
Friday, April 5, 2013

Fish in a barrel


  1. I don't think this is psychopathic, but I do this on dating sites. I find really picky, neurotic, narcissistic women, and then I mock them via private message. It's a lot of fun.

    Strangely enough, a few of them actually see the humor in it and seem to enjoy it. Not what I'd expect from a narcissistic, neurotic mess, but it's always a nice surprise when they enjoy the abuse.

  2. WOW.. sounds a bit psycho I mean if you enjoy abusing people that speaks volumes. Who are you to judge anyone anyway.. you could be abusing some really great people..sounds like you yourself are a bit of a narcissistic, neurotic mess.

  3. I'm the only one whose judgment matters.

    Try to understand that you're in my life. It's not the other way around, and it's not mutual. If you have a problem with something I do, get out of my domain, or stop me. My life, my rules, my judgment, my amusement.

    Also, these women definitely think they're great people, but they're not. I wouldn't mock them if they were.

    1. Anon @ 9:14. I would really like to hang out with you at a club sometime. I would take so much pleasure in watching your dumbass take a serious beat down by someone who is sick of pricks like yourself. Maybe I could be the one who could goad you into actually trying to toy with the one who would beat your self serving ass into the ground. Your type knows to stay away from ass kickers because, the immature coward that you are, always feeds on the weak, innocent, and helpless. You're so cool!

  4. so only great people deserve respect? what makes a great person?

  5. Going from "I wouldn't mock great people" to "only great people deserve respect" is a pretty big leap. I think you're overlooking a few things, Zoe.

  6. you reject the picky, neurotic, narcissistic (i.e. intelligent and hot) women before they can reject you.

    a bunny hop, anonymous.

  7. Wrong answer. I pick the women who are doing exactly that.

  8. i'm not sure i understand. you pick picky, neurotic, narcissistic rejecting women? why??

  9. I have issues with people who aren't honest with themselves. Arrogance is very attractive to me, but unless you're confident enough to laugh at the faults so apparent on your profile, you're just lying to yourself and the world at large. I enjoy watching those people suffer over things that really shouldn't bother them, like a completely anonymous stranger making a few snide remarks.

    There are three types of women who respond. There are those who flip out, who are pathetic but hilarious. There are those who admit the fault but see no purpose in the message, who are incredibly boring. Finally, there are those who see the irony in their own bullshit, and in my messages, and can laugh at it all. The last type are few and far between, but they're worth my respect and my time until they prove otherwise.

    So really, there are a lot of reasons. Yes, a big part of it is for amusement, because I generally don't expect any of them to respond rationally, but another part of it is weeding out the imbeciles to find people who excite me.

  10. i did the online dating thing for a while and got tired of weeding. kudos to you, anonymous.

  11. I think Zoe wants to get into your pants, Anon.

  12. Been there, done that, got the treatments... never again. The doctors tell me the first round gave me brain damage. She was good, but she wasn't that good.

  13. Ishtar said...
    I think Zoe wants to get into your pants, Anon.

    you make me feel so dirty

  14. this guy's just a snarky narcy. Sadistic to women. How original. How they hate the prospect of free sex is beyond me.

  15. Roger ebert died today... Now there was an ideal empath. He gave away free, excellent, insight into how people felt about things. Volumes and volumes of it, all well written and easy to digest. I left him a comment jerking him off once about a debate he was seemingly losing and he said he couldnt begin to say how happy it made him feel. Im glad i did that. Wish he werent dead.

  16. Replies
    1. This is for the fake Themes from yesterday.
      The Classic Theme for M.E

    2. what kind of personality are you, 254?

  17. I can write fucking v o l u m e s on the online dating thing, but suffice it to say, i am sooooooooo grateful i have dated a ton of cocksuckers early on in life.

    next ext next next next next next next next next next next. . . . . .

    And a special shout out to the main event:

    THank you, my douchebag! My life would have never been so complete had I not met you! X X X X X

    1. Jeez...
      Want to share some of the highlights from your adventures? It's no good to just stop at calling them "cocksuckers" and "douchebags".
      What exactly did they do that you're so bitter?

    2. no, the cocksuckers were earlier, before on line dating. The douchbag was the antisocial grand mal narc.

      My favorite thing is to get them interested in talking about their failed past relationship ( i d k why people do this, it's like a dead giveaway they arent ready to date and they have tons of anger) so i can see they went out with a crazy like me, and after the long story, I can say I hope their ex is feeling better.

    3. i'm not bitter anymore. I'm happy.

    4. I dont hate men anymore. Not today anyway. I dont hate anyone.


  19. People love to blame others for their feelings. it is their fault for being so weak.

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