
Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Know Thyself

Sometimes you can be your own worst enemy. I'm sure you've heard that before. As a sociopath we are met with a choice: Being aware of who we are or ignoring it and becoming a destructive force. Destruction is fun, but in the end we end up destroying ourselves along with anyone else who makes the mistake of helping us.

Many people out there have the opinion that sociopaths have no hope. Therapy doesn't work. Drugs don't work. Why is that? The fact is only you can help yourself. Throughout your life you have relied on yourself, so why would that change when it comes to personal growth.

I'm not here to tell people that they need to be 'good' sociopaths. What is good anyway? Rules and laws are meant to protect people too foolish to see why they are there. Sheep flock to obey them no matter what the cost. We have to develop our own individual principles that we hold ourselves accountable to. This is how you take yourself to a new level.

Several traits of a sociopath can be turned around and used for you or used against you. Ultimately it's up to you.

The fact that you are emotionally shallow can be used to excel you in taking emotions out of the equation and attacking problems at hand with logic. The fact that you are a narcissist can help you stay positive and never accept anything less than number one in any competitive environment. You can use the fact that you are impulsive to take action while others can't pull the trigger. I'm sure you can take this idea from here.

The doors are open for sociopaths. We either succeed highly or we fail dismally. It's up to you to decide where you want to be.


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    1. Sorry, had to delete my comment, but I wrote "first" at that time. So yeah, first.

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  3. Thunderball's a troll you idiot, and he diverts topics into name calling. All you are doing by metioning him in another post is carrying it on. He's not failing if your coming onto this post and continuing his game. Jesus what is wrong with you people.

  4. I really respect the author of this Blog. And, if I ever crossed a sociopath so intelligent, so able to control his impulses and master them, to be loyal to himself, yet not degrading into pure chaos and taking any type of target with him...

    I would kiss his feet and give him half my money.

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  6. Yeah! That could happen! Now just follow the yellow brick road!

  7. I think the only fantastic thing about this idea is the fact that it requires sociopaths to have a concept of the future.

    Oh wait, that is possible. It just requires intelligence.

    So what you're saying, anonymous, that this idea is infeasible for you.

    I can agree with the post whole heartedly. It adds an element of functionality to our daily lives. It's no different than the practicality of blending in, something sociopaths try to do. It's just the slightly higher intellectual goal.

  8. I get where this is heading, and if I didn't have to be around so much pop-crap-psychology, I'm sure I'd not have just thrown up a little in my mouth. But so it was and yes I did. It's a little too..."high school guidance councilor poster with a big kitty cat making a funny face while hanging, almost falling, off a tree branch and written above in the ugliest font ever are the words: weaknesses are just your strengths turned upside down! And then there are jazz hands"...for me.

    I know it's less of an affirmation and more of a battle cry for people find their place in the war, but that's only fine and good if all things are equal. Expl:

    My father is sociopath, objectively I guess you'd call him a shitty dad, but an excellent trauma surgeon. What makes him inadequet in one role is a very important catalyst to his skill as a physician. (cool, calm, fearless, no need to emotionally connect to endure his assistance, he'll serve assholes and priests the same etc etc)

    But to his friends, family and acquaintances he's seen and will be remembered first as a very bad father. It's forgivable for someone to not become a skilled surgeon. But to not become a good father, friend, husband or wife...? To not fulfill and be fulfilled by these roles is unforgivable. My point is that the root of the disillusionment some sociopaths feel and certainly many in the therapeutic community experience is not that a sociopath can not make a valued and effective contribution. It's the paradox that no matter how many chips are in the 'positive impact' pile, you'll never be able to buy into what trumps everything to empaths: a place in their world.

  9. So what you're saying here Sarah is that you find the parental advice of this blog tedious because it reminds you of the fact that your father chose to save many lives instead of being able to emotionally invest in your childhood?

    And how does that make you feel?

    What you've just revealed to all of us is that you're one of the many becoming a psychologist to cope with your own issues and you'll be a part of the statistic (that is, the suicide rate) when you discover that you can't fix your childhood by fixing everyone elses.

    So daddy didn't love you? Does that explain why your on here trying so hard to make sure everyone thinks you're smart? Is that why you respond to every insult, and try to manipulate your response to calling the attacker overly defensive? Is that why you try so hard to sound educated, with several referances that go no where, and googled facts that prove nothing? Is it all a part of your striving to look good in your father's eyes? While you're opening up why don't you give us a little more amunition?

  10. So what you're saying here Sarah is that you find the parental advice of this blog tedious because it reminds you of the fact that your father chose to save many lives instead of being able to emotionally invest in your childhood?

    And how does that make you feel?

    What you've just revealed to all of us is that you're one of the many studying psychology to cope with your own issues and you'll be a part of the statistic (that is, the suicide rate) when you discover that you can't fix your childhood by fixing everyone elses.

    So daddy didn't love you? Does that explain why you're on here trying so hard to make sure everyone think you're smart? Is that why you respond to every insult, and try to manipulate your response to calling the attacker overly defensive? Is that why you try so hard to sound educated, with several referances that go no where, and googled facts that prove nothing? Is it all a part of your striving to look good in your father's eyes? While you're opening up why don't you give us a little more amunition?

  11. I can see why what I wrote got you spinning. It's a new communication device I have personally invented called a "Personal Anecdote". I think it's going to catch on.

  12. Dependable as ever! Though she says she doesn't care, she never ceases to have a response to any and every insult. Sarah, do you not see, yet, that we're insulting you consistantly until like everyone else you just get fed up and go? But you're even more fun because you're so insecure you can't stop. Don't worry. We'll get you too. As soon as you go we can resume moderately intelligent conversations. And you can get back to your studies and defensive sense of superiority.

  13. By all means, don't let me get in the way of your ambition to be "moderately intelligent." (This is where Eye of Tiger plays in the background)

    But as far as you claiming to bully me out of here by "insulting me consistently" I think you might be jumping the gun. You haven't actually insulted me. You just brought it up now, vaguely threatened it, kinda alluded to the possibility of it happening sometime in the future...but no actual insults. Except for the insult to my intelligence I accomplish myself by validating you with a response.

    Strange, no? Maybe I should write three paragraphs of bullshit projection about what this means about you as a person. 'Cause, if people aren't 'real' online while posting on a blog about being a sociopath...then honey they ain't never 'real'. But that's not why I won't. I don't care why you're weird. Or that you are weird at all. I only care if and when you can provide me with a perspective that is of moderate intelligence that I can use. But instead you would rather act like some high school cheerleading captain holding auditions for the most sinister and diabolical cheer-off this world has ever known. 'Luck.

  14. well said sarah. People, whilst it may be true we would all like to rip the other's head off and vomit down what used to be the windpipe, we are fortunately or unfortunately prevented from such fun and games. Therefore we could spend our time here playing puerile and ultimately impotent mind-games. You try to get into my head I try to get into yours. Neither of us doing a better job than a 10 year old could do (one example being the insults that seem to get rained onto sarah by one or two people0. Or we use this place to speak our personal truth, or tell our personal lies, in a fearless and authentic manner. Don't worry about what psychos are meant to think and feel or what non-psychos are meant to, what are your feelings...if you are psycho how about what are your feelings or actions that don't fit with the psycho profile...Daniel, Sarah, M.E., got anything that doesn't fit?

    1. TouchƩ. But are we not being honest in our desires and motivations by the very act of insulting and manipulating each other? :)

  15. Sarah said, “It's the paradox that no matter how many chips are in the 'positive impact' pile, you'll never be able to buy into what trumps everything to empaths: a place in their world.”

    True enough. I’ve come to terms with knowing that no matter how long I live and no matter what I do, I’ll never really have a place in their world. So what? What else am I supposed to do but make the best of it and feel good about my lot in life nevertheless?

    On a side note, since Sarah bought up dads, one of the reasons it took me so long to acknowledge my own place on the personality spectrum was my father’s own sociopathic-like tendencies. I hated my old man and I vowed as a kid to be nothing like him. Of course, the truth was that I was a lot more like him than I cared to admit. I was in severe denial about our similarities for a long time. Till now that is. Now that I’ve accepted that the apple really didn’t fall that far from the tree after all, I find myself understanding him much more than I did before.

  16. guns n roses said, “if you are psycho how about what are your feelings or actions that don't fit with the psycho profile...Daniel, Sarah, M.E., got anything that doesn't fit?”

    Well Rosie, since you used the term ‘psycho’ I’m going to assume you mean psychopath. (I do make a distinction between psychopath, as Hare defines it, and sociopath, as Stout defines it. I personally prefer the term Machiavellian, per Christie, Gies & Paulhus myself.) One way I am not a psychopath is that I can feel anxiety. For instance, my heart rate rises a little when I’m looking down from very high places. Well, it doesn’t rise so much as I just get dizzy. But I can be startled and I’ve heard psychopaths can’t, or at least not as much. Another difference between me and a psychopath is that I like kids. I think children are the best of us because they’re so real. They haven’t learned to comprehensively lie to themselves yet. That comes later with ‘socialization’. Once they get past 10 though (give or take) I lose interest.

    Btw, I’ve used this place more as a means of working through some of my thoughts on this 'dark triad side of the personality spectrum' issue. It’s been effective too.

    1. Oh, fuck, DB, I'm in love again, now, twice in ten minutes - First Sarah, then you...
      I'm on a roller coaster and you are the leering, toothless, but somehow provocative operator.

  17. guns n roses said: "what are your feelings or actions that don't fit with the psycho profile[...]?"

    Sometimes I find myself crying. It feels like, because I run on fury and although the fury's shoved way down deep, fury builds up and up until it forces tears out. It's involuntary, and it usually takes me so much by surprise that I just sit there and wonder what's going on. And then the tears stop again.

    It's not even crying, really, because the words sounds like it requires more active involvement than I have with my passive tears. I don't feel involved with them, or with a feeling behind them: they just happen. I'm perfectly able to carry on a normal conversation, to be friendly, to be pretending and smiling and laughing while I'm crying.

    Which really does unnerve people.

  18. Oh, and I agree with Daniel: I startle, too. It takes different things to make me jump than to make the majority of my acquaintances jump, but it happens. I'm also more likely to startle over the little things, like being approached from behind (I'm protective of my privacy and it's an invasion of it), than I am over the big things, like realising there's a train coming when you're on the track (if you're dead, you're dead).

    It's a good question, and I'm glad you asked it.

  19. Suzanna said, “I'm also more likely to startle over the little things, like being approached from behind (I'm protective of my privacy and it's an invasion of it), than I am over the big things, like realising there's a train coming when you're on the track (if you're dead, you're dead).”

    That’s actually a good distinction Suzanna. If you sneak up behind me and yell BOO, then I’ll feel startled, my heart rate will rise and so on. But when faced with a real threat of bodily harm, as I was once, I was instantly calm, clear headed and talked the person out of hurting me. I wonder how common that is, and I don’t just mean among socios and psychos and Machs and what not either. I’m talking about the general population. I bet it’s very common.

    “It's a good question, and I'm glad you asked it.”

    One thing I forgot to add in my previous comment was that it’s good to remember that we’re all speaking in generalities when we talk about what psychopaths and sociopaths would and would not do/feel. That’s fine for the purposes of discussion I suppose but we have to bear in mind that when it comes down to individual people, they’re all going to vary, even if it’s only slightly, in their configuration of personality traits and in the expression of said traits. In other words, even though we may indeed fit into broad categories, we are still individually unique. Well, unique enough at any rate.

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  23. I'm glad this blog exists. Thanks to the Socios who have the courage to be honest about who they are and to share their experiences here. It is oddly comforting. I was married to a malignant Narc for 12 years and was primed so well that I ended up engaged to a Socio for two years after that. However, I don't see myself as a victim. I was a willing, albeit ignorant accomplice. In fact, sometimes I think that deep down I knew who these men were fairly early on in the relationship - I just chose to ignore the signs, the signals and the inadvertent self-disclosures as to the reality of their make-up because I simply wanted to believe the lies they had spun. Desire is a powerful denial tool. I think my own latent narcissistic and sociopathic tendencies allowed me to dismiss the truth - I simply WANTED what I WANTED - to believe these men were like me, and that they loved as I loved. I was playing out my own little fantasy and drama, just as they were playing out theirs.

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  25. Sarah said, “It's the paradox that no matter how many chips are in the 'positive impact' pile, you'll never be able to buy into what trumps everything to empaths: a place in their world.”

    This is really why I continue to read here. I've never really wanted a normal life or even really thought it was possible. The problem is coming up with some sort of stable alternative.

    It's simplistic to think your "weaknesses" can be recast as strengths. It always depends on the context and most situations where a socio/psycho's natural character will perform well are not stable. Not everyone's cut out to be a surgeon. Hence the well know attraction for criminal and marginal lifestyles.

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  28. Harry Lime said, “Not everyone's cut out to be a surgeon. Hence the well know attraction for criminal and marginal lifestyles.”

    There are obviously more social contexts where in a person who doesn’t have much of a conscience can thrive in than that. Perhaps it just comes down to picking your context carefully based upon a clear assessment of your abilities.

  29. "There are obviously more social contexts where in a person who doesn’t have much of a conscience can thrive in than that"

    Oh, I agree. I've always worked in sales and my flexibility has paid off time and again. But I think I've often been promoted to levels were my personal style becomes a liability . . .

    When I do well the next logical step always involves managing other people or corporate partnerships, participating in crossfuntional teams, etc. . . .stuff that require a great deal of sensitivity to the interests of others over a longer term.

    This is the level where I seem to make mistakes. Then I have to go somewhere else and start all over again.

  30. I'm at the stage of not knowing what I am. I don't feel as much as others I know this. Then there's the part playing, acting, magnificence. But then you end up in the eyes of other people as like the pinnacle of empathy. You know it's bullshit and maybe you try to express that to someone close but then you get told so sincerely, maybe with an affectionately dismissive laugh, that YOU are the last person who has to think you might be like that. Yet you know it's bullshit but it's easy to believe bullshit especially when it helps you in ways that perhaps you don't want to think too much about, parasitic ways. Anyway, that's where I am right now, that's my truth or my lie.

  31. guns n roses said: "[...]you end up in the eyes of other people as like the pinnacle of empathy. You know it's bullshit and maybe you try to express that to someone close but then you get told so sincerely, maybe with an affectionately dismissive laugh, that YOU are the last person who has to think you might be like that."

    Hear, hear. Try and tell the truth for once and no one wants to hear it. So I've given up, and I tell the truth quite a lot now. In circumstances such as: "What are you thinking?" "How your ear would feel in my mouth if I ripped it off with my teeth." "Haha!" Or the good old: "Do you like me?" "I don't give a shit about you." "Haha!" I tell the truth, and no one believes me. So whatever happens next is their responsibility: they've been warned.

    It's a bit depressing, on one level. On most other levels, though, it's pure amusing.

    1. Ditto here. It's kinda funny when you tell someone you think they are a boring shithead and they think you're being silly and can't wait to fuck you again and introduce you to their sexy friends because they love your personality!

  32. lol suzannah, yeah well I don't think like that about people which is why I say I don't know what I am. This whole issue quickly becomes buried in the mystery of the human mind, human nature and so on.
    I don't feel so much, but on the other hand I don't have much inclination toward contempt for the ordinary woes of people....why would I? I don't look at chimps and all the weird social behaviours they have, the grooming they do to eachother, as contemptible or revolting. Normal human behaviour and emotion is no different in my eyes, it's instinct, it's evolution, it's nature playing itself out. Those behaviours that some of you find so revolting and call 'weakness' have been selected in an unbelievable brutal and emotionless process of natural evolution that would leave any dispassionate callousness you may see yourself with, looking like the mother of all mother teresa share with me your pain baby.
    It's evolution, the way they are, maybe I am, I don't know, but the way they are, has been selected because it works for large groups of humans. It's effective in ways you and maybe I cannot see.
    It's created the wonder of human civilisation, which ain't no mean achievement when you remember we are just a bunch of vicious apes.

    1. Guns, where've you been these last few months? Your input is special, vital. Keep it coming.

  33. Harry Lime said, “When I do well the next logical step always involves managing other people or corporate partnerships, participating in crossfuntional teams, etc. . . .stuff that require a great deal of sensitivity to the interests of others over a longer term.

    This is the level where I seem to make mistakes.”

    Really? Although I can’t feel with the same depth as the average normal, I can competently theorize about their psychology, which makes understanding their interests possible for me. And since you’re a successful salesman, I’d imagine it shouldn’t be a stretch from that to knowing how to handle to others over the long term. Then again, I’ve never been a professional salesman, so perhaps the gulf is indeed too great.

    I’ve only been in leadership positions a few times, with mixed results. Looking back, my mistake was using ‘empath’ concepts and ideas to manage the situation using what I now understand to be a ‘non-empathic’ brain. The juxtaposition reduced my effectiveness. Now that I know what I know, I wonder if I’d do better…

  34. I suppose, when you put it like that, it just shows how I fail to see the wider picture. Though actually, I don't think many people would see the picture as widely as you do - not that that's a bad thing, not at all - just, maybe, it's not only me.

    I can't help it, myself: there's no logic to it, I don't find myself considering how we have reached this moment in time before looking at strangers and feeling physically sick with disgust. It's a kneejerk reaction, but because I have it I don't want to change it - I don't want to like (or be like) something that repulses me. If I think it through, my reaction is probably baseless, but it's still there.

  35. (My previous comment is meant for guns n roses. Probably should have mentioned that.)

  36. suzy I have the revulsion too...and thanks for the plain talk.

  37. guns n roses said, “Those behaviours that some of you find so revolting and call 'weakness' have been selected in an unbelievable brutal and emotionless process of natural evolution…”

    So were gnats, mice and wasps, but that doesn’t mean I have to like them. ;)

  38. Gnats, mice, and wasps, haven't evolved to dominate and almost completely control the fates of all known life in the universe, either.

  39. Peter pansy- why do you always remove your posted comments? What is your deal?

  40. "I’d imagine it shouldn’t be a stretch from that to knowing how to handle to others over the long term."

    I imagine it like the difference between dating and marriage. I start to feel really bored and frustrated by these dynamics . . . some of the people on the other side of the table are really smart, and they can tell.

    It somewhat goes back to the discussion of 'affect' or anxiety. I never worry about failing, getting laid off or not closing a deal. But being wedged into circumstances where I'm constantly dealing with one or several people who may be smart enough to see through me becomes a sources of free floating discomfort.

  41. He covers his tracks

  42. Peter Pan wrote "Gnats, mice, and wasps, haven't evolved to dominate and almost completely control the fates of all known life in the universe, either."

    Hear Hear Pan, and I might add, they aren't part of our own species. To Daniel, I would say, yes it's fine not to 'like' it, but should that be the top level what defines your relation to it? It's just nature, it's irrational and pointless to 'hate' it. For what reason hate it?
    There is one reason of course, which would take a bit of strength to confront in a non-hiding non sloping out of it, kind of way. The despising 'weakness' is a rationalisation that helps us not have to worry that we don't feel bad about it. Understand what I mean here. Not a rationalisation to stop us feeling bad, but a rationalisation to help us explain why we don't feel bad.
    But it doesn't look good...I mean what is this crap about taking someone apart psychologically and then looking at the weak pile of used-to-be-productive-in-society now worthless shit that we created, we did to them, and then the rationalisation it's their natural state...ah yes the natural state...that's why I don't feel's their fault, what they were all along.
    I understand dirty harriet when she says angry children...that's what the rationalisations and the behaviour start to look like, strip away the delusions and rationalisations, justifications.

  43. Well Harry, I’m not as familiar with the dynamics you’re referring to. I’m not too concerned about people seeing thru me, for instance. I suppose it doesn’t matter if you’re getting what you want. Not everybody wants to or needs to be in management. Unless of course, you do in fact want to be in management…

  44. The comments:

    I can charm the pants off of almost anyone in the short term, but eventually, I get so fed up with dealing with them, I can't help but insult the shit out of them and basically tell them I wish they'd cease existing.


    This sort of thing is what lead me to this site. But my general anxieties and desire for social interaction, even though I can't stand anyone, have lead me to conclude that I'm not a sociopath.

    have intrigued me. I have some similarities. I usually, eventually come to view most people I meet as incompetent, stupid, greedy and/or corrupt, with a few possessing the manipulative skills to “own” the rest. Yet I’m only really nasty toward the worst of them. I guess I see people like I see tools. You behave the way I want and I’ll take care of you. You break and I will replace you. You harm me, and after carefully determining it was through no fault of my own I’ll smash you against the wall. Is this how it is for you?

  45. Firstly Rosie, my little smiley thing “ ;) ” was meant to convey my sense of light heartedness, meaning my comment was sort of a joke. I wasn’t necessarily being serious. You guys really need to lighten up a bit. Secondly, shoulds have little meaning to me, so when you ask how I should or should not define my feelings for something, well… you’re asking what to me sounds like a nonsensical question. As far as I’m concerned, it isn’t a question of what I should and should not think, it’s a question of what I do think or not, period. Thirdly, the rest of your comments obviously don’t apply to me. I get the feeling they’re meant for other comments here, so I’ll leave it at that.

  46. nasty edwin dude, those were like totally sociopathic reflections you are in the club baby, you are PURE!!!

  47. Daniel those comments applied to you as much as anyone else here. Look at the way you rationalised the apparent pleasure you took from the thought of those wretched souls on love frauds being further tormented

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  49. Ok fine Rosie. You ask me for reasons… Well I actually gave my reasons for the comment you mention in the other thread. You can feel free to refer to it if you’ve forgotten. Beyond what I’ve already said, I have no need to rationalize anything to you or to myself. To rationalize implies that I need to justify myself, which in turn implies that I need to somehow explain my thoughts and feelings in a way that seems ‘right’ to an outside authority. As I’ve said before, I am under no such obligation. If you think my opinions don’t “look good” then… well… that’s your problem, isn’t it? If you think I’m an ‘angry child’, then, ok, continue to think that. Enjoy. Bon apatite! I have no need to convince you otherwise since your opinion of me is irrelevant.

  50. Maybe not so pure. Sociopaths are everything from overt bullies to covert schemers. I prefer quid pro quo. Hardcore sociopaths usually enjoy screwing people over for pleasure. I screw over the most incompetent, stupid, greedy AND corrupt for pleasure. I walk the sweet little old lady across the street for pleasure. But if I feel her hand on my back pocket wallet, I’ll hustle her into an alley and smash her against the wall.

    What does Peter Pan think of this?

  51. guns n roses said: "It's just nature, it's irrational and pointless to 'hate' it. For what reason hate it?"

    I recognise it's irrational and pointless, and what I mean is, there is no reason. It's the way my mind works. Without logic, without forethought, I hate people, and they make me feel unwell. If I think about it, I can give reasons (the people are ugly, they are stupid, they are useless, they are self-deceived - all useful traits, but all nonetheless hateful to me).

    "But it doesn't look good...I mean what is this crap about taking someone apart psychologically and then looking at the weak pile of used-to-be-productive-in-society now worthless shit that we created, we did to them, and then the rationalisation it's their natural state...ah yes the natural state...that's why I don't feel's their fault, what they were all along."

    I'm not sure what you mean by 'doesn't look good'. It doesn't look good that you take someone hateful and make them more so, and say they had it coming? Because if so, I agree. I understand my indiscriminate desire to hurt is largely pointless, but it's still my desire. That's the only justification I feel I need - I want it, so it's right. That's why I won't judge murderers, rapists, etc. - if they wanted it, it was right. I want to hurt people, and though it doesn't benefit me, I still want to.

    I'm not denying that this sounds like a ridiculous existence.

  52. Daft Cap Wearer said: "An example of this was when I was hanging with my friend [...] He left to the room and came back with a gun and said he was going to kill himself. I wasn't fazed by it, I was completely calm and talked him into giving me the gun, I hid it from him."

    I suspect I would have sat back and let him. It's like the trolley dilemmas M.E. posted a while ago: getting involved seems like more effort than staying out.

  53. I’m also looking for advice regarding a former housemate. I’d done many favors for him in the spirit of good relations. I sensed he didn’t like me much anyways, for his own emotional reasons I never did anything to him – he had a nihilistic cynical streak.

    But years later I’ve just heard, then verified, that he had been actively screwing me over behind my back in ways I still deal with today. I have a powerful impulse to find him and smash him against a wall, but logic tells me that a more subtle smashing would be best.

    What would a true sociopath do?

  54. Peter Pan thinks you're a little ball of energy, what with all these posts, and that I'm not going into any more detail about my personality traits, thoughts, views, etc.

  55. nasty edwin said, “What would a true sociopath do?”

    Instead of asking this question, why not instead ask what Nasty Edwin would do? What do you want and how do you intend to make it happen and what price are you willing to pay for it?

  56. Daniel you missed the point I was making which I am happy to take responsibility for. I can't be bothered trying to reformulate it.

    One other thought though. You seem to think rationalising is not a sociopathic trait...but I am under the impression it very much is. Thus, assuming I am right, are you saying you don't rationalise and that this is another trait you don't share with the typical sociopath? Or perhaps it is that you are rationalising away your rationalising, with notions that you don't have to do it.

  57. Thanks for the nonadvice. This place sucks.

  58. nasty edwin said, "Thanks for the nonadvice. This place sucks."

    I keep forgetting that people, even commenters here, want others to do their thinking for them. My bad. Hey 'true sociopaths', tell this guy what to do please!

  59. Daniel said:
    "I found the self pity and pseudo moralizing disgusting. Some of the actual blog posts were informative. But the comments… UGH. Holocaust survivors and bereavement groups and Al-Anon folk have something to truly talk about. Dudes whose ex-wives were bitches and sluts and women who were too dumb to notice when they were being robbed blind by a two bit con artist, not so much. They need to get over themselves. "

    Daniel, I reckon any panel of psychologists would call this pure rationalising. You acknowledge all these traits about sociopaths and yet you purport to have no insight into how a perfectly stable and productive human being could have their life completely destroyed by that person? You are blaming the victim Daniel. Worse, you are dehumanising the victim.

  60. "I have a powerful impulse to find him and smash him against a wall, but logic tells me that a more subtle smashing would be best."

    Surgical gloves, ski mask, baseball bat. Take his wallet, but discard it immediately.

    Is that subtle enough?

    Just kidding :) Might be more fun to sleep with his girlfriend.

  61. Nasty Edwin, why would you ever want to act like someone you are not? If you are one you wouldn't ask this question. If you are not what does it matter what a true sociopath would or would not do.

  62. This comment has been removed by the author.

  63. guns n roses said, “Daniel you missed the point I was making which I am happy to take responsibility for. I can't be bothered trying to reformulate it.”

    When I saw words like ‘rationalize’ and ‘looks good’ I took them literally. I have a very literal mind. That’s limiting sometimes, but eh, what are you gonna do? We’ll just chalk it up to a misunderstanding and call it a day.

    “One other thought though. You seem to think rationalising is not a sociopathic trait...but I am under the impression it very much is. Thus, assuming I am right, are you saying you don't rationalise and that this is another trait you don't share with the typical sociopath? Or perhaps it is that you are rationalising away your rationalising, with notions that you don't have to do it.”

    Believe it or not, I’m not too concerned about what ‘typical sociopaths’ do and don’t do. I could care less because I’m not trying to be a stereotype. I only need bother with being me. You could be right though; maybe narcs, socios and psychos in general do a lot of rationalizing, as I defined it in my previous comment to you. I don’t know. All I know is, I don’t spend a lot of time looking in the mirror trying make my thoughts/feelings/decisions appear ‘right’ or ‘good’ or what not. I go inside for understanding and comprehension of course, but not rationalization. Or perhaps you’re using the term rationalization in a way I don’t understand, which is entirely possible…

  64. True sociopaths murder innocent people without regard for the consequences. You'd best get started.

  65. This comment has been removed by the author.

  66. guns n roses said, “Daniel, I reckon any panel of psychologists would call this pure rationalising.”

    Ok, let’s clear this up. Again, when I see the word “rationalize” I think of making excuses for something or trying to make one’s actions appear more noble or moral than they were, and so on. Now with that definition in mind, I don’t see the comment you quoted as me trying to make my disgust appear moral or right or justified in anyone’s eyes, let alone my own. Someone asked why I said “marvelous” and that was my honest response. Again, are you using rationalization in an entirely different way than what I am referring to?

    “You acknowledge all these traits about sociopaths and yet you purport to have no insight into how a perfectly stable and productive human being could have their life completely destroyed by that person?”

    Who says I don’t have any insight on that? Of course lives were destroyed and hearts were broken and all of that is very painful. My main point, as the rest of my comment said, was that this in no way means that I should feel perpetually sorry for people who seem to be more interested in blaming their would be sociopath than they are in taking full responsibility, learning whatever lessons they need to learn about themselves and moving on. Honey EVERYONE’S been hurt. Those people aren’t special. You either learn from it and let it make you stronger or you don’t; you let it make you more powerful or you wallow and blame and then ‘rationalize’ your perpetual blaming. Besides my general disgust, which does not keep me up at night, it’s no sweat off my back either way.

    “Worse, you are dehumanising the victim.”

    Oh believe me, I’m not dehumanizing anyone. That would require me segmenting a small portion of people (in this case the love frauders) off in my mind and pretending they are less than human. I understand, all too well, that many, many humans prefer blame to taking control of their lives. In this way, the love frauders are no different than most other humans.

  67. Peter pansy- Too revealing so you delete them? No one here knows you from adam so why would it matter if you say revealing things or not?

  68. Because he is a pussy, I'm joking of course. Why does is bug you so much that he deletes comments, and who says he was telling the truth about the reason he does...maybe he re-reads them and finds something wrong with them.

    This is a blog about sociopaths, so nothing said here can be proven.

  69. It doesn't bug me, I was just curious is all. Is that ok with you?

  70. And if its not ok, can you prove that please? Ha ha.

  71. Daft Cap Wearer said, “I’m curious to see if the people of this site have a more distinct personal meaning of the word evil or if you have trouble classifying evil like I do.”

    I don’t myself. I haven’t thought about questions like that in a while. ‘Good’ and ‘evil’ are not the best descriptors to me.

  72. anonapan said...
    "It doesn't bug me, I was just curious is all. Is that ok with you? And if its not ok, can you prove that please? Ha ha."

    I really don't care, its cool with me, I just don't find it curious, more like sad and unsure of himself.

  73. This comment has been removed by the author.

  74. "Besides, I'm just brushing up on questions I asked myself a while ago and this was the first one that had an answer that hadn't changed."

    Perhaps ask questions that are at least tenuously connected to the subject M.E.'s post?

    People may not be eager to spontaneously ruminate on words you've looked up in the dictionary today.

  75. This comment has been removed by the author.

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  77. Daft Cap Wearer said, “Then what would be the best descriptors then?”

    Adjectives that promote clarity. Terms like good and evil muddle things in my mind because of all of the historical baggage they come with. I prefer to think of things like actions, events, personalities and so on with more simplicity. It’s a bit like Occam’s Razor in that sense.

  78. This comment has been removed by the author.

  79. Nasty Edwin your question is too general. What would a sociopath do if a roommate fucked them over? I'm sorry, but every sociopath is different for one. Two, your asking people who are either completely impulsive or people who plot out carefully (nothing in between), both of which would have to require details of your roomate. Three: I wouldn't ask sociopaths advice on how to deal with your enemies, unless you want to engage in pointless fantasies. You know what you need to do, so do it and stop pussy footing around.


    You shouldn't take anyone's advice. That means you're giving control over what you should do to someone else. That's not a good thing to do, so if you're thinking of doing something, just do it and know you made the choice and not someone else.

  81. Daft to answer your question on definition of evil:

    I know it sounds cliche given the site we're on, but I don't have a defintion of evil, because I don't believe in it. Nobody's just evil they are products of enviroment and psychological traits. Acts aren't just done because somebodies evil it's behind a motive. Motives people can't understand they just call evil. There are a lot of variables in society, cultures, subcultures and peoples personal principles/beliefs/religions/etc.. We can go to the extreme here and say that some people think murderers are evil. What if you had to murder someone because it was your job? What if that comes with the lifestyle you are in? What if someone was out to kill you and you were preemptive? I think people spend more time on calling something or someone evil instead of trying to understand the act and why it was done. Even for prevention it's a good start. You can't prevent things you think are wrong if you have no idea the motive behind it. I don't believe in evil or good I believe in neccessity (This is me personally so people don't need to prove me wrong or right here). What I think is neccessary other people might not. The extent I go to get what I want might be too far for others, but I don't really care. I am a little more grey when it comes to morals.

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  84. DCW:

    I tend to be operational in my thinking and I’d rather describe events simply. Believing that terms like good and evil are accurate descriptions would imply that I also believe in a whole host of unspoken and unproven assumptions that usually go along with them, like objective morality, absolute truth, conscience as a kind of supernatural arbiter of righteousness, god and so on. Why muddle my thinking with concepts like good and evil and all of the complicated ideas that go with them when I can just describe events with a minimum of adjectives? That’s what made me think of Occam’s Razor. I like to choose the simpler explanation rather than the complicated one when given the option. That way I decrease the likelihood of error.

  85. DCW said: "The name of the post is "Know Thyself" And my question is based on knowing more about yourself"

    Hmmm . . .Okay, allow me to paraphrase your position:

    'I would like others to validate my own feelings of moral ambiguity by engaging everyone in a trite discussion of the word "evil".'

    This sort of attention seeking behavior is evidence of mental and emotional weakness. Certain to get you into trouble some day.

    So, regarding "evil":

    If you were being raped by mexican gangsters in prison I believe you would have an epiphany . . . that as you were being turned out like the sad fish you are, you would finally believe you had discovered the true nature of "evil"! But you would be wrong, it's merely unhygienic.

  86. "If you were being raped by mexican gangsters in prison I believe you would have an epiphany"

    My epiphany is that you must be white?

  87. This comment has been removed by the author.

  88. This comment has been removed by the author.

  89. Aw, I was just havin' fun.

    But I did answer your question. "Evil" is more of an aesthetic matter.

  90. This comment has been removed by the author.

  91. Birdick said:
    Those people aren’t special. You either learn from it and let it make you stronger or you don’t; you let it make you more powerful or you wallow and blame and then ‘rationalize’ your perpetual blaming.

    I think this is a beautiful picture of the sociopathic sense of superiority. It is not that we see people weak in general, we just have no sympathy for anyone who refuses to learn from their own mistakes and instead chooses to succumb to weakness and remain stagnant. Why feel sympathy for anyone who makes that choice? Choices are a willing thing. You know, an act of the will, and therefore require no sympathy. When you ruin someone's life who asks for it, IE lovefraud, why feel bad? Even as an outside point of view how can you be sympathetic? As drug addicts choose their addiction so than do victims choose their pain. Do you feel sympathy for the addict? Even when you tell him, advise him, and commiserate with him and he refuses to hear you or anything that points out his own failures as a person? People who choose to be blind deserve the lessons they refuse to learn. they deserve the sociopath in their life. It's a great potential for growth that they turn over and waste on their own accord.

  92. This is the one thing that was so curious about my sociopathic ex. I mean everyone on this forum is so intelligent, I'm sure a thousand times more intelligent than I will ever be. Yet how can you sociopaths not grasp that your present actions shape your future? My ex sociopath had to always be busy. If you weren't up at 5am doing something you were lazy and useless in his eyes. Yet with all the bullshit stuff he fills his time being busy with he manages to accomplish absolutely nothing to better his situation in life??? This is nuts. If I had that kind of energy and drive I would be a multimillionaire. I agree he is his own worse enemy. He has destroyed his life and manages not to acknowledge that it is destroyed or that he had any part in the destroying. It's always someone else's fault or "shit happens" and he seems perfectly rosey and fine to live with no mediocre accomplishments and no direction or goals yet he cannot stand to be "lazy" or not doing something. So mind boggling. Seriously, what I would give to have complete calm and presence of mind over all situations. The energy that he has. The charm and fearlessness. Yet because of the selfeshness and evil he can't really use any of those to his benefit except for in petty ways.

  93. Ah! But he does use them to his benefit—just not on the level that you find fitting.

    You envy his gift/curse but at the same time express your feelings that regardless, he is a nobody…implying that you are a somebody.


  94. Love everything about it!!!

  95. Morning y'all

  96. I do agree with the other post that you must learn from your experiences!!

    I also do feel that you can come through a sociopath experience with minimal damage if you have the right instinctual tools, I believe I did!! You have to know for the most part what is going on and not get really attached or connected but enjoy the ride and the game for what it is! I may be a special case because I don't attach, I was told this by a theraphist. I also created many turns and twists in the relationship without really trying or knowing it, I was very fluid. When it ended I was sad but I had been trying to end it anyways, I felt danger all along and knew that was for the best! Oddly, I ended up on top as I was back in school and back on track with my life after a period of set back due to a family death and recession issues. I have always been extremely successful in business so this was as I see it a bump in the road.

    I will add I am not a sociopath but definately a narc, I know they are dreaded here, lol. I do have extreme detachment from others and am disassociative with family members who were sociopaths, maybe this is why I survived it so well. Any opinions on this point of view??

    1. yeah, you sound like me but I'm also a moody bipolar/bpd. It's a lovely thing to dissociate from people in the mud room, thank you Zoe. I've known about my narc tendencies. There's a huge difference between aware and unaware narcissistic people.

      I have lots to contribute, but I don't have the time right now and I think I've said and processed most of what I need to say on here all over the place. But feel free to ask me specifics if you want.

      Both my parente and sibling are narcissists. It turns out my ex is a hellova lot more narc than the sociopaths here. I know because he did the classic leave-when-they-don't-worship-you thing. He got tired of being a commoner with me. Lucky me.

  97. Good Morning Sociopathworld!!!!!

    How are you all today?

  98. Hello Ć¼ber Rich

    What did you think of the debate between Barack Obama and Mitt Romney the other night?

    1. It was pretty even in regards to performance, yet I have a feeling Mr. Romney was a bit long in the tooth by comparison.

    2. Not content with getting off-side with children by threatening to evict the residents of Sesame Street in the first debate, he managed to alienate most self-respecting women (and subsequently jeopardise their all-important deciding vote) with his spectacularly inept and embarrassingly cringing phrase ‘binders of women’.

      I wouldn't trust that fuckwit to run a bath, let alone run the most powerful country in the world.

      IMHO ; )

    3. 'long in the the tooth' - nice ; )

    4. LOL I honestly didnt watch but I heard it was good so Iam goinna watch the next one........ I was watching "Bait Car" instead :) lol

    5. So you should young man. I believe it’s going to be held in your very home-town of Boca Raton, Florida, next Monday.

    6. Mindless Pleasures. You are so sexy


    7. To Monica Moo

      My biggest fan x

      Mindless Pleasures

    8. LOL Nice MP!!!!! What are you doing in this part of the world?

    9. Oh I misread your post MP, I thought it said YOU were gonna be in this area.......

      Iam suprized they are going to have one here, I wonder when it is........ They are probably having alot of them in FL because we have SO MANY elderly people who are worried about their medicare and losing it.......

      I saw some clips from last nights debate and it seemed alot more exciting and interesting than I thought it would be, especially with no podeiums (sp?) and all....... I like that.

  99. "Know Thyself"

    Yep. 'Nuff said... well almost. I am sure I will spout off something intelligently stupid later, but this post is nearly spot on.

    Hey Rich, I missed out on nearly all your story these past few weeks. I have had a lot going on in life right now, but I would like to know a bit about you. Please, I know you have already answered but I just do not feel like nor do I have the time to go running back through all this mess what... what brings an uber empath/addict like you to SW to hang out? What's your deal, man?

    1. @ Virus; "I am sure I will spout off something intelligently stupid later".

      Why wait around when you can say something as oxymoronic as that ; )

    2. :) Well this past week there hasnt been many "Walters PD" stories which sucks because I miss them and I just started saving them all to put them all together day by day!

      Well at first I came here I was just a "lurker" reading posts and not posting........ Than one day I figured, Why not post? So I posted about my life and wanting to find friends here and people (socios mostly) would warn me and say things like "Empath, dont come HERE for friends" LOL! But as I got to see more of the site and met Monica and talked to her off of SW (she is an empath I think but she may be a Narcissist, either way she is very kind!) and she told me she has learned alot about herself with the "tough love" that people give her here.

      Than I talked to some more of the people on here like Mindless Pleasures and "Themes" (LOL they are both awesome) and realized everybody here isint a "Bad sociopath who is out to get you" and I figured maybe I need some tough love and can learn some things about myself and can learn them here without them being "sugar coated" and get the straight up honest truth.

      So I decided to stay and post because I like most of the people, and I would like to learn more about myself. Iam also very fascinated with Sociopathy/Psychopathy and other PD's but Iam mainly fascinated in Sociopaths and Psychopaths, something fascinates me about a condition that nobody (well most people) knows you even have, because from all direct verbal and physical exploration a sociopath/psychopath you cannot even tell there is anything "wrong" with them or their personality.

      If you have any other questions just ask, Iam an open book :)

      So Iam here because I like the people

    3. Fair enough... I too am an open book. But then agin I was born with the beautiful ability to lie like it were the truth. You say Monica is an "empath"? First, I don't believe in any of that empath hooey... but Monica is much more. You say she's nice? Nice people don't want to cut the heads off of people... just saying. I like Monica. I have wanted to gut here and drag her entrails through the world a couple of times, but she can grow on you.

      You like the people here and need friends? We are but digital blimps my man. And what is a friend anyway? Rich, everyhting you need is in you "friend". These things about addiction and other issues are merely excuses for you... how strong are you? How strong do you want to be? How do you get that strong?

      These questions I think will suffice for now. And like wise... I play quid pro quo all the time.

    4. Honestly Virus, just because Iam an empath, dosent mean I dont have the ability to lie AMAZINGLY...... I actually think I lie better than some sociopaths because I ONLY pull out the arsenal of lies when I TRULY need them. In my experience with well marked sociopaths they lie SO MUCH and so often that they often FORGET what lies they have told and than later contradict themselves in the future, which instantly reveals their old lies and leaves you skeptical about anything they tell you in the future ;) Plus, being empathic I can often sense what other people are feeling, which allows me to fine tune my lies before I let them out and map out a whole plan from the beginning, you must remember your first lie and be consistant with it, but in sociopaths that I know they almost ALWAYS give themselves away because they tell unneeded lies than later contradict themselves or tell me something completely different ;)

      I get what you are saying about not needing friends and right now I have NONE besides people on the computer, because when I quit getting high on Oxycodone I had moved, changed my phone number, and deleted my old facebook account....... So I have been only pretty much friends with people over cyberspace for a long time now and I honestly dont miss "friends" too much, most of them are lying bastards anyway.......

      I also have a temper much like yours, when I get mad I feel the same way about ripping entrails out of people and much worse....... But I dont get mad like that very often unless I have a good reason to be.

      I do agree that the only friend i SHOULD need is myself but I have the desire to interact with others.........

      My reasons for wanting methadone may just be excuses, maybe I just dont wanna come off of it and face the world sober..... Maybe I feel safe with it? But those are just excuses and I know I SHOULD be able to face the world sober but Ive been numbing my feelings for so long that it just feels natural to be this way........ I know it shouldnt, but it does.........

    5. Also, Iam not very strong when it comes to drugs or managing my emotions, I'd say those are my two weakest points in life....... I have absolutely NO WILLPOWER to ever get off the methadone or even try.......

      Of course I would like to be stronger, I just dont know how to be...... Ive been getting high since I was 13, been high everyday since 14 or 15, I guess iam so distanced from everything that it makes me uncomfortable to even think about going back........

      Damn this is kinda depressing :(

    6. I think emotional/mental health is facing reality. Reality is a bummer of major proportions. I have been facing myself these past few days. I have blamed my mother/father for everything and these last few days, I see that they were not able to be different.

      I see it because my life has been uprooted and I feel adrift. All my old concepts are getting uprooted.

      I think that life doesn't make sense. It is a weird exercise in which one walks underwater, avoiding obstacles, such as Mario.

      However, if/when you get everything you want, you still feel empty.

      I think you are talking about emptiness. Rich <3

    7. Rich, thanks for sharing "friend". You are a mess... but there is beauty in the messes of this world. Rmember I don't go for this whole emapthy non-empathy thing. The best way to manipulate someone is to sense what they are going through and then play on it... it's what a psycho does. The difference comes when you either feel "bad" about taking advantage of people or not. I know what you are feeling... I just don't really care. I don't "feel" it, I just "know" it, maybe.

      Some of what you said sounded more than just a bit narcissistic and could be seen in a very ASPD light... however, you are an addict. I have read somewhere that addicts sometimes can appear to be sociopathic in nature... Their need for the fix "overrides" the natural tendencies and that need will start to drive the person into complete selfishness, capable of telling lies like a pro, manipulating and decieving the closets people to them, and sometimes worse. But that's the craving of the drug talking.

      You are stronger than you think... you got yourself away from one substance through some fairly extreme measures"

      "because when I quit getting high on Oxycodone I had moved, changed my phone number, and deleted my old facebook account....... "

      Yea, you have strength down there somewhere. So, look on the bright side...

      Hey Monica,

      Sounds like your "picking scabs"... growing time baby, growing time. Let me know how this goes for you... it sounds like where I was at about 5 or 6 months ago.

    8. :) Hey Monica good to see ya!!!! I think the feeling may actually be emptiness, I have run from or dulled down my emotions so much and for so long that I now feel empty inside....... It makes sense now that I think about it in that light...... I do feel pretty empty inside now that I think about it.......

      Virus- Sometimes I do think Iam a narcissist or a sociopath, but I dont usually feel bad about lying unless it is about something important to somebody I love, like my mother. But I have no problem lying guilt free to strangers or people to get my way, which I dont really do often just for the simple fact Iam never around people and I really dont have to lie anyway. That is why I stay truthful and save the lies for when they are REALLY needed :)

      Yes, they say addicts and sociopaths are almost the same in nature, and since Ive been an addict for so long maybe that is why I feel like a narcissist/sociopath sometimes but I never think to myself "Could it be because Iam an addict?" I usually think to myself "Am I a narcissist or sociopath who really has no idea that they actually are one?" But I also have very non sociopathic traits, like feeling guilt and remorse, sometimes I think iam one of those "Secondary Psychopaths" that Cleckley talks about that are stress reactive and still have the bodily sensations that a "Primary Psychopath" wouldnt have, like my "Fight or flight" response or when I feel fear, my heart starts beating very fast and my palms get very sweaty, I think in "Primary Psychopaths" that they dont actually feel the PHYSICAL manifestations of fear, which leads to them being fearless and reckless from not having an adequate "Fight or Flight" or fear response.

      But for me it is weird, I will give you an example..... One time I was at the bus stop and this guy left his stuff on the bus and got off, so naturally he was VERY pissed off and he came up to me (and he could have probably kicked my ass or it would have at least been a GOOD fight) and he asked me if the bus was just going up the street and turning around, and I was high, so I hesitated and thought for a second and said "No that bus goes for about another 30-45 mins before it turns around and comes back" and he SCREAMED AT ME "WELL WHY DIDNT YOU JUST SAY THAT THEN???" So I started laughing in his face and than I Mocked/Mimicked him and said right back to him "WHY DID YOU JUST SAY IT THEN?!?!?! What the fuck?" and he said "Iam not afraid to go back to jail, you wanna fight and put his fists up, and I started having my "fight or flight" and fear response kick in and I said to him "That is your choice" (I had a knife on me so I could have used that if things got too hairy, but I wouldnt just pull it out........

      But ANYWAY, the reason I brought that story up is because I can sometimes be sitting in my living room and my cell phone will go off SUPER LOUD and my body will get the SAME EXACT response as if Iam about to get into a fight with a random person on the street who could possibly kick my ass........ Which leads me to think to myself "How can a random person on the street who could probably beat you up elicit the SAME EXACT response physically as when my cell phone rings super loud and Iam alone in my living room?"

      To me that seems weird that I get the same reaction in both situations when one is possibly VERY dangerous and one is not dangerous whatsoever........

      Do you get what iam trying to say?

      Do you, as a sociopath, have a "Fight or Flight" or fear response? What about if you are about to get into a fight with somebody who could probably kick your ass? Do you get any physical response at all? Like a racing heart or sweaty palms?

  100. Hey there beautiful people - you are now tuning in on your local liberal's filthy, dusty podcast.

    For one thing, I'm by no means perfect and I've done a lot of stupid shit, not just to myself but to other people as well. And I've also taken a lot of shit from people that I didn't need to.
    I'm the type who prefers to read instead of indulge in discussions on the internet, where people put more focus on winning and supporting their own beliefs, than actually doing discussing.
    Why waste time posting on a fucking blog. This amazes me. Get a life, people - or try to accept that not EVERYONE enjoys the facebook-craze, and some people might even think it's kind of stupid in the big picture. Myspace had a purpose. Facebook is nothing but social control, and not everyone wants to play. At least not all the time. Maybe they're just busy with something, not trying to be asses. Some people just wanna do their thing at times.

    And maybe some old friends should get the fucking clue and realize not everyone has all the time in the world and the energy to sit and play computer games all day and "socialize" on the internet.

    I found this blog after a friend had been telling me for like 1.5 years about all kinds of "disorders". The more I focused on myself, the more abuse. Talk about taking advantage of old friendships huh. Yeah sure this person didn't, he was just trying to "help". He wasn't pissed that someone was moving on and he wasn't. Yeah, nope, of course not. He just wants to "help". Just like he "helped" his other buddies and selectively cut people off who wouldn't put up with his bullshit. All the meanwhile, this guy builds up a small army of goons, like-minded individuals he can manipulate to do as he commands. If you won't, he'll go after you instead, because it hurts his ego so much to see someone start in school and get in good shape - it hurts so much that 1 single girl on the street looks at his friend, who's this little short kid, instead of him. The narcissistic rage flashes in his eyes, and he's angry. Very angry. Why didn't she look at him? After all, he's the superior man! He's so big! And mighty! ARGHHHH the rage!!! SO ANGRY!!!! SO MUCH ANGER!!! - DADDY, FATHER WHYYYYYY!!! WHAT IS THIS FRIENDSHIP CONCEPT YOU SPEAK OF!!! OH WHAT? Man, did that cocaine psychosis you had, sitting in your apartment for weeks, after you got laid off from [insert workplace], really mess you up that bad. Is this when everything started and you became this bitter person. In case you're reading, lol - you really lost yourself my man. But I'll still be your friend - even after all your fucking bullshit. I'll still be your pal. I believe in the best in people. Maybe spend less time reading shit like prometheus rising and satantic handbooks and, and get in touch with fucking reality. You're not a wizard - lol, narcissist, anyone?

    1. Btw, funny story. I was with this girl this summer. She had braces when she was a kid, is shy, but gets good grades and acted like I reminded her of her dad. Right. That explains the resentment at least. Socially awkward little girl, doesn't know how to flirt, and doesn't understand why she never get any attention at the clubs. So instead she does some outlandish shit to feed her small ego and give her some kind of power that doesn't derive from all the different things she's gotten handed to her - everything except daddy's love.
      Her mom praises her for her good grades, but deep down this little girl knows she's still worthless. She even cheats on her ex boyfriend, and get this - she's all like "oh well, if he won't give me the attention I need...". Yeah, that's justifiable.
      From what I gather, she gets mad after SHE dumps me after doing more manipulating during a time I was a bit hopped up on hormones - oh shit huh! - and she gets mad that I start going after new girls...? And she probably met some girls I've tried to get with or whatever - and in her little heart, she thinks this justifies some kind of revenge - and "oh we're just trying to help". Give me a fucking break. Where does this little girl go to get her revenge? The internet, of course. Where else could she actually accomplish anything meaningful. I even wanted to show her love, but hey... It's all on me of course, she's not the bitch. Of course not. Bla bla bla karma? - fuck you. What a shitty lay btw. Starfish supreme bitch, wannabe-conservative "I NEED THE SHEETS ON DURING WHEN WE HAVE SEX OR ELSE I FEEL DIRTY - pussy farts when I cum", what is this shit? If I had to choose - between THAT, and something else. I'd rather be sailing.


      BTW if anyone here hasn't already, you really should ACTUALLY read Ayn Rand The Fountainhead and see what its ALL ABOUT - it's not about schemes, fucking people over out of whatever smallminded reason you've built up in your head. It's about minding your own business, following your own plan, and evolving, and not doing stupid shit like Ellsworth Toohey douchebags and causing people to act more and more outragous.
      Why do the gossipers hate the builders? I guess because they never really got into lego? I haven't been to therapy before, but yeah why not. Yeah I have issues, who doesn't. This country - we're all a bit messed up aren't we. ;)

      Conclusion: I don't even have beef with anyone. But by all means, continue the joke if it amuses you so.

      /signing out from monkey-kingdom. It's been fun reading, thanks. BTW, narc, socio, psycho, autist labels.. GTFO. We're all people, act like it maybe.

    2. Why waste time posting
      Not everyone has the time
      Get a life people

    3. You know what's not funny? Walls of text without proper line breaks.

    4. TNP: yawn.

      But his is the funniest part:

      Why waste time posting on a fucking blog. This amazes me. Get a life, people

      And that fourth paragraph sounded strangely familiar in a myriad of ways. Gotta love those dragon slayer types.

    5. I know a dragon who never was slain.
      Bet Ukan comes swining again.

    6. "This country - we're all a bit messed up, aren't we."

      Well, I'm not sure which country you're referring to, but I certainly didn't waste a good hour of my time ranting about how people refuse to socialize anymore, insist on using Facebook as a means of social control, and then write about a thousand words detailing my mundane life on SW...

  101. "Mindless PleasuresOctober 17, 2012 4:03 AM
    @ Virus; "I am sure I will spout off something intelligently stupid later".

    Why wait around when you can say something as oxymoronic as that ; )"

    I'm glad you picked up on the obvious, MP. :o]

    To the above long winded people or person... too f-ing long; only read your last part. Now, go be a person Anon and I will try to "act" like one, how about that? GTFO!

    1. And I’m glad you understood my play on words ; )

    2. Yeah bro and you can go tell more jokes so that people will like you. Or start work again (get a job). I'm sure you'll find a job that suits you one day. I'm sorry your mother was such a bitch. You should really try to repair the relationship with your brother. It's not your fault.

    3. “It’s not your fault”

      That’s a Robin Williams line from the intellectual masturbatory fantasy film - ’Good Will Hunting’ right?

      Here’s another famous Robin Williams line: “You are in more dire need of a blowjob than any white man in history.” -‘Good Morning Vietnam’

      : )

    4. "And I’m glad you understood my play on words ; )"

      With a name like 'Mindless Pleasures' I expect you to play with words and other abstracts as much as you can...

      Here's another great Robin Williams quote: "Hey, were did all the coke go?" - His real life, 1980's.

    5. Haha :D I actually have been getting laid a bit recently. But yeah, good quote! I like. You're a good man. ; )

      /signing out, peace.

  102. 'Knowing yourself' with any mental issue is only helpful when you know the extent to which you are limited. This is a life-long journey, not simply a mantra.

    For example, if you have weak impulse control, and try as you might over the years you find yourself incapable of handling certain situations, that's a sign that it's something you probably can't overcome. In that case, I'd advise a strategy which is commonly referred to as 'avoiding triggers'.

    Of course this is not always possible, but it does help whenever you can implement said strategy.

    1. High Five to the Truly Neurotic Placater... "like you" a lot, T.

    2. Someone who still high fives? I'll take it. Thanks for making me feel old, Tom.

    3. Hey TNP, I heard before that you might wanna read both "Snakes in Suits" and "The 48 laws of Power" and I have them both on my computer as PDF files...... If you have a secure email where nobody can trace you I will send them both right over to you, if you'd like :)

    4. Shut up, TNP.

      I appreciate what you said and will come back and talk about it, tomorrow. I could not sleep because I was listening to the radio and they started talking about bio-terrorism~

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. Fuck off, Monica, you vacuous cunt.

    7. You think I care what a doody head thinks.

  103. Theme for Monica Moo and Mindless Pleasures

  104. if people would only believe what they see
    i would not be able to manipulate them

  105. If anyone wonders where I am ( not that I am saying you do~) I have been going through a strange period where I feel life makes no sense.

    1. Monica, you are ALWAYS "going through a strange period where you feel life makes no sense." If you're not on drugs, I recommend taking them. And if you are, I recommend quitting them.

    2. I dont like the drugs but the drugs like meeeeeeeeeeee

  106. Topics like this is what keeps me coming back. Getting to know thyself. Its also niceto know that theres other people out there with similar characteristics. I enjoy window shopping for new masks. Regardless, nicely done seƱor.

  107. HEMPSTEAD, NY—Highly emotional in the wake of last night’s town-hall-style debate, a tearful Mitt Romney called a press conference this morning to “come clean” about having a rare, little-understood disease known as Shuttlesworth Syndrome, a condition that prevents its victims from sitting quietly on stools anytime they are repeatedly told to do so. “As a sufferer of this rare disorder, being told to sit down and shut up—particularly when a stool is involved—only provokes in my central nervous system a violent overreaction that forces me to behave in the exact opposite manner,” Romney told reporters, his voice cracking with emotion as he revealed his secret to the world. “Without meaning to, I reflexively stand up, stride forward, and continue trying to speak—doing so even, and especially, when one or more people are instructing me to stop talking immediately and go back to my stool. It is a truly debilitating condition that I have battled all my life.” Romney said additional symptoms of the syndrome include an inability to maintain a convincing human smile, inexplicable reversals of previously stated policy positions, and an impaired ability to chuckle without sounding like a deranged maniac.

    1. read more:,29946/

      HEMPSTEAD, NY—According to reports, millions of viewers across the country are expected to tune in to tonight’s town-hall-style presidential debate at Hofstra University in order to determine which complete and utter sociopath they find more likable this time around.

      “I’m very curious to see which one of these two clinically sociopathic individuals will present the most convincing and authentic approximation of an actual human conscience tonight,” said Cincinnati-area voter Miranda Harrick, 40, adding that both candidates, like all successful politicians, were undeniably skilled at such calculated artifice. “I think whoever is able to best manipulate me into thinking they experience normative emotional states such as empathy and regret will probably have my vote come November, so I’m excited to see what happens.”

      The debate figures to be especially important for undecided voters, 91 percent of whom said in a pre-debate poll that they were still waiting for one sociopath to win them over with the perfect combination of superficial charm, deluded grandeur, and pathological lying.

      According to polls, viewer consensus following the first debate suggested Mitt Romney had performed a far more convincing impersonation of someone with real feelings and a capacity for human compassion. Voters praised the former governor’s ability to conceal his complete social disconnection and underlying hostility behind a wall of colloquial rhetoric and an approximation of warmth they described as “much more realistic” than Obama’s.

      “Last debate, Romney was a great sociopath,” said Florida voter Jeff Yu, 28, who remarked that the Republican candidate’s impressive ability to simulate the appearance of caring had improved markedly since the beginning of the campaign. “He looked very comfortable and confident up there, even against a seasoned sociopath like Obama. He really helped me ignore the reality that to him, as to any politician, social interaction is nothing but a never-ending game of deception and psychological subterfuge, the only object of which is personal gain.”

      Following Obama’s noticeable hesitancy during the first debate, many of his supporters expressed worry that he was struggling to effect emotional normalcy with the same single-minded cunning and feigned humanity he exhibited in 2008. They agreed the pressure is now on the president to show that he has not forgotten how to callously manipulate the American public into thinking he is anything at all like them.

      “I want to see that same beguiling sociopath who, four years ago, conned me into believing his psyche was somehow differently wired from every other charming, sociopathic politician who had ever lived,” said Obama supporter Phoebe Greenwald, 43. “What happened to all his seemingly earnest, though of course meticulously contrived, rhetoric about hope and change that made us all like him and think he was in some way psychologically healthy and well-adjusted, which of course no human being in the history of modern politics ever has been?”

      “Obama just needs to do what [sociopathic Vice President] Joe Biden did last week,” Greenwald added. “I mean, he masterfully out-sociopathed Paul Ryan, which is no easy task, believe me."

      No matter the outcome of tonight’s debate, sources agreed that the most talented sociopath will likely be elected in November and, depending on what kind of support he might receive from like-minded sociopaths in Congress, will then spend the next four years satisfying his malformed brain’s ceaseless thirst for power and glory.

    2. I'm not reading this crap. Make it shorter.

    3. Great post Anon 3:46 love it and such reality. Anon 3:59 that's the problem with being ADHD I suppose. Also why tragically our elected officials are such wankers.

    4. Damn I never knew a disorder like that existed! That is brave of him to come out and tell it to the world....... It kinds seems sociopathic in nature to me. Mitt seems like he has some kind of PD.......

  108. -“Obama just needs to do what [sociopathic Vice President] Joe Biden did last week,” Greenwald added. “I mean, he masterfully out-sociopathed Paul Ryan, which is no easy task, believe me."- ROFL.

  109. How would a sociopath differentiate success from failure? No, I'm really making money and having control over people considered success? But what if you hurt or deceive many others in the process and they are angry at you and want to retaliate? Would that still be success?

    1. Can't lose when it's your game...

    2. It's all in the definition of what is desired. That is what makes the rules in the 'game'. Control over people is subjective in that some want and need controlling. It's their nature.

      Normals have a different scent about them than not normals. I've found that to be true.

  110. I've never paid my own credit card bills. I've never bought my vehicles (7) or houses (4). Other people have. I thanked them but really didn't ask for these things. I viewed them as presents I guess.

    When one relationship seemed destined to have 'timed out' for whatever reason, I'd seemingly fall into another that took it's place. I think that's lucky.

    I've never been harmful to anyone and I love animals. I'm here because I'm not sure what sort of 'monkey' I am as Mindful Pleasures calls we bipedal beings.

    1. "Normals have a different scent about them than not normals. I've found that to be true."

      You are like that monkey banging symbols together... Normals have a different sent? Wow.

      "I've never paid my own credit card bills. I've never bought my vehicles (7) or houses (4). Other people have. I thanked them but really didn't ask for these things. I viewed them as presents I guess."

      Ohhh... you are a spoiled little monkey, aren't you?

      But I don't say these things to be "mean" or piss you off... I say them to get you thinking there monkey. So, what kind of monkey do YOU think you are?

    2. Hello Virus, I'm, as I said, unsure. And yes people seem to exude different 'scents' so to speak. You know how those New Agers go on about auras? It's like that for me.

      I've been attached to people, I've been 'in-love' intensely with a few, but there always seems to come a point where I 'know' it's time to move on and I do.

      My last and most recent relationship, I think I found someone like myself. Perhaps it was our being too alike that created the situation we are currently experiencing.

      I don't consider myself spoiled in the least.

      No worries, frankness isn't something to become 'pissed off' about now is it?

  111. If Kany is still reading, I want to thank you.
    The way she helped me was life changing. Today, someone came to me with the same guilt I had over being molested. I never would have been able to help her, if Kany did not help me.

    Love you, Kany!

  112. This comment makes ME wonder, what is a self-aware sociopath? If Sociopaths have shallow emotions, narcissism, and other such qualities as distinct from normal people, are they like their own species? And would such a species consider normal people to be like sheep? And are sociopaths inherently destructive or is there such a thing as a good sociopath? Thanks for your valuable time and energy, and thanks again for your blog :)

  113. My girls are like boomerangs. No matter how hard I throw them they come back.

    1. My lovers have done that. I don't seek them out after all said and done, but occasionally it's like those song lyrics, " here we go again" . Of course they must have something to interest me .... I get bored easily.


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