
Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Femme fatale

From a reader:
I was watching one of Andy Warhols movies with Edie Sedgwick. When Andy was told Edie had died, he responded Edie who? Do you think Edie was a sociopath? She was so charming, and had everyone feeling sorry for her.. still.

I lived with a girl I suspect was a sociopath and my grandma as well. I think it is their mystery that is so seductive. I've seen my grandmother transform into a starry eyed seductress charming a doctor while laying in her hospital bed. She was beautifully monovisual in all photographs taken of her. Yet her very last words to my grandfather were "Don't touch me, I hate you" Edie's charm reminds me of their charm. The way she evokes pity yet seems so strong yet charmingly fragile...? "poor little rich girl"

Do you know any femme fatales? And if so, were you attracted to her?

"Andy said I should write a song about Edie Sedgwick. I said 'Like what?' and he said 'Oh, don't you think she's a femme fatale, Lou?' So I wrote 'Femme Fatale' and we gave it to Nico. (Lou Reed)"
My response: Interesting what you say about the poor little rich girl, faux victim effect that femme fatales seem to have. I just wrote to a female sociopath reader about whether she thinks that her victims are attracted to her because they want to be predated upon (i.e. want to be exploited)? Or because there is something vulnerable about her that they can't help but want to exploit? If the latter, I think femme fatales sometimes attract targets who would never otherwise be in that type of situation, like an open cash register sitting unattended in front of someone who doesn't consider themself a thief.

I have known some femme fatales and I always find them to be very attractive. I look at them and I think, this person could ruin me. It's all very exciting, this feeling of wanting to be destroyed just for the pleasure of that moment when they turn their complete attention to you, even if it is just to destroy you. But I'll have to check out some of Edie's films.


  1. She is like notme, a boring attention seeking slut, who would look good as a trophy wife, but even better hanging from a noose.

  2. Be careful, Anonymous, or TNP will come in and defend his internet girlfriend. She's integral to his wounded self-concept, now.

  3. nice post ME

    well, i am signing off now. and leaving on a jet plane. I'll be checking up on all the slander when i get back. have a good day boys. :)

    oh, and merry christmas everyone. again. :)

    (the real notme has left the building.) booyakasha.

  4. Very attracted girls like models tend to have a lot of sociopathic traits, since they are brought up different and have huge entitlement complexes. That said some of them clearly are femme fatale, notable example being Cleopatra and Helena of Troy. Weak men fight over women like these.

    Thankfully my non-existent sex drive makes me immune to these wolves. But I did purposely use them in the chess game to destroy others.

  5. The Cleopatra thing is a myth cooked up for sensationalism. She was no femme fatale. She was homely and only had two lovers.

    That's why Angelina Jolie playing her is a farce. Greek and northern African people everywhere are pissed off.

  6. Helena of Troy (if she was even real) most likely was not a femme fatale either. She was kidnapped by Paris.
    I like what ME said, "I look at them and I think, this person could ruin me. It's all very exciting, this feeling of wanting to be destroyed just for the pleasure of that moment when they turn their complete attention to you..." ME almost sounds like an empath.. LOL
    Also sounds like my last relationship and my ex socio did not disappoint.

  7. Retarded.. who gives a flying fuck about this bitch? Not fucking me .. why would we want this slut? We don't! We wanna hang her, slap the shit out of her, let the bitch choke on our cock, this is not a BPD site, she looks decent but who cares? 40 years from then she would be walking around looking like a retarded corpse with her fur coat on, that hundreds of niggers jacked off on.

  8. I look at them and I think, this person could ruin me. It's all very exciting, this feeling of wanting to be destroyed just for the pleasure of that moment when they turn their complete attention to you..

    That is some of the corniest shit i have ever read, fuck this i am going to a different site with real sociopaths, that talk about murder and not some fucked up snobby rich slut with BPD.

  9. @The_King Your non existent sex drive? What are you a girl? Do you have a vagina? Anyone with a bit of testosterone will have a sex drive let alone buckets full of it, your gay.

  10. Personally if i had have known this bitch, i would have beat the shit out of her.

  11. Can you feel the love? lol

  12. Some things men do/say to get a womans attention is fascinating.

  13. What are you people this week?~

    God damn.

  14. I ran into something interesting while doing some research on the Warhol superstars. It would seem that almost all of them never got past the point of being his pets. A few did, and one or two managed to plateau after the fact, but most amounted to nothing afterwards, and many of them died early deaths.

    I especially liked this line in the wiki article: "The Superstars would help Warhol generate publicity while Warhol offered fame and attention in return. Warhol's philosophies of art and celebrity met in a way that replicated the film studios at their most powerful. The actors belonged to the studio and were to do as instructed."

    Power games, much? It seems the effect held over, past their relationships with Warhol.

  15. Whatever they want/need to be.

  16. Sorry guys, but there was no sociopaths in that group, warhol was an aspie (proven) and that slut sandwitch or whatever shes called had bpd.

  17. Haven't looked at the clip so I'm not talking about this character, but why do you people fear self-confident women?

  18. All narcissists fear woman.

  19. "All narcissists fear woman." I know it's supposed to say "women", but it's funny what you people choose to believe sometimes.

    You would have to want or need to believe you are the only person in the world capable of self-manipulation in order to think that.

    If you're that into science you should start doing your own homework unless you're only comfortable believing a liar psychologist's published findings, which I think is usually the case when one cannot shed their lazy mind.

  20. Oh and Sophia, nobody with a mind fears a self-confident woman. The statement is merely repugnant. The individual in question would have to (again) want or need to appear as such, but really doesn't exist beyond the mask. Usually when you look beyond the mask you see something more child-like combined with a refusal of (insert a major life-changing factor/life-skill here).

    As such, when I want or need to appear confident I can choose to do so as well, but I'll invite you to look beyond my mask and tell me what it is you see other than disappointment.


  22. but I'll invite you to look beyond my mask and tell me what it is you see other than disappointment.

    Disappointment usually comes to mind when I read the comments section.

  23. Anytime I hear so much hostility to a post like this, I can't help but laugh. If your rage is triggered by someone being misdiagnosed as a Socio - I am fairly certain you are not one. The racial slurs, over the top spelling errors, and obvious lack of education are all little more than an annoyance to me... still I don't like you!
    As for the post- No I do not believe she was a sociopath though her emotional manipulation I'm sure was somewhat similar. I am a pretty little Socio, with money, a nice body, and not one real worry in the world- Still every man I know wants to "fix" poor pitiful Page. It's not that they are drawn to something that will destroy them, they are drawn to something they think is broken and fixable. They will try to fix me and then something else will break me and the cycle goes on and on until they are so broken and need me and then I leave...

  24. SweetSaline, I believe if it were not for your self-respect you'd probably cut yourself and in places less typical. Surely you must be grateful for such a possession (the self-respect element, not the body).


    Look at your fucking name hoe? You are a crazy old cat lady, don't talk to me like that when you are my property.

    Nobody gives a shit what you have to say, men rule the world and it's a common fact, get over it, and on this blog women will be second class.

  26. YEAH! Srsly cat lady, if you came into my home and spoke to me like that id kick your teeth out.

  27. FUCK YEAH Anon! We can make a video like 3 guys 1 hammer on this slut, only it's 50 times better because its a chick, so there is no ruling out rape! Woo!

  28. I'm traveling for a few days so will probably not be around. Happy Christmas all.

  29. I'm tired of the feminist blogs on this site, are you all growing vagina's on here?

  30. Woman are like the blacks all through the centuries they have been raped and pillaged, and that's how it's going to stay, every time i see a woman, i see a huge sign over her head saying rape me.

  31. Some "find" there Mike. You relate much to this? Wonder if having a successfull carreer helps at all.

  32. As if anyone is going to take you seriously now.

    How long has it been since your last grandma diddling session?

  33. @Mike

    Don’t get me wrong, I do like some of Eminem’s songs, but this one cracked me up! I guess it was supposed to be serious (?), but really it sounded like a MadTV version of murder to me.

    Happy Festivus Pythias!

  34. You Anonymouses are so big and strong and so cute and cuddly and so young, wait till they get your asses in prison because you can't control your impaulses.
    Or your old and used up, impotent because of your time in prison and no female wants you so you would have to rape.
    Either way no women would want the likes of you so what choice do you have.

  35. I wonder whats up with M.E. lately being off the mark about his choice for examples of socio's. Is it on purpose?

  36. SweetSaline wins today.

    Men want to feel liked they've fixed something. A confident woman needs no fixing and has no need for men.


    Isn't that the most infuriating thing, boys?

  37. Everyone's broken, Sophia. A confident woman is simply less obvious about it.

  38. "It's not that they are drawn to something that will destroy them, they are drawn to something they think is broken and fixable. They will try to fix me and then something else will break me and the cycle goes on and on until they are so broken and need me and then I leave..."

    This one is really worth noting.

  39. "Isn't that the most infuriating thing, boys?"

    No. I have no interest in "fixing" or even helping anybody else. I don't like dealing with other peoples problems, even if they're my partner, it's none of my business. I like confident self-assured people, because they're less likely to fuck up when you ask them to do something. The only problem is that sometimes they're so confident and self-assured, that they wont listen to me, so I have to work to gain their trust.

  40. PostmodernSociopath, if we go with what you say and everyone is broken, at least I didn't hear you say that women need men to fix themselves. You are one of the intelligent men.

  41. GagReflex and Misanthrope are intelligent, too.

  42. Eh, I attract men who want me to fix them.

    Which is funny.

  43. "The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world." - William Ross Wallace
    (an intelligent man).

    It's really too sad that these latch-key kids running through here in their anonymous birthday suits, begging for a flogging, weren't raised with some intelligence.

  44. "Everyone's broken, Sophia. A confident woman is simply less obvious about it."

    This true in many ways. Everyone is insecure in one way or another, and many people hide there insecurities behind a front of confidence. I think that almost everyone wears a mask, of sorts.

  45. Misanthrope is correct. Wearing a mask of confidence despite your inherent weaknesses is intelligent.

    Wearing a mask of false bravado and machismo is like a screaming siren alerting everyone to your fear.

  46. “One of the painful things about our time is that those who feel certainty are stupid, and those with any imagination and understanding are filled with doubt and indecision”
    Bertrand Russell [1951]

    and yes, everyone is broken in their own way.

  47. ResCogitans is obviously intelligent.

    It's good to see such a solid base of male strength here. Surely, the unthinking are outnumbered.

  48. the unthinking trollers must really be dumb to come here...
    if anyone is going to unemotionally and dismissively ignore an ignorant provocation it is surely a sociopath.

    sophia - not familiar with you, how you doing? come here to flatter the socios' narc side often? ;)

  49. WOW, you know something's wrong when I think Daniel isn't a dick!!!
    Happy Christmas to all.
    You angry lot are hilarious! I mean we all know you are full of shit, but you do give a good laugh.

  50. I like your quote Res. I don't feel so alone right now.

  51. i love reading about the factory: what a collection of socio's, pd's, and the variably wired. i like edie, although i think she was kind of broken--not so much by the factory, as she thought, but by life.

    mary woronov is my favorite of all the superstars. she writes with a knife, and lived through those years as if she carried one. she was definitely untamed by anything, a fascinating soul.

  52. I got called a hoe and a cat lady! Honestly I am probably more the first than the latter, and you can rape me but you won't be the first so I probably won't be much fun.

    Thanks Sophia- I think you are right the intelligent few outweigh the ignorant many on this blog.

    Confidence for me is just hiding an insecurity long enough to have everyone believe in my superiority... Then I can use any insecurity to manipulate people. I wouldn't say I was confident or insecure - I just don't care.

  53. @Anon

    Obviously, you aren't ASPD if you think having testosterone equates to having a sex drive.

    Your statements indicate that females or gays must have no sex drive. Even though both have testosterone. Don't try to make a personal attack on me, your inane attempts won't dent my non-existent conscious.

    Sex drive like every other chemically driven emotion is controlled and regulated by the brain. My brain doesn't work like yours, thus I can control my impulses in a different way from you.

    Go reread ME's post on how many socios are like camelions, since they can be anything including sexual drive to transform to anything you want them to be.

    Also I do apologize about my previous post, it was after a three day bender with a lot of stimulants.

  54. @Postmodern Psychopath

    A confident woman is a feminist = delusional, fat or ugly.

    Most beautiful people are very self conscious to slow imperfections.

  55. If a person is self conscious to show imperfections then they are insecure, but if you find that to be beautiful then good on you.
    Then again, like so many on this blog you categorize and make absolutes out of the subjective.
    You fit in perfectly.

  56. I love how Res has to constantly tell
    everyone he is a sociopath, identity disturbance?

  57. Oh yeah king that just proves everything.

  58. The_King People like you are too easy to easy to expose, you have no knowledge, it's a known fact that men with lower testosterone levels are more likely to be gay/asexual.

  59. The anon army has a point for once, The_King is a pseudointellectual. I thought this was obvious.

    Res: "the unthinking trollers must really be dumb to come here...
    if anyone is going to unemotionally and dismissively ignore an ignorant provocation it is surely a sociopath."

    For a physicist, that was a stupid comment. You're not only addressing the trolls indirectly, but also invalidating your socioopathy based on your own words.

  60. ResCogitans, flattery is insincere praise. You, being a man of science, should realize that acknowledgement of your intelligence isn't flattery if your intelligence is sincere.

  61. You mean validating his wannabe sociopathy.

  62. 60% of the seats within in the world power shadow government are held by females.

  63. Out of curiosity what is the criteria for this uncommon attribute and who are you Sophia?

    Are you making an analogy of sorts here anon 1:09 PM?

  64. Referencing The King @ 12:10

    Are you sure that you aren't Schizoid?

  65. Who is the most intelligent one here?

  66. Not big on label, so guess you could say I'm open to suggestions as long as they're scientifically derived anon.

  67. "Who is the most intelligent one here?"

    who cares.. it's who's the funniest one that gets me. Post is pretty funny. The fact that he's smart is just an added quality.

    There's nothing like a smart sociopath without a sense of humor. BLA!!

  68. Why would you ask a question like that? Don't you know how many sycophants inhabit this blog?

  69. This comment has been removed by the author.

  70. Martha Stout quotes "i don't remember who" in her book saying that sociopaths know no humour or beauty.

  71. Martha Stout only works with the victim's from what I read so her opinion is second hand.

    If they know whats right and they know whats wrong then they surly know humor and beauty.

    Sarcassm not really~

  72. ME's assumption that Sedgwick was a sociopath is laughable. All women are sociopaths? Really?
    ME, your blog is sliding. Some of the commenters are clearly a handful. Someone put a lid on this.

  73. Pretty bad post, ME, coming a few days after I thought your posts were pretty good. But, this bad post was good to bring out the secondary status of women in life. Women (and I am one) need to get angry and kick some ass if they expect any change. BPDs, the losers, the cry babies for guys' interest, shape up, and beat some guys instead of begging for attention. Same goes to those women who cut themselves, losers, cut the guy you're mad at instead of yourself. And how about those with penis envy? Collect some.

  74. You must really attract some good ones or else you drive them to sociopathy.

  75. Here's a joke related to today's post:

    The wife starts beating up the husband so the husband crawls under the bed. The wife says:
    Come out.
    Come out.
    Come out.
    Come out.
    Bitch, who's the boss around here? If i said no, then no.

  76. a penis collection. that's not something you'd see just any where. (and wouldn't it be a form of envy, to want something that much?)

    merry christmas everyone. (and/or happy no-jesus day.)

  77. Isn't it crazy that women beg for attention while they have all the pussy on earth and a guy's attention for a woman is almost uncontrollable. All they need to do is choose from those who come after them and control their asses as opposed to begging for the attention of jack-asses. Pretty idiot women, don't you think? In the meantime we have these guys with no control over their dick and ready to lick ass anytime and yet they also shiver fearing women (speaking to you narcs, morons who could not yet separate from mother). Bunch of lunatics in forms of empath, normal, sociopath, BP, ASPD, you name it. God must be getting a kick out of watching all the weirdos.

  78. @Anon

    "The_King People like you are too easy to easy to expose, you have no knowledge, it's a known fact that men with lower testosterone levels are more likely to be gay/asexual.

    December 22, 2010 12:42 PM"

    Byne & Parsons remembered that from the 1940s through the 1970s it was widely argued and believed in the scientific community that male homosexuals had a deficiency of male hormones. However, only 3 "studies had indicated lower testosterone levels in male homosexuals, while 20 studies found no differences based on sexual orientation, and two reported elevated testosterone levels in male homosexuals." In spite of these other studies, textbooks alluded to the supposed "fact" of hormonal differences for three decades. But this "scientific" belief was false.

    Please go fuck yourself Anon and make sure to label your posts next time. You are wasting everyone's time.


    "The anon army has a point for once, The_King is a pseudointellectual. I thought this was obvious.

    Res: "the unthinking trollers must really be dumb to come here...
    if anyone is going to unemotionally and dismissively ignore an ignorant provocation it is surely a sociopath."

    For a physicist, that was a stupid comment. You're not only addressing the trolls indirectly, but also invalidating your socioopathy based on your own words.

    December 22, 2010 12:55 PM"

    Sure call me what you want. But why don't you support your argument by providing a working definition of an "intellectual."

    I am...

    Private secondary/college/post graduate educated? Check
    Speak multiple foreign languages? Check
    Have musical or artistic talent? Check
    Member of influential social clubs? Check

    Please, what other qualifications should I possess to be a true intellectual?

    Actually I was bored. I rather instigate conflict and create chaos. Who said I was a sociopath? I was born this way... hint hint.


    I could be, if I want to. I do have ADHD.

  79. Nobody understands me. I'm not conceited.

  80. "Pretty idiot women, don't you think?"

    Envious, 666? I'm guessing that you go largely unnoticed by men, and that that's the real reason behind the hatred you feel towards us.

  81. Go for it misanthrope. Your onto something. I want to watch this.

  82. 666 goes largely unnoticed by man, woman, child, and beast alike. That's why she hates everyone.

  83. God must be getting a kick out of watching all the weirdos.

    I find it very entertaining.

  84. I hate everyone equally.

  85. This blog reminds me of a one night stand.
    Just when I'm starting to enjoy it, it's over..Damn it.

  86. hugs and kisses, then, anon 5:10. and a breakfast break to fuel you for miles.

  87. UKan said...
    Go for it misanthrope. Your onto something. I want to watch this.

    lol..Do I know you?

  88. Glad I STFU a while back.

  89. I know this girl, let's say her name is Sally, who looks just like Edie. Not only in the face, but hair and style. Clearly on purpose. She's in London right now, and is all like, "So many Sally clones here!" and everyone is telling her she is a trend setter.

    Pretty funny and 40 years late.

  90. The_King probably has some Schizoid traits, and they do overlap with ASPD. You aren't actually intimidated by a man that couldn't care less about your diddly bits, are you? :) People try to use sex for any number of things, like a tool, and on the flip side try to make it seem supreme and near-holy to justify getting out of frivolous sex. That might work on some people. The rest of us just find it laughable.

    Confident women. Confident men. What does it matter? People are people. All confidence means is that you're hiding your damaged goods better than the average bear. A confident person invites prying eyes.

  91. No wonder I'm hated. I talk too much.

  92. All confidence means is that you're hiding your damaged goods better than the average bear.

    True confidence would be accepting your damage/flaws. Once you do that, hiding them is not so necessary.

  93. Or, turning flaws/damage into strengths.

  94. True confidence would be accepting your damage/flaws. Once you do that, hiding them is not so necessary.

    I'm referring to apparent confidence, Medusa, not what you call "true confidence". Someone who seems too confident, if you will? As if there are no cracks in their armor.

    You can call it true confidence, I suppose. I think it has less to do with certainty in character as it does with not letting your baggage hold you back. I think personal strength would be a better term to use. Just my opinion, though.

  95. You remind me of someone I know.

  96. Agreeing and stuff, TNP.

  97. UKan, do you ever get tired of being in a relationship where manipulation is somewhat off limits?

  98. No its refreshing. I try to stop myself from being manipulative in my current relationship. Its hard to respect someone that is moved like a pawn. What would make them special?
    I think when you are less mature manipulating everything in sight is a reality. Its subconscious. Looking back now I can see a lot of what I did and see why it played out the way it did, but in the moment it didn't feel that way.
    Confidence comes with knowing yourself, both strengths and weaknesses, and being comfortable with them. You see people that get popular or powerful and it goes to their head. I've let it go to my head earlier in my life. Once you have been powerful and popular for a long time it just becomes part of everyday life and you learn how to use those factors to something beyond building your self esteem.

  99. It's hard to respect someone who trys to manipulate you all the time also.

  100. Agreed, but I wouldn't manipulate someone to where they knew it was happening.

  101. It was so much easier to get along when I didn't say anything.

  102. Yes, talk less, great idea for everyone.

  103. Men don't notice me? I wish. Once morons hit each other looking at me while I was coming to the corner in bikinis. All you need is a great body, and a desire to enslave. I only have the first, no time for enslaving these things.

  104. One thing I will always have without ever having to work for it is an fantastic body.

    My arms get an insane amount of attention, especially.

    Thanks, mom.

    Now to work on the desire to enslave....

  105. The bitches love me

  106. Acid words formed hard on my tongue
    like the icicle tears of a snowman.

  107. 666, you were coming to the corner in bikinis? How many bikinis does it take to cover you? No wonder people were distracted and bumping into one another. Lord. You must be huge.

  108. @666- So you think that women should give up the quite control and instead play the "penis envy" game? Why? The thing I love the most about being a woman is being able to control people without even trying. I have never in my life had to "beg for attention" ... are you referring to the empath women? I will agree it's slightly annoying to see them unaware of their own ... ummm... assets but I think most women use the power of manipulation (as you so bluntly put it their pussy) to control others, just it usually isn't for malicious intent.

  109. LOL gaiz wen shud I start ma murderin spree

  110. Why is everyone putting pics up all of a sudden?

    Darn you competitive sociopaths XD

  111. Yeah I don't really get it either. Of all places. Crosses an anonymity threshold that kind of changes things. Plus it ruins my fuzzy mental images.

    Both ladies are pretty cute, though.

  112. Thumpity Thump Thump
    Thumpity Thump
    Look at 666 go
    Thumpty Thump Thump
    Thumity Thump
    She's a big fat ho

  113. Why are sociopaths so good at spotting weakness in others? My friend who i am certain is a sociopath says he only sees the bad in people, he is the most aggressive person i ever met, he is the kind of person who would want you dead for giving him a "wrong look"

  114. Because they have nothing else to do.

  115. Finding the bad in people is easy and requires little effort. Finding the good in people is usually a bit more difficult, as some people like to hide their goodness under an aegis that keeps them strong.

  116. Notable, i notice that bad people point out the worst attributes in people, i think that's why they come across as cold or hard.

    You always notice kind warm hearted folks looking for the good in you.

  117. "No great genius has ever existed without some touch of madness." - Aristotle

  118. Hence how a natural bully can destroy a vulnerable persons self worth with ease, i guess it's because they grew up in a war zone where anything could happen.

  119. Though people do point out bad things about people that are things that they themselves also possess (and hate about themselves), and can't even see that they are doing it most of the time.

  120. Stop being so stupid. It’s my turn.

  121. My friend actually admires badness, he calls his bad attributes his best ones, sometimes he will defend a murderer if he sees himself in them.

    I made a mistake of arguing with him once at a party, he was visibly upset and when we got outside he punched me to the ground and kicked me unmercifully, he very well could have killed me.

    When he was sober he never apologized, instead he laughed.

  122. I have never in my life had to "beg for attention" ... are you referring to the empath women? I will agree it's slightly annoying to see them unaware of their own ... ummm... assets


  123. Sounds like a good friend, anon.

  124. I'm no longer friends with him Medusa, i am still traumatized by what happened it wasn't very long ago that it happened.

    Are any of you as callous? It's frightening to know that there are people out there like him, this is the kind of sick person who would gleefully murder someone.

  125. Callous enough? Sure.

    I wouldn't consider beating up one of my friends over a a verbal disagreement to be something terribly smart, though.

  126. I don't think this guy has a choice, he's way too impulsive, i can see this maniac getting stabbed or shot soon.

  127. And deservedlay so.

  128. I can understand, anon. May I ask, what is the age range of you two? It does sort of matter.

  129. My 'friend' is a social worker who worked with criminal folks with drug problems. Murders, rapists, as well as lesser crimes.

    "I'm the same as you," he'd tell them, "only difference is I didn't get caught."

    Which is stupid because he has 3 felonies and a short stint in prison on his record.

  130. I'm twenty and he "told" me that he was twenty four, but i can't believe anything this person says for obvious reasons, he claims that if he ever took up "any" sport he could become the world champion at it, he's positive of it, any girl that walks by him is "checking him out", a pathological liar of the worst kind.

  131. Sounds like a Narcissist. With a capital N.

  132. Once I told my friend that the dude I dated before him worked for the mayor and he was all, "I could totally be the mayor! I'm on the board of directors of the [insert local community organization which rotates recovered addicts within its board of directors]."

    Trying to be all competitive.

    He was totally serious, too.

    As if working for the mayor is supposed to impress me.

  133. But doesn't a narcissist feel bad about the damage they inflict? I don't know.

    It's sickening how he treated his girlfriend, if he had me or someone else over he would be extra bad to her, he made her get on the ground, beg and kiss his feet once.

  134. A narcissist is unaware and unconcerned with the damage they inflict. The only damage that matters is their own.

    So, no.

  135. Thanks Medusa, it's good to that this site is hostile against narcs, well that's the vibe i get :)

  136. Some of us do have some very strong narc traits, but yeah, narcs are the redheaded stepchildren around here.

    Your dude sounds like a Malignant Narc. Which is probably even worse than being a sociopath.

  137. A malignant narcissist? Sounds imposing, ill look it up and see what i can find.

  138. Welcome to Sam Vaknin world (who is a Maglinant Narc himself, though he's kind of awesome).

    If you don't know who or what I'm talking about, you soon will.

  139. From wiki:

    Malignant narcissism is highlighted as a key area when it comes to the study of mass, sexual, and serial murder.

    Well, that's just frightening. :/

  140. Sweet Saline Stained has that reptilian stare.

  141. Sometimes that reptilian stare looks almost cross-eyed on some people.

    It can be pretty hot, though. It's the eyes that always get me more than anything else, though it freaks most people out.

  142. The reptilian stare can be seen in many pd's though.

  143. Micheal Jackson comes to mind.

  144. Any pd, it depends on the person of course, i know people with black colorless eyes that cut right through you, and they are kind people.

  145. MJ doesn't count for all the plastic surgery.

    I don't think any PD has them though. The real thing requires a certain level of self-aware apathy.

  146. Those type eyes remind me of someone who's been stricken by trauma. It's referred to as the 2000 yard stare.

  147. There is a certain deadness to a sociopaths eyes, i can't explain it.

  148. I've seen a reptilian stare from almost anyone I've known long-term. There's nothing special about it.

  149. Trauma eyes have an unfocused deadness, in my mind.

    Reptilian eyes, on the other hand, are extremely focused and unwavering.

  150. Anyone can have that stare from time to time, but it's the psychopaths who have it permanently frozen.

  151. I mean George W has that reptilian stare and he's a good guy..

  152. Don't forget about our tails and extra digits.

  153. Medusa, in my mind it would depend on how recently the trauma/horror had occurred.

  154. I suppose we all have different ideas of what 'reptilian eyes' are.

    I'm thinking more like Hannibal Lecter eyes or some shit.

    Wish I could post a photo of my ex's eyes. Any normal person would glance at him and immediately think "psychopath". Dead as dead can be, but also very intense.

  155. They call them "Snake eyes" when a person is looking directly at the camera, but in the photo their eyes are looking away.

  156. GW with a reptilian stare, lol. I call that more of 'dumb, clueless, who gives a shit' stare.

  157. Ditto for the socio in my life, Medusa.


  159. I've experienced a sociopath stare, as prey. It was unwavering and focused and at the same time, strangely empty. It was like no other.

  160. I actually could post one. I could put it as my profile pic.

  161. No, I know what you mean Medusa.

    I guess the frequency of such eyes/stares vary, though.

    Most women I've known like my eyes, and have been commented on them being powerful and seductive. I don't think anyone's called them Psycho Killer eyes, but then again the only people who had a chance to see my true colors weren't exactly in a position to have civil conversation about my eyes of all things...

  162. I'm thinking about doing that, too.

  163. Medusa, show us your own eyes :)

  164. Vaknin has scary ass eyes.

  165. This comment has been removed by the author.

  166. If I were to show his whole face you'd see how compelling the total package can be.

  167. Most women I've been intimate with* I meant, and compliments here and there, once in a while.

  168. Those are indeed some seriously dead eyes, A.

  169. This photo doesn't capture how fucking indigo blue his eyes are.

  170. Those eyes look homicidal, they aren't so calm and collected if you'd like.

  171. I thought Hannibal Lecter, myself.

  172. Calm and collected =

  173. Handsome little devil, that BTK, Anon. Heh.

  174. OMG, Medusa.

    The eyes I posted are blue, too. That pic is just dark.

  175. I also have blue eyes. They're a mix between Medusa's dumbassdouchebag and BTK as a young adult. They're calm, yet they're almost an expression of calm before the storm.

  176. BTK and Vaknin have the same sort of glare.

  177. This comment has been removed by the author.

  178. I wonder, though, how much of it had to do with bad eyesight and being a long-time junkie.


  179. Perhaps males with blue eyes are more likely to be psychopaths?

  180. They are like a knife.

    It was awesome.

    Extremely handsome, too, in a junkie sort of way.

    I wonder, though, how much the stare had to do with bad eyesight and having been a long-time junkie.

  181. Medusa, notice how he is looking forward, but yet look closely and they are looking away.

  182. I don't know i always think of blue eyed people as the good ones lol

  183. I notice the assymetricality in all these photos. Borders on lazy-eye.

  184. Medusa is a little gothic kitten. How cute.

  185. "I don't know i always think of blue eyed people as the good ones lol"

    gogo Hollywood

  186. Thanks Aerianne, but you can't see the leprosy that plagues the other 3/4 of my face.


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