
Friday, November 13, 2009

Sociopath quotes: self

Nature has very conveniently cast the action of our sight outwards. We are swept on downstream, but to struggle back towards our self against the current is a painful movement; thus does the sea, when driven against itself, swirl back in confusion. Everyone says: 'Look at the motions of the heavens, look at society, at this man's quarrel, that man's pulse, this other man's will and testament'-in other words always look upwards or downwards or sideways, or before or behind you. Thus, the commandment given us in ancient times by the god at Delphi was contrary to all expectations: 'Look back into your self; get to know your self; hold on to your self.' . . . Can you not see that this world of ours keeps its gaze bent ever inwards and its eyes ever open to contemplate itself? It is always vanity in your case, within and without, but a vanity which is less, the less it extends. Except you alone, O Man, said that god, each creature first studies its own self, and, according to its needs, has limits to his labors and desires. Not one is as empty and needy as you, who embrace the universe: you are the seeker with no knowledge, the judge with no jurisdiction and, when all is done, the jester of the farce.

-- Michel de Montaigne


  1. Each creature first studies its own self, and then you shoot it with a gun and serve it for dinner. Behold, you are the seeker with knowledge of splitting the atom, the judge who holds the power of life and death over everything on earth, and when all is done, the only comedians, musicians, and artists in all of creation.

    I was getting into it 'til the end. Why do people always think this degrading shit is profound?

    Fuck the God at Delphi.

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  4. Suggestion:

    The Immoralist by Andre Gide

  5. Honestly, I think this is wrong. It is right for the extraverted personality type, yes, but an introvert is constantly gazing inward. And goes against all of what is said here.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

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