
Sunday, January 16, 2011

Second impressions

SMS message from a former seduction target attempting to reconnect:
"Of course your mind power is always dictating each calculated move.
You are like a BRAIN with a voice, and no physical body. I see no gender, only hear the words you form with breath through the almighty BRAIN."


  1. sounds like your target wants to target you and fuck your brain. yours kind of brain is best to fuck with because there is no leftover guilt even for an empath, assuming you are a socio, of course. the effort is hardly worth it though. unless you have some toys your target likes, especially if your body is hot and a good tool. your target may have figured out that you love these sort of compliments on your brain.

  2. " your target may have figured out that you love these sort of compliments on your brain"

    exactly, you are now the target. she's playing with you to get whatever it is she wants.

  3. Hmm. Is this the kind of text that would get a former "target" another night with a socio? Or is this in response to being blown off by a socio?

  4. depends on what else is in the picture. clearly, socio seems to have made a note of it. why bother if not pumping your ego? why share with the rest?

  5. I wonder what the response was from the socio, if he/she responded at all.

    I said something like that to my ex and he just ignored me. I didn't stand a chance to reconnect. Once he knew that I knew what was up, that was the end of me.

    He said to me "you can be bitter and angry but the money you will get" and that took 8 months to get.

    I said "I'm not bitter or angry because you have no real power over me and you're no mystery either"

    That's just some of the dialogue that went on between us. Of course I felt exactly how he said I did but I would never admit that to him.

  6. It wouldn't matter if you did admit it. He knew.

  7. How would he have known? These conversations were done via texting so only so much was said. I kept my composure but are you suggesting he just knew anyway because of past history with other women?

  8. If any of you have access to the science channel, check out Oddities. Cool show..funny.

  9. Look mum, I got a compliment!January 16, 2011 at 7:33 PM

    Oh dear.

  10. he knew grace because some people are intuitive and see through the meaning of words whether it be via text, hearing it, reading it, whatever...

    i have that gift. i can see past the b.s. in any text. the key depends on how you word things or form the sentence, if he's intelligent and intuitive then he will decipher what you really mean.

  11. what would you say to this theory: whatever the biological.brain differential that comes with sociopathy, it's in interaction with heavy dose of testosterone it reaches its most evil.

    that should explain why mostly men are sociopaths. also why sexual games are significant tools in power games.

    two socios are attempting games with me as we speak. hard to decide whether to play along. have no testosterone in me, it feels like.

    i second the thought that once a socio is aware that you really know what s/he is doing, s/he would rather flee the scene. without the surprise element there is not much a non-violent socio can do. is there?

    it is also possible that you can gas light a socio and act like you are not phased by all the tricks. playing dumb and not-understanding helps.

  12. Damn I only remember 'the killer inside' from the comments some while ago about movies. Too much work to look for the rest mentioned. Am in a movie torrent mode. So peeps, do your bit in keeping world peace (me entertained)~SHARE.

  13. "without the surprise element there is not much a non-violent socio can do. is there?"

    I find it hard to believe that there is such a thing as a "non-violent socio". I'm not the kind of guy who usually cuts his losses and knows when to walk away. When things don't go the way I want them to, I get frustrated, and someone usually ends up getting hurt(physically alot of the time).

    "it is also possible that you can gas light a socio and act like you are not phased by all the tricks."

    When people don't at first respond to whatever I'm trying to do to them, or make them do for me, I just keep tightening the screws on them until they brake. Everyone has a breaking point. Plus if you can think up good manipulation strategies, people won't even realise that your tricking them until it's to late.

  14. sometimes... you need to add sometimes to your statements, misanthrope. you will have some days that you'll hurt so much that you wish you did not exist.

  15. The sociopaths motto "Better him than i"

  16. Never will there come a day, where I no longer wish to exist.

  17. and empaths: let me end my days before hurting anyone.

  18. misanthrope, based on that your end will find you without your wish.

  19. "misanthrope, based on that your end will find you without your wish."

    Ha ha. And yours won't, anon? Or are you one of those pathetic suicidal waists of space?

  20. :) i'm fine. i'm a great psychic. be alert in the next twenty days.

  21. I think ME might be running out of steam. Kind of like, 'well, if you arseholes are gonna complain about my posts you can all fuck off and do it yourself!'

    Moral of the story: Be nice and you get nice things.

  22. I just shat myself~

  23. *Stands under misanthrope as he shats himself*

  24. I'm not cleaning up. :(

  25. no need to clean up. believe me. the person prob could give shit except for self preservation of course. loyalty pays off. most of the time.
    quote of the day: be nice and you get nice things

  26. Is it just me or does that text read like something a random drunk would rave at strangers on the street?

  27. Sound like he must have said something dickish before receiving that text.

  28. haha to anon...."Is it just me or does that text read like something a random drunk would rave at strangers on the street?"

    this is typical of the kind of relationships sociopaths form, and the reason they bore of them so quickly - always the mental chess game. this sms would be totally relevant....

    the question, was the sms a true attempt to draw the socio back in...or is the socio - in true narcissistic fashion - riding high on the false belief that all of his exes are weeping into their pillows at night...

    could be she was just having a realisation about the true nature of the relationship and wanted to get it off her chest....

    either or =)

  29. Lovefraud and you being on this website is proof you are still weeping into the pillows.

  30. lol ukan, read it how you will. i call it research, and i possibly loathe lovefraud more than you. you cant be a sociopath and then deride someone else for providing a cutting analysis of the can you

  31. Cutting analysis? Sounds like random guesses.
    Basically what you just told me is that you can't be a sociopath and disagree with what you just said. That's retarded in so many ways.

  32. i simply broke it down, i never suggested that i was right about either point, just presenting a different perspective. your ad hominem responses are so predictable in these online forums, the term is "troll" i beleive.

    "retarded"....."lovefraud"? what qualifies you to make either comment about me? nothing, so maybe you are both, we project what we are =)

  33. UKan likes to make seemingly revealing comments about people and tell himself he knows exactly what he's talking about. Why nobody dares to oppose him, I do not know...

  34. only when UKan makes some sense I try to get my point across. It's as if he is off medication sometimes, making no sense. He is pretty good when he advocates self-resourcefulness. To a point he could even be a motivational speaker. Than comes out this idiot out of him once in a while. Maybe he is drunk when talking about resourcefulness, not the other way around.

    Without UKan though, this place is getting really boring. He is our 'you can count on him,' 'collective,' socio, gotta love him.

  35. Yeah, I think most of us have had these kinds of messages in some form.

    This one shows an attempt to be ironic in order to hide that they resent themselves for not being able to resist you even as they know you're playing them or at least dominating them.

    I've had quite a few of these responses, though usually they're not as open about as your example here.
    But I did have a long letter once, written much along the same lines and with the irony too.

    How did you respond, or how do you plan to respond?

  36. I hope the response to this text was
    "They're Pinky and The Brain. Yes, Pinky and The Brain. One is a genius,
    the other's insane."

  37. lame..trying way too hard but clearly you posting this indicates some pride in his/her "deep analysis"

  38. For the learning or uninitiated non sociopaths, what does a target constitute for those who would use such a term, a plaything, a beard, a relationship of sorts, someone to ruin, sponge off or corrupt? Is a target also someone who is never meant to see behind the wizards curtain or do sociopaths occasionally 'come out' to some who acquire a higher...value perhaps or are all ties cut if they are worked out or exposed?

  39. A target is someone who is approached in a calculated fashion, with an ulterior motive as opposed to what is presented.

    There are always exceptions, of course, but sociopath has no need to eventually come out, just the opposite actually. You call him/her on his/her game and you either observe some kind of rage or complete isolation, typically whichever one is going to hurt the target's feelings the most.

  40. That would be a logical dénouement as an alternative to the planned ending if one was envisaged. It also fits with break ups/endings with sociopaths being unsatisfying or confusing for the targets providing texts like the one above..

  41. so, if you like playing a sociopath like the one above, pretend you have no idea what is coming at you.


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