
Tuesday, November 30, 2010


I have some quick survey questions for the sociopaths, mainly just curiosity as to objective physical manifestations of sociopathy. Answer as many as you wish. Feel free to email me answers if you want to get into more details that you would rather not be public. Some of the questions are red herrings (at least I think they are).

1. Do you have normal average blood temperature, run hot, or run cold?

2. Do you have normal blood pressure, run high, or run low?

3. What is your relationship to food?

4. Do you have corrected vision, i.e. glasses, contact lenses?

5. What is your tolerance to pain? Low, high, or normal?

6. Have you ever had stitches or surgery that could have been otherwise been preventable based on lifestyle choices?

7. Would you say you look about your age, younger, or older than your age?

8. Do you take cold medication? How soon after a cold do you start taking medication?

9. Do you have trouble sleeping

10. Which do you crave more, salty or sweet foods?

Any other suggestions?


  1. ........What the fuck!?

  2. Misanthrope, there really isn't any harm in replying.

    1. Cold all the time. I'm used to friends touching me and exclaiming that I'm an ice pack. Even in warm weather.

    2. I have exceptionally low blood pressure.

    3. I eat a lot of junk, but I don't put on weight. I love food. I'm one of the slimmest in my year. Some people hate me for it.

    4. I wear glasses. I want contacts.

    5. High tolerance to pain. I'm pretty masochistic.

    6. No surgery or anything. Oh, I was born with an extra toe at birth that got removed. I can claim I'm a witch, so I like that fact.

    7. I'm fifteen. I look fifteen. I am really thin, though. So occasionally I get mistaken for younger.

    8. Boring question... I have a cold right now. I'm only taking paracetamol.

    9. I don't go to bed for ages, then I don't go to sleep for ages. I have better things to do, really. I'm going to be nocturnal when I'm older, I think.

    10. Salty all the way. Crisps over chocolate.

  3. I just don't see how this relates to sociopathy. But what the hell.

    1. Average

    2. not a clue

    3. I like food

    4. no

    5. I can handle pain better than most people(I don't enjoy it)

    6. yes

    7. I think I look about my age

    8. no

    9. sometimes

    10. salty

  4. I think you might have meant "body temperature" in the first question?

    Some other questions for an S survey might be:

    11. Do you wake up in the morning drenched in sweat?

    12. Do you abuse drugs like alcohol?

    13. Do you have great admiration for the aspergers people?

  5. Interesting... well let’s see:

    1. Always cold.

    2. Low, very low. I’ve fainted a few times because of it.

    3. love/hate relationship. I generally don’t like to eat, I think it’s a waste of time, but there’s certain foods I just can’t get enough of.

    4. Yes unfortunately. It’s genetic.

    5. Very high and I tend not to complain. I may say something with mild discomfort, but when I’m feeling actual pain I compartmentalize it or even kind of “shut down” until it goes away. When it doesn’t, well... I’ve fainted a few times because of it too.

    6. Fortunately no, I’ve been lucky.

    7. When I was a kid and until around 20 I've always look older, which was pretty useful. But after that I kind of “froze” in time. I guess I take very good care of myself.

    8. I rarely get sick. It’s been years since I've had a cold and I usually get over it without taking any medication.

    9. Never had problems falling asleep, but always wake up very early.

    10. Salt, by far. I love it, crave it constantly.

    I would suggest a couple more questions, like: do you like sun and brightness? I personally can’t stand too much clarity; and do you eat red/bloody meat? I love it. (Please refrain from vampire jokes and try to keep objective).

  6. 1. Well, I get cold very easily (in fact to the point of being cyanosed in temperatures below 22'C).

    2. My 'normal' BP is the population's "low" (i.e. 100/60 in resting conditions).

    3. Food? I only enjoy the finest (that I can afford), and like to eat very slowly. Taste everything, make the bliss last longer... and on my 'psychotic mood swing' days I have a strange animalistic meat craving.

    4. Myopic (20/40). Wear eyeglasses. Uncomfortable with the idea of contacts.

    5. Medium tolerance to pain. Depends on mental condition/mood. When absolutely enraged, pain does not exist.

    6. Nope. (other than removing a benign tumor)

    7. Again depends on the mood. I guess I look my age when I'm 'normal'. Older when angry. Like a zombie actually.

    8. I don't need medication for anything other than terrible migraines or period pain. I rarely catch colds.

    9. Nope, I think I sleep too much in fact. Dreamer here.

    10. Mostly sweet foods. That too depends on the mood/time of the month.

  7. 1. Do you have normal average blood temperature, run hot, or run cold? I don’t know. If you are really referring to body temperature however, I tend to get cold easily.

    2. Do you have normal blood pressure, run high, or run low? Normal to a bit low every time I have had it checked.

    3. What is your relationship to food? I don’t have one per se. On occasion I will really, really enjoy a meal. There is nothing quite like food cooked to perfection. But I don’t have that experience enough, mores the pity.

    4. Do you have corrected vision, i.e. glasses, contact lenses? I do wear glasses.

    5. What is your tolerance to pain? Low, high, or normal? I have been told my tolerance for pain was high.

    6. Have you ever had stitches or surgery that could have been otherwise been preventable based on lifestyle choices? Nope.

    7. Would you say you look about your age, younger, or older than your age? Now I am told that I look my age. When I was a teenager though, I was regularly told that I looked like an adult.

    8. Do you take cold medication? How soon after a cold do you start taking medication? No. I rarely get colds.

    9. Do you have trouble sleeping? No trouble falling asleep, but I do tend to wake up earlier than I want to, especially during the work week. I never use an alarm clock as a result.

    10. Which do you crave more, salty or sweet foods? Sweet.

    Any other suggestions?

    11. Do you wake up in the morning drenched in sweat? Never.

    12. Do you abuse drugs like alcohol? Drugs like alcohol? I drink on occasion, but I’ve never abused it. It wouldn’t do me any good since I don’t have an addictive personality and/or the biology required to completely lose self awareness.

    13. Do you have great admiration for the aspergers people? Only for you Aspie, only for you.

  8. Suggested question - Have you been told that you have a hypnotic or chilling stare?

  9. 1. ~97.2

    2. Low. Through my teens and early 20's I had measurements as low as 80/50, but now I'm more like 95/60, which is much more comfortable. Still low, but less fainting, puking when going from a cold space to a hot one, headaches, etc.

    3. Yum. I love to cook and also to eat. My favorite foods are Mexican chicken and rice, steak, and anything with guacamole.

    4. I do not wear corrective lenses. As a child I had binocular fusion disorder, so I did then, I currently have a mild astigmatism, and have been told that I will probably have glaucoma, but for right now my vision is 20/15.

    5. I have a high pain tolerance, though a person's pain tolerance differs for different types of pain. For example, I have a very high heat pain tolerance, high (but not as high) cold tolerance, etc. I haven't run a full battery of tests, sorry.

    6. Nope.

    7. I've lucked out here. Since I was 12, I have been mistaken for an adult, and just recently I was mistaken for a high-schooler. I've really generally looked the same since then.

    8. I do not take cold medicine.

    9. I used to. I'd say until about age 22, when I moved in with someone permanently on their own sleep schedule, which I was able to join for the most part. I've also developed strategies to combat the "noisy brain" that prevents me from falling asleep once I go to bed. Even still, I don't sleep a lot- maybe an average of 5 hours per night.

    10. Sweet- definitely.

    11. Nope- just a few times ever.

    12. Nope- still trying to get my man elected. :)

    13. Oh certainly. Aspie is my favorite and should be king. Actually, I have really enjoyed the company of the two high-functioning autistics that I've known. I haven't met anyone with Asperger's though.

    Stare Q: I've been told that I give people the creeps at times, but no one ever told me exactly why as I am usually quick to deflect and change the subject.

    Suggested Question 15:
    Do you work in a people-oriented job (Doctor, nurse, cashier, teacher), or a non-people-oriented job (Data entry, research, stock clerk, bus boy)?
    I primarily work in a non-people-oriented job, but sometimes teach a few classes to pick up some extra cash.

  10. 1. I seem to have poor circulation which leads to cold hands and feet, and I get cold easily.

    2. I have high blood pressure. Last time I checked I was in the severe hypertension range, though I'm normally in the mild range.

    3. I eat when I'm hungry. Occasionally for pleasure.

    4. I wear contacts.

    5. I would say I have a normal threshold for pain. Though I have nothing to compare to other than my own experience, so I don't know.

    6. No.

    7. I look my age.

    8. I don't often get colds, and when I do they aren't bad. I don't remeber the last time I took cold medication.

    9. Sometimes I will lay awake all night, but I will noramlly get to sleep okay.

    10. Sweet.

  11. 1. Low body temperature
    2. I guess normal
    3. I sometimes go for days without eating cause i don't like the food my mother cooks but if i find a food that suits me i eat it like crazy
    4. High tolerance to pain, i sometimes inflict it on myself
    6. No, i never went to hospital when i was hurt, just waited to pass
    7. I look older.
    8. No, almost never, i wait for it to pass
    9. Sometimes yes sometimes no
    10. Depends on the mood i'm in and if i am hungry, if i am hungry i crave for salty food, if i am not i crave for sweets.
    11. Depends on the dreams i have
    12. Yeah, i am a junkie. Not for alcohol but for other drugs. I always seek something to alter my mood.
    13. Yeah. Great admiration.
    15. I would rather work in a non-people oriented job cause of my temper.

  12. I can barely wait for what comes next. Hi hi.

  13. Pythias said...
    1. ~97.2


  14. I would like to participate as part of the non-sociopath control group. Here are my answers:

    1. Do you have normal average blood temperature, run hot, or run cold? On the low side. I get cold easily.
    2. Do you have normal blood pressure, run high, or run low? On the low end of normal. It used to be low.
    3. What is your relationship to food? I eat to live. But I couldn’t give up coffee.
    4. Do you have corrected vision, i.e. glasses, contact lenses? Only for driving.
    5. What is your tolerance to pain? Low, high, or normal? High.
    6. Have you ever had stitches or surgery that could have been otherwise been preventable based on lifestyle choices? No.
    7. Would you say you look about your age, younger, or older than your age? I've been told much younger.
    8. Do you take cold medication? How soon after a cold do you start taking medication? Never.
    9. Do you have trouble sleeping. Rarely
    10. Which do you crave more, salty or sweet foods? Salty. Ideally, sweet and salty.
    11. Do you wake up in the morning drenched in sweat?
 Yes, but then I hate air conditioning and use a comforter even in July.
    12. Do you abuse drugs like alcohol?
    13. Do you have great admiration for the aspergers people? Some. Aspie is one. :)
    14. Do you like sun and brightness? I prefer the shade.
    15. Do you eat red/bloody meat? I am vegetarian. I can eat meat but it disgusts me.
    16. Have you been told that you have a hypnotic or chilling stare? I’ve been told that my eyes sparkle.
    17. Do you work in a people-oriented job (Doctor, nurse, cashier, teacher), or a non-people-oriented job (Data entry, research, stock clerk, bus boy)?
 People-oriented in a non-people oriented environment.

    I am contributing the following questions:
    18. Are you involved in or have you been involved in extreme hobbies and activities? Yes and yes. I have sky dived and taken advanced driving courses. I like speed and heights.
    19. Do you like trying new things, or are you averse to change? I need change. I hate knowing that I will be doing the same thing a year down the road that I am doing today.

  15. 16. Do you like sun and brightness?
    Not at all- I am an avid shade-seeker, eyeglass wearer, and rain-lover.

    17. Do you eat red/bloody meat? Yep- it's rare for me. Medium rare if the place is at all shady.

    18. Are you involved in or have you been involved in extreme hobbies and activities? Yes, sky diving, foreign travel, climbing, etc.

    19. Do you like trying new things, or are you averse to change? I crave constant change.

  16. 1. Hot blood
    2. High blood pressure
    3. Three meals, unless I'm obsessing then I don't eat at all for days.
    4. Perfect vision
    5. High threshold for pain
    6. Yes
    7. Baby face
    8. I used to tough it out, but now I take medicine why be masochistic? Its not better for you...I checked
    9. Naturally yes. If I smoke weed no
    10. Salty. Sweet things make me anxious and hyper.

  17. For the record I could have answered some of these differently in my younger years.

    1. Do you have normal average blood temperature, run hot, or run cold? Hot, always. 99.5 about.

    2. Do you have normal blood pressure, run high, or run low? High, but used to have a natural tolerance it seemed and not so much anymore.

    3. What is your relationship to food? I can get by on one meal a day for a long time. I seek nutrition more often than enjoyment. When I was younger this was different, I hadn't a care in the world.

    4. Do you have corrected vision, i.e. glasses, contact lenses? Better than 20 in one eye, 20 in the other. This may have degraded in the last 15-20 years but I haven't noticed much.

    5. What is your tolerance to pain? Low, high, or normal? Low, I often hurt myself to build it up a bit. Do not mistake this for "cutting", I did not use a blade and consider that stupidity for the world to see. My tolerance is also psychological, when I'm unable to control it it hurts much worse however I gave up the practice a long time ago.

    6. Have you ever had stitches or surgery that could have been otherwise been preventable based on lifestyle choices? 50/50, I was prone to fighting many years ago, and was always prone to infections.

    7. Would you say you look about your age, younger, or older than your age? For a long while, younger. Now, I'd assume my age.

    8. Do you take cold medication? How soon after a cold do you start taking medication? No, I rarely take medication of any kind however I once took vicodin for a cold and enjoyed the sleep :)

    9. Do you have trouble sleeping? Depends on the circumstances. I have more trouble waking up too early, but when I can slow my mind enough I manage just fine. I find the quality of conversations to be a big factor these days, without stimulation my mind enjoys itself too much.

    10. Which do you crave more, salty or sweet foods? Sweet.

  18. Pythias, how do you know your body temperature? now i am curious about mine. i haven't measured it in years.

  19. 1. Blood is average.

    2. my blood pressure is usually high.

    3. I can only enjoy food when stoned other wise i eat because i have to.

    4. I have contacts.

    5. high tolerance.

    6. No never goten stiches or sugury but have probably needed stiches before.

    7. I think i look my age but some say younger.

    8. depends if i have nothing to do probably a day after.

    9. yes I get really bored trying to sleep and usually takes me a really long time.

    10 if its not candy i like salty food better i cant stand sweet food.

  20. Pythias, how do you know your body temperature? now i am curious about mine. i haven't measured it in years.

    At the doctor and the like it's always been low 97's (F of course) unless I was sick. I have an ear thermometer at home, so I checked today and it was 97.2, so that's what I went with.

  21. How often do you do something completely spontaneous? ie. take off for the weekend or go to a club that you never go to or rearrange all your furniture.

  22. Sent it by email, but might as well here:

    1. Cold, 96.6. poor circulation

    2. IDK, 121/90, whatever that means

    3. I love it, I eat a ton, high metabolism

    4. No, 20/20 vision

    5. VERY HIGH tolerance. I react slowly to pain, like the signals didn't get to my brain fast enough that something should hurt.

    6. Stitches once

    7. Younger, not by much

    8. I don't take cold medicine, I like to think I am immortal and can get well on my own, I always do. Jokes aside, I hardly get sick.

    9. Yes, insomnia is my best friend

    10. Sweet


    11. Yes, when it's hot outside, ghetto apartment.

    12. No, I have an addictive personality, I stay away for the most part. Used to abuse glue, canned air (huffing?)

    13. Sure?

    14. I hate the sun with a passion. I like brightness for good lighting when drawing, when inside that is.

    15. No

    16. Yes

    17. No job, just a student

    18. Sand surfing, climbing,snow boarding, and some jack ass stunts I did out of curiosity, if that counts.

    19. I love constant change though it may not always happen.

  23. ok i'm 99.14, and just getting over a virus, and i feel cold.

  24. From one sociopath to another, we should hook up. If I'm amazing in bed and you're amazing in bed, why the hell aren't we dating people like us? Haha.

  25. i'm not a socio but here you go:

    1. dunno, but i always have cold hands and feet. i get uncomfortably hot and cold quickly.

    2. normal

    3. i eat to live. relationship changes with my mental state.

    4. astigmatism, but don't need specs.

    5. i'd say quite low.

    6. no.

    7. have always looked much younger than my age. as in, no one believes me.

    8.sometimes to help me sleep. quite soon after getting flu, not a cold so much.

    9. sometimes yes, sometimes no.

    10. sometimes sweet, sometimes salty.

    11. sleepy sweating - never.

    12. drugs, drink, - sometimes, not as much as i would LOVE to.

    13. aspies are people too.

    14. people say my eyes can look evil, dangerous, mischievous. lol. i'm nice though.

    - i am not an adrenaline junkie.
    i hate doing extreme sports.

    - i love dark places sooooo much. don't like brightness.

    - not great with change, no. it depends on the situation.

    - bloody meat? no way. well done please.

    ok, let's stop adding questions people.

  26. Sorry that was so random, everyone. I've just been pondering it a lot lately. I'm getting bored with "normals" and their predictable behavior.

  27. i need to go the bathroom...

  28. 1. i run colder

    2. low unless i am pissed

    3. i have never thought about it, i eat whatever is easiest to get and quickest

    4. better than perfect vision actually

    5. high tolerance to pain

    6. sure, hand surgery from fighting although that was when i was younger and much more violent

    7. i look about 25% younger than i am. i am 27 and get told i look 21-22

    8. no

    9. yes

    10. weird but both, in fact i tend to eat a lot of both.

  29. the only question i would like others to answer is if people get a "bad vibe" from you? i get told that constantly even though i am considered very good looking. i wonder if that is common for sociopaths?

  30. Yes i get that too. my best friend in highschool was convinced i was going ot become a serial killer... i dont know why because i acted pretty normal i thought... btw ..not a serial killer

  31. 1. low normal

    2. low normal

    3. off and on. either very high appetite or low.

    4. normal eyesight

    5. high for some types of pain, normal to low for others. (tolerate heat, nearly scalding water that others can't.)

    6. no.

    7. am usually told i look younger.

    8. that must be the red herring. :) sometimes. it depends on how much i need to function when i have the cold. but i rarely get them.

    9. yes.

    10. both

    11. waking drenched in sweat: occasionally.

    12. no. i went through a period of that in my teens then left it behind.

    13. of course.

    other sundries:

    extreme sports---not really.

    intense stare--i'm not sure. most likely so, my eyes tend to be a little intense.

    bloody meat: no.

    sunlight--i don't mind the sensation on my skin but i tend to have difficulties with brightness (eyes-wise, i suppose.)

    i can't remember the rest...

  32. 1. Cold, usually around 96.7

    2. Low blood pressure

    3. I love food. I take it pretty seriously. It sounds weird, but I can get an almost sexual pleasure from eating really amazing food.

    4. I wear glasses.

    5. Somewhat high.

    6. No. I needed stitches once, but instead of going to the hospital I just kind of tried to seal it up with a bunch of Band-aids.

    7. I've always been told that I look older than I am.

    8. I don't take cold medicine. I just drink a lot of tea and wait for it to go away.

    9. Well, I tend to get about four, sometimes three hours a night, and I dream a lot, but I never have nightmares.

    10. Definitely salty. Even when I crave sweets the sweets I like are things like bitter dark chocolate... I can't stand anything too sweet.

    11. sometimes

    12. No, but I can tell that I could easily become an alcoholic. I am prone to addictions. Luckily, I've managed to avoid anything harder than caffeine, to which I am severely addicted.

    13. Well, I wouldn't say I admire them, but whenever I meet an aspie I find I generally like them, even before I know they are an aspie.

    14. Not really. My eyes are sensitive to sunlight... I don't mind sunny days as long as I can be in a more shaded area.

    15. I'm pretty indifferent to it...neither dislike nor crave. I eat red meat (medium) about once a week at home, and never at school (cafeteria meat is sketch).

    16. I have been told that the person "can't seem to look away" when we make eye contact, and that I seem to be "staring through them".

    17. I am a student, no job at the moment. In the past I've done part-time office work.

    18. hm... no, I wouldn't classify any of my hobbies as "extreme".

    19. I love trying new things.

    other questions...

    @socio steve: I do spontaneous things all the time. I'm very impulsive... and a little irresponsible.

    @anonymous: People don't get a bad vibe from me exactly. Nearly everyone likes me, even if they don't want to. At the same time, people feel like I'm "up to something" but they tell themselves they are imagining things.

  33. Anon, i got a vibe of unsurety the first day i talked with my socio ex, his behaviour took a lot for me not to mention. i chose words like, 'you're funny,' to which he'd respond, 'no, i'm very serious.' lol.

    if the situation arose again, i'd feign ignorance, though nothing would be further from the truth.

  34. @sociosteve i have always thought of the "bad vibe" or nervous or whatever you want to call it relates to our older parts of the brain in normal pathology. you could liken it to the same way herd animals get worried and twitchy about things that don't seem quite right. sort of like a line of defense for moronic masses, luckily they always ignore it or don't know what it is.

  35. @anon- i got the same thing from people despite being good looking and actually very polite and nice to 95% of people. it is like a silly overreaction to something they don't understand...unless you were the unlucky 5% that is.

  36. well it's quite simple really. predators sniff out prey, and prey sniff out predators. the more vulnerable the prey, the more heightened their senses are to a potential predator. but some prey can't help dicing with death, much like the predator and the cycle of life goes on. without risk, we all die out.

    i actually think that the bigger the risk, the more favourable the outcome. it's like fast-tracking your gene pool.

  37. the only question i would like others to answer is if people get a "bad vibe" from you?

    I can make almost anybody like me if I want them too, but I've come across a few people who no matter how friendly I act towards, always seem to be very uneasy around me. Some have even told others who associate with me to stay away. One girl even told me once that I "sent chills up her spine" when she first met me(I still don't know exactly what she meant by that). I usually deal with these people by spreading rumers about them, or ignoring them completely, so as not to add fuel to the fire.

  38. it's the combination of intensity and then emptiness that i think you'll find is the reason.

    it seeps out of you even if you don't think it does.

    it seems anomalous to people, particularly to those who don't understand emptiness ie. the emotionally 'full-up' types.

    'I usually deal with these people by spreading rumers about them, or ignoring them completely, so as not to add fuel to the fire.'

    yes, i wouldn't expect anything less. lols.

  39. @misanthrope: no one's told me this, but people do seem uncomfortable around me sometimes.

    oddly, i've had that sense you're describing from other socios or pd's. i think it's instinctive.

  40. The few people who have found something a little off with me are mostly still people I associated with. I don’t know the actual number because if someone chooses to leave my (for lack of a better word) presence I probably would not notice or I would just dismiss it as their problem. but the people who I am still close to that see something off seem to over look it or underestimate it. I also feel like I am good at getting their attention away from it.

  41. Anoni6:36 asked Have you been told that you have a hypnotic or chilling stare?

    You know, it just occurred to me that although no one has ever told me my stare is hypnotic or gives them chills, I have been told repeatedly that when my attention is turned completely inward and my mind is chewing over a problem, my facial expression looks mean. They would ask me why I am so mad or who do I want to kill (jokingly of course… I think…) and I was always nonplussed because I was never angry in those moments. I’d tell them that I was just thinking really hard about something.

    Perhaps that’s actually quite common.

  42. i think people with certain personality types are known to be impulsive and as living in the moment, but i would argue that these people are rarely content in the moment, which gives them an air of being on edge, and i think this is partly what people unconsciously sense as well.

    what do you think?

  43. interesting answers to my "bad vibe" question.

    another would be what sociopaths think when dealing with other sociopaths? in my personal experience we have generally stayed clear of one another and it almost seemed as if there was an invisible line we were both well aware of that neither crossed. i have been around lots of very violent people who aren't sociopaths and they get very sketchy around me, mind you i am not big or physically threatening either. thoughts? this is very interesting for me.

  44. astute observation.

  45. my comment above was for notme.

    anonymous, that's an interesting point. perhaps the violent people sense you are more dangerous? we all always size each other up, empath or sociopath.

  46. a person who is violent because he or she is out of control is a known risk. it's the unknown risks you have to worry about. if you can read people you can get an idea how far they will go by what's in their eyes. some people you can't push around.

    anonymous, they are a known risk to you. i am guessing that you may be perceived by them as an unknown risk. they also may not be able to control their violent urges. this makes you more dangerous.

  47. By Anonymous 10:51 a.m.

    I'm getting bored with "normals" and their predictable behavior.

    Have a look at the answers here and tell us what group of people is predictable, lols.

  48. predictable behaviour makes my life easier.

  49. to anon 1.04

    we can be consumed by our own types, empath or sociopath.

    if i met another strong empath, i would love sharing notes and it's always nice to know you're not alone, but ironically, i can become the sociopathic-minded one in that conversation too. we crave balance.

    we are destined to keep on associating with 'the other.'

  50. M.E. wrote...
    I have some quick survey questions for the sociopaths, mainly just curiosity as to objective physical manifestations of sociopathy.

    just reread this. okay here is a question related to physical manifestations...

    What is your noise tolerance? mine is POOR. Certain sounds are painful to me, particularly mechanical ones. having the t.v. or radio on continuously drives me crazy. i don't know how people stand that.

  51. "predictable behaviour makes my life easier."

    Mine too. I don't like it when the people that I know behave unpredictably and out of the norm, it throws my world of balance. I just want too keep them under my thumb and have them do exactly as I want them too, when I want them too. I wish that I could just take them out and put them away whenever I feel like it.

  52. notme, are you sure you are not a sociopath or at least a chameleon?

  53. Misanthrope said...
    I wish that I could just take them out and put them away whenever I feel like it.

    that would be a nice trick to have at work

  54. 1. Do you have normal average blood temperature, run hot, or run cold?

    Average not sure. My heart rate is 80 over 50 which seems very low.

    2. Do you have normal blood pressure, run high, or run low?

    Very low.

    3. What is your relationship to food?

    My diet is healthy. Minimal junk food & sweets. I like to be a model of physical perfection. Roman/Greek standards.

    4. Do you have corrected vision, i.e. glasses, contact lenses?

    None, my vision is perfect. I am 22, which is still young.

    5. What is your tolerance to pain? Low, high, or normal?

    Very high, the only time I cry is when my nose is broken or from physical trauma.

    6. Have you ever had stitches or surgery that could have been otherwise been preventable based on lifestyle choices?

    Few scars from brutal bloody fights and from competitive sports. Injuries from drinking.

    7. Would you say you look about your age, younger, or older than your age?

    Depends on my behavior and attire I choose. I can be whatever I want to be.

    8. Do you take cold medication? How soon after a cold do you start taking medication?

    I rarely get sick.

    9. Do you have trouble sleeping

    Never, even after a traumatic event. The only trouble sleeping was from the use of stimulants.

    10. Which do you crave more, salty or sweet foods?

    I crave red rare meat.

  55. lol, in case i didn't make it clear, i don't turn all socio on my lovely empath friend and start taking advantage, i just mean that i go into tough-talking mode and encourage them to be self-interested nihilists rather than saints. (which is not an ideology exclusive to sociopathy of course).

    but yes, i can be a chameleon, but it's always sincere, or at the very least, self-convincing method-acting. lol.

  56. How often do you… rearrange all your furniture.
    All the time.

    I'm getting bored with "normals" and their predictable behavior.
    I don’t think I would want to be with another P/S for more than maybe a one night stand. Try Aspies. Evidently they are less predictable. :)

    "bad vibe" from you?
    Occasionally, since I was a kid, though I’m well liked by most. I have no idea where this comes from.

    I have recognized a number of other P/S’s, though all but one were female, so I think that my… sociodar?... is quite limited. There is definitely a recognition of territory between me and the others I interact with (regarding positions in the company, allies, men, etc), and yes, we definitely make a point to stay off of each other’s toes and out of each other’s claimed domains. Interesting observation, Anon. When I’ve needed to, I’ve definitely sent other types of violent people (and some merely bitchy people) off with my stay away vibe. I’ve always been able to just look at the person for a while and they give up. I smile too. Maybe that’s what creeps people out? I have no idea.

  57. yes zoe. i'm very sensitive to sounds. my co-workers found it hilarious (as did i) when i would scream whenever someone broke a glass.

    i also hate sounds coming from behind walls. i can't shake them off, even if they are low-pitch mumblings that i can't decipher, that's highly annoying. t.v, anything, i'm forever re-adjusting the volume on the tv or radio to get the right level i can take.

  58. @pythais- now that you mention it i meet more socio girls than guys as well. i put very little stock in the statistics that say many more are men. its skewed data, socios are hard to recognize even by other socios, perhaps even more difficult.

    Is this true with anyone else?

  59. @zoe: i think there are a few entries in this blog about bpd, if you're interested. i'm pretty sure notme is not a socio. :D

    ps: @anon 2:02--i at least have socio traits, and my socio-dar works at least some of the time.

  60. notme, i relate. i can hear the background sounds when the t.v. is on or electrical buzzing from lighting. my digital clock radio buzzes when it is too close to the cordless phone and it drives me crazy.

  61. i think it means we are clinically crazy zoe.~

    at least i'm not schizophrenic. i was reading about these people's alters and 'systems' and i genuinely felt for them. i felt like i'd go crazy just reading what these people were saying.

  62. Anonymous said...
    @zoe: i think there are a few entries in this blog about bpd, if you're interested. i'm pretty sure notme is not a socio. :D

    well i'm not out to diagnose her, but thanks for the suggestion. i relate to her comment "we are destined to keep on associating with 'the other''".

    it's almost like being a reverse chameleon where you take on the characteristics that you don't find in the other. i did that more when i was younger. maybe it was an attempt to maintain a separate identity, a reaction to meeting someone that was too similar and feeling the boundaries or self being "swallowed" by the presence of the other person. young chameleon.

    or is that bpd?

  63. I'm not sensitive to sounds, but I lost quite a lot of my hearing when I had Scarlett Fever as a child.

  64. by the way my thermometer is broken and 99.14 is all it shows. does anyone know a safe way to fix a thermometer with a split column?

  65. notme said...
    i think it means we are clinically crazy zoe.~

    at least i'm not schizophrenic. i was reading about these people's alters and 'systems' and i genuinely felt for them. i felt like i'd go crazy just reading what these people were saying.

    i would like to experience a schizophrenic episode. no idea how you'd induce one though.

    notme, i don't know if hearing real sounds makes us clinically crazy. or were you just kidding? i think we're just unable to block out the background noises. it could be a form of hearing loss. or just the way our brains are wired.

    when i'm really relaxed or falling asleep, i also see sounds. if there is a loud noise i will see a lightning bolt or flash of light which startles me awake as much as the noise.

  66. Pythias said...
    I'm not sensitive to sounds, but I lost quite a lot of my hearing when I had Scarlett Fever as a child.

    sorry to hear it. pythias, since you would compensate visually, do you find you are visually more sensitive than the norm? i wonder if it's possible to be irritated or overwhelmed by sights in the way that we can be by sounds?

  67. my last comment was about your thermometer.

    i was joking about the crazy thing.

    i think for me, it's just sensitive neurology.

    i don't see sounds. that's very interesting. there's a condition where people sense a stimulus in a way that does not literally pertain to it. don't remember what it's called. for example, they can taste numbers.

  68. Non S here:

    1. Do you have normal average blood temperature, run hot, or run cold?

    Run hot. Get very hot during physical or mental tasks requiring concentration. People have told me that they can feel the heat coming off me from a distance. I like the cold.

    2. Do you have normal blood pressure, run high, or run low?

    Low range of normal.

    3. What is your relationship to food?

    Not good.

    4. Do you have corrected vision, i.e. glasses, contact lenses?

    Mildly myopic.

    5. What is your tolerance to pain? Low, high, or normal?

    Upper range of normal but don't like it one bit.

    6. Have you ever had stitches or surgery that could have been otherwise been preventable based on lifestyle choices?


    7. Would you say you look about your age, younger, or older than your age?


    8. Do you take cold medication? How soon after a cold do you start taking medication?

    No. Rarely get colds and don't like taking medications.

    9. Do you have trouble sleeping


    10. Which do you crave more, salty or sweet foods?

    Salty more than sweet.

    11. Do you wake up in the morning drenched in sweat??


    12. Do you abuse drugs like alcohol?

    I have done that.

    13. Do you have great admiration for the aspergers people?

    I know 2 and like one of them. We talk loud.

    (you guys are the best too)

    14. Do you like sun and brightness?

    Don't like the sun. Brightness is good when reading.

    15. Do you eat red/bloody meat?


    16. Have you been told that you have a hypnotic or chilling stare?

    No. I've been told I have an innocent, sympathetic and sensual eye-look.

    17. Do you work in a people-oriented job (Doctor, nurse, cashier, teacher), or a non-people-oriented job (Data entry, research, stock clerk, bus boy)??

    Non people.

    18. Are you involved in or have you been involved in extreme hobbies and activities?

    Not in the normal way. Generally afraid of heights and dangerous activities but can push myself.

    19. Do you like trying new things, or are you averse to change?

    Averse to change but have found change usually to be a good thing.

    20. The only question i would like others to answer is if people get a "bad vibe" from you?

    No. Generally a good vibe though I think at times I may come off as odd and perhaps conceited.

  69. That's synesthesia I think.

  70. Another Non S here:

    1. Do you have normal average blood temperature, run hot, or run cold?

    Mostly cold, get colder in simple reading, but very hot during physical or mental tasks requiring concentration.
    2. Do you have normal blood pressure, run high, or run low?

    Low range of normal.

    3. What is your relationship to food?

    Enjoy high quality, nonfat food, medium rare if dark meat.

    4. Do you have corrected vision, i.e. glasses, contact lenses?


    5. What is your tolerance to pain? Low, high, or normal?

    Very low tolerance.

    6. Have you ever had stitches or surgery that could have been otherwise been preventable based on lifestyle choices?


    7. Would you say you look about your age, younger, or older than your age?


    8. Do you take cold medication? How soon after a cold do you start taking medication?

    Yes, asap.

    9. Do you have trouble sleeping


    10. Which do you crave more, salty or sweet foods?

    Eat a lot of salty (no chance of craving there), so only crave for sweet that I try to avoid.

    11. Do you wake up in the morning drenched in sweat??


    12. Do you abuse drugs like alcohol?


    13. Do you have great admiration for the aspergers people?


    14. Do you like sun and brightness?

    Yes, a lot, just not direct glare my eyes.

    15. Do you eat red/bloody meat?


    16. Have you been told that you have a hypnotic or chilling stare?


    17. Do you work in a people-oriented job (Doctor, nurse, cashier, teacher), or a non-people-oriented job (Data entry, research, stock clerk, bus boy)??


    18. Are you involved in or have you been involved in extreme hobbies and activities?

    Yes, crave for them.

    19. Do you like trying new things, or are you averse to change?

    Try new things and revisit what I like.

    20. The only question i would like others to answer is if people get a "bad vibe" from you?


  71. notme said...
    my last comment was about your thermometer.

    i don't see sounds. that's very interesting. there's a condition where people sense a stimulus in a way that does not literally pertain to it. don't remember what it's called. for example, they can taste numbers.

    yeah it's synesthesia as aspie pointed out. i read once that it can drive people crazy to have their senses crossed like that. it sounded so weird. the flashes of light are so normal for me that it only recently occurred to me that i have it. ha i wonder what numbers taste like?

    i also have tinnitus. i've had buzzing in my ears my entire life and when i'm tired it's very loud. i can't imagine life without it. it would be like having this big blank in my head. i think whatever way we're wired becomes the baseline or norm against which we measure our experiences. being overly sensitive might mean we're just predisposed to noticing the smaller changes in our environment.

    regarding the thermometer.. i am determined to fix the thing. if my next post is how do i dispose of mercury spill, it didn't work.

  72. aspie said...
    Madness sucks.

    it's a mad world.

  73. Buy a new thermometer zoe.

    Do you ever not like having the tinnitus?

  74. @zoe- its more than a mad world. i hate being around hordes of people who get panic stricken, im not afraid of much but that is one thing i run from. even solitary predators run from stampedes.....and sit back and watch as they all run themselves off a cliff while trampling one another.

  75. in my uni days i went to a couple of anti-war demos. loads of people, all shouting for one cause. it occured to me how much i didn't enjoy it, and i never went on one again.

    it was the fact that amongst these thousands of people, there were smaller groups chanting for their own separate agendas too, as well as the main one.
    i didn't want to be affiliated with them.

    summary, being part of the collective means a self-sacrifice too. those who say you survive better in groups are only telling half the truth.

  76. @anonymous 5:31 and notme.

    i so agree.

  77. Sociopath, Yes/No? Yes

    1. Do you have normal average blood temperature, run hot, or run cold?

    2. Do you have normal blood pressure, run high, or run low?
    Slightly High

    3. What is your relationship to food?
    I like food, but I like not having to eat, if that makes any sense. Out of sight, out of mind, perfectly content.

    4. Do you have corrected vision, i.e. glasses, contact lenses?
    20/10 vision.

    5. What is your tolerance to pain? Low, high, or normal?
    High tolerance to most forms of pain, excluding burns.

    6. Have you ever had stitches or surgery that could have been otherwise been preventable based on lifestyle choices?
    If by lifestyle change, you mean not being violent, then yes.

    7. Would you say you look about your age, younger, or older than your age?
    Baby face.

    8. Do you take cold medication? How soon after a cold do you start taking medication?
    I prefer alcohol if it can't be effectively treated with antibiotics.

    9. Do you have trouble sleeping?

    10. Which do you crave more, salty or sweet foods?
    The last several years I've craved salty food more. For the longest time it was sweets.


    11. Do you abuse drugs or alcohol?
    I binge alcohol on occasion, but not habitually.

    12. Have you been told that you have a hypnotic or chilling stare?
    Hypnotic, no. Chilling, yes. Not very often. Like Daniel, when I'm deep in focus, I apparently look really angry or ticked off.

    13. Are you involved in or have you been involved in extreme hobbies and activities?
    No. I'll let the thrill seekers find an early grave all on their own.

    14. Do you like trying new things, or are you averse to change?
    I adore trying new things in most facets of life. I'm always changing.

    15. Do you like sun and brightness?
    The only time I don't wear sunglasses is the evening or if I'm indoors.

    16. How often do you do something completely spontaneous?
    I loathe that word. Reminds me of dating shows. I do things compulsively every day.

    17. Do people get a bad vibe from you?
    Not many. It does happen though. Most of those people have refused to be anything more than civil with me, too, for no explained reason other than, "I dunno, don't like that guy. Something seems wrong."

    18. What do you think when dealing with other sociopaths?
    Pure context here. If it is a mutual or beneficial relationship, I try to be civil and sometimes nice, but understand the type of person I'm dealing with. If it is not a good relationship, I try to make it a lack of a relationship.

    19. What is your noise tolerance?
    Very low unless it is directly in my vicinity. My ears eventually deafen enough to handle it, but if it is out of reach, it drives me nuts.

  78. This topic...these boring that I just shot myself in the foot ffs.

  79. 1. My natural body temperature is somewhere around 97 degrees... So colder than average.
    2. I have extremely High Blood Pressure naturally but oddly it lowers when I should be stressed.
    3. I eat when I have to and when other people eat but I never eat when I am alone really.
    4. Had eye surgery when I was like 7 and have worn glasses since I was 16
    5. Normal, but I have an aversion to blood... it makes me throw up
    6. Does ice skating count as a lifestyle choice? No well then no!
    7. I look younger!
    8. Never take cold medicine, unless you count the benadryl I take every night
    9. The answer to that question is answered above... I fall asleep pretty quickly but I wake up about 20 times a night.
    10. I guess I would say Sweet but a craving is rare for me. when it's winter I sometimes crave Ice Cream...

  80. Sociopath, Yes/No? Yes

    1. Do you have normal average blood temperature, run hot, or run cold?

    2. Do you have normal blood pressure, run high, or run low?
    Slightly High

    3. What is your relationship to food?

    4. Do you have corrected vision, i.e. glasses, contact lenses?
    20/10 vision.

    5. What is your tolerance to pain? Low, high, or normal?
    High tolerance to most forms of pain, excluding burns.

    6. Have you ever had stitches or surgery that could have been otherwise been preventable based on lifestyle choices?
    If by lifestyle change, you mean not being violent, then yes.

    7. Would you say you look about your age, younger, or older than your age?
    Baby face.

    8. Do you take cold medication? How soon after a cold do you start taking medication?
    I prefer alcohol if it can't be effectively treated with antibiotics.

    9. Do you have trouble sleeping?

    10. Which do you crave more, salty or sweet foods?
    The last several years I've craved salty food more. For the longest time it was sweets.

    First post seems to have disappeared... glad I copied it.

  81. Zoe - I have tinnitus but only for the last year.

  82. sorry to hear it. pythias, since you would compensate visually, do you find you are visually more sensitive than the norm? i wonder if it's possible to be irritated or overwhelmed by sights in the way that we can be by sounds?

    Thanks Zoe, but I've actually been able to use it to my advantage. Pre-Scarlett Fever, I had mediocre vision. Post, I've had better than perfect. My eyes are quite sensitive to light (it burns us), hence the previous statement about shade, sunglasses and a preference for rainy days, but I don't know if it's related. I also have quite the super-sniffer. I can identify colognes from down the hall and dinner from outside the building. :-P

    I saw a really neat discovery or tlc special on synesthesia- really neat stuff, but I'm glad it's not for me.

    Yeah, I've had tinnitus forever, too. Because of that, I usually have TV or radio or something on in the background to minimize the level of distraction from it. (Shouldn't I be able to ignore it after 20-some years?) Whatever.

    @ Anon 6:55
    At least it isn't 80 comments about moral philosophy (which, by the way, makes me want to cut someone, thanks) or how Jane Doe has been hurt by the big bad (which mostly just makes me want to cut jane).

  83. Relation to food: I enjoy it, but if I didn't have to eat, I wouldn't.

  84. My hearing is crazy. I returned 5 different laptops a few years ago during a time when I was shopping for a new laptop/desktop, thinking them all defective. I looked up so much crap about processors, sound cards, audio drivers etc. I finally realized that I can hear very high frequencies. I learned to tune them out. I was thinking maybe you could do that zoe if you wanted to.

  85. 1. Do you have normal average blood temperature, run hot, or run cold? = Cold
    2. Do you have normal blood pressure, run high, or run low? = low

    3. What is your relationship to food? = Survival

    4. Do you have corrected vision, i.e. glasses, contact lenses? = NO

    5. What is your tolerance to pain? Low, high, or normal? = Normal

    6. Have you ever had stitches or surgery that could have been otherwise been preventable based on lifestyle choices? = No

    7. Would you say you look about your age, younger, or older than your age? = Younger

    8. Do you take cold medication? =No

    9. Do you have trouble sleeping = Yes, Constantly thinking

    10. Which do you crave more, salty or sweet foods = Neither

  86. Gee- we all look young. Or we are all frequently lied to :-P

  87. I lied about that a little.
    I am very young looking/extreme.

  88. It has to do with less activity in the facial muscles. Highly reactive people have older faces because they use them more, in essence.

  89. 1. Do you have normal average blood temperature, run hot, or run cold? I almost always feel warmer than people around me/have a high metabolism. My body temperature is consistently a couple degrees below the average (98.6)

    2. Do you have normal blood pressure, run high, or run low?

    3. What is your relationship to food? Eh, I'm more utilitarian in my eating than most people. I eat a very small variety of meals though I try to make sure they're healthy.

    4. Do you have corrected vision, i.e. glasses, contact lenses? Only for driving.

    5. What is your tolerance to pain? Low, high, or normal? Normal I think. I can be pretty controlled about how I react to it... but I think I feel it just as intensely. And at least one recent study said red heads are more sensitive to heat pain.

    6. Have you ever had stitches or surgery that could have been otherwise been preventable based on lifestyle choices? Had a hole in my face stitched together where my teeth went through my lip from a guy punching me.

    7. Would you say you look about your age, younger, or older than your age? If I go clean-shaven I look very young. Otherwise maybe the low side of average.

    8. Do you take cold medication? How soon after a cold do you start taking medication?

    9. Do you have trouble sleeping. Rarely

    10. Which do you crave more, salty or sweet foods? Neither. I don't like salt and sweets mostly make me feel hungry. Can I choose savory?

    11. Do you wake up in the morning drenched in sweat?
 Only if I don't sleep with a shirt on...

    12. Do you abuse drugs like alcohol?
 Sometimes? I haven't used meth or crack or heroin in years but I still drink a good deal. I also used to smoke.

    13. Do you have great admiration for the aspergers people? Sure.

    14. Do you like sun and brightness? Shade. But with my complexion I can practically feel the cancerous lesions growing in broad sunlight.

    15. Do you eat red/bloody meat? I'm mostly vegetarian. If it's a decent steak though I'll take it rare.

    16. Have you been told that you have a hypnotic or chilling stare? Eh, a few times when I was younger. I coached myself out of it though.

    17. Do you work in a people-oriented job (Doctor, nurse, cashier, teacher), or a non-people-oriented job (Data entry, research, stock clerk, bus boy)?
 I've done both. I don't have a real preference.

    18. Are you involved in or have you been involved in extreme hobbies and activities? A little bit of rock climbing. And when I was younger you might describe violent crime that way.

    19. Do you like trying new things, or are you averse to change? I'm not at all averse to change. I'm used to living in many different places, moving often, and changing what I do day to day. I don't feel like I seek change either though. I just need distraction. I need information/input from somewhere and I'm easily bored.

    For the record... I don't know if I'm a sociopath. I've been told I am by people who know me well. I fit a lot of the diagnostics. It's kind of subjective.

  90. 1. Do you have normal average blood temperature, run hot, or run cold? 97˚F

    2. Do you have normal blood pressure, run high, or run low? Low for my height and weight, but that places it at about the healthy average.

    3. What is your relationship to food? I have refined tastes, but I'll eat mostly anything. I enjoy extremely spicy food. I usually eat once or twice a day.

    4. Do you have corrected vision, i.e. glasses, contact lenses? Glasses

    5. What is your tolerance to pain? Low, high, or normal? High.

    6. Have you ever had stitches or surgery that could have been otherwise been preventable based on lifestyle choices? Had to stitch myself up once, but other than that, no.

    7. Would you say you look about your age, younger, or older than your age? People say I have a young face and old eyes. I don't know if that's poetic, or just a symptom of my lack of sleep.

    8. Do you take cold medication? How soon after a cold do you start taking medication? Yes. I don't get sick often, but I usually take it the first day the cold seems bad, if at all.

    9. Do you have trouble sleeping? I wouldn't call it trouble. I just don't sleep much. I can go to sleep easily, I just tend to stay up reading or watching something.

    10. Which do you crave more, salty or sweet foods? I don't crave food.

    11. Do you wake up in the morning drenched in sweat?

    12. Do you abuse drugs like alcohol?
 Abuse tends to carry connotations of addiction, which is inconsistent with my relationship with drugs. In the sense that I use hard and soft drugs when it suits me, yes, I abuse drugs.

    13. Do you have great admiration for the aspergers people? No.

    14. Do you like sun and brightness? I'm mostly nocturnal.

    15. Do you eat red/bloody meat? Yes. The rawer the better.

    16. Have you been told that you have a hypnotic or chilling stare? No. "Dead", maybe. Not hypnotic. I'm not a vampire, for fuck's sake.

    17. Do you work in a people-oriented job (Doctor, nurse, cashier, teacher), or a non-people-oriented job (Data entry, research, stock clerk, bus boy)?
 You could call it people-oriented, after a fashion.

    18. Are you involved in or have you been involved in extreme hobbies and activities? Depends what you find extreme.

    19. Do you like trying new things, or are you averse to change? I prefer change to stagnation.

  91. I'm not a sociopath but for fun I'll answer.


    blood pressure-normal, 110/70

    I eat to live. I love Chicken Savoy.

    I have glasses for distance

    I have a high tolerance to pain...for what I've experienced anyway.

    Stitches as a kid in my hand. No surgeries.

    I look younger than my I'm chubby cheeks.

    I will take some meds if I need to. I have a kid so I have to take care. I take it as soon as I start to feel something coming on..just for a day or two.

    I don't really have too much trouble sleeping..too spent from school. But I do like to get some tv in so I stay up too late then I'm tired the next day.

    I like savory foods and chocolate.

    I abused drugs for a period of time as a late teen..then again in my late twenties. Once in a while I'll have a few beers and I'll take a hit of a joint if it's around but I wouldn't bother to buy any.

    I like the color purple!!

    I do like to work on my own.


  92. I think aging has more to do with hormonal interactions than with repetitive muscle actions. Cortisol is important. The relaxation response in its various guises is too.

  93. I'm not a vampire, for fuck's sake.

    Grace, I constantly skip your posts until I get to the end, see that it's you and not random and unfollowable anonymous, and have to go back an read it.

  94. I think aging has more to do with hormonal interactions than with repetitive muscle actions. Cortisol is important. The relaxation response in its various guises is too.

    Yes, but wrinkles (laugh lines, frown lines, etc) generally come from repeated creasing from facial expressions.

    What struck me is that even the empaths here (our controls of a sort) reported looking young. I would have expected that from the socios and aspie, but not so much from them.

  95. 1. Do you have normal average blood temperature, run hot, or run cold?
    My body always feels cold and my circulation is bery poor(that is from drug use and needles) but i always feel warm and i can stand around in the snow barefoot in temperatures in the teens(did so thismorning)

    2. Do you have normal blood pressure, run high, or run low?
    low normal to normal

    3. What is your relationship to food?
    was anorexic\bu;emic now i eat whatever when im hungry

    4. Do you have corrected vision, i.e. glasses, contact lenses?
    i have perfect vision accept being colorblind in my left eye(caused by an arachnoid cist in my brain)

    5. What is your tolerance to pain? Low, high, or normal?
    lets just say if you stabbed a steak knife into my arm i would punch you then pull it out then walk away

    6. Have you ever had stitches or surgery that could have been otherwise been preventable based on lifestyle choices?
    im covered in scars but i never whent to the doctor

    7. Would you say you look about your age, younger, or older than your age?
    i look afew years older

    8. Do you take cold medication? How soon after a cold do you start taking medication?
    nope im rather healthy(even came up clean for aids when im sure i should have it...)

    9. Do you have trouble sleeping
    I have a really hard time getting to sleep but if you want to wake me up good luck i have even been hit in the face with a frying pan and slept through it

    10. Which do you crave more, salty or sweet foods?
    eh i guess salty but sours whert its at

    11. Do you wake up in the morning drenched in sweat?
    not in the morning but if i sleep during the day i will often wake up in sweat

    12. Do you abuse drugs like alcohol?
    i drink like a drunk fish...but i never get out of control and i did H in middle shool but now i stick to the herbal

    13. Do you have great admiration for the aspergers people?
    not really they cant hide how fucked up they are

    14. Do you like sun and brightness?
    NO! give me the night...wait i own it already

    15. Do you eat red/bloody meat?
    yum rare foods and raw fish...i do drink the blood that is in the bottom of the bag from the butcher

    16. Have you been told that you have a hypnotic or chilling stare?
    if i look someone in the eyes they start to feel really nervous and often times leave in a fluster

    17. Do you work in a people-oriented job (Doctor, nurse, cashier, teacher), or a non-people-oriented job (Data entry, research, stock clerk, bus boy)?
    as of now no but i am training to become a highschool science teacher

    18.Do people get a bad vibe from you?
    everyone either loves me or hates me but they all call me scary

    19.Are you sensitive to sounds?
    yes but i love loud techno but i am used to sounds that are weird as i am a paranoid schizophrenic class 2

    20.Do you like trying new things, or are you averse to change?
    change is always good but the only change i let happen is the ones i am making if someone else tries to make a change in my world they get there heads turn off

    23.Are you a Sociopath?

  96. Aging is genetic too.

    Oh..sorry Pythias.

    Maybe M.E. is going to send us a holiday gift.


    ps..I get the funniest word verifications to post.

  97. Grace, I constantly skip your posts until I get to the end, see that it's you and not random and unfollowable anonymous, and have to go back an read it.


    Pythias, perhaps it is because it is uncommon to remark on someone's age in matter of fact fashion. Flattery in regards to age, if only for civility, is fairly common.

    As a side note though, the beeper (bpd) I dated looked significantly younger than she was.

    My CAPTCHA was wilygram. Who let those pesky evangelists in?

  98. Flattery in regards to age, if only for civility, is fairly common.

    No need to apologize, Grace. Thanks for the use of the name function, though :)

  99. I think most of the S's said they looked their age and not younger. The non S's are I guess somewhat unusual hanging out with s's. Maybe they have a better stress tolerance reflected in younger lookingness. Maybe people are lying.

  100. @ aspie

    That's true. That's possible.

  101. Ok..can anyone say they have a favorite movie? I can't put one on the top but I watched Fargo again the other night and it was great.

  102. it's genes and features and environment and a little about use of facial expressions. it makes me laugh when people place my age at anything up to ten years younger than what i am, as i know how much emotional shit i've been through, i feel like i'm eighty.

    they say 'what's your secret?'
    i say, 'pain and torture and lots of it.'

    your (collective) arguement - debunked.

    empaths can be dead-pan too, what's there to smile about, seriously?~

    tbh, i probably will get a line in my forehead one day and others besides. but my face will always be what it is.

    btw, i find this subject boring, just thought i'd mention that as a disclaimer: written under personal duress.

  103. Well, it's not really a subject. Today's homework day.

    All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

  104. your (collective) arguement - debunked.

    Yes, your anecdotal tripe fully debunks our argument.~

  105. Eh, it's a decent procrastination tool as tonight is another destined to be full of paper-grading. It's actually like the conversations back when I was in middle school when everyone had chat rooms. :)

    Fargo was enjoyable. I tend to like movies that most everyone else abhors: Slither, Mr. and Mrs. Smith, Shoot 'Em Up, etc.

  106. i've always enjoyed music a lot more than film

    i saw the hurt locker the other day. hated it. worse than avatar imo. what was that winning anything about?

    speaking of dead pan. god bless leslie nielsen.

  107. i know Notable, i'm in a mood, hence my moody comment just there.

    Grace - yay your name's at the top, welcome!

    i like movies where absolutely nothing happens, plot-wise.
    i like richard linklater movies. conversation based ones, real-time ones etc.

    i'm generally ADHD with films though, can't sit through a whole film without nipping out half way through for no apparent reason.
    so, people usually drag me to see one.

    can't think of a favorite right now...i'll get back to you on that.

    i'm babbling tonight.

  108. i'm full of tripe today. is that a problem Post?

  109. Take it easy, notme. You might hurt his feelings.

  110. may he rest in peas.

    aspie, i'm so with you there. music over movies for me.

    poetry over novels.

    short over long.

    (in a certain sense).

  111. Yes, music>>movies, and poetry>>fiction novels.

    @ notme
    Oh no, you may have hurt his feelings.~

  112. oh no, come back Posti wosti!!

    i bow before your wisdom. i am but a shell of hot air.

    yeah, i like condensed artforms, if that makes sense. i don't know anymore, Post has destabled my sense of self. hope you're happy.

  113. you guys should be happy

  114. nice song, i'll pretend that's about me.

    aspie, what's it like being you? hehe, funny question i know.

    An Anon thought i was an aspie (a very very high functioning one), what do you think?

    i'm very good at reading people's emotions, does that rule me out?

    and i don't have flapping hands, and i'm not at all clumsy, and i dance like a freak (in a good way).

    so? since you're here and it's me and you alone...that sounds weird.

  115. This comment has been removed by the author.

  116. I answered my answers first with a - preceding, and I answered my suspected sociopath ex-bf's answers (to the best of my knowledge) after preceded by *.

    1. Do you have normal average blood temperature, run hot, or run cold?
    *slightly low

    2. Do you have normal blood pressure, run high, or run low?

    3. What is your relationship to food?
    -Definitely my #1 vice and the only one from which I cannot walk away.
    *eats little, when in "a mood" skips eating. But heartily enjoys meals out or a treat infrequently.

    4. Do you have corrected vision, i.e. glasses, contact lenses?
    *perfect vision

    5. What is your tolerance to pain? Low, high, or normal?
    -High end of normal, but I feel it, for sure.
    *high and indifferent to it.

    6. Have you ever had stitches or surgery that could have been otherwise been preventable based on lifestyle choices?

    7. Would you say you look about your age, younger, or older than your age?
    -A little younger
    *a LOT Younger unless in a bad mood.

    8. Do you take cold medication? How soon after a cold do you start taking medication?
    -Yes, when I realize I have a cold I take it immediately
    *No, vodka and OJ

    9. Do you have trouble sleeping
    *rarely/never but daily drinking facilitates this, as far as I can tell.

    10. Which do you crave more, salty or sweet foods?
    -I'm equal opportunity.
    *does not generally have significant compulsions about food unless drinking, then usually savory.

    11. Do you wake up in the morning drenched in sweat??

    12. Do you abuse drugs like alcohol?
    -Use to excess occasionally, sure. But never have any consequences worse than a hangover.
    *drinks to excess almost every day and frequently alone until passing out on the couch in front of the TV.

    13. Do you have great admiration for the aspergers people?
    -No more than any other interesting folk.
    *No clue, doubt he knows either.

    14. Do you like sun and brightness?
    -Not at all. I'm very fair and the sun gives me headaches.
    *Not particularly.

    15. Do you eat red/bloody meat?
    *Lacto-Vegetarian (no to eggs, yes to dairy)

    16. Have you been told that you have a hypnotic or chilling stare?
    -No, I've been told I gaze with open admiration.
    *"dead" look.

    17. Do you work in a people-oriented job (Doctor, nurse, cashier, teacher), or a non-people-oriented job (Data entry, research, stock clerk, bus boy)??
    *not so much with the people.

    18. Are you involved in or have you been involved in extreme hobbies and activities?

    19. Do you like trying new things, or are you averse to change?
    - Often averse to change but have found change usually to be a good thing.
    *Very routine

    20. The only question i would like others to answer is if people get a "bad vibe" from you?
    -Only the occasional girlfriend of a male acquaintance or friend feels this way. And less now that I'm over 30.
    *Yes, some people feel very unsettled, suspicious or "can't-quite-put-my-finger-on-it"

  117. i rather doubt we are alone here

    well, i didn't mean it to be about you. though it could be. i like the guitar solo/s and i think the song jives with everyone filling out a survey and stuff and our uniqueness etc

    i guess you are an empath then? you are very sensitive to emotional energy?

    you seem smart and decent

  118. ^cough, this is numbing.^

    "i bow before your wisdom. i am but a shell of hot air."

    "If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of Giants." ~

  119. oh thanks aspie, that's sweet of you. likewise.

    yes i am highly sensitive to emotional energy as you say. is it possible to be an aspie and also very emotionally intense?

    i've read that it is.

  120. 1. Do you have normal average blood temperature, run hot, or run cold?
    I think I'm a smidge below the norm.

    2. Do you have normal blood pressure, run high, or run low?

    3. What is your relationship to food?
    Reasonable as far as quantity goes, but with regards to -what- I eat, I'm far from health-conscious.

    4. Do you have corrected vision, i.e. glasses, contact lenses?

    5. What is your tolerance to pain? Low, high, or normal?
    Pretty high

    6. Have you ever had stitches or surgery that could have been otherwise been preventable based on lifestyle choices?
    I've gotten stitches, but I was pretty young. Probably had more to do with being a kid than it did with being antisocial.

    7. Would you say you look about your age, younger, or older than your age?
    A couple years older.

    8. Do you take cold medication? How soon after a cold do you start taking medication?
    Rarely. I have a pretty strong immune system and rarely take anything other than ibuprofen (frequent headaches)

    9. Do you have trouble sleeping
    It takes me a long time to fall asleep, and I'm an extremely light sleeper.

    10. Which do you crave more, salty or sweet foods?

    12. Do you abuse drugs like alcohol?

    I drink pretty heavily and occasionally smoke pot.

    13. Do you have great admiration for the aspergers people?
    I don't have anything against them.

    14. Do you like sun and brightness? Unless I'm driving/walking into it.

    15. Do you eat red/bloody meat?
    When asked how I'd like my steak, I usually say "grazing."

    16. Have you been told that you have a hypnotic or chilling stare?
    It's never been called hypnotic. Chilling or intimidating, maybe. People frequently think I'm angry when I'm not.

    17. Do you work in a people-oriented job (Doctor, nurse, cashier, teacher), or a non-people-oriented job (Data entry, research, stock clerk, bus boy)?

    Some of both. I'm a designer of sorts, so my work is very project-oriented. I spend a great deal of time working on my own, but then I have to present/"sell" what I've created. I prefer working on my own, if that makes a difference to you.

  121. I read on an Aspie website that fornicating outside during a full moon can lead to demonic possession.

    True Story.

  122. ^Apparently I didn't copy #11.

    I don't.

  123. i believe there is a logical conclusion we can draw from this by reading the comments. that is that most socios dont like being in large groups. i have always been nervous about groups as well i see them as irrational and quick to panic. not something i want to be around.

  124. I didn't answer any of my optionals as apparently it was too big as a whole.

    I don't like being in crowds, but I work in close proximity with numerous people everyday. I spend most of that day looking at a screen though and keeping to myself, so it doesn't much bug me.

    I don't even like it when the smokers' area is too crowded :P

  125. i don't think aspie wants to answer my question. i don't blame you, i am a pain sometimes.

  126. From NotMe:

    "Is it possible to be an aspie and also very emotionally intense?

    I've read that it is."

    I don't know. Do you think you may be an especially empathic aspie?

  127. i am an especially empathic person yes. and someone pointed out from the way i write and the things i say, that i may be a high functioning aspie.

    i am very obsessive about things and don't deal with change very well. for a few years i felt like there must be something a little autistic about me, because of those things. (i have a list of things i could tell you but i won't).

    but don't worry. i just thought you may have some insight into it, though i know it's a little ridiculous to expect you to know given this is just the internet and you don't know me.

    forget i said anything. :)

  128. TheNotablePath said:

    I read on an Aspie website that fornicating outside during a full moon can lead to demonic possession.

    That's silly. It's the sociopaths that have all the demon/evil/satan references. Demonic entities and the like.

  129. I'm not answering the questions. I'm not a socio, plus I don't like filling out questionnaires. :P

  130. obsessive and don't deal with change well. i can relate to that really well.

    though, i'm sorry, i wish i could be more helpful

  131. Sigh...Yes, I love the full moon, when fucking waxes demonic ;)

  132. that's ok.

    so how would you describe yourself then? as in the most prominent parts of yourself as an aspie.

  133. Anyone care to comment what happens after the "filtering?"

  134. i'm not sure. a lot of observation.

  135. Sigh...Yes, I love the full moon, when fucking waxes demonic ;)

    Aerianne is the cat's pajamas.

  136. Men just hope they mean it

  137. ok i see. me too.

    and i'm assuming you are not so emotional like i am, or that you don't recognise your emotions.

    it's very interesting, i don't know any aspies.

    and yes, women are good. why thank you. lol.

  138. I wish I knew an Aspie irl. Of course, I think I'd probably be all spanish inquisitiony, because I don't understand them and I like to learn.

  139. oh Posti Wosti!

    you're back!


  140. based on my experiences with my roommates ex-boyfriend/enemy, whom i might add is enjoying a stay at the "iron hotel", ah hahaha..
    i would ask
    "do you have strong opinions regarding bodily functions?"
    "when you feel pissed off, do you have an uncontrollable urge to urinate or defecate on items belonging to the one you feel wronged you?"

    i, for the life of me, cannot understand why someone would do something like that. maybe an infant, but one would think that by the time your potty trained, it would no longer be something you would consider.

    i mean, the sociopaths on this site seem to be more refined, i'd hate to pollute your "label" with him.
    is there a scientific term for "twat"?

  141. This meme makes me feel so much more closer to you guys <3

  142. If I were one to get warm fuzzy feelings, I'd have them at seeing my name twice in 3 posts.

  143. 1. Hot, because of a genetic syndrome.
    2. Normal
    3. Love it. Love cooking it. Love eating it. Not overweight. Just putting that one out there.
    4. Glasses. Terrible long distance vision.
    5. Impressively high.
    6. No.
    7. Younger, due to the same genetic syndrome.
    8. Very rarely. Usually about 2 weeks if I'm still sick.
    9. Not if I want to.
    10. Sweet.

    It's Silver-Russell Syndrome, in case any of you were wondering.

  144. I think I'm probably naturally pretty emotional. I learned to bury feelings and emotions quickly to survive in various environments at a young age. I can feel things through music.

  145. to L.J

    not everyone here is a sociopath. i'm not.

    also. he sounds like an idiot.

    twatopath, yes.

  146. Interesting, aspie. Why did you have to learn to bury emotions to survive? (feel free to ignore me- I'm just curious over here)

  147. 'This meme makes me feel so much more closer to you guys <3'


    so, is no one gonna bring up the defecating sociopath then?

  148. because their expression would not have been good for my heath as i saw then etc. oversensitivity maybe i think. not 100% sure about that

  149. Pythias (mentioned again, yay)
    i'm glad you're as curious as me. we can divide up the questions this way.~

  150. i am very sensitive, and i express my emotions outwardly.

    only in adulthood have i understood how others perceive this and that toning it down is useful. but i can't remove my emotions, i have to sublimate them.

    i don't bury, i do not have that approach at all. i sort of envy you your composure aspie.

  151. so, is no one gonna bring up the defecating sociopath then?

    I think Ukan can speak for himself, dear.

  152. lols. no one did a funny :D

  153. Uh-oh, aspie. Watch out. notme and I are double-teaming you on the questions :-P

    Thanks,, notme.

    Why would it not have been good for your health?

  154. it's more dysfunction i think than some strong composure.

  155. I know but, i'm watching yous, but thanks Pythias, you are very nice. Perceived dangerous environments etc.

  156. the dysfunction is better on the other side. lol

    i often dare people to have my brain for a week, no, just a day, and come away from the experience and not pat me on the back.


  157. i'd accept the dare just to see how you pull off giving me your brain for a day

  158. aspie, are you male, female or somewhere in between? i find you mysterious, like i want to prise you open. don't worry, i'm ever so gentle when i want to be. :)

  159. truth is, wouldn't THAT be the best scientific breakthrough, to be able to switch brains with someone and see how they see the world?

    it might be hella boring though. gotta pick a good mind.

  160. you sound a little "sociopathic" 2 posts above

    you sound a little angry in the post above

  161. Sorry you two. My life is really easy to live.

    I also find aspie all mysterious!

    I find you all mysterious.

  162. no, not angry. just having a very curious moment, and perhaps enjoying the idea of being free from myself for a while.

    i agree, the first comment sounds sociopathic. but it's not an exclusive club is it?

    i officially resent you now.~

  163. what happened to medusa?

  164. she drank too much coffee and died of a heart attack.

  165. that all sounds like an altoids commercial

  166. i have a weird sense of humour aspie.

    i don't know altoids, i live in the UK.

    hey, you haven't answered my question about your gender. why so?
    i swear, it will be the last question i ask you. i am a woman of my word.

  167. i think you are a fake notme

  168. i am a woman of my word.

    She even bought her own ring. She knows how to keep her favorite parasite happy.

  169. what makes you say that aspie?

  170. your behaviour

    but good luck

  171. oh well. Notable, aspie thinks i'm a fake. can you please convince him/her i am notme?

    i swear i'm not a fake, but if you think that, then sorry. i wouldn't mess with you.

  172. @notme Resent away. But you (or we) are annoying aspie. :(

    @aspie "behaviour" :) I really like peppermint patties.

  173. for the record. i am curious. no mal-intent.

  174. oh no, i think i've made an enemy out of aspie.

    sorry aspie.

  175. aspie is a tiny bug under a giant lens

    I have mal-intent all round

  176. no, you haven't.
    i'm sorry too.
    i wish you well.

  177. Wow- everyone is sorry now. Am I supposed to be sorry? If so, consider me on the sorry bandwagon. :)

  178. I am not going to touch it.

  179. all i asked was what your gender is. i like to know who i'm talking to that's all.

    for example i know the gender of all the non-anons here. what's the big deal?

  180. Suggested questions:

    11. No
    12. I love coffee and I smoke pot. Alcohol it’s not my thing, only on social occasions.
    13. Don’t know any.
    14. Hate sun
    15. Love red meat
    16. I am told constantly that I make people uneasy, both in a good and bad way.
    17. I used to work with people and hated it.
    18. No.
    19. I like predictability in people and change in my life since I get bored easily.
    20. Don’t know if I’m a sociopath but I’m definitely not an empath.

  181. you asked it in a nasty way

    you have an S vibe at times, sorry

    what do you know about medusa?

  182. I'm lost. You people and all your feelings leave me running to catch up when I don't even know where we are going. :-P

    I am not going to touch it.
    I'm not sure what you are not touching, but I'm sure it is okay.

  183. Hi Pythias.

    I was going to make a joke about everyone being sorry based on your earlier comment regarding everyone being young etc.... sorry.

  184. @Grace- I think the movie question answers are really interesting. I personally get bored about half way through every movie ever and could care less how it ends. I refuse to go to movies with people because it's such a waste of my time.
    I do however adore the movie Closer. Everyone tells me "Jane" is fucked up but all I can think about is how perfected her persona's really are. I think I might actually worship her!

  185. for the record, it's not exactly full-proof to successfully communicate ones intent via text only. i understand that. but i think you have been suspicious from the start (overly-suspicious) that i was trolling you, which i was not, not even for a single second. i am sorry you thought that.

    i have an S vibe you say? well, quite possibly yes, given how i am someone who is a mixture of all sorts of things. But as far as trolling someone who i know is themselves not also a troll, i would not do that.

    what do i know about medusa?

    if i recall correctly and i may be wrong, she likes coffee. I have nothing personal against medusa and very much like her contributions here. it was a throwaway tasteless joke. i don't know about the state of her heart and i hope it is just tickity-boo.

    i like you and understand your suspicions, but why do you need to be so guarded? sometimes, just sometimes, people are actually just nice, if a little too curious for your liking.

    but like i said, i understand your position.

  186. aspie,

    you can't change this and you're not as tough-skinned as most of us on this site. i think it might not be a good idea for you to stay much longer, at least tonight.

    it's safe for most of us, because we're used to our own behavior. it's normal to us. sometimes we think everyone is as tough and can handle it. but i think maybe you could be hurt.


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