
Friday, January 14, 2011

A generation full of sociopaths

As an entire generation of narcissists is getting ready to die (baby boomers), another crop is apparently waiting to take its place. From a reader, as reported by Scientific American:
Empathy is a cornerstone of human behavior and has long been considered innate. A forthcoming study, however, challenges this assumption by demonstrating that empathy levels have been declining over the past 30 years.

The research, led by Sara H. Konrath of the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor and published online in August in Personality and Social Psychology Review, found that college students’ self-reported empathy has declined since 1980, with an especially steep drop in the past 10 years. To make matters worse, during this same period students’ self-reported narcissism has reached new heights, according to research by Jean M. Twenge, a psychologist at San Diego State University.

An individual’s empathy can be assessed in many ways, but one of the most popular is simply asking people what they think of themselves. The Interpersonal Reactivity Index, a well-known questionnaire, taps empathy by asking whether responders agree to statements such as “I often have tender, concerned feelings for people less fortunate than me” and “I try to look at everybody’s side of a disagreement before I make a decision.” People vary a great deal in how empathic they consider themselves. Moreover, research confirms that the people who say they are empathic actually demonstrate empathy in discernible ways, ranging from mimicking others’ postures to helping people in need (for example, offering to take notes for a sick fellow student).

Since the creation of the Interpersonal Reactivity Index in 1979, tens of thousands of students have filled out this questionnaire while participating in studies examining everything from neural responses to others’ pain to levels of social conservatism. Konrath and her colleagues took advantage of this wealth of data by collating self-reported empathy scores of nearly 14,000 students. She then used a technique known as cross-temporal meta-analysis to measure whether scores have changed over the years. The results were startling: almost 75 percent of students today rate themselves as less empathic than the average student 30 years ago.
Hopefully this new generation forces empathy out of style finally, along with the résumé. Both would be a minor coup for sociopaths.


  1. My favorite comment there: "I have concluded that about 1 in every 3 U.S. men is likely a psychopath"

    Good stuff.

    Personally, I can't agree with this generation of sociopaths they seem to point at. I work with quite a few people younger than me, and most don't seem remotely sociopathic. A few, mind you, but not most.

    I think they're confusing apathy and social atrophy for sociopathy. Just sayin'.

  2. Sociopathy is a bunch of traits, not just a lack if empathy.

  3. Hmmm, I believe that adults have to encourage empathy in children who are capable of it to develop it – most of us are predisposed to it but we need support to increase it. However our (increasingly) individualistic culture doesn’t value it so why should parents model it?

    Personally, I wonder if there's a whole generation of children growing up who are being made to compete before they can understand another person's feelings in crowded day-care settings and competitive 'baby genius' lessons - so they’re effectively socialised to value the individual over the group to get their needs met before they're even capable of sympathy let alone empathy.

    Obviously by school age, most children can understand the perspective of others if they’re wired that way, but by then I wonder if many will have learned the value of *not* practicing empathy in a dog-eat-dog environment – whether it's been modelled to them or not. That said, perhaps they can play catch-up to their more empathic peers, or, perhaps those early years are critical for developing it.

    Family and I were talking about how we, and other children, used to pull the wings off flies to make them ‘dance’ and flood cicadas out of their homes so that we could look at their beautiful wings as they lay dying. Only recently I watched a young child gleefully grind a harlequin bug into dust.

    I'm not sure what age true global empathy kicks in but I'd wager it's by our mid-twenties when our brains have matured and the peer-pressure fuelled, boundary-pushing years of adolescence are behind us – but only if we've been taught it, taught to value it, can see the value of it, and are truly capable of it.

  4. Empathy is a burden, kids should not be thought it if they want to be great.

    1. You are one sick puppy that needs to be put down ASAP

    2. Typical BPD americunt, I agree with Anon 100%. Put the biotch down before she breeds more evil.

  5. They didn't even say anything about sociopaths Not Able. They were talking about narccissism and a general lack of empathy.
    This isn't good news, what are you thinking, m.e.? The last thing I want is a world full of annoying narcs.

  6. Yep. Same rules apply, though, at least on a pathological level. You could argue though that the need for equality and accolades that they are being shoved down the kid's throats is enabling narcissistic behavior, that, and a lack of face-to-face contact.

    I would say though, that there are more people where I work that strike me as Narcs than socios. Hm, maybe they're onto something here after all...

  7. This is the 21st century. We no longer live in tight knit communities, we don't go out on family picnics and we've got better things to think about than other people, eg money, cars, ipods all that shit. Empathy is out.

    Notables giving you the silent treatment, UKan.

  8. There's a book called Culture Of Narccissism that talked about this very subject in its relation with the United States (the capital of individualism). It was written a while back. I remember someone mentioned it a few years ago on here.
    I wonder what these social network sites are doing to propel this forward. I mean twitter? This is a site where you give a play by play on your entire day. How narccissistic is that, when people really think that their friends will be reading that shit.

  9. He's finally learning.

    I'm not into empathy being out. Who will we use? Will I have to work? People talk about themselves enough as it sits. This will be a disaster. I don't think I'm going to cryo freeze myself anymore.

  10. I have to agree. Sociopathy is more than just a lack of empathy.

    Also, that empathy is something that is nurtured in 'normal' people but can be stunted by the destruction of the 'traditional' family unit (read: multiple working parents, latch key kids, less parental involvement), where kids look out for themselves. In looking out for onesself there is more emotional concentration on the self and less directed outward towards others. It's no wonder they believe they are the center of their universe and develop narc traits. Just because we are coming into a generation of stunted norms doesn't necessarily point to a generation of sociopaths.

  11. You're not right about narcissism UKan, people who use twitter are narcissistic but they don't have NPD, true narcissists are not social and most are schizoids, they also hate people just as much as the sociopath, if not more so, again i am referring to the narcissistic personality disorder not a narcissistic person, look at Vaknin.

  12. Narcissism is mainly caused by severe childhood trauma and bullying.

  13. I just remembered how I found this site. I was searching Sam Vaknin and I came across a link to here.

  14. I wouldn't like to get on the wrong side of Vaknin.

  15. I laughed when I watched "I Psychopath". Vaknin walked all over the director, and he didn't even fight back. At one point he looked as though he was going to cry.

  16. Is he a psycho or a narc? He seems worse than most psychopaths I've heard of.

  17. Anon: Vaknin is a pussy. If you are swallowing his new NPD shit you are a tool. He already went through great lengths to prove he was a sociopath, and now he is going to great lengths to prove he is a Narc. Its ridiculous and frivilous.
    How are you telling me I'm wrong and then agreeing with me in the same sentence? I don't think I ever mentioned NPD and its relation to twitter. Go back and read the comment you fucking retard.

  18. I can agree with this article as it does not require published works to make my mind agree with my eyes, I guess I don't have that issue.

    However, I too think the words are a bit askew with respect to possessing traits vs. actual long term sociopathic behavior.

    A sociopath does not wake up in the morning, assess their traits, fake emotions in the mirror until satisfied, and then worry about wether or not they are sociopathic enough to be considered one.

    It is a fact that well, sociopathy is pretty popular among humans these days. It's such a great way to live :)

  19. A generation of narcissists is probably what has created so many sociopaths! ME, ME, ME, I, I, I and giving trophies to everyone who participated and making excuses for bad behavior in child rearing and never holding anyone accountable for their actions. More and more people are desensitize to everything. Yup, now we have a world full of sociopaths and victims (empaths)!
    The great thing about this is eventually most of these people will kill each other off and humanity will start all over again.

    1. Correct, it's this easy...
      Greatest Generation influenced Generation X
      Baby Boomers influenced Generation Y/Millenials
      Baby Boomers are the worst generation in human history, so it's VERY OBVIOUS that the generation that they influence the most would be almost as equally F'D up.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Hmm...
    I've always seen most people as cold and empathy-challenged anyway. It's always a rarity to find someone with a lot of genuine empathy. So, big difference.~
    It's all about perspective.
    And how can a study spanning 30 years tell us much about this?

    Just for laughs, i'd say there are 1-3 out of 20 people with strong empathy. what is it? 1 in 25 is a sociopath? I'd say maybe 2...?
    Then the rest are a hodgepodge of whatever it is they call themselves...

    'It is a fact that well, sociopathy is pretty popular among humans these days. It's such a great way to live :)'

    er, you sound like an idiot.

  22. Sociopathy is extremely rare you tool, if that wasn't the case we would have a serial or mass killer every hour.

  23. Sometimes this place sounds like a all you can eat personality disorder buffet:

    New User: Hi I'm new here to sociopathworld . I am a little bit sociopathic, with a touch of borderline, and a dab of schizoid. My brother is a narc, and my mom is bipolar. My best friend is a malignant narc and my girlfriend is a aspie.

  24. Hopefully this new generation forces empathy out of style finally, along with the résumé. Both would be a minor coup for sociopaths.

    So M.E. finally reveals his plans of a sociopath uprising. Good luck forming an anti-social society :)

  25. I'm surprised the internet hasn't come up yet. I think the internet/anonymity is the main trend that has created more socipathic people (though I don't think most are truly socios).

    I loved torturing bugs when I was a kid. I loved using a magnifying glass and watching them shrivel in pain. I manipulated my parents (tho I wasn't as good then). I was born this way. But I don't think most of civilization is. They *learn* to lack empathy to gain material goods or an upper hand for self esteem in some internet debate.

    Anyways, I think many people are deluded. They have more empathy than they think. They just don't understand it as well because of life on the internet is so anonymous. This has to do with my group your group behavior. When you're on the web its all my group vs your group witch seems like a lack of empathy but really isn't.

    Then these people thing they are master manipulators and try to better their life through such. I've seen it many times in real life. They are so pathetic. Because I believe in being true to yourself, whether your a psycho or a socio or a normal empath.

  26. Don't all kids torture bugs and manipulate their parents?

  27. Dunno. Do all kids shoot things with a .22LR by age 9?

  28. Dunno. Are all kids redneck trailer trash? (:

  29. Owning a gun makes you a redneck? lol

    Maybe I was a redneck, not sure. But certainly not trailer trash. We were upper middle class with many acres and a semi farm (ostriches, goats, horses, etc.) call it what you will. Whatever it was it made me who I am today along with an abusive stepfather.

    I dunno, I killed *a lot* of small animals when I was a kid. Didn't really torture them unless you count twisting their heads off or such. And using the magnifying glass.

  30. Contradiction?

    "Whatever it was it made me who I am today along with an abusive stepfather."

    "I was born this way"

  31. Totally cute. I'd have to kiss this guy (after fixing all his teeth that need attention):
    " I don't think I'm going to cryo freeze myself anymore."

  32. Anon @ 9.02

    You're right, this is because EVERY sociopath is a serial killer, and not just a social climber. NO sociopath wants money, only bloodied victims. To NO sociopath exists a game of climbing to the top instead of going to jail for 10 bodies worth of excitement. NO sociopath desires positions of power, and currently there are zero in all departments of every government in the world. Good thing you're sociopath-free, otherwise you might be next in the sociopath's plot to help rid the world of some stupidity for the greater good.


    Did you ever play the game "Pin the tail on the donkey"?

    P.S. Ammy I liked your input :)

  33. Framer son is an interesting character. I hope he stands out the scrutiny in his writing, starting with this one (his original copied below):

    not witch, but which, and the way you put it down there, totally subconscious witch-hunt

    a normal empath? you must mean empath is normal, but trust me too much empath is not normal, so your new terminology is welcome. notme would love to be a normal empath, I hope she tells it herself. similarly we should have normal socios, maybe Notable is on his way to that. Grace, what are you, normal empath or normal socio? Medusa is certainly undiagnosed abnormal, lol, self exiled snake head (sesh)? hehehe, stop me....

    "When you're on the web its all my group vs your group witch seems like a lack of empathy but really isn't.

    Then these people thing they are master manipulators and try to better their life through such. I've seen it many times in real life. They are so pathetic. Because I believe in being true to yourself, whether your a psycho or a socio or a normal empath

  34. Notme: An idiot I may be, but you are here on this blog with me so you would not argue the point very well at all.

  35. so you are so stupid it is contagious?

  36. 'Then the rest are a hodgepodge of whatever it is they call themselves...'
    i was trying a polite way of saying 'normal' - you know, normal in relative terms. Plus, Anon, i'd like to be the best version of myself, i've never seriously envied the normals. But if I'm honest, my life would be easier if i were like them. But it won't happen, i can only pretend and contain myself in order to pass as normal! (Hmm, much like some people i know here!)

    I'm glad you made the distinction though. People here are getting confused. HSPs are only 15% of the human population. A normal empath, to me, can be as cold and dull as anything. Like i said, it's perspective.

  37. Stupidity can be contagious UKan, yes. Look at how many people believe the information published on sociopathy is dead accurate, including the amount (in the form of the BEST guess) is an accurate % for how many psychopaths per population we have.

    Do you assume you've been counted UKan? I know I wasn't until after a long debate when I first posted here.

    Maybe there's more and you just don't know it :)

    Maybe I am a complete idiot too!

    You can't know either, you can only believe what you choose to accept or neglect to filter out as garbage. I would think that by the way you've communicated in the past you would know this to be the way of things, so I'm not putting it passed you though reminding you what you're capable of that others are not.

  38. For the past four days ME has only posted articles that only remotely discuss the sociopath subject.

    I guess it's about that midlife crisis that he talked about a few days ago. I wonder what he has prepared for us tomorrow.

  39. I'd like to hear more about some of the readers personal experiences. I thought that the "Criminally sociopathic" posts were interesting. Something to think about, ME.

  40. Are you going to give me your own more extensive study? That's how I accept data that contradicts accepted theories by a specialized field of study whether it is science, medicine, or psychology. I don't buy when people pull numbers out of thin air based on their insignificiant encounters with people in their life of meager existance. Especially when most of them are bending definitions so that they are able to wrap themselves in it in order to have lazy answers to why they or their ex-boyfriend act ridiculous. You are a idiot.
    Statistics (I would suggest taking a course) does not involve counting every single sociopath in the whole world. So again you are a idiot.
    If you have read my past comments you should know how I treat Blog Experts. People with no credentials or evidence refuting accepted studies with no study of their own have always sounded foolish and delusional to me. I mean, wow. I guess you don't need qualifications or studies because you're smarter than them, right? You figured it all out. Once again you are a idiot.
    The last part of your comment is petty manipulation designed for people who are trying to fit in. Do you think me disagreeing with you would bar anything I'm capable of? More delusions. More idiocy.

  41. Wow post some good shit already.. Quit fucking posting articles and making baseless incorrect assumptions.

    Fuck.. There's interesting material on this website, this is not.

  42. No contradiction. I meant I was born a sociopath. The rest made me who I am today.

  43. From Robert Hare:

    If I have left the impression that trying to work therapeutically with a psychopath is useless or hopeless, I have failed properly to communicate my views on this matter. Yes, as I will illustrate later, such a project is always difficult, inevitably fraught, but what I meant to express in the articles to which you refer is not that psychopaths shouldn't receive therapy if they want it--of course they should--but that psychopathy, despite the unfelicitious "pathy" syllable in its name, is not, in my opinion, a mental disorder such as, for example, depression, but rather a personality style, most likely primarily genetic in origin, which became a permanent part of the human genome because in certain circumstances, and across countless eons, it had positive survival value, not just for the individual, but even for the group of which the individual was a part.

    In other words, psychopaths are not by definition abnormal, troubled, or "sick," although some may be, but rather people who are born psychopathic in the same way that someone is born with green eyes—not in the majority, but not abnormal either.

    Thought you guys would find this interesting. This refutes everything lovefraud has to say about sociopathy being disorder and a sickness.

  44. Ironically I have green eyes

  45. I'm finally getting around to reading The Mask of Sanity. (free pdf)

  46. Yeah, fucking a corpse is what normal people do, not sick at all.

  47. necrophilia is a victimless crime, I'll have you know. plus, dead girls can't say no. (:

  48. I'm kidding, by the way.

  49. Nik Sarkozy is a cunt, I can't stand that narcissistic prick.

  50. Do they sell The mask of sanity in stores? Or did you have to order it online?

  51. it pains me for the person who wrote when i read 'a idiot.' imagine how i feel for him when he repeats it more than thrice? i mean, person, c'mon, go ahead and say 'a idiot.' having a hard time hearing yorself? no, good. now, write down what you hear: an idiot. see? you!

  52. thank you for the link, medusa.

  53. ^idiot
    There I wrote it down since you don't understand you fucking bleeding heart bitch.

  54. it's the article, chubby, not the noun. try again.

  55. UKan, blow air in there and see my p..y fart. just for you.

  56. Misanthrope, apparently it's out of print. Written in the 40s-50s.

    There are some copies floating around but they seem to be pretty pricey (One for $180 on Amazon).

    So far I'm enjoying it. Seems like this dude is the answer to Hare, even though most of this was written before Hare was even around.

  57. Do you feel bad for the idiot?

  58. Ukan, this is a simple test. what is an article (as opposed to a noun)? hehehe, stop me, people.

  59. I asked you a question, now you are trying to change the subject to get control of the conversation. Do you feel sorry for him?

  60. I thought we were done pointing out grammar errors, especially with regards to UKan.

    Content, lovelies. Content.

  61. :) c'mon, you're dropping a good fight. fuck him. let's fight, you and me.

  62. Where did you get your copy from?

  63. Does anyone find that they can never come up with their very own ideas? I find that most other personality disordered are more creative than the sociopath, no offence but i think socios can only copy an idea. I lived with one, and he was a complete imbecile in most areas, like when he tried to do something technical he couldn't, he was a master manipulator though and very two faced.

  64. Answer the question. I've stated in here several times I'm a uneducated criminal. Surely, being so smart, you don't feel threatned by my me, right?

  65. The site I linked to up above.

    Been reading on my phone.

  66. anon 3:29 was me, talking to UKan. Give me an email address if you could UKan.

  67. We come up with ideas on how to manipulate you. I think that is inovative in its own right.

  68. Yes, do you not have difficulty in technical areas? That require a large amount of insight?

  69. anon333. absolutely true. no insight suggests no original thought, art by blood spatter only if that.

  70. You can't tell the rest of them? I just told everyone I was uneducated, on your behest. Now, tell us why you feel sorry for him.

  71. I have difficulty wasting my time with menial tasks I can have other people do for me. Honestly, that's how I see it.

  72. Feel sorry for who?

  73. That was directed at fifi

  74. boy, do you insist?

    i did not know that there was a code and we would not be picking on your 'uneducatedness.' fine, can deal with that. it pissed me off to see that while you were making such big remarks, somehow you sounded like too much of an expert who can't even write. tone it down a notch.

    whoever was stupid, i don't even know, when did i say i was sorry for that person. I won't go back to figure out.

  75. Why does this forum bully people for being a good person. It seems like everytime somebody sticks up for someone you guys think they are weak. How about some people are good souls?

  76. good souls are to be attacked here. get with the programme. this is sociopath world, only occasionally, surprisingly good may come out here.

  77. was thinking... if it's in the genes both us and australia are expected to have larger share of socios given that early settlers were risk takers and criminals. in case of us also religious fanatics, making the pot really interesting.

  78. Maybe you should figure it out.
    My whole point was that people like that idiot questions studies with no expertise or study of his/her own to contradict it with. S/he claimed they might be a idiot, and I drove the point home the s/he is.
    People don't care that I'm uneducated because I don't care. Many people come on here pretending to be something they are not. Those people get fucked with.
    It was obvious you felt sorry for the idiot, because the person was obviously a fool, yet you decided to stand up for them. I found it amusing.

  79. They are the same person. I expect you knew.

  80. Thank you for ruining the game anon.

  81. UKan, do you own you're own club?

  82. obvious? be careful. what you are hearing may be honest to god truth. it is in this case the truth.

    i won't go back, trusting your summary of the case. one can question published studies using common sense. one is never an idiot for questioning things. s/he would be an idiot only if she is going against published (or even anecdotal) info based on her/his minimal personal or neighborhood experience.

  83. oh, i see that while i was typing away conspiracy theories flew right and left. socio trait, what can i say?

  84. UKan does not own his club, manages.

  85. I have arrangements with clubs. I have one club I stay present at to make sure those arrangements are fulfilled due to the distance I moved from the city.

  86. ladies, socios are those men who stick around a long time even though you are not sexually involved. so, socio men are capable of mixed gender friendships if you can make them feel good about themselves in other ways. look around and think about the guys who have been merely 'close' friends. you'll find narcs and socios. yes or no?

  87. are you an alcohol distributor? human trafficker?

  88. So where is the contradicting study? I have yet to see any proof that this wasn't anything but someone giving backyard experience and using it to shoot down the article written.

  89. :) something in there must be very important to you. what are you trying to protect, you tell us. we don't give a damn either way, get it?

  90. Vulture Friends:
    The guys that hang around girls with no sexual relationships with them are called gay, or they are weak pathetic vultures. I hate those guys. Whenever I get in a relationship I humiliate them until they want to fight. Then I beat them in front of my new girlfriend. There's no room for anyone else.

  91. So you admit you are a idiot fifi?

  92. The only thing I really want from women is sex. You don't know what your talking about, anon.

  93. when a woman is rich and in higher echelons, a lot of hopeful socios stick around. your idea of women is those who are weaker than you. try to imagine being friends with the dean of your school, or top management, or whoever woman you may 9apparently not) know who is in power.

  94. Ukan... sweetie.. are u having a hard on right now? your upper brain is not working, so i wonder. do you even know the meaning of 'proof' UKan. sorry, but limited education means limited brains.

  95. You are mistaken. Our idea of everyone is someone weaker than us.

  96. No fifi, I have people prove themselves to be fools. Its much more fun that way. Your supposed higher education hasn't given you any merit here has it?

  97. there... rest my case with UKan. his ceiling is himself. how sad is that...

  98. UKan, do you tell your gf how often to change her underwear?

  99. No it allows me to talk to powerful people as equals. It gives me the advantage in social networking that most people lack.

  100. Lol. I was kicked out of every school that I ever went to, but I've still managed to find my way onto a college course. I've taught myself more than the education system ever could have.

  101. Why does your girlfriend have trouble with hygiene? because I will be the first to say its not normal to have to do that. Seek a new relationship.

  102. omg, you people love argueing over nothing, lol

    It's like a fucking hobby...

  103. ukan if your a club manager y r u chattin here on a fri night?
    and if your a socio what do you get out of talking down everyone instead of perhaps listening respectly to other opinons?

  104. I climbed to managment in all my jobs, and fucked them off by stealing and using violence on employees. I am the top of my field currently fifi and I guarantee I make twice as much as you do. I can ruin my life every year and still find a way to live like a king.
    You get struck down once and now your endlessly searching for answers. You are the one who's brain is small.

  105. Its not night, its day.
    I'm not a manager.
    I don't listen to anonymous opinions, I just shoot them down and piss on them because I like making you feel small.

  106. :) oh, goodness. there actually were days i had some sort of respect for UKan. surely, not today. what a bozo. oh, my.

    brrrr, i'm so scared, UKan. please don't, save me. please....

  107. Oh no I lost another anons respect. Join the club. You do fear me that why you hide your name. You can say whatever you want out here, but you and I know what's going on.

  108. UKan, do you have the flu? where is our socio doctor? better yet, bring in the anesthesiologist and let's look for that amygdala, just got some fresh from a disenchanted polar bear...

  109. Ah, now you've gone muppet on me.

  110. but if it's a socio you shoot down then they won't care.
    if it isn't then it is too easy and somehitng you can do a million places elsewhere. so you do it here to validate yourself in the eyes of other socios?

  111. AMoralBing: ha ha ha. It is a hobby.

  112. That sure is one glib personal ad.

    Either he's a predator or ugly as shit.

    willing to embrace and ultimately define herself by *our life together, in love.



  113. the guy has four times more of that, including a very scary picture of himself, and his home in the bushes. scary if a woman falls for this shit. here is another paragraph from daniel:
    i am an extremely sensitive male who is an "emotional builder/giver", and i perform my best in a relationship with a woman who is seeking the love of her life to fill a "void" or internal need. I find it exciting and challenging to unravel the mysteries of a feminine mind.

    don't you wish had dexter-like serial ladies working for it? :)

  114. I was just going to say, forward his info to Donna.

  115. Medusa where are the muppet videos?

  116. There are so many personal ads just like that. Like one out of every three, even on reputable dating sites, not even talking about craigslist.

    (Kinda goes along with TNP's quote up at the top)

  117. off to a blind date from cl... with daniel... not, but possibly not far from a socio..

  118. Are you kidding? You are going? You have to tell us what happened when you come back........if you come back.

  119. I would like to see a predator prey on another predator for reals in realz lifes and witness the results for educational purposes.

    wv: doomogy

  120. :) i'll come back. and surely will tell you... just to put your mind at ease: he actually has a public web site on the internet, chartering party boats... yeyyyy.... good looking too. blue eyes... height/weight proportionate... great socio smile... great accent (not very southern)

  121. Nice, where's he taking you? A ditch in the middle of the forest?

  122. It needs to get in the hole

  123. I bet he's Donna's new suave husband.

    Sounds like that's what he would be like.

  124. no, to a bar around the block, where everyone knows me

  125. I preyed on my old predator once with a fake personals ad. Worked within 20 minutes. Good times.

  126. I wonder if your date is even aware that he is a predator. You must find this out.

  127. How retarded are these people. Why would someone handsome and successful be posting adds on craigslist.
    Just a disclaimer for the police reading her internet history, that ad was on craigslist. We have nothing to do with her murder.

  128. i will find out if he is aware. should i wear pink or red lipstick for this predator? just kidding... great smile by the way. clearly very suave. i sure am well-educated on this site to deal with this one. for one thing, clearly he's used to getting what he wants. putting an ad at 4 pm to go out tonight? but more importantly, i get to bring him over without even sending a picture, just my voice on the phone. i wonder who is more creepy... he sounded worried that i may be too young based on my voice..

  129. I think its misanthrope fishing for his next victim

  130. Is it okay to love myself even if it has recently come to my attention that I'm kind of an asshole?

  131. my socio -who i adore- tried to get me angry flirting with me in drag with my logo on a shirt. on a dating site. I was LMAO.

  132. cl date is over.. bad move.. the guy has dated for two years someone i know. plus he is a smoker. otherwise he could have been fun. the worst part of dating is having to tell sorry, but don't want to see you again. darn.

  133. New User: Hi I'm new here to sociopathworld . I am a little bit sociopathic, with a touch of borderline, and a dab of schizoid. My brother is a narc, and my mom is bipolar. My best friend is a malignant narc and my girlfriend is a aspie.

    My lungs hurt from laughing/smoking too much. You really are going to kill me one of these days...

    Red lipstick is obnoxious, unless it's on a rockabilly/psychobilly gal, then it's somewhat acceptable.

    That was an interesting excerpt from Hare. I wonder if he was being apologetic after being labeled a witch hunter, or if that's how he really feels.

    I don't see much of a point for being friends with women unless it's a matter of convenience (work/social circle). I have a hard enough time acting like I give a shit about what people my own gender blabber on about.

    Back on topic, and related to what i think Medusa said above. People see themselves as the center of the universe, the main character of life's plot, as it is. Couple that with isolation, faceless communication, and rewards with little to no risk, and it's a veritable breeding ground for narcissistic tendencies.

    I'm probably pretty full of myself, but at least in face-to-face communication I try to limit that to confidence, not nauseating monologues.

  134. I thought the worse part was going home alone.

  135. he would have to have that italian charm to be able to go home the day of the meeting.

  136. Someone needs a bucket hung around their neck, to catch all the shit dribbling out their mouth.

  137. i reckon you don't like italians

  138. Btw, UKan. I think I know why I was talking about sociopathy as opposed to narcissism this morning. The topic is A generation full of sociopaths. Gotta love tunnel vision sometimes...

  139. Btw, UKan. I think I know why I was talking about sociopathy as opposed to narcissism this morning. The topic is A generation full of sociopaths. Gotta love tunnel vision sometimes...

    Not Able xxx

  140. nikita is scratched for some reason. what's wrong nikitita? you can tell us.

  141. You forgot the hugs.

  142. Would you like a hug, too, Medusa? They're free.

  143. What are you into Nikita? You aren't a sociopath. Your a damaged angry bitch.

  144. Word of the day: Idiot

  145. That was a YAY to sociopathworld Friday night happy hour.

  146. Damaged angry bitch? lol
    You are an anonymous moron.

  147. Logic force field engage.

  148. Then tell us Nikita. Why so angry?

  149. I am not angry, just bored.

  150. That's not anger pathetic maggot that's contempt, learn the difference.

  151. Shut the fuck up Ukan. No ones talking to you. Shouldn't you be in your club?

  152. Fuck off anon, you annoy me.

  153. Hugs? Did someone say hugs?

  154. ukan your not on this site to find out more about urself just to display you have some understanding of the unthinking muppets and so give urself higher self esteem - you do indeed need a hug from notable.

  155. What do you call a fly without wings?

  156. No country for old empaths

  157. M.E.,

    you write:
    "Hopefully this new generation forces empathy out of style finally"

    I don't think it's a good idea for normal empathic people to try an adopt a sociopathic/psychopathic life style and mentality. It would be the same kind of mistake as psychopaths are being subject to when normal empathic people try to force and treat "us" into developing normal, empathic personalities.

    I've written an article on the subject on my blog, based on your entry here.

    (Click my name: Zhawq.)

  158. Hi, I've been hooking up with a sociopath for awhile, all I want from him is sex, he knows this and often holds out on me, then starts another round on his own time. How can I seduce him into having more sex? He's already degrading and sadistic, if that makes a difference.

  159. Anon 11:14, come back, Going thru it to.

  160. It's a power play. You can't seduce him unless he lets you.

  161. How about waiting till he gets in touch with you. Non chasing, no stalking and no texing or phone calls?
    Not reacting to his callousness, or reacting in a negative way Thats what I do but not sure if it's the answer.

  162. No...He would see right through that, and I've played that before he'd know whats up, his game is just annoying anymore, not worth it.

  163. The majority in every generation in human history have been conformist sociopaths. No exceptions.

  164. Where did you get that my parents generation who are late 70s/early 80s are narcissists? That's an LOL as we are more narcissistic seems like..

  165. I was trying to search for this book I learned about on NPR about how baby boomers are a bunch of psychipaths when I came across this article. I actually work under Dr. Konrath. She is pretty cool!


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