMZ:
What does this say about Haim Levine [Chuck Lorre] after he tried to use his words to judge and attempt to degrade me. I gracefully ignored this folly for 177 shows ... I fire back once and this contaminated little maggot can't handle my power and can't handle the truth. I wish him nothing but pain in his silly travels especially if they wind up in my octagon. Clearly I have defeated this earthworm with my words -- imagine what I would have done with my fire breathing fists. I urge all my beautiful and loyal fans who embraced this show for almost a decade to walk with me side-by-side as we march up the steps of justice to right this unconscionable wrong.

Remember these are my people ... not yours...we will continue on together...

Charlie Sheen


  1. Two and a half men is shit.

  2. Well, he's certainly not afraid to speak his mind. Heh.

  3. "Two and a half men is shit."


  4. This i can agree on. He is a violent narcissist.

  5. You may say what you will about sheen, but you can't deny that he has the "It" factor.

  6. from dlisted:

    Charlie on how he's the perfect human and is no longer denying it: "I'm so tired of pretending like my life isn't just perfect and just winning every second, and I'm not just perfect and bitching and just delivering the goods at every frickin' turn. Look what I'm dealing with, man. I'm dealing with fools and trolls. I'm dealing with soft targets, and it's just strafing runs in my underwear before my first cup of coffee."

    Charlie on how his haters are just jealous because our lives are full of ugliness: "They lay down with their ugly wives and their ugly children and just look at their loser lives and then they look at me and say, 'I can't process it.' Well, no, and you never will! Stop trying! Just sit back and enjoy the show."

    Charlie on how his veins are completely crack free now: "News-flash. I am special and I will never be one of you. The only thing I’m addicted to right now is winning. My success rate is 100%!"

    Charlie on AA: "I was shackled and oppressed by the cult of AA for 22 years. I finally extracted myself from their troll hole and started living my life the way I want to live it. It’s vintage, outdated and stupid and it’s followed by STUPID people. I hate them violently. They will come at me. Debate me on AA right now. I have a disease? Bullshit. I cured it right now with my mind. I cured it, I'm done! ”

    Charlie on his new girlfriend and porn star family: "Let me say this about the Goddesses, I don't think the term is good enough, but when you're bound by these terrestrial descriptions, you must use the best term available. So if you think about it dude, I'm 0-for-3 in marriage, but like in baseball, the scoreboard doesn't lie. Never has. So what we all have is a marriage of the hearts. And to sully, contaminate, or radically disrespect this unit with a shameful contract is something I'll leave to the amateurs and bible grippers."

    Charlie on how his ex-wife Brooke Mueller doesn't want to hang with him anymore: "And I just gotta add this, there was a whole firestorm about Brooke being a part of our crew. Where there were four, there are now three. Goodbye, Brooke, and good luck in your travels; you're going to need it. Badly … She's not there now and we are and I don't know, winning, anyone? Rhymes with winning? Anyone? Yeah, that would be us. Sorry man, didn't make the rules. Oops."

    Charlie on Chuck Lorre: "I violently hate Chaim Levine. He's a stupid, stupid little man and a pussy punk that I'd never want to be like. That's me being polite. That piece of shit [Lorre] took money out of my pocket, my family's pocket, and, most importantly, my second family -- my crew's pocket. You can tell him one thing. I own him."

  7. He has that OJ smirk going on.


    I didn't realise how vain I was until after listening to this, I thought everyone relates songs to them

  9. One and half men and a (or minus) an idiot!
    The show always sucked anyway - good riddance.

  10. ResCogitans said...
    'Wet' is not interested in sex... so why are you wet, lol?

    February 25, 2011 11:18 AM

  11. I'd be pissed off as well if I lost a job on a show that I was being paid about 2m per episode for. I actually think alot of the things he does(like this rant) are funny but his show isn't one of them.

  12. as much as I did not care for either of the 2 1/2 men characters, the show was better than reality tv. I am so curious if Sheen will find a way to come back or accept that audiences would rather watch the reruns than his older, loser version. You realize aging does not become sociopaths at all. Imagine this huge belly big bad ass guy, lmao, really scary, plus they tend to get the shaky hands too... imagine a smooth talker fat old sociopath, what would we call him, seniorath, senilath, seniofat?

  13. Mr Sheen shines up everything from your furniture to that bitch's eye.

  14. This is a guy who shot Kelly Preston (who obviously must be a bit off herself as she is now married to John Travolta) and held a knife to his ex-wife Brooke's neck (who must also be off for going on vacation with her ex-husband and his two porno girlfriends last week).

    UKan let this be a lesson to you. Ego in moderation.

  15. of all the masks to wear, modesty is one of the hardest. it's easy to tell yourself that a different mask will do the job just as well, but that is sometimes just what you want to think.
    i've been really working on it the past year or so, and it is a powerful one.

  16. What are you talking about Medusa? Sheen is rich and he's living the life. Drugs, drink, porn stars. Who gives a shit what others think of you, or if you land in trouble from time to time when you've already made it?

  17. as long as the end is not too soon, except the easy money seems to find an easy way out to the trash can

  18. I hate faking modesty even though I'm good at it. To me, modesty just seems like filtering out alot of the good shit and showing people how brilliant I feel over a period of time. If you try to show them all at once they'll hate you for it. But in the end they always understand, one way or the other. People who are genuinely modest and humble are weak in my eyes.

  19. if someone is "ever so 'umble" then i just think they are being deliberately manipulative.

  20. Today is my ego day so this is perfect. I finished consolidating control over my business last week and in my new school I have already secured the succession for the next presidency of the business club. Fuck all the doubters.

  21. Within the first minute of meeting a new friend, I learned that bedbugs, which continue to wreak havoc in the U.S. and abroad, mate by "traumatic insemination." In other words, the male bedbug stabs the female's abdomen with his genitals and forcibly injects sperm into her, thus perpetuating new generations of pests.

  22. Within the first minute of meeting a new friend, I learned that bedbugs, which continue to wreak havoc in the U.S. and abroad, mate by "traumatic insemination." In other words, the male bedbug stabs the female's abdomen with his genitals and forcibly injects sperm into her, thus perpetuating new generations of pests.

  23. Charlie reaps what he sows: independance, a forum to say what he wants, a team of porn stars, and the life of a rockstar. Im sure he regrets it.

  24. It's not about what he has now. Money, fame, hoes, whatever. Good for him, I don't care.

    It's that long-term planning thing that socios and narcs have a problem with.

    To keep up his lifestyle and paid-for ego he needs to keep making the same amount of money he has now. If no one will hire him due to his loud-mouth delusions, how will he keep up his lifestyle? He will lose a lot of money fast, and with that money the hoes and drugs.

  25. This is not so much about ego vs humility anyway.

    Sheen is beyond ego and into massive coke-head delusion. This is how people talk before they have a massive (sometimes permanent) breakdown.

    He thinks he's untouchable. That's where the problem is. No one is untouchable.

  26. he once said..." i don't pay the girls to sleep with me, i pay them to go home!!"
    thats funny.

  27. True. He will have to keep a clear sober head to win this battle ahead of him. He's in talks with HBO. If he can direct the negative attention into ratings he will come out on top. Pathetic dope fiends never win.

  28. What made him become a narc? Narcissism doesn't just spring up out of nowhere, I guess his daddy wanted to make a mini me of himself.

  29. Delusions and paranoia are linked to crack, speed, cocaine, meth, and so on. He's talking like an addict, not a narcissist.

  30. He could start planning and saving, and manage to sustain himself but then he could also get hit by a bus tomorrow. The present is real and the future isn't. There's no point in stressing over it.

  31. Narcissism does indeed spring up out of nowhere when fame and shit tons of money is involved. Come on, now.

    Martin and Emilio seem like okay guys. Perhaps Charlie was treated too nicely growing up, never really had to work for anything.

  32. i agree that he's acting more like a spoiled brat that's on the borderline of a drug induced psychotic episode than a narc.

  33. Well I'll be sure to visit you in your van down by the river in a few years, Misanthrope.

  34. Kinda makes me wanna do coke though, as I haven't had that "god" feeling in a couple weeks.

    I only did it once. It was fine, but unimpressive.

  35. No. I use the people around me to sustain myself. I'm doing ok. As long as there are people in the world I'll be fine. I'm blackmailing someone right now and making some decent cash out of that. I'll tell you about that at some point when I can be bothered to do more typing. I think about the future sometimes but never really worry about it and I take most things as they come. I'll never end up on the street because I can always pull something out of anything.

  36. If i lived on the street, I'd be robbing people left right center, thankfully that will never happen.

    Unlike most of my type I'm pretty aproachable and i could easily talk someone into letting me spend a day or two at theirs.

  37. I take what I said back. Hearing his rant in audio is a big difference. This guys a total dope fiend. You can tell he's high as fuck and making a mistake like going on the air when your coked out is stupid. The two lowest forms of people to me are dope fiends and tricks. People like him are puddy in my hands. I feed their dilusions and taken for everything they got.
    Medusa if you do coke your a fucking loser too.

  38. Is it on you tube?

  39. And there's more as of today.

    "They said "change your life," and I did, in like an hour."


  40. Spam filter stole the first link I posted.

  41. What is also interesting is how ME's been improving his traffic build techniques. Surfing the trends, making the most out of google searches etc.

    I see the tip of a big plan in the horizon. Incongruent for a sociopath, isn't it?

    The mistery continues...

  42. Also, just as I thought, a lie:

    An HBO spokesman said that the network does not have a project in the works with Sheen, despite his claims, adding that it would be a weird thing for the cable channel to even consider, seeing as how it's partnered with Warner Bros. Television, the studio that produces Two and a Half Men.

    I hope he says more crazy shit. Gaga, too. It's better than TV.

  43. Whats driving this earnestness? Does it have a tinge of desperation? What does a single non essential person (an actor) want with such power. Was he made into this necessary caricature by fans/backers? Planet America's need to affirm it's unique qualities by universal engagement.

    My favorite;
    "...the movie-going public tears up the seats in anger when an actor whose death they had wept over in one movie reappeared in the next movie".. Gabriel Garcia Marquez's One Hundred Years of Solitude

    1:04 PM doppelganger is kinda tame.

  44. You sell coke yet you tell those whose trust you wanna gain not to do

  45. Hi...Everyone here seems well. I'm glad to see that!

  46. Celebrities are like poultry. We build the best hatcheries for the eggs to produce the juiciest chickens to eat, sell, turn into amazing products. We love them.

  47. muymalgal said...
    he once said..." i don't pay the girls to sleep with me, i pay them to go home!!"
    thats funny.

    I agree. It really is funny.

    But not so funny when something like this (...actually this, indeed) is blurted out to someone you didn't realize was the real deal. Blurters are the worst losers. Alone with drug addicted hookers who only want to fuck your money.

    February 25, 2011 4:01 PM

  48. You realize aging does not become sociopaths at all.

    Um, yeah. actually aging becomes socios

    February 25, 2011 2:35 PM

  49. Welcome back, Aerianne. Where ya been?

  50. A druggie celebrity makes an ass of himself, publicly.

    Call the fucking police, there are going to be riots in the streets.

  51. Hello, Medusa. Hello
    Ukan. (I just vomited into my mouth with your audio feed of Sheen, Medusa) Speaking of Charlie, I may be coming back from rehab soon, too! -I have been using the place (very spa-like btw) to vacay from my utterly exhausting love affair.

  52. Anon 2:35 PM:

    "You realize aging does not become sociopaths at all. Imagine this huge belly big bad ass guy, lmao, really scary, plus they tend to get the shaky hands too... imagine a smooth talker fat old sociopath, what would we call him, seniorath, senilath, seniofat?"

    What crap. There're many elderly, and fat people who look like shit and are worn, but who have the 'smooth talk' and 'glib, smart ass' attitude all the same. Even women in that position can make an impression. It's about charisma much more than about youth and good looks.


    "... let this be a lesson to you. Ego in moderation.

    No. I say Ego in well managed Perfection and carried to it's utmost potential! ... ;)


    "What is also interesting is how ME's been improving his traffic build techniques. Surfing the trends, making the most out of google searches etc.

    I see the tip of a big plan in the horizon."

    Yeah. It's nice to see my words from back in November and December now being challenged ... in a positive way (it was what I wanted, after all).

    "Incongruent for a sociopath, isn't it?"

    Huh? Why do you say that? It doesn't necessarily follow from being a Sociopath that you must do only obviously anti-social things. Nor does it mean you can't create some kind of plan as opportunities and ideas appear, if you have enough of variety, new inspiration and other things to make life interesting, along with some kind of social network to help you do the work necessary for some of the more tedious parts of such a plan or project.

    Also, the traits in each individual vary in combination and dominance, etc. Not all the traits need even be present (as you will see if you take a look at the PCL-R document).


    "You realize aging does not become sociopaths at all.

    Um, yeah. actually aging becomes socios"

    Now you mention it, Psychopaths often keep a young appearance much longer than empathic people do. :)


    "Today is my ego day so this is perfect. I finished consolidating control over my business last week and in my new school I have already secured the succession for the next presidency of the business club. Fuck all the doubters."

    Good to hear! You just keep right on going, pal!
    Keep your alertness sharp at all times and make sure to exorcise the ability to make subtle changes when and where it'll help you, in whichever direction it may be, and you'll be fine!...

    "Charlie reaps what he sows: independance, a forum to say what he wants, a team of porn stars, and the life of a rockstar. Im sure he regrets it."

    It was basically Martin Sheen who did the sowing. But yeah, Charlie's been reaping quire efficiently.

  53. Hi, Medusa. I should make up some elaborate, entertaining lie about having been somewhere...but, nah!...Life's been crazy and busy.

  54. They tend to be suspicious, bristly, paranoid-type people with huge egos they push around like some elephantiasis victim with his distended testicles in a wheelbarrow terrified no doubt that some skulking ingrate of a clone student will sneak into his very brain and steal his genius work.

  55. charlie Sheen is a sociopath. he had huge problems before he became a damn crackhead. the media needs to stop sugar coating his behavior. he is a violent, raging, woman beating, sex addicted, no teeth, raging anger sociopath. the end.

  56. Um, hello? For my next act watch me (me, me, me, me, me) interview serial killers, rapists, murderers, and psychopaths, baby.

  57. I'm the most ruthless bastard here.

  58. "Seriously?? After 40+ years of sustained feminist attack on nearly every characteristic that defines a male, is there really any wonder that the young men of today haven't taken their lessons to heart? From trading on the stock floor to flying fighter jets, women have insisted that they can do it all while men are relegated to the status of a walking sperm bank with a pay check.

    Why should the males of today grow up? To marry some overachieving harridan and spend their days pushing a stroller to playdates at the park? Why would they when a cold beer, an endless supply of available girlfriends, and the Playstation await.The patriarchy is dead. Nice work, girls. Now stop complaining."
    Above was a comment following a Wall Street Journal article.

    So, women, listen up, learn, reconsider marriage and the babies, you'll be all alone raising children pretty soon.

    Sheen is doing a favor by presenting his ugly truth for all to see while married folks are managing their Goddesses and Gods behind the scenes.

  59. Florida — A 14-year-old was charged with murder in the shooting deaths of his parents at their Golden Gate Estates home on Thursday.

    “When kids kill their parents, it’s usually gang-related, drug-related, or money-related,” Streyffeler said.

    Or there could be “an undiagnosed serious mental health issue,” she added.

    What makes this case so unusual is that both parents were killed, Streyffeler said.

    A child may kill one parent who is abusive toward the other as an act of protection, Streyffeler said.

    Or a child may kill a parent as an act of self defense, she said.

    “A kid killing a parent is something that’s not common. It’s even more unusual to kill both parents. I can’t think of a time that that’s happened,” Streyffeler said.

  60. Zhawq:
    "Why do you say that?"

    I meant sociopaths have more of a hard time handling long term objectives.

    I wasn't questioning as much as being surprised by the realization of what he's been accomplishing in three years (I'm guessing that's the blog's age).

  61. stop whining and man up you eunuch. No girl worth anything will trade her pussy down. So if you ain't entertaining, unavailable or untouchable at your game..and I doubt if types like you have a nice crib or a private jet, hang on to your playstations, fake girlfriends and wall street journals.

    Charlie rocks, cos he's showin he can take the shit and still think he's king. Women has been takin shit from everyone since forever so they pay real attention to a man who keeps walking even when everyone else calls him a whore. Being 'nice' just gonna make you a cover story right to the point when they hit the mommies and need to clean up their rap with regular guy 'provider' husbands after all the shagging with the Kings. Charlie knows the score and they don't lie.

  62. IS there a long term objective for this blog to become high traffic with ads, or is the objective to remain like a Mom and Pop hardware store, where people occasionally bring in objects of worth that need special fixin?

  63. anon 5:41 :charlie Sheen is a sociopath.

    Are you his doctor?

  64. Oh I hardly think rapists and serial killers --people with important objectives going on-- would understand the high intellect of -well- us.

  65. I agree. I am way too busy

  66. Oh . I am impressed, Are you a socio, genius at work?

  67. Oh goody goody. What have you done that was very devious and manipulative?

  68. From Anon 8:53am
    IS there a long term objective for this blog to become high traffic with ads, or is the objective to remain like a Mom and Pop hardware store, where people occasionally bring in objects of worth that need special fixin?

    4. OR . . . . .

  69. "Imagine what I would have done with my fire breathing fists."


  70. anon 8:54: do you need a doctor to tell you your sick when you're coughing, sneezing, and running a high fever with watery eyes..?

  71. "A kid killing a parent is something that’s not common. It's even more unusual to kill both parents. I can’t think of a time that that’s happened," Streyffeler said.

    This case comes to mind.

  72. "A kid killing a parent is something that's not common. It’s even more unusual to kill both parents. I can’t think of a time that that’s happened," Streyffeler said.

    This case comes to mind.

  73. anon 8:54: do you need a doctor to tell you your sick when you're coughing, sneezing, and running a high fever with watery eyes..?

    What is the definition of "sick" ?

    Allergic? Nature?


    Are you up in his DNA and were you a fly on the wall in his crib room?

  74. Who here thinks Charlie thinks he is happy?

  75. do you have to be up in someone's DNA or a fly on the wall in a crib room to define "sick", "allergic", "nature","nurture"?

  76. really? I'm going to contemplate this for a few days and see what I can come up with....hmm.

  77. being a dick for dick's sake is just dickish

  78. "I have tiger blood and Adonis DNA."

    Ha, I like Charlie Sheen. He's been thoroughly entertaining. His life's falling apart and what's he up to? Winning, duh. XD

  79. he's not an addict. he is an abusive sociopath/narcissist. for all the people sticking up for him, it's ironic because he would never, ever stick up for 99.9% of them. he'd walk over them and grind his boot in their face. there are men like him in neighborhoods all over the world. he's not the man who hits his wife and apologizes. he is the man who terrorizes and torments his family. you see the effect of his type everywhere. women with battered wife syndrome, children messed up for life. he uses humor to disguise his real cold blooded control hungry nature. just like charles manson used humor and khadfi and all those bullies. they are sociopaths. it shows how far people have come when they make a man who held a knife to his wife's throat their hero.

  80. Is the father, Martin Sheen, a psychopath? I think so. He could give junior a few lessons on keeping the mask in place.


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