
Monday, December 27, 2010

Sociopaths in media: Cyndi Kristoffer from Penny and Aggie

From a reader:
I wondered if you'd heard anything about a webcomic called Penny & Aggie. One of its characters, Cyndi Kristoffer, has pretty much been defined as a sociopath. In the latest arc she goes missing, presumably abducted.

Here's the start of the arc.

The middle part, which might fill in a bit more about the other characters.

The conversation between abductor and abducted

To me Cyndi is a really good portrait of a young evolving sociopath, who has decided that she enjoys playing social and verbal games with people, and she is going to continue to do so until it gets boring. She’s developed as a character over the last couple years of this webcomic. Before the most recent storyline, there aren’t more than ten or twelve strips that blatantly flaunt her sociopathic behavior, because the writers have taken time to build her. They’ll show her giggling in the corner of one panel at someone else’s pain. Or they’ll have her engaged in a genuine conversation, without making it obvious that she’s just pulling strings. The comic has been patiently working towards the current arc.
This is how Cyndi's part of the kidnapping arc ended.

My first instinct was to smile in relief when I saw the last panel. But I wondered what you would think. I imagine that if a sociopath facing psychiatric evaluation and confinement felt anything, they would feel a sinking sensation, or the sudden feeling of being trapped.

And I wonder if Cyndi will learn how to fake being normal, and come back more dangerous than ever.
My response: I think Cyndi would feel trapped. It's actually hard to pretend to be normal, particularly in a sterile situation where people are not giving you the benefit of the doubt, e.g. a mental institution. Cyndi can get out of there through three primary means (in order of attempt): (1) charming or forming an emotional/manipulative bond with her doctors, (2) getting her parents or doctors to doubt themselves just enough to feel like they are monsters for keeping a poor defenseless girl locked up, or (3) provoking some sort of public scandal with her doctors, parents, or the institution such that she will have to be let out to appease the masses. Sociopaths view their victims a little like etch-a-sketches -- victims just need to be shaken up a little to erase whatever lingering impression they may have had of the sociopath.

I hope Cyndi makes a reappearance in the comic eventually, though. There aren't that many fun socio characters.


  1. Yikes, what the hell is this? I'm sorry, I can't be bothered to read this wall-of-text (about a webcomic taken way seriously, no less), nor copy/paste the million links.

  2. WTF? M.E got his hands on some strong shit :)

  3. I went on a blind date once and the chick was in a wheelchair LMFAO

  4. Fuck yeahhh family is gone to Canada. Who's coming over?

  5. Agree with medusa. I don't care enough about a comic book character to copy-paste all those links.

    Next post please.

  6. So who has snow?
    There is 3 feet on my road.

    Another day off.

  7. I have snow! A pile of snow on my table, if you catch my drift ;] And it's not like that washing powder that UKan sells either.

  8. Heh Heh - Another post about a female; even if it's a comic character.

  9. In my opinion, i think every post should be in the form of knowledge, knowledge on how to further manipulate your surroundings, it's fair to say that we call lack a certain insight into the mind of someone other than ourselves, right? I mean we can analyze a persons behavior and make theories, but putting yourself into their shoes can be difficult.

  10. Over a foot of snow here...major wind too.

  11. Manipulation is a bad word :(

    Teach me how :)

  12. Anon, empath walls-of-texts are probably useful for that purpose, probably more so than a detached analysis.

  13. Aerianne, according the National Intelligence Council's 2008 Global Trends Report, which I am currently perusing, women are gonna take over and be way smarter than men.

    Page 16.

    Ladies and genitals take note.

  14. You aren't socio Medusa, correct?

  15. I don't think I fall into either group.

    I'm an ambivaliopath.

  16. It's captivating when you think of it, sociopaths walking among each other, scraping shoulders but never befriending, owning their own little circles and enforcing the rules, thank heavens there aren't that many of us.

  17. Heh.

    Sociopath = Community Organizer.

  18. I prefer the word psychopath, sounds more menacing.

  19. That's bullshit medusa, i for one not only i do not try to organise anybody, i try to disorganise every group i get. I am not particularly fond of order.

  20. disorder is a particular form of order as well. Control is control whichever way you choose.

  21. Damn Mike, has you no sense of humor?

  22. Don't know what are you talking about. How was i supposed to know it was a joke?
    Put this sign & before whatever is a joke, like in programming. :P

  23. Fuckin' aspies.

    Oh yeah..... & & & & & & & & &

  24. What the hell programming language are you using that uses an ampersand that way?

  25. One that uses ampersands to include jokes in the program?

    Guess i should've put an ampersand before writing that.

    Well, an example would be C++ that uses ampersands before a variable to assign that variable's address to a pointer. And that's not the only use for ampersands in C++

  26. Since when does pointer == joke return true?

  27. I was just saying dude, ampersand before something to signal something. You stupid or something?

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. Why is everyone taking everything so seriously today.

    I swear, everyone here is an aspie.

  30. @Medusa: Put this sign & before whatever is a joke, like in programming.

    Does not compute. I am a programmer, hence my confusion. Replace "joke" with "pointer" or "concatenation" or "AND operator", and it's fine. I've never used a language that uses ampersands to indicate comments, which are the closest thing to "jokes" that I can think of.

  31. @Medusa: Maybe if you put an ampersand in front of it?

  32. Yeah I only saw as far as "What the hell programming language are you using that uses an ampersand"

    Every time I delete a comment I die a little inside.

  33. We weep for your deleted comments, Medusa. T_T

    Don't worry, my RSS reader remembers.

  34. Alright so, for Postmodern, put this // before a joke so that he may understand.

  35. Also, I just watch Idiocracy so my brain is in retard mode.

  36. Also, for those wondering about my sudden talkativeness, I'm snowed in, so I have nothing to do in between shoveling expeditions. Yay.~

  37. /*

    Thank god, Medusa, I never would have understood, before. You are the queen.


  38. But wait, PM already came up with the '~' thing

    So like...uh... this conversation is just an excuse to talk nerd.

  39. post, you disappointed me today, get with the program, get out of your internal blocks. Bring back the guy, get rid of this little baby face actor Dean, please. I miss the old post.

  40. boys, boys. a convo about nail polish would be far more interesting at this point.~ Red all the way.
    right, carry on...

  41. I wonder what a nerd Thunderdome would look like.

  42. Oh, dear, I've disappointed some near-Anon.~ What Dean do you mean? James?

    Medusa: Probably a lot like this, but with more acne and cheeto stains.

  43. Yes, James Dean. Dump that. Bring back the sexy picture. I realize unlike notable you are not very comfortable with the notion of being sexy. What's up with that?

  44. Ok, correction. th epicture was sexy, but you refuse to appear sexy normally. do you see sexy as an insult to your intelligence?

  45. Better?

    I don't think I've ever made any statements on my opinions about sexiness.

    The only thing that I see as an insult to my intelligence is being compared to NotAble. :D

  46. since you're dense today, i feel to add. Not James Dean, the previous older picture of the philosopher was sexy. Did you dump that because you are not as old? Or, did you choose the hot looking cougar MILF because you'd love to have one to come after you and open up a fun world?

  47. Rude. :P

    I used the other picture because everyone was doing "baby pictures", so I found a picture of Jacques Derrida as a child.

  48. yes, much better. thank you. previous note was sent before seeing the post.

  49. it was not rude. you're dodging, reflecting. you can't do sexual talk, post. what with that? beneath you? I want to experience more sides of you, albeit virtually.

  50. Lol, what the hell is in the internet-air today?

  51. Contess, any particular reason you're attacking PMS today? He's rather sexy as-is, really, and he never seemed very uncomfortable about it to me.

  52. anyone can be sexy, aspie for an aspie, hon.

  53. So because I don't pull a Notable and cyber in the comments section with anything possibly female that comments in my direction, I can't do sexual talk?

    Ask away. I'll tell you whatever you like. My thoughts on sex have been discussed in previous threads, anyway.

  54. Oh look, ME edited the post. Maybe I will actually read it now :)

  55. i'm not attacking post, just the opposite, i want him on top of everything, including me, no pun intended

  56. The aspie comment was a &, because I'm aspieish myself.

  57. say something that would turn the female readers on, post. we're not talking about an intelligent discussion on sex to get to sexy

  58. Aspies and their cats.

  59. Double entendres really are the highest form of romance.

  60. When I told him I was going to cut him in the last blog post, he got slightly sexy.

  61. Oh man triple entendres are highly arousing.

  62. Well, I rest my case. You can't talk sexual. But, glad you (like I do) find the double entendre romantic when it hits the spot (no pun intended again)

  63. Post, contess wants you. :)


  64. Psychopaths fear intimacy so obviously they won't talk about bonding and sexual encounters, that would mean you are putting yourself on the same level.

  65. I have someone else's smelly cat all over me right now trying to eat my face.

  66. notme, do I have your blessing?

    You know in the deserts of Egypt, it's women who get to pick their guys. Post is mine.

  67. Check it out

    Postmodern Sociopath said...

    Anytime, Medusa. Nothing wrong with a little friendly knifeplay, as I always say. ;)

    December 26, 2010 9:25 PM

  68. Hmm... something to turn the females on?

    I am interested in your opinions, I can cook, and I have a big cock. My IQ is 171, I speak 4 languages, and I know more math than you'll ever need. I can tie a dozen different knots, and I think you know very well what they're for.

    And, as Medusa mentioned, my thoughts on knifeplay are nothing but friendly.

    Sexy enough, yet?

  69. Maybe it's in the presentation, not the content.

  70. You have my blessing. :)

  71. Bragging is not sexy ;)

    You are young yet.

  72. @Medusa: Doesn't mean you're not thinking about it. ;)

  73. well, women who had four children are particularly into big cocks, not the tight ones. it's not the size of the ship it's the motion in the ocean, they say.

    No, you fail sexy in just about every which direction, except high IQ, and good math/language ability. you haven't had enough sexual experiences to feel the sxy in your bones (no pun)

  74. I doubt there is a female sociolo on here, they are a rare bunch.

  75. I'd have to disagree, contess, but I'm also not interested in jumping your electronic bones. Plenty of warm bodies on my end to get me through the winter.

  76. Yeah, I do not like big cocks. Average is best.

    And I don't fantasize about people I've never met or whose faces I've never seen, so, no, I'm not thinking about it.

  77. Most of the females on here seem like raving bpd sychpanths.

  78. when i put my hands on Post he'll be cooking up a storm, knife in one hand tomato sauce in the other, red giving him thoughts and i'll be blocking those thoughts holding the bone before putting in the oven

  79. Nobody wants to fuck an aspie Medusa.

  80. That sounds profoundly unsexy. I think you're the failure here, not me, darling.

  81. "sychpanths"

    What the hell is that?

    Sick Panthers?

    No one who knows me would ever think of the word "raving" with regards to me.

  82. well, that was the level of inspiration coming from you. sex always gets better in time. your hands must be warm by now, don't let that go to waste.

  83. @Medusa: If you heard my voice, you might change your tune. ;)

  84. You speak four languages and you used a 'big cock' to woo the women. LoL. PMS you dont know women at all.

  85. Lol, it's not sexy, but it is hilarious, what she/he is trying to accomplish here.

    I'm just playing along for no reason.

  86. UKan, if you weren't so focused on my junk, you'd note that there were a number of other qualities that held more important positions.

  87. Lololol everything funny in aspie land lololol

  88. Post, I liked that description even if they didn't. I've realised that flirting on the net is really fraught with problems. It's never this hard irl. Namely, you don't actually have sex at the end of it.
    P.S. I'm not flirting with Post. Jeez. Just commenting.

  89. PM no matter what you say I'm not going to be turned on or intrigued, especially when you are trying to do just that. I don't get turned on by internet people.

    Forum/blog flirting is just ridiculous.

  90. Forum/blog flirting is just ridiculous.

    My original point. And... scene.

  91. You erased them with the big cock comment. I cant think of any women that will think highly of you after that. They either think your lying, or that you have no class. Just FYI.
    I want to see you really sweep one of these birds off their feet. Give us some socio charm.

  92. That's cause your ex fucked your head up, you have cock hatred.

  93. she, please, Medusa.

    Despite his inability to play at the level I'd like I still choose Post. I won't fight with him though. As hopeful as I'd be he's definitely proving to be a socio: lack of intimacy, distance/dislike to women... Oh, well. Maybe at the subconscious level it will work and he'll have some fun wet dreams with Contess if he does not take the matter into his own hands before falling asleep.

  94. You guys don't have high sex drives, or good imaginations.
    Each to their own.

  95. notme wants some big cock, borderline slut.

  96. I can vouch for PMS being able to both charm and arouse through words...

  97. UKan: And I care what the women on this blog think of me because...? Only a handful of them are intelligent, and the others aren't worth the server storage they exist on.

  98. You can't coldly list off attributes that you think society deems as impressive and expect anyone to not roll their eyes.

    Right now my mental picture of you is Mark Zuckerberg or someone like that.

  99. No I don't have cock hatred. Big cocks just don't feel good. It's general physics. I don't know any real life women that actually really like a huge cock.

  100. GRK's back in town. You were missed.

  101. I think post dresses like a old man. Which is cool, because I decided to stop dressing like a thug and start wearing 1930s gangster shit. I got a new brim and a few suits! Everywhere I walk in a suit people go even more out of their way for me.

  102. well, i got the feeling some of the ladies had a lot of fun following our dialogue, Post. Sorry about that. Just give me time, I'll learn to make you happy darling, even if it takes to stretch some skin.

  103. It's not the suit, it's what suit.

  104. A well-dressed man is a humongous turn on. And very rare.

    Rare is sexy.

  105. Unfortunately, I'm not quite that rare. I dress quite a bit like ol' Jacques, there, so I suppose I'm sort of common by comparison.

  106. Anon, what DO you have against borderlines btw? You're a pillock.
    Your obsession with us is transparent. duh.

  107. Obv a troll knows how sensitive beepers are.

  108. I like a man that doesn't need to dress up to be confident.
    As long as he's clean and washed, if he's in a tracksuit and hot, I'm there.

  109. Every female attracted to sociotypes MUST be bpd, didn't you know.

  110. Your obsession with big cock is transparent you fucking whore. Your sucking every cock that goes past ya.

  111. Being hygienic is the most attractive attribute.

  112. I'm very particular about a man's sense of personal style. Probably because I'm very particular about my own.

  113. Anon, do settle down. I take it an ex upset you.

  114. I love dressing well. I like to take time to make myself presentable. I dont think you need to stop trying when you are in a relationship. I think you should always try harder.

  115. He was diddled by his grandma, pay no mind to him.

  116. @UKan: If you stop trying, things stagnate, flaws become apparent, etc. Gotta keep things fresh, no?

  117. notme, you're starting to sound like for you anything goes. a bit sad. you are also conflicting at times that you expect more. i guess it fits with your name selection, me but not me... who knows, utility f anything depends on how hungry one is. your note where you felt the need to say you were not flirting, was flirting. quite a character you are. i'd like to hear notable's and UKan's thoughts on what you exhibited today unless some of those nasty anon remarks are actually coming from them.

  118. PMS, not everything said here has to have a direct relationship to socipathy.

  119. Post, that not eto UKan comes from a very weak position. Time to get away and regroup.

  120. how was I flirting with Post? I wasn't aware of it.
    It was between you and him.

  121. If being hygienic is a exceptional trait, I think you have low standards. That would fall more into mandatory.
    PMS, when you stop trying it shows that you were classy and charming for some bird. Now that you have her, the carraige turns into a pumpkin. When you stay classy and charming it shows that you were just being yourself.

  122. Post, was thinking. You repeated exactly what UKan said in your own words soon after you tried hard to distance yourself from women (at least on this blog, you insulted their intelligence directly). Don't let your hatred of women want you to lick balls, especially UKan's.

  123. notme, are you suffering from short term memory loss?

    notme said...
    Post, I liked that description even if they didn't. I've realised that flirting on the net is really fraught with problems. It's never this hard irl. Namely, you don't actually have sex at the end of it.
    P.S. I'm not flirting with Post. Jeez. Just commenting.

  124. Smoking weed is such a turn off, have you ever smelt a weed smokers breath? Ew! And the yellow teeth are just fab! Got a yellow tie to match?

  125. contess, why is it sad that I like a guy in a tracksuit?
    I grew up with all the money i needed. I'm by nature, deeply uninterested in labels and flashyness.
    I know there's more to life than just money. Though money is important too for those practical things.

    Sorry that I'm not a gold-digger.

  126. Perhaps UKan dresses well for his own pleasure as well as for his lover's. Because he respects himself. Simple as that. Doesn't have to always be about 'hiding flaws', not everything has to come from the simple black/white perspective of being a sociopath.

    Don't have to have everything you do in life defined by that label. That's a sad existence.

  127. Contess, thought you were trying to make PMS happy. What happened?

  128. @Medusa: I'm not suggesting that it's about hiding flaws. I'm saying that everyone's inherently flawed, so it's important to constantly better oneself and accentuate the positives so that the negative aspects don't become focal points.

    You read some sort of socio business into it, but it's just basic relationship maintenance.

  129. Contess, you think way too much of yourself...

  130. Jesus contess, I was making a comment about flirting in general.
    Plus, i was complimenting Post, I compliment men and women, it doesn't mean i'm flirting with them. I can understand why people would think that, since so many people can't possibly fathom people being generous for it's own sake, without having ulterior motives behind it.

  131. I love dressing good. I love coordinating the colors. Its good to wake up and dress like you are ready to whisk the world away in your greatness. When you wake up with that attitude, and dress for the occassion everyday can be more amazing than the last. People treat you like a king, because you woke up expecting to be treated like one. If you haven't tried it, then you are missing out.

  132. You do flirt with them, that's a bare faced lie.

  133. Whoa, notme, where is this gold digger stuff coming from?

    And what does being well-dressed have to do with labels or money?

    Your comments are revealing things about yourself, you know.

  134. UKan, sometimes happiness comes by holding a clear mirror. I have no problem with a man not wanting a woman, it's problematic when he claims heterosexuality, which of course we don't know if that's the case. But, either way we have clear evidence of lack of comfort around sex or around ladies. He is not a womanizer, whereas you and Notable comfortably are.

    Happiness is a two way stream. I like walking with a mirror and truth by my side.

    notme, it was not your choice of suit, rather the way you express yourself and show a need to suck up to everyone.

  135. Where do you live UKan?

  136. PMS you are back tracking now, and it's obvious. Stop it.

  137. Not Able is charming? I throw up in my mouth when he speaks. What a loser. Then again I guess Im not a women.

  138. I dress to impress when I have to, but I usually just where jeans and a t-shirt when I go out. I hate clothes shopping and I don't know a thing about fashion.

  139. I think contess is Notable.

  140. If I wanted to backtrack, I'd pull a NotAble and delete my posts like a scared little girl.

  141. Notable always tries to win UKans approval, this is fishy.

  142. Contess is too smart and insightful to be Notable. No way.

  143. Oh really people. Like you understand me. I know people in suits, and I see how pathetic and small they can be underneath it all.
    Please. I don't need your enlightenment in all things you know.

    I don't need to suck up to everyone. Please...

  144. That he does. Not Able, this is a low move. Even for you.

  145. how do we delete our posts? can anons do that?

  146. "But, either way we have clear evidence of lack of comfort around sex or around ladies. "

    No you don't... you have evidence of him not particularly caring about what you want from him. Why on earth should he?

  147. Wouldn't surprise me in the least. He's been online all day and somehow managed to keep his trap shut? I disbelieve.

  148. I'm a womanizer now, am I? I don't recall listing off my spreadsheet of past conquests ;)

    As for cybering, someone asked me a question about Nipples. I answered. Nothing fancy.

    The topic post was interesting, near the end of the series. It was fairly corny, but the idea of being sent to a mental hospital in regards to being a malevolent sociopath is a scary image. That powerlessness, loss of control, and instant suspicion of my person, yuck! That would be nerve racking.

    @notme: The kitty cat comic was a hell of a change in pace and gave me a little chuckle.

  149. This is getting good.


  151. When I think of people in suits I'm not thinking corporate types, I'm thinking people in vintage stuff or something more interesting like that.

    Cuz I wear a lot of vintage.

    Can't throw everyone in a suit into the same group, now.

  152. '@notme: The kitty cat comic was a hell of a change in pace and gave me a little chuckle.'

    Huh? What are you referring to Notable?

  153. He gets exposed, then at the EXACT time he comments.

  154. One of these anons is a Notable dick-licker, the other is a detective, apparently.

  155. I love vintage. My girl and I dress up in vintage stuff before we go out. Interesting enough now all my friends think its gangster to wear a suit. What a bunch of followers.

  156. Medusa, thank you. I'm sure soon Notable will have his own denials of that claim. I am not a man, forget Notable. and , the name contess was what the word verification was, not a chosen name. And, this will be the last time I use it because I want to pursue Post further in the future under different names and in the form of a woman he may be able to like and continue this effort till he says he is interested in men. In that case I may create a male persona just for him. I like online flirting unlike others here.

    Notme... You are having a problem seeing certain realities about yourself. You can't say 'others think this but I think that' when it comes to your presentation of yourself. That stupid exercise where one asks five of her close friends to define her, could be helpful but I'd never do that. Listen to what people are saying here. They are typically correct. Like the name cuntess, one came up with. I totally agree with that word. I kept playing to what Post was saying and proved myself to be what he sees in women, cuntess, which is not me in real life, and I can shed the cuntess persona now. But, notme, you are in constant conflict staying under the same name.

  157. "I want to pursue Post further in the future under different names and in the form of a woman he may be able to like and continue this effort till he says he is interested in men. In that case I may create a male persona just for him."

    You've got to much time on your hands.

  158. Oh, Notable surfaced while I was typing away. And, I was the Nippy earlier enjoying his perfectly sexual response to my question of what with nipples in his mouth.

    Should I apologize from notme, going after his guy, lol?

  159. What will you do if I claim no gender preference? Will your persona become an amoeba to match your intellect?

  160. It's true, notme, you do protest against things that aren't there, like the gold digger comment, and fail to see the things that are there, like the flirting.

    And when confronted with these facts you do the "none of you know me stop judging me" attitude, it's always an attack to you, instead of an observation to consider honestly and objectively.

    I wouldn't call you a 'cuntess' though, here in the US that's extremely rude. If miss contess is from the UK that's totally different, though.

  161. do you all seriously think that cos I compliment someone I want to have sex with them or have their approval? Is that what life is for you all?

    I really don't operate so consciously, I'm pretty impulsive.

    But chat away anyhow.
    I do appreciate the criticism. I tear myself apart quite frequently. Doesn't bother me too much.

  162. actually, socios especially with NPD tendencies become bisexual, post. listen, i made you happy with all that attention you got today, and I hope you took nothing that's against women more than you already had. like socios, i also am capable of dropping a love object in an instant, so who knows what will come of us. for today, i was entertained because i really felt more powerful than you, oops.

  163. I really don't operate so consciously, I'm pretty impulsive.


  164. I understand. thanks Medusa.
    Truth is, i only flirt with Notable, and he knows that. I don't flirt with anyone else here. At least, I don't mean to. I totally understand that that's the impression i can give though.
    Can't help being silly. I am sometimes.

  165. I honestly find you irritating.

  166. notme, that HSP is kicking in, you are exaggarating in every which direction. the chances are medusa and i are older than you. i certainly remember being just like you, hence my ability to see through you. calm yourself and learn. it's not complimenting, it's your need to not get things out of hand. was your father abusive towards your mom? you are afraid, you don't trust that people can create conflict and resolve even though it seems to get harsh. by the way, i'm like that too, but really learning to drop that on this site. let nice go away for a while, and define who you really are. let socios worry about changing their positions so that they can manipulate people. you learn to stand up to socios.

    medusa, i am in the us and aware that cuntess is a terrible thing to say, but coming from a socio and to my persona of the day created just for Post, do I give a hoot? I also said last post as contess, so staying true to that without losing the reader.

  167. I don't think you really know why you do what you do, notme. You are not aware of what you are doing or why. I don't think you are wanting to have sex with or gain approval from anyone in any conscious way.

    You just said as much, by saying you don't act consciously.

    It's all impulse, as you also said, borne of something of which you are not aware.

    Also, for me at least, it's not about tearing you apart. It's sad that you see it and word it that way. I would like for you to see yourself for own benefit, not for some kind of sick pleasure at making you feel bad.

    It doesn't have to be about 'tearing yourself apart' either, it's just about being honest with yourself. You beat yourself up for having flaws with that attitude, which just makes things worse for you.

    Many of us are challenged in various ways, you are not necessarily more flawed than the rest of us, or the rest of the world, for that matter.

  168. Is notable trying to say it can't be me I'm abusing my friend Medusa no way would notable do such a thing.

  169. anon, dear moron, let it go and believe the labels.

  170. thanks medusa and contess. I do get it. I do see myself in a sense, but acting different is a whole other ball game.

    I'm popping out for a bit.

  171. Anon, please use punctuation, because I have no idea what you are trying to say.

  172. That's because you aren't one of us.

  173. I hope you don't feel ganged up on, notme.

    It's just random internet people. We all get called on our shit here at one point or another.

  174. No, anon, it's because you can't write in understandable English.

  175. no not at all Medusa. I appreciate it. Like i said, I'm going out for a bit.


  176. I'm sorry, we all can't be aspies with fine tuned grammar, where are you from? Do you love your cat?

  177. cats are a bunch of pussies

  178. Wash not ables dick out of your mouth while your at it, notme.

  179. I don't require perfect grammar or spelling, anon. No need to get insecure about it.

    Just needs to be written well enough to be understood.

    Simply adding some quotation marks would've helped a lot.

  180. GRK I thought you were bored of this site. Seems more like you got exposed and now you're hiding. Not very well either.

  181. How would you feel if your cat went missing?

  182. Hey now UKan, no need to pour salt into wounds. That makes you look weak. She's had more than enough damage for one day.

    And yes, anon, I do love my cat.

  183. GRK? I'm not GRK UKan

  184. id be hungry for chinamen food i would

  185. I would be awfully sad if my cat went missing. This other cat laying all over me right now is not mine, and is weird and smelly.

    I predict you are now going to attempt to make me feel paranoid about you causing my cat to go missing.

    Some kind of pathetic internet threat, yes?

  186. I'm not stating that I'll make it go missing, If you keep disrespecting me I could make it happen.

  187. have u ever seen catnip mixed into insulation? it gets messy

  188. Lol, you're an idiot, unless you are under the age of 13.

    I'm sorry that your life has been so sad and miserable so far, and I mean that without a hint of sarcasm.

    I hope you someday find a small amount of peace with yourself.


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