
Thursday, September 30, 2010

Female sociopaths and the "no hard feelings" approach

A sociopath reader describes how she breaks up with people so as not to turn them into vengeance seeking liabilities:
Once I got to college and had my fair share of boyfriends that I was less than serious about, I had a method to dumping them. I was in a particularly demanding academic department and I usually had 2 jobs and a couple of activities that I kept up with, so for as long as it took, I would always be busy and tired and have my mind on something else. I was always very apologetic about it. "I'm so sorry- I know you wanted me to go, but this is due tomorrow, and I've had to work 2 shifts today so I couldn't even look at it yet. I promise you'll have my full attention for 2 hours tomorrow night." I'd keep my promise, but fall asleep on his couch during our time together. I was very patient with this, as it could take weeks, but it was worth it. Ultimately, they would decide to break it off (because I wasn't much fun as a girlfriend), and they'd always feel really bad about it since I'd obviously been trying so hard to be as wonderful as I could be.

When they did it dry-eyed, I'd cry just a little (even pretending to cry makes me feel...beneath myself) and do the whole, "but I really like you" bit. They'd then take my hand, put they're arm around me, etc and explain that they liked me too, it just wasn't working out, blah blah. I'd act like I was being all strong and conciliatory, and accept with an "I understand, (*sniff* *sweet-innocent eyes*) can we still be friends?" Always a "yes".

If he cried when doing it, I would hold him and be the most wonderfully understanding person. "I get it. You are probably right. I just can't be a good girlfriend right now." "No- you are a good girlfriend, I just-" "It's okay. I'm right here- you don't have to be sad. If you want to see me, just walk the same two blocks you did today and yesterday. We can still be friends, right?"

Then, the most important step...
I'd tell one very big-mouthed person in our mutual friend group that I'm sad, but I understand and, like a good girl-friend, they'd always say something disparaging about the guy. I'd stop her, very seriously and tell her that he is a really good guy blah blah. Then, if someone came up to me and asked about it, I'd say the same stuff- giving the appearance of a stiff-upper lip and utter respect for the guy. That crap always gets back to them. If I ran into them, I gave them sweet, sad smiles and was as nice as could be. And now, years later, they are super nice to me and always act around me like the are trying to make up for something. No hard feelings. Just useful ones. :)
I think this shows an interesting adaptation of the female sociopath. The female needs to seem emotional (even better needy and weak!) to fit into society, so the female sociopath pretends to be these things in order to not stir the pot needlessly. A female sociopath in a relationship, unlike most male sociopaths in relationships, would also be physically less dominant than her partner. This might make her even more careful to avoid hard feelings, so as not to provoke a physical attack.

I think female sociopath adaptations are fascinating. I really wonder why there hasn't been more extensive research on them, apart from the obvious reasons that they aren't in prison (the psychological world's equivalent of deep pockets) and don't seem to suit the sociopath stereotypes (confirmation bias).


  1. There is absolutely nothing sociopathic about her behavior. By definition.

    Sure, she manipulates men, but if it does them no harm, there is nothing sociopathic going on.

    She does not mention what she gains from this. She's faking emotion, so what? Why? And to what ends? Whatever she is gaining it is all in her head.

    Normal people fake emotions all the time, especially in college.

  2. I think she sounds a bit like a coward who just wants to avoid confrontation in a breakup and keep her good girl image.

  3. I agree with Jesus Medusa. I also notice that she took a lot of time and effort to fake not only a relationship but the whole breaking up process.
    Wouldn't it have been easier to just blow him off (not literally haha) or just tell him that you were too busy to have a relationship?
    Then again I guess the game playing is what makes sociopaths who they are.
    Good information though...

  4. Wouldn't it have been easier to just blow him off (not literally haha) or just tell him that you were too busy to have a relationship?

    Because she is afraid of revenge.

    Kind of sad, though, and yes, pretty cowardly. Simply blowing someone off usually doesn't result in crazy manifestations of revenge.

  5. Exactly! I have never heard of men getting revenge in her situation.
    I have remained friends with all of my exes who weren't sociopaths or narcissists. I was just honest.
    I think this chick LOVES the drama. She sounds like the character, "Lila" on the show "Dexter". I even doubt if she's telling the truth.

  6. I think she's just trying to retroactively come up with an explanation for her lack of integrity, in a way that sounds cooler than reality.

  7. To me, she sounds like someone who doesn't believe she has the right to assert herself when it comes relationships. I think it smacks of low self-esteem and approval-seeking behavior.

  8. "Simply blowing someone off usually doesn't result in crazy manifestations of revenge."
    i agree with Amy, she loves the drama.

  9. I think the game playing and the manipulation of these men as well as the attention that is eventualy focused on her by her friends could be considered as the personal gain. She enjoys it.

  10. I agree with all of you. Why post this article this at all? I dont understand how complex you need to make it to break up with someone. She sounds co-dependent.

  11. Err, no no no. It's the thought/feeling behind it all. Sure a passive empath could employ these techniques. As I understand it, it's the manipulaton, not the harm that defines (so to speak) the sociopath.

    So if she enjoys the drama, she enjoys the drama, doesn't make her an empath. You can't diagnose her from this story, she's telling us she's socio and this was her motivation behind these actions.

    If anything, it just shows how boring normal a sociopath's behavior can be.

  12. Anon: The game playing of these men? She's the one playing silly games. This story is a farce for a codependent female who has relationship addiction, low self esteem, and is wondering why she can't be stable. It bothers her, which is probably what led her to this site.
    Author you're a people pleaser (codependent). That is why you feel compelled to cry, and show emotions you don't have, or cuddle with him as he cries (you should tell him to grow up what a wanker). You want to cause a lot of drama? Try ruining him as your leaving instead of cuddling. Stab his insecurities, get caught cheating on purpose, steal something, sleep with his best friend (and tell him he seduced you), isolate him from his friends and dumpem.

  13. Then kill his fucking dog. That sends a message like no other.

  14. Off topic then: PMS, check out the new Wall Street movie. You'll love it.

  15. ^Why? I have been debating whether I'll go see this movie or not. Is it worth it? Or is this sarcasm on your part?

  16. Its worth it. You thought Gordon Gecko did some cold shit on the first one, wait till you see his comeback.

  17. Ok then. I'll check it out. I was wondering if they turned him into an old softie. I wanted to preserve my memory of Gordon Gekko as he once was, hence my hesitation to see the movie.

    Thanks man.

  18. Game theory, movie reviews, and a steady stream of moronic anonymous posters? What more could I ask for? Thanks for the heads up, UKan. I'll have to rewatch the first one beforehand, though. It's been a long time.

  19. Anon.

    Sociopathy is, according to the DSM, "...a pervasive pattern of disregard for, and violation of, the rights of others...."

    These men have not been violated.

    Also, by definition, a personality disorder (especially one prefixed with "socio") consists of those traits that cause social disruption. Nothing of the sort is happening here.

  20. Does everything a sociopath does have to violate the rights of others? Is there really something telling here that assures us she is not a sociopath?

    I mean UKan's suggestion
    This story is a farce for a codependent female who has relationship addiction, low self esteem, and is wondering why she can't be stable. It bothers her, which is probably what led her to this site.
    Author you're a people pleaser (codependent). That is why you feel compelled to cry, and show emotions you don't have, or cuddle with him as he cries (you should tell him to grow up what a wanker).

    She doesn't say anything about how she has to be in a relationship, or please others..that she cares emotionally that people actually like her, she just wants to be on their good side for useful reasons, she doesn't state anything about how she feels, sad guilty etc etc if people don't like me I'll be worthless, I mean there is nothing to support this take. She doesn't state it bothers her at all.

    Or Arienne's
    To me, she sounds like someone who doesn't believe she has the right to assert herself when it comes relationships. I think it smacks of low self-esteem and approval-seeking behavior.

    Sure the behavior could be this, but does she express any of these things? No. There's nothing here about how she feels guilty breaking up with people, or that she doesn't want others to think she's a bad person cause it will make her feel bad.

    What she does state is that she is misrepresenting her feelings and intentions*, sure an empath could do this too, but there is nothing (other than the behavior itself) to support anyone else's theory of emotional reasons why an empath would use this behavior.

    *I don't think this is necessarily non-empathic behavior, even empaths can have relationships with people that don't really care for. But there is a disregard for the emotions of others--there's no caring going on here.

    Is this not enough for you people! Does the dog have to die?

  21. Interesting, Anon.

    Apparently people are sociopathic unless proven otherwise.

    Thanks for the lesson.

  22. I will go on record and say I think a female sociopath actually wrote this. I can't say that about the majority of females writing in.

    This correlates well with my personal experiences.

  23. Nope shes not a sociopath, shes just a rational empath, a social engineering con artist empath but still an empath.

  24. One of my adult daughters (not a sociopath) and I were discussing this, and I related this section to her:

    "I really wonder why there hasn't been more extensive research on them, apart from the obvious reasons that they aren't in prison (the psychological world's equivalent of deep pockets) and don't seem to suit the sociopath stereotypes (confirmation bias)."

    Her take was: "How would you be able to tell the difference between a female sociopath and a run-of-the-mill, cold-hearted bitch? The world's full of 'em. Where do you draw the line? That's probably why there isn't more study of them. It could get tricky."

    My two daughters' age cohort seems to take great pleasure in proudly proclaiming that they are bitches. I don't have a t-shirt with "Sociopath" emblazoned across the front in large, sparkling letters, but they have t-shirts with "Bitch" on them. Counterintuitively, that never seems to scare off the steady stream of suitors.

    If any sizable fraction of self-described bitches were in all actuality sociopaths, the mental health establishment would need to radically rethink the incidence and demographics of sociopathy.

  25. "Why Men Love Bitches"

    Very popular.

  26. Hmm...I agree with the long Anon. post.

    I think this sounds like a way to stretch those manipulation muscles without drawing negative attention. Successful sociopaths probably run many of these "constructive" games to build a cadre of individuals who "owe them one" or would speak highly of them to individuals who may matter someday.

    I think the point is not in the destruction of another person. It is in playing a game and coming out on top.

  27. Anon @ 2:53 said, "Sure the behavior could be this, but does she express any of these things? No. There's nothing here about how she feels guilty breaking up with people, or that she doesn't want others to think she's a bad person cause it will make her feel bad."

    You have put words in my mouth, Anon.

    I never implied that she felt guilty or bad.

    Low self-esteem does not equal "guilty", and I did not say that.

    Approval-seeking behavior does not equal not wanting to "feel bad", and I didn't say that, either.

  28. @ Aerianne
    If the issue was self-esteem, the author would be doing this because she didn't feel she deserved the guys. From the post, her objectivve was to eliminate the boring boyfriend and replace him with a tool on her shelf for the day that she could use his guilt for her benefit.

    @ Ammy
    Blowing a guy off doesn't take any planning and doesn't result in any benefit for the girl- what fun would that be? What use would it serve?

    @ Savagelight
    a social engineering con artist empath
    Spectacular phrase.

    @ Gabriel
    IMHO, Bitches are openly and outwardly...well...bitchy (directly mean, complaining, etc), whereas P/S types are manipulative and are usually working toward a goal at the end of a plan. The big similarity is that both can have fun being what they are while others may possibly suffer.

  29. Pythias, the issue of low self-esteem that I'm trying to point up here is that of a person not feeling entitled to experience their own happiness, or to express their unhappiness in a forthright manner. I think, generally, if a person feels that they are entitled to their feelings, then they have no problem expressing them forthrightly and in a manner that would not provoke animosity.

  30. I found this advice on how to deal with a phsycopath.

    Q. I dated a man who is showing 'red flags'. I'm concerned he may be another P. How can I tell him nicely I'm not interested?
    A. We suggest "I've started some new projects that will occupy my time for quite a while P. I'll call you when I have more time. Thanks for calling P. Good bye for now." If he asks what the projects are, he's being intrusive, give yourself permission to not answer. Just repeat "Thanks for calling P. Good bye for now." Hang up. If he calls again try saying something like "Any free time is taken up now P" or, "My time is still taken up now P. I'd prefer if you didn't call me". If he calls again say "P, this is becoming annoying P, please don't call me anymore, Good bye P" hang up even if he's still talking.

    What is wrong with just telling someone your not interested, Empath or Sociopath?

  31. Anon @ 7:57 said,
    "What is wrong with just telling someone your not interested, Empath or Sociopath?"

    That's my point, Anon. If done with the flair and charm that Socio's are noted for, you have not created any animosity and you can keep that person in your hip pocket for future use if you so desire.

  32. Aerianne, Interesting!

    I just assumed that the author became bored with the guys (P/S types get bored easily from what I've read), had a look around at the situation and thought something like, "Gee, I could tell him its not working out and we could go on being friends...ooooor I could make him break up with me, make him feel guilty for it, and then he'll spend the rest of our 'friendship' trying to make up for it." Being a P/S type, I'd imagine she'd want to manipulate someone (which is fun and satisfying) while at the same time positioning this guy for use in another situation.

    But you think it isn't that she just got bored and doesn't really care, but that she was unhappy and didn't feel entitled to express it? If this is how you think, then I take it you aren't a P/S type? It's fascinating how someone can assign emotions and insecurities to behaviors that I wouldn't naturally think of as emotional. Thanks for the insight.

    *Note to self...If I'm ever caught manipulating in this way, "Low Self Esteem" is my excuse! :)

  33. Pythias, I think given the time she dedicated to it, that boredom may not have been the case. If I were bored with someone, I'd drop them and move on to something that interested me more.

  34. Aerianne said...
    That's my point, Anon. If done with the flair and charm that Socio's are noted for, you have not created any animosity and you can keep that person in your hip pocket for future use if you so desire.

    I find that men either hang around hoping you will change your mind,(very annoying)find someone else and try to make you jealous(why would I be jealous when I'm not interested in them),or get nasty and start calling me names,(pathetic)or they except it and move on with their lives.

    I have no need to keep anyone in my hip pocket, as If I don't see them as been of any use to me now, they will be no use to me in the future.

  35. Anon @ 8:33, I was referring to how the author of M.E.'s post was talking about sparing hard feelings, and preserving useful ones, with the person they got to do the breaking up with them.

  36. I think given the time she dedicated to it, that boredom may not have been the case.

    I don't know- Maybe it's like Monopoly. It's Sunday night and you are bored out of your mind, so what do you do? Pull out a game that takes for-ever to complete. Why? Because playing games is fun and that was the one lying around when you got bored.

    I can't help but picture Scar from The Lion King playing with and talking to the mouse before bringing it to his teeth.

    If I were bored with someone, I'd drop them and move on to something that interested me more.

    I think I might be inclined to play with whatever I had on the end of my string before letting it go :)

  37. Could be, Anon @ 8:44. Everyone is different. If slow moving games is what alleviates boredom for someone, then that could be the case.

  38. Maybe she is just a good story teller, and is sitting back laughing at how many stupid people believe what she wrote.
    The fact that now we have people discussing the story,agreeing disagreeing,Just another way of stiring the pot.
    And from what I gather from sociopaths, as long as they think what they have done is causing some kind of reaction(even though they can't see it)it makes them feel good.

  39. Heheha, you are probably right, Iamme!

  40. Anon 6:31

    "Successful sociopaths probably run many of these "constructive" games to build a cadre of individuals who "owe them one" or would speak highly of them to individuals who may matter someday."

    I would agree with this. The favor-based economy of interaction is a powerful thing. Even small things tend to drive people to reciprocate in the future, often overriding any animosity in the interim.

  41. @ Gabriel

    they have a club.

  42. Let me explain how I reached my conclusion, for those who disagree (stupid anons), on this silly post.
    For the most part sociopaths relationships are a one night stand or long term. The long term partner is based on someone who's useful and valuable. They thrive on confrontation. They have purpose in everything they are doing. They use people. They are not afraid to abandon you coldly and to her face reguardless of how it makes you hurt. Ask anyone in here who's broken up with a sociopath.
    People who have low self esteem and abandonment issues tend to have short burst relationships that last till the infactuation wears off. They have commitment issues with men who are not dominant. They have lack of initiative so that is a need they want filled, but they seek men who don't because they are afraid that they will abandon them and leave them hurt. They are right in a sense because they are extremely vulenrable when with a dominant man. This is why they say nice guys finish last. They are afraid of confrontation, and engage in passive aggressive behaviour compulsively. When they are alone they go on a downward deppressing spiral so they need attention.
    She said that men cried to her in the break up. This shows the type of men she seeks. Everyone has a type and I'm sure she didn't break her pattern. She tends towards weak men and finds them undesirable in a matter of months. Fits right in.
    Another statement was that they would call her and ask her out, and she would lie to them. Why lie? Why pick up the phone at all? She felt compelled to explain why she wouldn't hang out with them. Being unconfrontational she lied to spare his feelings not to make some plot. Its obvious. What else would you gain.
    Another statement said she would fake crying if they broke up with her. To what end? The reality was she was crying for real and has rewritten history to delude herself that she's in control.
    Another statement says she would comfort her crying ex. Why? What sociopath can stand the pathetic sound of crying anyway? Maybe if something was at the end of this trail of tears, but no. No, instead we are led to believe it was a diabolical plot to get men to break up with her. Why not say you're now a lesbian? How bout fucking a man while he's walking in? Why make him break up at all? She wants to spare their feelings, and that's the only logical explanation.

  43. For the most part sociopaths relationships are a one night stand or long term. The long term partner is based on someone who's useful and valuable. They thrive on confrontation. They have purpose in everything they are doing. They use people. They are not afraid to abandon you coldly and to her face reguardless of how it makes you hurt. Ask anyone in here who's broken up with a sociopath.
    People who have low self esteem and abandonment issues tend to have short burst relationships that last till the infactuation wears off. They have commitment issues with men who are not dominant. They have lack of initiative so that is a need they want filled, but they seek men who don't because they are afraid that they will abandon them and leave them hurt. They are right in a sense because they are extremely vulenrable when with a dominant man. This is why they say nice guys finish last. They are afraid of confrontation, and engage in passive aggressive behaviour compulsively. When they are alone they go on a downward deppressing spiral so they need attention.
    She said that men cried to her in the break up. This shows the type of men she seeks. Everyone has a type and I'm sure she didn't break her pattern. She tends towards weak men and finds them undesirable in a matter of months. Fits right in.
    Another statement was that they would call her and ask her out, and she would lie to them. Why lie? Why pick up the phone at all? She felt compelled to explain why she wouldn't hang out with them. Being unconfrontational she lied to spare his feelings not to make some plot. Its obvious. What else would you gain.
    Another statement said she would fake crying if they broke up with her. To what end? The reality was she was crying for real and has rewritten history to delude herself that she's in control.
    Another statement says she would comfort her crying ex. Why? What sociopath can stand the pathetic sound of crying anyway? Maybe if something was at the end of this trail of tears, but no. No, instead we are led to believe it was a diabolical plot to get men to break up with her. Why not say you're now a lesbian? How bout fucking a man while he's walking in? Why make him break up at all? She wants to spare their feelings, and that's the only logical explanation.

  44. Let me explain how I reached my conclusion, for those who disagree (stupid anons), on this silly post.
    For the most part sociopaths relationships are a one night stand or long term. The long term partner is based on someone who's useful and valuable. They thrive on confrontation. They have purpose in everything they are doing. They use people. They are not afraid to abandon you coldly and to her face reguardless of how it makes you hurt. Ask anyone in here who's broken up with a sociopath.
    People who have low self esteem and abandonment issues tend to have short burst relationships that last till the infactuation wears off. They have commitment issues with men who are not dominant. They have lack of initiative so that is a need they want filled, but they seek men who don't because they are afraid that they will abandon them and leave them hurt. They are right in a sense because they are extremely vulenrable when with a dominant man. This is why they say nice guys finish last. They are afraid of confrontation, and engage in passive aggressive behaviour compulsively. When they are alone they go on a downward deppressing spiral so they need attention.
    She said that men cried to her in the break up. This shows the type of men she seeks. Everyone has a type and I'm sure she didn't break her pattern. She tends towards weak men and finds them undesirable in a matter of months. Fits right in.
    Another statement was that they would call her and ask her out, and she would lie to them. Why lie? Why pick up the phone at all? She felt compelled to explain why she wouldn't hang out with them. Being unconfrontational she lied to spare his feelings not to make some plot. Its obvious. What else would you gain.
    Another statement said she would fake crying if they broke up with her. To what end? The reality was she was crying for real and has rewritten history to delude herself that she's in control.
    Another statement says she would comfort her crying ex. Why? What sociopath can stand the pathetic sound of crying anyway? Maybe if something was at the end of this trail of tears, but no. No, instead we are led to believe it was a diabolical plot to get men to break up with her. Why not say you're now a lesbian? How bout fucking a man while he's walking in? Why make him break up at all? She wants to spare their feelings, and that's the only logical explanation.

  45. For the most part sociopaths relationships are a one night stand or long term. The long term partner is based on someone who's useful and valuable. They thrive on confrontation. They have purpose in everything they are doing. They use people. They are not afraid to abandon you coldly and to her face reguardless of how it makes you hurt. Ask anyone in here who's broken up with a sociopath.
    People who have low self esteem and abandonment issues tend to have short burst relationships that last till the infactuation wears off. They have commitment issues with men who are not dominant. They have lack of initiative so that is a need they want filled, but they seek men who don't because they are afraid that they will abandon them and leave them hurt. They are right in a sense because they are extremely vulenrable when with a dominant man. This is why they say nice guys finish last. They are afraid of confrontation, and engage in passive aggressive behaviour compulsively. When they are alone they go on a downward deppressing spiral so they need attention.
    She said that men cried to her in the break up. This shows the type of men she seeks. Everyone has a type and I'm sure she didn't break her pattern. She tends towards weak men and finds them undesirable in a matter of months. Fits right in.
    Another statement was that they would call her and ask her out, and she would lie to them. Why lie? Why pick up the phone at all? She felt compelled to explain why she wouldn't hang out with them. Being unconfrontational she lied to spare his feelings not to make some plot. Its obvious. What else would you gain.
    Another statement said she would fake crying if they broke up with her. To what end? The reality was she was crying for real and has rewritten history to delude herself that she's in control.
    Another statement says she would comfort her crying ex. Why? What sociopath can stand the pathetic sound of crying anyway? Maybe if something was at the end of this trail of tears, but no. No, instead we are led to believe it was a diabolical plot to get men to break up with her. Why not say you're now a lesbian? How bout fucking a man while he's walking in? Why make him break up at all? She wants to spare their feelings, and that's the only logical explanation.

  46. For the most part sociopaths relationships are a one night stand or long term. The long term partner is based on someone who's useful and valuable. They thrive on confrontation. They have purpose in everything they are doing. They use people. They are not afraid to abandon you coldly and to her face reguardless of how it makes you hurt. Ask anyone in here who's broken up with a sociopath.
    People who have low self esteem and abandonment issues tend to have short burst relationships that last till the infactuation wears off. They have commitment issues with men who are not dominant. They have lack of initiative so that is a need they want filled, but they seek men who don't because they are afraid that they will abandon them and leave them hurt. They are right in a sense because they are extremely vulenrable when with a dominant man. This is why they say nice guys finish last. They are afraid of confrontation, and engage in passive aggressive behaviour compulsively. When they are alone they go on a downward deppressing spiral so they need attention.
    She said that men cried to her in the break up. This shows the type of men she seeks. Everyone has a type and I'm sure she didn't break her pattern. She tends towards weak men and finds them undesirable in a matter of months. Fits right in.
    Another statement was that they would call her and ask her out, and she would lie to them. Why lie? Why pick up the phone at all? She felt compelled to explain why she wouldn't hang out with them. Being unconfrontational she lied to spare his feelings not to make some plot. Its obvious. What else would you gain.
    Another statement said she would fake crying if they broke up with her. To what end? The reality was she was crying for real and has rewritten history to delude herself that she's in control.
    Another statement says she would comfort her crying ex. Why? What sociopath can stand the pathetic sound of crying anyway? Maybe if something was at the end of this trail of tears, but no. No, instead we are led to believe it was a diabolical plot to get men to break up with her. Why not say you're now a lesbian? How bout fucking a man while he's walking in? Why make him break up at all? She wants to spare their feelings, and that's the only logical explanation.

  47. For the most part sociopaths relationships are a one night stand or long term. The long term partner is based on someone who's useful and valuable. They thrive on confrontation. They have purpose in everything they are doing. They use people. They are not afraid to abandon you coldly and to her face reguardless of how it makes you hurt. Ask anyone in here who's broken up with a sociopath.
    People who have low self esteem and abandonment issues tend to have short burst relationships that last till the infactuation wears off. They have commitment issues with men who are not dominant. They have lack of initiative so that is a need they want filled, but they seek men who don't because they are afraid that they will abandon them and leave them hurt. They are right in a sense because they are extremely vulenrable when with a dominant man. This is why they say nice guys finish last. They are afraid of confrontation, and engage in passive aggressive behaviour compulsively. When they are alone they go on a downward deppressing spiral so they need attention.
    She said that men cried to her in the break up. This shows the type of men she seeks. Everyone has a type and I'm sure she didn't break her pattern. She tends towards weak men and finds them undesirable in a matter of months. Fits right in.
    Another statement was that they would call her and ask her out, and she would lie to them. Why lie? Why pick up the phone at all? She felt compelled to explain why she wouldn't hang out with them. Being unconfrontational she lied to spare his feelings not to make some plot. Its obvious. What else would you gain.
    Another statement said she would fake crying if they broke up with her. To what end? The reality was she was crying for real and has rewritten history to delude herself that she's in control.
    Another statement says she would comfort her crying ex. Why? What sociopath can stand the pathetic sound of crying anyway? Maybe if something was at the end of this trail of tears, but no. No, instead we are led to believe it was a diabolical plot to get men to break up with her. Why not say you're now a lesbian? How bout fucking a man while he's walking in? Why make him break up at all? She wants to spare their feelings, and that's the only logical explanation.

  48. For the most part sociopaths relationships are a one night stand or long term. The long term partner is based on someone who's useful and valuable. They thrive on confrontation. They have purpose in everything they are doing. They use people. They are not afraid to abandon you coldly and to her face reguardless of how it makes you hurt. Ask anyone in here who's broken up with a sociopath.
    People who have low self esteem and abandonment issues tend to have short burst relationships that last till the infactuation wears off. They have commitment issues with men who are not dominant. They have lack of initiative so that is a need they want filled, but they seek men who don't because they are afraid that they will abandon them and leave them hurt. They are right in a sense because they are extremely vulenrable when with a dominant man. This is why they say nice guys finish last. They are afraid of confrontation, and engage in passive aggressive behaviour compulsively. When they are alone they go on a downward deppressing spiral so they need attention.
    She said that men cried to her in the break up. This shows the type of men she seeks. Everyone has a type and I'm sure she didn't break her pattern. She tends towards weak men and finds them undesirable in a matter of months. Fits right in.
    Another statement was that they would call her and ask her out, and she would lie to them. Why lie? Why pick up the phone at all? She felt compelled to explain why she wouldn't hang out with them. Being unconfrontational she lied to spare his feelings not to make some plot. Its obvious. What else would you gain.
    Another statement said she would fake crying if they broke up with her. To what end? The reality was she was crying for real and has rewritten history to delude herself that she's in control.
    Another statement says she would comfort her crying ex. Why? What sociopath can stand the pathetic sound of crying anyway? Maybe if something was at the end of this trail of tears, but no. No, instead we are led to believe it was a diabolical plot to get men to break up with her. Why not say you're now a lesbian? How bout fucking a man while he's walking in? Why make him break up at all? She wants to spare their feelings, and that's the only logical explanation.

  49. For the most part sociopaths relationships are a one night stand or long term. The long term partner is based on someone who's useful and valuable. They thrive on confrontation. They have purpose in everything they are doing. They use people. They are not afraid to abandon you coldly and to her face reguardless of how it makes you hurt. Ask anyone in here who's broken up with a sociopath.
    People who have low self esteem and abandonment issues tend to have short burst relationships that last till the infactuation wears off. They have commitment issues with men who are not dominant. They have lack of initiative so that is a need they want filled, but they seek men who don't because they are afraid that they will abandon them and leave them hurt. They are right in a sense because they are extremely vulenrable when with a dominant man. This is why they say nice guys finish last. They are afraid of confrontation, and engage in passive aggressive behaviour compulsively. When they are alone they go on a downward deppressing spiral so they need attention.
    She said that men cried to her in the break up. This shows the type of men she seeks. Everyone has a type and I'm sure she didn't break her pattern. She tends towards weak men and finds them undesirable in a matter of months. Fits right in.
    Another statement was that they would call her and ask her out, and she would lie to them. Why lie? Why pick up the phone at all? She felt compelled to explain why she wouldn't hang out with them. Being unconfrontational she lied to spare his feelings not to make some plot. Its obvious. What else would you gain.
    Another statement said she would fake crying if they broke up with her. To what end? The reality was she was crying for real and has rewritten history to delude herself that she's in control.
    Another statement says she would comfort her crying ex. Why? What sociopath can stand the pathetic sound of crying anyway? Maybe if something was at the end of this trail of tears, but no. No, instead we are led to believe it was a diabolical plot to get men to break up with her. Why not say you're now a lesbian? How bout fucking a man while he's walking in? Why make him break up at all? She wants to spare their feelings, and that's the only logical explanation.

  50. For the most part sociopaths relationships are a one night stand or long term. The long term partner is based on someone who's useful and valuable. They thrive on confrontation. They have purpose in everything they are doing. They use people. They are not afraid to abandon you coldly and to her face reguardless of how it makes you hurt. Ask anyone in here who's broken up with a sociopath.
    People who have low self esteem and abandonment issues tend to have short burst relationships that last till the infactuation wears off. They have commitment issues with men who are not dominant. They have lack of initiative so that is a need they want filled, but they seek men who don't because they are afraid that they will abandon them and leave them hurt. They are right in a sense because they are extremely vulenrable when with a dominant man. This is why they say nice guys finish last. They are afraid of confrontation, and engage in passive aggressive behaviour compulsively. When they are alone they go on a downward deppressing spiral so they need attention.
    She said that men cried to her in the break up. This shows the type of men she seeks. Everyone has a type and I'm sure she didn't break her pattern. She tends towards weak men and finds them undesirable in a matter of months. Fits right in.
    Another statement was that they would call her and ask her out, and she would lie to them. Why lie? Why pick up the phone at all? She felt compelled to explain why she wouldn't hang out with them. Being unconfrontational she lied to spare his feelings not to make some plot. Its obvious. What else would you gain.
    Another statement said she would fake crying if they broke up with her. To what end? The reality was she was crying for real and has rewritten history to delude herself that she's in control.
    Another statement says she would comfort her crying ex. Why? What sociopath can stand the pathetic sound of crying anyway? Maybe if something was at the end of this trail of tears, but no. No, instead we are led to believe it was a diabolical plot to get men to break up with her. Why not say you're now a lesbian? How bout fucking a man while he's walking in? Why make him break up at all? She wants to spare their feelings, and that's the only logical explanation.

  51. Is the system deleting comments?

  52. For the most part sociopaths relationships are a one night stand or long term. The long term partner is based on someone who's useful and valuable. They thrive on confrontation. They have purpose in everything they are doing. They use people. They are not afraid to abandon you coldly and to her face reguardless of how it makes you hurt. Ask anyone in here who's broken up with a sociopath.
    People who have low self esteem and abandonment issues tend to have short burst relationships that last till the infactuation wears off. They have commitment issues with men who are not dominant. They have lack of initiative so that is a need they want filled, but they seek men who don't because they are afraid that they will abandon them and leave them hurt. They are right in a sense because they are extremely vulenrable when with a dominant man. This is why they say nice guys finish last. They are afraid of confrontation, and engage in passive aggressive behaviour compulsively. When they are alone they go on a downward deppressing spiral so they need attention.
    She said that men cried to her in the break up. This shows the type of men she seeks. Everyone has a type and I'm sure she didn't break her pattern. She tends towards weak men and finds them undesirable in a matter of months. Fits right in.
    Another statement was that they would call her and ask her out, and she would lie to them. Why lie? Why pick up the phone at all? She felt compelled to explain why she wouldn't hang out with them. Being unconfrontational she lied to spare his feelings not to make some plot. Its obvious. What else would you gain.
    Another statement said she would fake crying if they broke up with her. To what end? The reality was she was crying for real and has rewritten history to delude herself that she's in control.
    Another statement says she would comfort her crying ex. Why? What sociopath can stand the pathetic sound of crying anyway? Maybe if something was at the end of this trail of tears, but no. No, instead we are led to believe it was a diabolical plot to get men to break up with her. Why not say you're now a lesbian? How bout fucking a man while he's walking in? Why make him break up at all? She wants to spare their feelings, and that's the only logical explanation.

  53. For the most part sociopaths relationships are a one night stand or long term. The long term partner is based on someone who's useful and valuable.They have purpose in everything they are doing. They use people. They are not afraid to abandon you coldly and to her face reguardless of how it makes you hurt. Ask anyone in here who's broken up with a sociopath.
    People who have low self esteem and abandonment issues tend to have short burst relationships that last till the infactuation wears off. They have commitment issues with men who are not dominant. They have lack of initiative so that is a need they want filled, but they seek men who don't because they are afraid that they will abandon them and leave them hurt. They are right in a sense because they are extremely vulenrable when with a dominant man. This is why they say nice guys finish last. They are afraid of confrontation, and engage in passive aggressive behaviour compulsively. When they are alone they go on a downward deppressing spiral so they need attention.
    She said that men cried to her in the break up. This shows the type of men she seeks. Everyone has a type and I'm sure she didn't break her pattern. She tends towards weak men and finds them undesirable in a matter of months. Fits right in.
    Another statement was that they would call her and ask her out, and she would lie to them. Why lie? Why pick up the phone at all? She felt compelled to explain why she wouldn't hang out with them. Being unconfrontational she lied to spare his feelings not to make some plot. Its obvious. What else would you gain.
    Another statement said she would fake crying if they broke up with her. To what end? The reality was she was crying for real and has rewritten history to delude herself that she's in control.
    Another statement says she would comfort her crying ex. Why? What sociopath can stand the pathetic sound of crying anyway? Maybe if something was at the end of this trail of tears, but no. No, instead we are led to believe it was a diabolical plot to get men to break up with her. Why not say you're now a lesbian? How bout fucking a man while he's walking in? Why make him break up at all? She wants to spare their feelings, and that's the only logical explanation.

  54. M.E. how many times will you delete it before you admit you are pathetetic? Anon above is from me. just wanted to see if it was a glitch, which it is not.

  55. For the most part sociopaths relationships are a one night stand or long term. The long term partner is based on someone who's useful and valuable. They thrive on confrontation. They have purpose in everything they are doing. They use people. They are not afraid to abandon you coldly and to her face reguardless of how it makes you hurt. Ask anyone in here who's broken up with a sociopath.
    People who have low self esteem and abandonment issues tend to have short burst relationships that last till the infactuation wears off. They have commitment issues with men who are not dominant. They have lack of initiative so that is a need they want filled, but they seek men who don't because they are afraid that they will abandon them and leave them hurt. They are right in a sense because they are extremely vulenrable when with a dominant man. This is why they say nice guys finish last. They are afraid of confrontation, and engage in passive aggressive behaviour compulsively. When they are alone they go on a downward deppressing spiral so they need attention.
    She said that men cried to her in the break up. This shows the type of men she seeks. Everyone has a type and I'm sure she didn't break her pattern. She tends towards weak men and finds them undesirable in a matter of months. Fits right in.
    Another statement was that they would call her and ask her out, and she would lie to them. Why lie? Why pick up the phone at all? She felt compelled to explain why she wouldn't hang out with them. Being unconfrontational she lied to spare his feelings not to make some plot. Its obvious. What else would you gain.
    Another statement said she would fake crying if they broke up with her. To what end? The reality was she was crying for real and has rewritten history to delude herself that she's in control.
    Another statement says she would comfort her crying ex. Why? What sociopath can stand the pathetic sound of crying anyway? Maybe if something was at the end of this trail of tears, but no. No, instead we are led to believe it was a diabolical plot to get men to break up with her. Why not say you're now a lesbian? How bout fucking a man while he's walking in? Why make him break up at all? She wants to spare their feelings, and that's the only logical explanation.

  56. Oh I see. You are the one in the article. How entertaining. Do you write the other retarded articles on here? Maybe you should ban me? I know M.E. is W.E.

  57. For the most part sociopaths relationships are a one night stand or long term. The long term partner is based on someone who's useful and valuable. They thrive on confrontation. They have purpose in everything they are doing. They use people. They are not afraid to abandon you coldly and to her face reguardless of how it makes you hurt. Ask anyone in here who's broken up with a sociopath.
    People who have low self esteem and abandonment issues tend to have short burst relationships that last till the infactuation wears off. They have commitment issues with men who are not dominant. They have lack of initiative so that is a need they want filled, but they seek men who don't because they are afraid that they will abandon them and leave them hurt. They are right in a sense because they are extremely vulenrable when with a dominant man. This is why they say nice guys finish last. They are afraid of confrontation, and engage in passive aggressive behaviour compulsively. When they are alone they go on a downward deppressing spiral so they need attention.
    She said that men cried to her in the break up. This shows the type of men she seeks. Everyone has a type and I'm sure she didn't break her pattern. She tends towards weak men and finds them undesirable in a matter of months. Fits right in.
    Another statement was that they would call her and ask her out, and she would lie to them. Why lie? Why pick up the phone at all? She felt compelled to explain why she wouldn't hang out with them. Being unconfrontational she lied to spare his feelings not to make some plot. Its obvious. What else would you gain.
    Another statement said she would fake crying if they broke up with her. To what end? The reality was she was crying for real and has rewritten history to delude herself that she's in control.
    Another statement says she would comfort her crying ex. Why? What sociopath can stand the pathetic sound of crying anyway? Maybe if something was at the end of this trail of tears, but no. No, instead we are led to believe it was a diabolical plot to get men to break up with her. Why not say you're now a lesbian? How bout fucking a man while he's walking in? Why make him break up at all? She wants to spare their feelings, and that's the only logical explanation.

  58. For the most part sociopaths relationships are a one night stand or long term. The long term partner is based on someone who's useful and valuable. They thrive on confrontation. They have purpose in everything they are doing. They use people. They are not afraid to abandon you coldly and to her face reguardless of how it makes you hurt. Ask anyone in here who's broken up with a sociopath.
    People who have low self esteem and abandonment issues tend to have short burst relationships that last till the infactuation wears off. They have commitment issues with men who are not dominant. They have lack of initiative so that is a need they want filled, but they seek men who don't because they are afraid that they will abandon them and leave them hurt. They are right in a sense because they are extremely vulenrable when with a dominant man. This is why they say nice guys finish last. They are afraid of confrontation, and engage in passive aggressive behaviour compulsively. When they are alone they go on a downward deppressing spiral so they need attention.
    She said that men cried to her in the break up. This shows the type of men she seeks. Everyone has a type and I'm sure she didn't break her pattern. She tends towards weak men and finds them undesirable in a matter of months. Fits right in.
    Another statement was that they would call her and ask her out, and she would lie to them. Why lie? Why pick up the phone at all? She felt compelled to explain why she wouldn't hang out with them. Being unconfrontational she lied to spare his feelings not to make some plot. Its obvious. What else would you gain.
    Another statement said she would fake crying if they broke up with her. To what end? The reality was she was crying for real and has rewritten history to delude herself that she's in control.
    Another statement says she would comfort her crying ex. Why? What sociopath can stand the pathetic sound of crying anyway? Maybe if something was at the end of this trail of tears, but no. No, instead we are led to believe it was a diabolical plot to get men to break up with her. Why not say you're now a lesbian? How bout fucking a man while he's walking in? Why make him break up at all? She wants to spare their feelings, and that's the only logical explanation.

  59. I'm thinking that the Anon from the 9.29 is ME.

    And/or maybe he's trying to prove some kind of point, since I stated the other day that I knew that ME didn't like intervening in the comments when Grace posted that email address. It was just an assumption on my part.

    Or perhaps this is just me being narcissistic. But the timing is odd.

  60. For the most part sociopaths relationships are a one night stand or long term. The long term partner is based on someone whos useful and valuable. They thrive on confrontation. They have purpose in everything they are doing. They use people. They are not afraid to abandon you coldly and to her face reguardless of how it makes you hurt. Ask anyone in here who's broke up with a sociopath.
    People who have low self esteem and abandonment issues tend to have short burst relationships that last until the infactuation wears off. They have commitment issues with men who are not dominant. They have lack of initiative so that is need they want filled. Instead, they seek men who are safe because they are afraid that Mr. Right will abandon them and leave them hurt. They are right in a sense, because they are extremely vulenrable when with a dominant man, but they treat nice guys like shit. This is why they say nice guys finish last. They are afraid of confrontation, and engage in passive aggressive behaviour compulsivly.
    She said that men cried to her during their break up. This shows the type of men she seeks. Everyone has a type and Im sure she did break her pattern. She tends towareds weak men and finds them undesirable in a matter of months. Fits right in.
    Another statement was that they would call her and ask her out, and she would lie to them. Why lie? Why pickup the phone at all? She felt compelled to explain why she wouldnt hang out with them. Being unconfrontational she lied to spare his feelings not to make some plot. Its obvious. What else would you gain.
    She claimed she would fake cry when they broke up with her. To what end?
    The reality was she was crying because her heart was broken, and she rewrote history to delude herself that shes in control.
    Another statement says she would comfort her crying ex. Why? What sociopath can stand the pathetic sound of crying? Maybe if there was something at the end of the trail of tears, but no. No instead we are led to believe it was a diabolical plot to get men to break up with her. Why not say you're now a lesbian? How bout fucking someone as they walk through your door? Why make him break up with you at all. Why not break up him? She wants to spare his feelings, because shes afraid of confrontation.

  61. I found it wierd that it would be the above post as it has nothing to do withem.

  62. My apolgies it is a system glitch. For some reason if you copy and paste something that used to be too big and make it smaller it will delete it. No matter how many times you paste it. You have to retype it.

  63. I take back my insults M.E.. Thought it strange of you to switch it up.

  64. My disappearing comments were brief.

    But, okay. I'll take your word for it.

    I also thought it would have been out of character for you to do such shady juvenile stuff here.

  65. I'd be inclined to believe they were system glitches. A few times I've submitted short comments that it claimed to accept, but they never posted, and they certainly weren't anything that anyone would find insulting or inflammatory. At first, it accepted my HTML tags, but now it always claims they are unclosed, which is a patent lie right out of Hell. Just little annoying things that irritate the shit out of me.

    I had chalked them up to the universal -- and possibly Divine -- conspiracy to commit random, senseless acts designed simply to frustrate me. But now that I see that others are involved, I may have to rethink. Is it possible that I'm not the sole intended target of these petty irritations, or are these peripheral acts merely diversions intended to attempt to convince me that I'm indeed not the center of the universe?

  66. Faking crying has never occurred to me as being something I needed to do; of course, neither has faking orgasm.

  67. Although I agree with the fact that she wants to aviod confrontation, maybe she doesn't care, and plans on using them in the future for something else. She wouldn't be able to if she just up and left them shattered. So if this is the case, that brings up another point. Maybe she is a weker sociopath. Her game in getting isn't too great, and she has to hold onto to the people she suckers because she is not good at the capture. She may move on, try with someone else, end up not succeeding, and then go back to the men she already played that game with. Just a thought. I am still learning about socoipaths as we speak, lol.

    Whatever the case may be, I doubt she is a full fledged sociopath. It can be hard to tell with women because they are more complex. I think women sociopaths have emotions, and they use those emotions to further the damage on their victims. Not to completely insult the male socios here, but I think the female sociopaths are smarter in their game. This woman may be an example, but I guess we'll never really know.

  68. Jesse how did you become so stupid? Is it something you were born with or are you just broken?

  69. WHAT!? How am I stupid? Because I said women are smarter in the sociopath world? Did I hit a nervesomehow?

    I was born ignorant, but every person is, and no, I am not broken. What kind of question is that?

  70. I don't think Jesse is stupid. He's just a newbie, is all.

  71. Hit a nerve somehow? Jesse if you could ever hit a nerve on even a suicidal depressed teenage gothic girl holding a razor blade to her wrists, it would be by complete accident.
    You're stupid, because you are contradicting facts with your 'maybe' guessing games. It's retarded. You must get duped a lot in life. You're mind seems to bend towards 'Benefit of the doubt'. I, however, won't give you the benefit of the doubt at all. You are entirely clueless.

  72. UKan said...
    Another statement was that they would call her and ask her out, and she would lie to them. Why lie? Why pickup the phone at all? She felt compelled to explain why she wouldnt hang out with them. Being unconfrontational she lied to spare his feelings not to make some plot. Its obvious. What else would you gain.

    why lie? you lie because it's easier, less work, and most importantly, when dealing with men and/or emotional situations, it's second nature. you pick up the phone because otherwise it will keep ringing, and you tell them what they want to hear. it's not about sparing the feelings, but managing them.

    managing feelings is an art, and it's own form of conquest. doing a disappearing act or avoiding the person is cowardly and you may be only delaying the confrontation. confronting the person and ending it can mean burning bridges. while no doubt sociopathic charm could restore the bridge if required, that will be more work. plus, you've given up control and containment of the situation by dumping them. if you get them to leave you, they can still be "yours".

    i've always thought of this behaviour not only as sociopathic, but also characteristically female. there is some overlap there. we have honed our ability to manipulate to get what we can't get directly because over the centuries men have had all the power. while that's no longer always true, instinct prevails. we come with the equipment to soften the blow in emotional situations, and have to learn other approaches from experience.

    i imagine a sociopathic female would excel at this. what advantage would she gain from emulating more direct male behaviour? coldly dumping the guys would only earn her the reputation of being a bitch, or worse.

    but i agree with you that this particular reader may not be a sociopath. i wonder how she handles other life situations? what if the guy just refuses to leave?

  73. Lol, thank you medusa, I am a newbie XD.

    UKan't figure out what name you want to use:

    Ofcourse I'm going to have contradictions. I am writing as I am thinking. In regards to women sociopaths being smarter, I meant in general, not this one in particular. If she is infact doing this game to make it seem like she cares in order to use them later, then she falls into the category of hard to figure out sociopathic women. If she is just a confused insecure fails to face confrontation woman, like most suspect here, as do I really, then she doesn't apply to the category of smarter more complicated to figure out sociopaths.

    Do you get it now? I'm not some doctor with true proven facts and experimentations with quotes that are stated from a thesis I made into a novel. This is a simple comment from a guy who doesn't understand, and is putting out his opinion, OPINION! Please repeat that word in your head over and over again until you get it.

    I'll admit I am clueless to the world of sociopathy, alot of the people who aren't sociopaths that come here are, hence why we come here, to figure it out, put out opinions, gets some insight, and good, or degrading, conversations. Get it? You are the one that seems clueless here...

  74. If she is just a confused insecure fails to face confrontation woman, like most suspect here, as do I really, then she doesn't apply to the category of smarter more complicated to figure out sociopaths.

    jesse why the back peddling? stick to your guns.

  75. the behaviour she describes does not prove she is a sociopath. but non-confrontational behaviour does not mean she is an insecure empath (any more i think than confrontational behaviour means one is secure). could go any which way: sociopath, empath, secure, insecure. more information needed.

    that she's on a sociopathic site and relates her behaviour to sociopathy rather than empathy suggests something. i'm just not sure what.

    i need a cup of coffee.... :(

  76. Stick to my guns? Now I am confused. I never thought she was in the category I was talking about. I was simply speaking from all points of view. I never thought she was the female being nice to use them later. I was just throwing out that possibility for conversation. I guess if I used the term SOCIOPATH instead of WOMAN it would have been more clear. Sorry for that. I never thought she was the stronger type of character.

    Maybe I shouldn't think type, it confuses people....

    I need a beer,

    I guess that's what happens when people think too hard in a situation that isn't theirs, atleast for me this is true.

  77. well, back peddling may not be correct. but why confused? just because someone posts it, that doesn't mean it makes any sense. and why apologize? or were you being polite? don't be so apologetic.

    are you really a guy? your writing style seems female to me (no offence meant). writing as you think is great for creative writing, brainstorming etc, but when you're contributing comments to a forum it's better to figure out what you want to say, and even better to first figure out what you want from the responses.

    UKan's position is that the reader is a timid empath afraid of confrontation (more or less). my position is that there is not enough information (and that the reader is exhibiting behaviour that is characteristically female).

    what is your position? you speak from all points of view but build a case for none. this leaves the impression that you have nothing to say. i like your description of the reader as a "weaker sociopath". interesting concept. but you don't make a strong case for it, and then dilute the point further by the hedging and mental meandering in the next paragraph whose purpose only seems to be to deflect attacks.

    Ukan's response was, in a way, a logical one.

  78. oops, what i meant was his attack on you was in a way logical. do you see why?

  79. Uh... no. If I felt there were no longer beneficial factors to the relationship(which I hardly even get involved with long terms anyway)I just let them know that they're boring as shit (or terrible in bed or something like that) and that they just don't do it for me. No need for manipulation or crying skits, why waste energy for something so useless? This girl is either chickenshit or extremely lazy. I see nothing sociopathic about it.


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