
Thursday, October 15, 2009

If You Kill My Demons You will Kill My Angels Too

I snuck a peek at the comment page recently. I see a lot of dialogue between empaths and sociopaths, which to me is really groundbreaking. Where have you ever seen this done outside of clinics where specialists being the only ones interacting? So I want to feed this discussion some food for thought.

Since I know M.E. best I'll talk about myself. I've always loved myself. Yes, people would call it narcissistic. I do believe I'm the greatest person who's lived. Sometimes I've gotten a little god complex. That's just how I am, and I'm not really going to apologize for it. I wake up everyday and I feel like I'm amazing. I channel this energy to focusing on being the best in anything I take part in. I don't try to be the best. I am the best. In doing so I will do everything and find a way to get there. This is my way of making who I am positive.

I can manipulate people. More than that, I do manipulate people. Everyday, every week, every month, and every year. The medical community calls this 'superficial charm.' But charm to me can't be defined as superficial. Either you are charming or you're not. People like charming people -- that's why they give them things so selflessly. When you have the power to persuade people to do and give you what you want it's easy to abuse it. For empath readers I want you to imagine what it's like to have everyone love you right off the bat, and want to do things you want them to do. Would you manipulate people to give you money? Would you manipulate people into sleeping with you under false pretenses? Would you honestly tell me you wouldn't get tempted to justify reasons to fuck them over? Most people would. You make up excuses. "Oh well I heard they stole from so and so," or, "He's there with someone I don't like," or, "Well I'll try to make it up to them." You will find ways of demonizing the people you victimize until they seem like the worst people you're ever met. You don't feel guilt, just justification. The positive side is people can channel this feeling into businesses to sell products, make effective advertising, diplomacy, intelligence, etc.

I am emotionally shallow. The commenters are completely correct. I'm not emotionless. I don't walk around with a exoskeleton under my skin saying, "You will be terminated." I feel what I make myself feel, when I'm supposed to feel it. Sometimes I can't. I can't feel for other people. I don't get excited with people, or feel someone's pain when they cry. I get angry at them because I can't understand. A less extreme example of this: recently someone close to me had their identity stolen and bank account wiped out, and their rent was due the next day. The bank wouldn't refund it till they investigated for few months. The person was crying and looked at me for comfort, and I thought, "What do they want from me? I hope they won't ask me for money." After a while I asked what they wanted me to say. The person looked at me like I was retarded, and I got angry. I told them, "Just get it done and don't worry about things you can't change." The person got angry and left.

What I lack in my own capacity for emotion I make up for in manipulating others'. When I was younger I abused the hell out of this. I could make people happy, excited, sad, depressed, disturbed, hurt etc. It was fun. It still is sometimes, but I don't abuse it that much any more. I cut people into pieces with things I've said. I would save things I knew they were insecure about and cut them deeply with is when I didn't get what I wanted. One person told me that they would rather have me hit them then tell them the things I said. A emotional bully, I guess you can call me. I admit that I did it. I didn't know I was doing it till I took more time to learn about who I was and why I do what I do. Now I use it sparingly.

Sociopaths have a lot of power over people, like it or not. Denying that power exists doesn't improve the life of either side of the fence. I denied it and I was out of control. What I realized is that by acknowledging who I was, and wielding that power for what was effective and not just destructive, I could become more powerful. To have true power you need to have control over yourself first. People trying to change that power instead of focusing it will only meet in failure.

I think it's important for sociopaths to accept themselves the way they are, and not try to change. There isn't a 'cure' for sociopathy because there's no way to change someone's complete identity. Change who they are: their tendencies, their motives, their behaviors, and even their feelings. Is it possible? Perhaps, but is that the kind of power you want substituted for natural human behaviour?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Sociopaths need to be taught by someone who understands them. The approach need not be "don't talk to them they're the devil" so much as sociopaths need to be approached by those equal to their intellect. Psychiatry as it sits will continually fall short. They cannot address the problem by persistantly rejecting the deviant. It's descrimination, simply put, and should not be expected to work.

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  4. I wonder, if socios were limited to living in a large society only of sociopaths, what would happen?


  5. the dreamer in me says we could live in harmony but the realist in me says the city would be doomed. besides i kinda need empaths to toy with. :-D

  6. Anonymous,

    "besides i kinda need empaths to toy with. :-D"

    I agree. I think you do. But, you have no respect for the object that you're preying upon, that sustains your existence.

    I don't understand that.

    You understand that you depend on empaths as "food". And, yet, you hate your food.

    You call them willing "victims". You deny your intent and directed manipulations, at least superficially; that you take any part in exploiting "objects" to get what you want...

    It's the "objects" fault for not knowing better.

    The "objects" fault for not being more self-sustaining.

    It has nothing to do with your toxic handling... it's all externalized blame and hatred.

    I would say a sociopath's first important step is developing some sort of "respect" or "understanding" of the purposeful environment and objects he exploits.

  7. i (this is just myself) have never hated any "object" and that is a title you used not me, i have respect for my victims, because i know that they are people, not ants or anything else, people, which is why i enjoy toying with them, they have brains and are able to do anything, they just are blindsighted by certain things like heavy set emotions.

    i enjoy slowly ripping that blindness away from them. is that wrong in your eyes Harriett?

    it isn't in mine.

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  10. I think empaths and sociopaths are all capable of the same bad things. The only real difference is the reason behind them.

    For an empath, doing bad things is a way to exorcise a demon. Get something bad out of them so they can move forward. When a sociopath does bad things they are exercising their demons. Making them stronger, burning off the fat to make them more pure. At least that was the consensus a friend with ASPD and I came to...

    But both do it for selfish reasons. Empaths just have to do a little more lying (to themselves) in order to justify their actions.

  11. Snitch Bitch:

    The concept of respecting your enemy is not beyond me, but I think the concept of sheep is beyone you. People like you, and other such thoughtless drones are impossible to respect as you figure them out. Belive me. I once had faith in human nature. I actually like people, as George Carlin would say, in very small doses. When the onslaught of thoughtless, mindless followers is too much for you to handle, you lose a certain reverance towards your victims. Not because you are that shallow, but because they beg you that much to be disrespected. Because they hold themselves to lower standards than you could ever put on them and because you know how easy it is to decide to be more than that.

    I like people. They make me laugh. They amuse me for a moment before I figure out that they are nothing but lies they tell themselves, acts they show themselves, and any of their qualities are matched by 10 faults. And these discoveries take a matter of minutes. Even when someone tries to show you their best side. They can help that they are sheep, and they do not, and so they do not ask for my respect, or by any rights demand it.

    Try to help someone I would consider a sheep and then tell me people are different.

  12. for suzy

  13. We're in a genetics revolution and within a couple of decades sociopaths won't anymore be getting born in the first place. In a way you're the last of an ancient breed that for all the intense fascination of the general public, has largely gone unrecorded, contribution unknown, though thought to be negative.

    It's dificult to say whether the contribution has been entirely negative. Certainly, regardless of the specific question of sociopath contributions, it seems certain mankind will be culling from itself plenty of 'types' that in fact did contribute. How many gays will be born in the brave new world? Bearing in mind gay kids are born to straight parents, and for all the love in the world those parent may feel for their now born and growing up gay kid, truth be told, given the know what I'm going to say...people would have chosen straight kids.
    So gays will disappear this century along with sociopaths. Yet gays, a less controversial though historically long suffering, long hiding, group...are now known to have produced enormous contributions.
    If anyone has any hopefull non-grandious, balanced insights as to the impact on society of the upcoming "preemptive genocide" of sociopaths..that is to say, not sociopaths being murdered, just them not being born at would be interesting to hear about.

    1. i really and truly hope that what you say is accurate - that in a couple of decades we will eliminate the sociopathic gene.

  14. Anonymous: do you mean me, when you say 'Suzy'? No one called Suzy has posted...

    Guns n roses: I'm not sure I understand you. Maybe the straight parents would have preferred a straight child, but the gay one was still born, right? So even if no one wants a sociopathic child, sociopathic children will still be born.

    Unless you mean that people will start combing through the genes of foetuses and removing gay/sociopathic foetuses while still in vitro, which sounds unlikely (medical ethics), but also difficult. I don't think there is a gene for homosexuality, so a gay child couldn't be spotted and terminated in the womb; and as for sociopathy, it just brings up the whole nature vs. nurture debate.

    If you could make the circumstances behind your question a little clearer, though, I'd be happy to offer you some 'non-grandiose, balanced insights'. I don't think sociopaths are going to be dying out any time soon, though. We've been around this long; we'll be around longer.

  15. My thoughts exactly Alpha Belle.

  16. Well actually, my strongest agreement is the part where you imply that 'empaths' have to be superb self deceivers.

  17. guns n roses said, "If anyone has any hopefull non-grandious, balanced would be interesting to hear about."

    Do you have any to give yourself Rosie?

    Why are you here?

  18. G n'R said: "We're in a genetics revolution and within a couple of decades sociopaths won't anymore be getting born in the first place."

    Did you learn genetics from Reader's Digest?

    Genetic factors that influence complex behavior like sexual preference or empathy are polyvalent. And there are many enviornmental/social co-factors.

    It will never be as simple as isolating the 'evil gene' and breeding it out of people.

    1. sociopathy is not evil. it is only a lack of fear, conscience, and some other factors. evil has got nothing to do with it, because sociopaths are capable of good and it is totally determined by what they aspire towards. empaths are also capable of evil if they aspire toward it. so i do not know myself if it will be possible to remove sociopathy from society by genetic manipulation, but it certainly has nothing to do with good or evil.

    2. I do agree that genetic manipulation and neurological treatments for sociopathy are both likely decades away whether you like or dislike the idea.

      I'm a non-sociopath and I am not religious so I do not believe in good and evil in any kind of mystical mumbo jumbo way. But if you asked pretty much every non-Cluster B personality disordered human being what the core behaviors and attributes of evil are it would almost certainly resemble a sociopath. There would be differences but if you eliminated the extraneous attributes you'd be left with a sociopath.

      You can't really understand it because as a sociopath - kindness, honesty, compassion, fairness and basic human decency are all considered weakness while we consider that the definition of goodness.

      The more functional sociopaths do well because they presume everyone is a sociopath first which keeps a greater number of competitive strategies available so they can get their needs met.

      Empaths (to use the term most often used on the blog for non-sociopaths) like me presume others are like us, which is supported by percentages (at least 75-90% of the population are non-sociopaths or their narcissistic cousins) and so we are often ill prepared for the wolf in sheeps clothing. Empaths are individually strategically weaker by nature.

      So I'm not surprised to be thought of as sheep.

      Empaths cannot really train themselves to be sociopaths. They can be abused during early childhood to develop a similar mentality to those born that way, but without that they will never really be that good at the constant manipulation and strategies needed to do well as a sociopath.

      So empaths need to have a culture designed to spot and make it harder for sociopaths to succeed at their worse behaviors. I know sociopaths would learn and adapt.

      Secondly, sociopaths hide and like best hierarchical social structures. It allows them power over people and resources. It also seems very helpful to avoid questioning. So a society as anti-hierarchy as possible.

      That would be the best atmosphere for empaths to grow and be healthy and keep sociopaths in check.

      This may be stating the obvious to you but I haven't explored your mentalities until recently.

  19. Jasnowflake,

    Snitch Bitch:

    "The concept of respecting your enemy is not beyond me, but I think the concept of sheep is beyone you."

    Lazy, worthless narcissist. Don't parade yourself as a sociopath. You're not.

    "People like you, and other such thoughtless drones are impossible to respect as you figure them out."

    You're an ass. "Thoughtless drones" reeks of ego. And have a really stupid ego. What size is your penis, darth vader?

    "Belive me. I once had faith in human nature. I actually like people, as George Carlin would say, in very small doses."

    Is you manifesto in the works. Tell us ALL where we can buy it.

    "...When the onslaught of thoughtless, mindless followers is too much for you to handle, you lose a certain reverance towards your victims. Not because you are that shallow, but because they beg you that much to be disrespected."

    "Your inability to speak straight, without being a pretentious little fag just goes on and on..."

    "Because they hold themselves to lower standards than you could ever put on them and because you know how easy it is to decide to be more than that."

    Maybe upper-middle class "sheep repeat". I can picture you and your daddy throwing knappogue whiskey bottles at bums in route to Catholic church on sundays. What a great pastime.

    "I like people. They make me laugh. They amuse me for a moment before I figure out that they are nothing but lies they tell themselves, acts they show themselves, and any of their qualities are matched by 10 faults. And these discoveries take a matter of minutes."

    Sarcasm. Ego - hey, look at my l*ttle dick, it is displeased by you, then adore my intellectual prowess. It works so fast. It is like a fast car I drive around mindless drones on my way home to mommy's house to go watch Family Guy, to practice my stewie impression.

    (Still Hearing Stewie Impression:)

    "Even when someone tries to show you their best side. They can help that they are sheep, and they do not, and so they do not ask for my respect, or by any rights demand it...

    Try to help someone I would consider a sheep and then tell me people are different."

    You're a stupid narcissist. You hold too tight onto that ego of yours. You care too much about that d*ck up your ass.

    Thanks for your completely pointless post.

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  22. Harry said "Did you learn genetics from Reader's Digest? Genetic factors that influence complex behavior like sexual preference or empathy are polyvalent. And there are many enviornmental/social co-factors. It will never be as simple as isolating the 'evil gene' and breeding it out of people."

    Harry - ok I hear you that you don't believe the genetics revolution will ever lead to the ability to filter out sociopaths. Do you hold this view because you believe the condition is strongly environment triggered, or do you simply believe it's all too complex to ever untangle?

    To Harry and Daniel: Suzannah's response was the kind I was expecting. From you two, I thought I detected a certain 'reaction' to the idea sociopaths would be eliminated during the coming bio-tech revolution. This is quite interesting...does it suggest you feel some empathy toward other people with a similar condition?

    I am sorry...I only brought the subject up so blunty because I figured no one would have any feelings about it.

  23. Daniel wrote "Do you have any to give yourself Rosie? Why are you here?"

    Daniel I probably have something to say about it but the post was long enough just raising the topic. Why am I here? The straight answer is I am not sure why...and not sure how long I will hang around. Do you want me to leave?

  24. Suzannah wrote:

    "If you could make the circumstances behind your question a little clearer, though, I'd be happy to offer you some 'non-grandiose, balanced insights'. I don't think sociopaths are going to be dying out any time soon, though. We've been around this long; we'll be around longer."

    Suzannah if there is a biological basis to sociopathy it will probably be well enough understood in the next few decades, if not genetically (it won't be a single gene, of course), then perhaps through embryonic markers. It's quite likely that parents will be provided with increasing 'behind closed doors' services in regard of embryo selection and/or genetic treatments. How long will 'ethnics' prevent parental choice extending to sexuality...probably longer than it will in terms of sociopathy.

    If you don't mind me asking, does it / would it bother you if this came to pass? Do you have any feelings about it? This wouldn't affect you personally...but I wonder if there is a sense of...I don't know...kinship perhaps?

  25. ethnics = ethics

  26. guns n roses said, “Why am I here? The straight answer is I am not sure why...and not sure how long I will hang around. Do you want me to leave?”

    Well thank you for responding to the question. Dialogue I can do. I don’t mind dialoguing, even if it doesn’t go anywhere and it’s just to pass the time. What I’m not interested in, is playing a foil to what may be your unconscious need to prove *fill in the blank* to yourself about yourself in comparison to sociopaths. Leave, stay, that’s up to you. I just wanted to know if answering anymore of your posts was worth my time.

  27. Daniel,
    thank you for that...I think I get where you're coming from. Of course there will be clashes but I don't think I have any particular agenda or axe to grind. Of the two of us, we are only assuming you are more sociopathic than I. We don't know that at this stage, and probably we never will. We are both here primarily to self explore as is everyone else, since in reality the only person I have any chance of getting good visibility of is myself. Likewise you. I suppose if there is interaction, whether it involves role playing, or projection, or challenges or the end we are all looking into the mirror

  28. G n'R said: "This is quite interesting...does it suggest you feel some empathy toward other people with a similar condition?"

    Not really, I was reacting to your simplistic assumptions.

    Perhaps they will be able to filter some genetic disorders (like Tay-Sachs or cystic fibrosis). But there are no single genetic markers or temperament or sexual preference, this stuff is way too complex to control without many unintended consequences.

    If sociopaths could be eliminated in utero it would not trouble me. I'm already out and about, too late to stop me ;)

    Hmm, If I were saddled with a family and had the option of terminating my spouse's socio/psycho fetus I'd be all for it. Last thing I need is a kid with ASPD tearing up my yard.


  30. G&R:

    First you make some comments about me saying I’m good to go on doing wet work and that my number will “come up sooner or later”. I took that in complete jest. But then in the next thread you leave a series of insults for all sociopaths in general. Then in the next thread you change your tone and decide to sound conciliatory and even curious about the kinds of thoughts that run thru the brains of people on this side of the personality spectrum. This, in turn quickly moves into hackneyed comments about evolution, agreeing with Dirty Harriett that sociopaths are ‘angry children’ and what appears to be a lack of clarity about rationalization, which you never responded to. And finally, you leave simplistic comments about genetics and choosing to evolve sub-groups like gays and sociopaths right out of the human population. But of course, you’re only here to ‘explore yourself’ which is funny because you’ve rarely actually left comments about... yourself.

    You remind me of another commenter who posted here as Disney. I’m not saying you and she are the same person. What I am saying is that the dynamic is similar. You start off sounding as if you’re here to understand and grow, but as the comments keep coming, you reveal that you do in fact have some kind of ax to grind and/or some kind of agenda you’re wishing to accomplish for yourself. The contradictory tone of your comments reveal your “I just want to understand” side along with your moralistic “you people are ‘wankstains’” side, which combined with your “therapeutic” side makes for a foul smelling concoction. And like Disney, I suspect that you are not being honest, either with me and/or quite possibly with yourself.

    Having said all of that, this is just a commentary section of a blog. You’re free to comment as you like of course. Enjoy yourself. I’ll watch with what is already rapidly fading interest.

  31. Guns n roses said: "Suzannah [...]It's quite likely that parents will be provided with increasing 'behind closed doors' services in regard of embryo selection and/or genetic treatments. [...] If you don't mind me asking, does it / would it bother you if this came to pass? Do you have any feelings about it? This wouldn't affect you personally...but I wonder if there is a sense of...I don't know...kinship perhaps?"

    The situation still doesn't sound likely to me, but I'll suspend my disbelief for the sake of the question. (I don't mind you asking at all. I like questions.)

    My initial reaction: it would be a shame if sociopathy died out. Species-wide empathy benefits society more than it benefits the individual; a person with empathy assumes everyone is like them, placing an individual with a lack of empathy in a position to benefit from the start (at least, that's how I see it). I wonder sometimes how it would be if I wasn't the way I am, if I was an empath, and I start to feel sick the same way I feel sick looking at strangers.

    So I believe it's good to be sociopathic, or at least share the traits, and I would never choose empathy if I could. I believe I have a much better life than empaths. Because of this, I don't want sociopathy to die out because I feel, in a distant, affectionate sort of way, that in the future, people I will never know should have the chance to live a life like mine.

    Actually, having read that sentence back, I suspect my feeling that way is quite possibly due to egotism, rather than a kinship: I just want people to live in my image.

    Still be a shame, though.

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  33. Daniel! M.E.! You're celebrities!

    "A blog called SociopathWorld conducted a discussion ... in which an argument ensued about my handling of [a] letter ... from the father of a psychopath... Someone called Daniel Birdick took me to task ... Mr. Birdick's absolute failure to recognize concern for the suffering of others as an abiding human emotion is a delusion."

    I like this bloke. Not only does he post pictures of burns victims ( but he quotes song lyrics at juvenile sociopaths( Now that's what I call psychotherapy.

  34. "We're in a genetics revolution and within a couple of decades sociopaths won't anymore be getting born in the first place. In a way you're the last of an ancient breed that for all the intense fascination of the general public, has largely gone unrecorded, contribution unknown, though thought to be negative."

    I hate to throw the whole quote in there, but does anyone else see that this idiot can't even string together a sentence, yet he's telling us about the future of genetics. Hopefully genetics will be able to see children like you coming and weed them out.

  35. Daniel! you seem clever enough to remember all the posts, but then you put no insight into making sense of it. But it looks reasonable to me...I'm not like you Daniel, you've been farting aruond here forever. I just arrived and went through some natural phases...including hostility at the start, but slowly winding around toward interest.

    Looks natural enough to me! By the way, stop threatening to ignore me...just do it if that's how you feel about it!

  36. Thunderball said "blah blah blah" guys were really upset by that genetics thing.

  37. Hello, guns n roses. It's a shame you read my efforts at helpfulness as 'really upset'.

  38. suzannah I apologise I wasn't including you and your responses which were definitely kinda deep, and food for thought too...pure.

  39. ....also, if there was a reaction that is interesting isn't it? Aren't we interested in exploring what is unusual or counter intuitive about sociopathic condition, rather than textbook?

    Well we won't find it without going for different angles and getting some kind of rise out of ourselves. You, suzannah, you had to be thinking afresh there, because by the end of the post you were getting new insights about ego or whatever. So it was new and not stale.

    A few of you are descending into hostility and be honest more of that could not be more dull and samish. Same old same old....why not just lighten up and take it as it comes.

    People on places like this probably get worn out by constant trolling that in the end they can't differentiate. See one sign, match one pattern, and it's easy to slip into automatic derogation mode.

  40. "I didn't put myself at risk. I only gradually realized the risk of being around him when I started discovering his lies - then I was temporarily curious - then I turned him in."

    So the real story unfolds. He cheated on you and lied about you and you couldn't take it, so you called the police about his illegal activities. How does this make you any different than any other batty ex-girl of a low level criminal. I hate to tell you, but despite your grandoise claims you are ordinary.
    "I guess you're really desperately wanting to know my story.
    But, no.
    I'm just going to ignore you, now ;)"

    You never did that's why the truth came out

    "I like to "get even" with the sloppy type of sociopath when he/she breaks the law."

    You like to get even with your boyfriend when he lies to you and cheat on you because your feeling got hurt. No more and no less. Like a child breaking a toy. If you can have it nobody can.

    "Yes! I did, because I realized that nothing else would ever due - except getting "revenge" and making sure the rotten f*ck got what he deserved."

    Wow. He must have really hurt you deeply.

    "I hope he is thinking about me, everyday - externalizing his anger towards me (it's all my fault, right?)... which is hilarious, because you socios on the site blame empaths for brooding over their "victimization"."

    Picture your ex-girlfriend simmering with anger. Ha ha. It brings a smile to my face. Someone really did a number on that bird.

    "What if I told you that the reason I turned him in was because I enjoyed it?"

    I wouldn't believe you, because you just told me the real reason. That your ex was lying to you.

    "And, again. I'm not planning on calling the cops if he comes around."

    No your planning on opening your legs, like you did with your other ex boyfriend who fucked you over.

    "Only just realizing what I thought was "love" was really just a demented, sexualized enjoyment of fucking with sociopaths, and punishing them
    My mother is a sociopath.
    It probably started there."

    So your mother and you started having sexually warped experiences. That's disgusting and a little too much information.

    "I did fuck with one of my socio ex's for a LONG time. I got his balls in a vice grip, too. And he settled down, quite a lot.
    Guess it was finding out about some of his criminal activities, too... haha.
    We're friends, now."

    Suckers always keep coming back for more abuse. That's why Love Fraud exists.

    "No, Alpha. I was not molested. But, I'm flattered that you projected that on me."

    Your mum molested you didn't she?

    Dirty Harriet don't come on this blog firing wildly with stupid lies, and fake bravado. Nobody here cares about your story, because it's all bullocks. You spilled everything out there slowly, but surely in a matter of a couple of days. It's no wonder your boyfriend was able to get away with fucking your best friend for so long. THe funnier thing is he is still controlling you. You are sitting there now with no boyfriend and angry that you keep getting hurt. It is quite pathetic.

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  42. Speaking of batsy what is wrong with you guns and roses. Are you autistic or are you just a little kid? I'm not being sarcastic, it's just that your sentences make little to no sense at all and you have no point, it seems, in what you are saying at all.

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  45. Had to pop in and see you blokes.

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  47. Sweet...Nobody has ever called me that....I...I think I might...Cry..

  48. UKan.

    Hey ho!

    I'm not responding to your crap, cuz it's old.

    But, I'm glad to see ya back, ya old sea hag.

    Wanna borrow some eyeliner?

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  50. You don't need to respond you fucking harlot. I couldn't believe you and jasnow were still going on about it.
    Off topic you are really defensive. You quote off every single word said about you. You jump to every bait thrown out. That's what gives you away. If you want to fake something you need to act like you don't need to prove it. Little tip for next time my lovely.
    I'm sorry for what your boyfriend did to you, but calling the cops and being vindictive won't help heal the wounds he left you. Only you can do that. If you need a friend, love, I will always be here for you.
    I can't imagine how hard it must have been with a manipulative and abusive mother. This is what made you into someone who seeks out abusive relationships. I always thought it was a freudian thing with the father. Maybe you're a lesbian. Did you want to have sex with your mother? If you had a father, would you want to have sex with him instead? So you feel abandoned? Please Dirty, I just want to learn more about you. We can learn about each other. Let's put the past behind us and gaze away to a bright future. No more lies.

  51. Don't do it, Dirty, its a trap! He hasn't put anything behind him, run! Run you stupid bitch! I'm joking of course, but for real, don't act like you have learned anything, because you haven't.

    So do what you do, feed UKan more fire.

  52. I'm really starting to like UKan.

    Gimme me a hug, woodga?

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  54. like athletes foot

  55. Suzanna said, "Daniel! M.E.! You're celebrities!

    LOL. Riiiiigghhtt.

    Actually, ME alerted me to that post earlier this week. That Dr. Robert is such a peach, isn't he?

  56. Snitch Bitch said:
    "Hey ho!
    I'm not responding to your crap, cuz it's old."

    I find that Ironic because she said this to respond to his crap. She had to throw at least a mild insult at his insinuations, but couldn't go all out because he called her out on her quotational defenses to every sentence. Priceless.

    Anyway, as snitch bitch said to me earlier, she thinks I'm narcissitic, which I'll admit to be alittle true because I do in fact think I'm better than most people. I do not think I'm better than people because they lack the capacity, but because people lack the motivation. I don't think you can grasp this concept, snitch bitch, because you still have repression issues causing the way your childish brain thinks. So i'll explain it slower.

    I am no more amazing on a humanity level than anyone. The difference between me, and you, and other sheep, is that I've gotten over my issues and become a better person.

    Let's put this a different way.

    Sociopaths may understand.

    Any insecure person you meet will lie to themself to such an extreme that the only characteristic you can see, or at least their governing characteristic, is their insecurity. Everything they think is questioned by their insecurity as to whether it will allow them to keep their image of themselves up. Or it is to convince other people of their own confidence, which is all I see when I see sheep. Most people will show you their faults soon because they are trying so hard to hide them. Especially with intuitive people, such as myself, because they sense that they have to try harder. So the fact that I don't do this anymore has made me able to see everyone else doing it with disgust. As I said, I still like people, but only in small doses. Any more than that, and the only thing you can see is their governing faults. So you can think what you want of my condescension, but I promise you I've earned it. If you can tell me my governing fault I will be willing to concede my arrogance, but until then, fuck you and your little sheep, snitch bitch. Respect is something you earn.

  57. I kinda like Ukan, too. Even though he's a bit abrasive he often brings up subtly good points. He's offensive, but still amusing. Offensive in a very unretarded way. He's actually getting to be quite fun.

  58. Actually, he does say some downright retarded things sometimes, but the way he does it is so cute, I can't help but like him. Like the time he almost got me to attack an intentionally moronic comment he made. Got a good laugh out of me. Love it!

  59. UKan,


    I'm sorry that during our little romp the other day you screamed "Harry" instead of "Harriett", but let's be honest.

    You and I will never be "close" like two hairy sacks slapping together in the dark.

    BUT, IF you just come out and tell people about your profile on NAMBLA, I will maybe consider climbing into your arms, in the "safe tree" and confessing my story.

    Think about it, UKan.

  60. UKan this is starting to get boring. She's just desperate now. Either put her in her place, put me in my place, or do something else equally entertaining.

  61. Jasnowflake,

    "She had to throw at least a mild insult at his insinuations, but couldn't go all out because he called her out on her quotational defenses to every sentence. Priceless."

    Seriously. I mean, giving you guys constant attention gets tiring. You all want a piece, and what can I say?

    I'm running out of attention span.

    Yes. I promise to pick-up where I left off, very soon. But, until one of you pretentious fags gets me in the mood, it's just gonna be impossible to give serious effort.

    "Anyway, as snitch bitch said to me earlier, she thinks I'm narcissitic, which I'll admit to be alittle true because I do in fact think I'm better than most people. I do not think I'm better than people because they lack the capacity, but because people lack the motivation. I don't think you can grasp this concept, snitch bitch, because you still have repression issues causing the way your childish brain thinks. So i'll explain it slower."

    Oh, GOD PLEASE DON'T!!!! You whore! Why must you keep punishing me with these long-winded sermons???

    But, here ya go anyway...

    "I am no more amazing on a humanity level than anyone. The difference between me, and you, and other sheep, is that I've gotten over my issues and become a better person."

    Bwahah. haha. hahahahah.

    "Let's put this a different way.

    Sociopaths may understand...

    [Lengthy edit, to show my capability of "becoming a better person"]

    "...So you can think what you want of my condescension, but I promise you I've earned it. If you can tell me my governing fault I will be willing to concede my arrogance, but until then, fuck you and your little sheep, snitch bitch. Respect is something you earn."

    Ignorance is bliss, Jasnowflake.

    And, I'm quite happy with your "respect" staying always an unattainable dream. Thus, curled away somewhere far, far, deeply rigid inside your anus.

  62. She paints herself in corners Peter, there's nothing for me to do here but blow the paint dry. Even a idiot can see through her the moment she came on here. I'm actually suprised you didn't jump on it except for the fact you were just glad to see another empath here, so I understand. I guess we all have our roles here don't we. Dirty is yet another victim to the comment section of sociopathworld. Go ahead Dirty give us your last death throes before you change your name or go back to lurking in your shadows pretending to yourself that you are devious. I'm sure people just gleem over your descriptions of yourself rolling their eyes that you waste their time by them having to scroll past your three posts paragraphing whatever someone says to you on here and giving your endless explanations.
    You are weak and a endless contradiction. You swore to yourself and everyone else you wouldn't put your details out there, but ended up giving us more of your pathetic life story than we wanted to even hear. Did you think we were interested in what you had to say or is this a coping mechanism to get over all the lies your boyfriend told you.
    You embarass yourself sweetheart. Your level of wit is just above Mr. Insane and GunsnRoses and your intelligence is just below Mr. Bean's. Remember all my words when the next sociopath comes by and ruins every paper wall you put up to not be a victim again. When you tell him, "I don't want to be hurt again." and he says, "Just take your time Harriet." When he breaks your little heart into pieces the next month and your soaking your pillow in snot and tears.

  63. I thought it was interesting to have someone who was willing to disagree with the majority. Then you came along and started doing my job for me, and I didn't want to interfere. You're better at it, anyway. Very educational, as always.

  64. This comment has been removed by the author.

  65. UKanShutTheFuckUp,

    "She paints herself in corners Peter, there's nothing for me to do here but blow the paint dry. Even a idiot can see through her the moment she came on here. I'm actually suprised you didn't jump on it except for the fact you were just glad to see another empath here, so I understand. I guess we all have our roles here don't we. Dirty is yet another victim to the comment section of sociopathworld. Go ahead Dirty give us your last death throes before you change your name or go back to lurking in your shadows pretending to yourself that you are devious."

    That was actually good bait. So, I'll take it.

    I don't pretend to be devious. In daily life, I don't try to be or think I am anything, at all.

    I'll repeat it for the 100th time -

    I only chimed in to mention that sociopaths, with hidden criminal lives, are vulnerable to anyone and everyone.

    They're practically non-entities.

    All it takes is a little note taking and paying attention to the long list of lies that a sociopath provides; a little investigative effort.

    The man who's schemed his way into a medical community, lying about his education, brought to the light, is reduced to the high-school drop-out.

    The man who has a murderous past, is free, because the trail of evidence he's left behind hasn't been pieced together.


    "I'm sure people just gleem over your descriptions of yourself rolling their eyes that you waste their time by them having to scroll past your three posts paragraphing whatever someone says to you on here and giving your endless explanations."

    Excuse the explanations. You're right. They were pointless, because I won't detail the whole story.

    "You are weak and a endless contradiction. You swore to yourself and everyone else you wouldn't put your details out there, but ended up giving us more of your pathetic life story than we wanted to even hear."

    I think when the honesty came out, it was in reference to someone's curiosity. And, maybe, to specifically bait you, UKan.

    I recognize that you misunderstood my intentions. I know it's hard with your intentional poor reading comprehension.

    "Did you think we were interested in what you had to say or is this a coping mechanism to get over all the lies your boyfriend told you."

    Nope. I was just having fun.

    "You embarass yourself sweetheart. Your level of wit is just above Mr. Insane and GunsnRoses and your intelligence is just below Mr. Bean's."

    Yeah. And that's why you bit the dust at my feet; victim to your ridiculous anger problems.

    "Remember all my words when the next sociopath comes by and ruins every paper wall you put up to not be a victim again."

    Next time a sociopath comes my way, I will enjoy the opportunity. Not every sociopath is as sloppy as you. Some socios are actually quite nice to be around, once you realize their inherent limitations.

    "When you tell him, "I don't want to be hurt again." and he says, "Just take your time Harriet." When he breaks your little heart into pieces the next month and your soaking your pillow in snot and tears."

    I'm enjoying your ability to construct sentences without your typical limited vocabulary. Almost poetic.

    Nice to see your disposition change, on accounts of interacting with me.


  66. This comment has been removed by the author.

  67. Daft,

    "That said, you don't have any actual value of yourself, do you, Harriett?"

    For some reason, I have no idea what you're asking. I'll wait for clarification...

  68. This comment has been removed by the author.

  69. Daft,

    Sounds like a loaded question...

    I suppose it depends on the day.

    I'll just leave it at that.


  70. This comment has been removed by the author.

  71. Daft,

    I think I'm completely awesome, if that's what you're digging for...

    But, if you're asking my value? In relation to what? Society?

    A value I have of myself?

    Shall I list my many, many talents?

    Let's reverse this little agenda here...

    Do you have any value of yourself, Daft?

  72. my question is:

    if you do not wake up thinking you are the best (at what you do or what you want to do) does it mean that you are not a sociopath?

  73. This comment has been removed by the author.

  74. This comment has been removed by the author.

  75. Correct me if I'm wrong Cap, but what caps saying is that you are consistently putting yourself out there to get torn up and cap is wondering why you keep going.
    Since you bore me now let me let you in on a secret. Don't worry I'm not saying it for your benefit, you won't listen. Victims never do. That's why you stay victims. You notice you are the only one on here that keeps swallowing my bait. Do you know why? Because I sought you out. I went to see who would bite and you did.
    Your defensiveness is vivid in the way you write. You write using 'I' at the beginning of almost every sentence and continue to explain yourself. You overplayed the 'I didn't care about him' card so much that even someone mildly intuitive could see that it must be a lie. The fact that you said you wouldn't give details on your story and then starting dumping enough information to give people a idea of what really happend shows you to be weak minded, at least in this area because you haven't got over yet. You keep saying you loved doing it over and over, yet the amount of times you have said that shows that you are trying to convince yourself of that. Really you feel guilty and like scum. I don't blame you. Snitching on your boyfriend because he lied to you is pretty low and immature. After all you admitted you knew that he was doing crimes and so you were complicit with it until your breakup. You said after you broke up and were away from him you called the police. This is typical crazy bipolar girlfriend stuff, believe I've heard this story many times.
    I'm not going to keep picking on you since you've already dropped blood into the amazon of sociopaths with all your insecure explanations. Next time you come in a place you better understand your enemy before you start attacking. Good day miss.
    (No f words aren't you proud?)

  76. Daft,

    I have NO idea what you're talking about!!!

    I'm not trying to be a pain in your arse. I just don't know how to answer the question.



    mind drifting off to quiet place...

    I just don't understand how you can have a value yourself without referencing something, in relation to...


    Honestly, best answer is I'm a bit of everything!

  77. UKan,

    You are such an IDIOT.


    Please suck a d*ck before it goes out of style.

    You don't have me pegged, you sick f*ck.

    I know you're dying to, cause you thrive on it, but you haven't... not one bit...

    And, I don't care. I mean, who the f*ck are you? And why do you and your opinions matter, other than in the faggy land of the Brits?

    Please bring back the f word. I liked you better that way. More true to form.

  78. This comment has been removed by the author.

  79. UKan,

    "Consistently putting yourself out there to get torn up and cap is wondering why you keep going."

    Is that what's been happenning? I've been having fun.

    I suppose you feel like you've reached some deep core of me and torn it all up...

    But, you haven't.

    And, until you send me away, screaming in horror, because you've convinced me of my "victimhood"...

    I'll be around to respond to all of your ridiculous, repetitive crap (unless I get bored and find something else better to un-bore me). Some of it is really fun here. But, that's no credit to you.

    It's just the nature of the dance.

    How's that for poetry, d*ck bag?

  80. This comment has been removed by the author.

  81. Daft,

    Blah, blah, blah... blah, blah, blah.


    Fuck. Shit. Dick bag.

  82. This comment has been removed by the author.

  83. I'm not from britian you fool, and I actually don't use juvinille and foul words unless I'm playing stupid. I guess you don't have to play that game do you. Do you have any hint yet on how you got played or is it completely over your head. You know Peter Pan surprised me that even he got it, and he gave you a life line, but your dim witted brain couldn't fathom the complicated intricacies of communication.
    You can't understand the question because you have no self worth. You have so little of it that I saw it the minute you posted. I justified fucking with you in my own mind because of what you said, even though I would be what M.E. called a emotional bully. Usually I refrain from picking on people as weak as you.
    Let me give you some insight. When you have pride you have confidence. When you have insecurity you have arrogance. The minute you walk in the door of anywhere confidence is glowing on you. You don't need to tell anyone how amazing you are because its being told to you already by everyone around you. When your arrogant you talk about yourself all day and its just empty words. Why? Because you are empty and even a simpleton can smell desperation.
    I do miss the foul back and forth too Dirty, but Peter was right. It was getting to the point where I had to finish you off or just stop. I don't want to look like I had no end game.
    Thank you for the fun game. I enjoyed playing it with you.

  84. I'm glad you've huddled around this site for comfort, because it seems this author is the only voice of sanity around (and maybe a few others).

    The group of you come to whack off and compare your whack to other's whack, so on and so forth -

    Around a big, phallic whack. But, it seems, at the end of the day...

    It's just the group of lonely masturbators, and the rest of the world, which consists of only victims.

    And, holy crap.

    That might be the most crazy realization I've had about sociopaths, so far!

  85. This comment has been removed by the author.

  86. You don't get it harriet. My goal wasn't to show you anything. You weren't even the audience, and you never were. They were. I was just using you to show how amazing I am, instead of blabbing about it. It was a game that only the sociopaths here would be amused at. I was entertaining them. I don't care about you or your 'inner core'. I care about all of us having fun at your expense. Now your boring. So I'm having the audience participate. After all I'm not greedy. There are other amazing individuals here who would love to show us their funny tricks by pulling things on you. Don't let me ruin it.

  87. UKan and Daft,

    ->I'm<- sorry, but do you think I am taking this seriously?

    Do you think that I

    have given you a real sense of I?

    That's hilarious.

    But, ok. Whatever ;)

  88. This comment has been removed by the author.

  89. you think we are taking this seriously?

  90. This comment has been removed by the author.

  91. Ohhhh, baracuda....

    Thanks for showing me a trick, boys.

    Twas boring.

    See ya later!

  92. Ha ha, you get it! That's why I told her she wouldn't listen. She's so stuck on the game that she doesn't even know when its ended. All she will do now is miss the point and read the lines. Your sharp Daft. Is she easily predictable you think or are we just amazing?

  93. Harriett, it doesn't matter if you gave us the real you, it doesn't.

    UKan compared you to me and he might not even know it.

    What you see here is rarely what it really is.

  94. Look at retards daft and ukan. Trying to gang up on her ans she still holds her own. You 2 are ppppathetic fools. Seriously. If you wanna talk to her try to say something intellectual rather than the same broken record every post. Thanks!

  95. This comment has been removed by the author.

  96. That's actually my favorite joke on people. I play with them and manipulate them just for kicks, then tell them the truth. They can never tell if you were lying to them before or if the real you is lying to them now. They always think you're lying to them now because their weak self esteam can't take the fact that you fooled them. It's such a mind fuck.

  97. This comment has been removed by the author.

  98. Now she's creating her own cheerleaders this is fantastic. Its like that scene on Monty Python where that guy keeps trying to fight the knight even though he chopped off all his limbs.

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  100. She changed her name to sassy and started defending herself

  101. UKan,

    So, are you done like building up your fictional character on this site, with all your powerful mind game challenges...

    Drag show's tonight. Wanna come?

  102. This comment has been removed by the author.

  103. If you were smarter you should be able to tell I am not dirty by the differnce of style in writing. I just think she's all over you idiots so I though I'd mention it....And who the fuck spells esteem as esteam? How you spell says a lot about you as a person uk. You can't be serious that you really don't know how to spell. Did you finish high school you moron?

  104. Oh, and Daft. Please stop the email of your poorly circumsized penis.

    1 word:


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  106. It's amazing more people don't pick up on things like that, isn't it Daft?

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  109. Daft,

    You're a dude. I can tell.

    Maybe you rp girls though.

    I wouldn't doubt it.

  110. This comment has been removed by the author.

  111. I'm sure you don't. Google it, or

    Have Peter Pan answer for you.

  112. This comment has been removed by the author.

  113. Its more amusing than amazing. Peter you have a soft heart for these people. This isn't the first time you helped these victims. When will you understand that even when you point it out they still won't get it.

  114. This comment has been removed by the author.

  115. Wow.

    That's all until tomorrow.

  116. This comment has been removed by the author.

  117. I saw lots of interesting things to say something about but since Daniel doesn't love me anymore and UKan thinks I talk shit, I AM GOING!!! Never to, no, no, don't ask me to stay, don't tell me everything is alright, don't try to kiss me....I know that I am unwanted. I am not one to make a big scene about, I shall just fade away into the internet darkness. Goodbye my love's, it could have been beautiful...
    ..but seriously...bye and thanks for the chats, which were interesting.
    Keep it up M.E., I'm not sure what you are all about, I'm not sure you know either. I'm not sure if this blog is a negative or positive force in the world, I'm not sure if you know either. I think you are undecided...some days maybe you see a bigger thing you could be doing, some days maybe not. I know that you responded to my 'my kinda neural diversity' post....I saw that and it was noted.
    bye y'all, have fun, get some living before you die.

  118. I hope he isn't shooting up a school right now

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  121. Yeah, I doubt it too. I mean, it's a Saturday. School's out.

    Monday, though...

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  124. These comments are always so tiresome and pointless.

    Question to you guys:

    Nature or nurture?

    I met someone I believed to be a sociopath today. He was afraid I could identify him, I could tell. A Christian minister. He was teaching about child development and how children process things.. and how sometimes, to avoid hurt and pain, they shut down all of their emotions. He also offered solutions for regaining an emotional world. (Because emotions are all interconected, you can't pick and choose which ones to shut off. Though narcissists are probably very good at that.


    He said emotions inform the conscience... and without them, there is no internal source of right and wrong, etc. (Come to think of it, narcissists seem pretty well-equipped there again, since they have external measures they'd follow.)

  125. This comment has been removed by the author.

  126. Yeah, it was truly impressive. Just for fun I asked him more questions afterwards... prefaced with, "I'm gonna use a scary term.. *worried look on my face*... but it's not really scary. I have a friend who considers himself an antipath and not a sociopath."

    He smiled knowingly, sensing I wouldn't judge, and instantly he started talking about himself.

    He also had the emotional calmness during his public speaking.

    My theory is, the guy actually found logic within a belief system. When he talked of sociopaths (not referring to himself), he kind of made it sound like if they weren't a Christian, they have a major spiritual problem. Their spirit needs to be reborn like anyone else's.. and that sociopaths who came to Christ were kinda sorta de-fanged.

    That is what he reminded me of. A de-fanged sociopath. It was a truly fascinating find.


    There are two distinct possibilities.

    1. He is not a sociopath. He suffered emotional trauma and healed from it.

    2. He is one, and has experienced real growth and change. But is still a sociopath.

    That probably makes someone reading this very angry.. angry enough to respond back vehemently fighting number 2. I don't know why.

    Next question.

    Historically, when I've been aware of sociopaths (a few times), they've always spent extra time talking to me, and have even sought me out.

    Why is that?

    Is it because they sense I am not convinced? So they need to do extra convincing?

    Is there some sort of personality sociopath repellent I can adopt?

  127. What is the most repelling thing I can do, to de-attract sociopaths?

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  129. This comment has been removed by the author.

  130. Gosh, it's amazing how many sociopaths don't have college educations!


  131. My ex lied about his college education. I think a lot of sociopaths buy their degrees off of the internet.

    And dirty harriet - youre the best. Girl power!

  132. This comment has been removed by the author.


    Cool name, too. And picture, haha. I love that movie.

    It's spooky how many CEO's are sociopaths, and only like around 1%of them have educations.

    One sociopath I knew never graduated from High School. He learned auto-cad, and then started introducing himself as an architect. Ha!

    Good at duping people, he got himself hired at some reputible places, and went on to really build houses!

    I'll never forget the 2.5 million dollar home he designed that stayed vacant for years after it was built. Architecture Nightmare. Hahahaha.

  134. Daft,

    No hard feelings. None. At. All!


  135. Anon said: "What is the most repelling thing I can do, to de-attract sociopaths?"

    Become less neurotic, needy and emotional.

    Cultivate a stable network of friends, family and professional contacts -- screen new romantic prospects through your network.

    Develop realistic/non-delusional goals for your professional and personal development.

    Chances are if you are a 'victim' you'll fail on one or more of these fronts and I would be able to see it from miles away.

  136. Another anon said: "These comments are always so tiresome and pointless."

    This board is rapidly becoming a retard magnet. There seems to be an inverse relationship between the number of comments on M.E. posts and quality of the conversation.

    Either some angry monkey writes a 1000 words trying to provoke the innocents or a lonely teenager chimes in a dozen times daily with insipid observations/questions.

    *shakes internet like a baby that will not stop crying*

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  138. Harry,

    "This board is rapidly becoming a retard magnet. There seems to be an inverse relationship between the number of comments on M.E. posts and quality of the conversation."

    Well, I think the post about a sociopath using his "power" for good and success mighta driven a few socio contributors away.

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  140. This comment has been removed by the author.

  141. Doesn't mean he's not a religious sociopath!

    The church seems like a great place for a sociopath. Lots of potentials there.

  142. Honestly, I think it's reflective of the ridiculousness of the "quality" conversations you folks usually have. You can only talk about how you have no emotions, love to manipulate, etc., so many times before it starts to get old. Eventually, you're just rehashing the same shit, masturbating your egos. You aren't learning anything, and you're not expanding on any of M.E.'s points by regurgitating the same shit repeatedly. I get sick of reading it, so I write my own inane bullshit to match yours. At least it has the potential to generate interesting reading if a dissenting opinion is brought into the mix, but I typically don't believe most of the shit I post, so I can't approach it seriously. In the end you folks just wind up bringing it down to the level of a pissing contest, talking about how some person or idea doesn't matter, you don't care, blah blah blah.

    I've been pretty happy the past few days, though, with all this posting from Sarah, UKan, etc. Sarah had some interesting insights, and she got you folks talking about shit that was worth reading. And UKan... well, he's just plain entertaining.

    Anyway, back to the point: the quality was never here. Even when it's just you and Daniel posting, the shit usually isn't worth reading. Honestly, I don't even see how you can get any satisfaction out of that shit.

  143. This comment has been removed by the author.

  144. I think that people like sociopaths somewhat because empathic people mirror each others emotions.

    Sociopaths are always happy and enthusiastic. So empathic people recognize and are attracted to that.

    Emotional people can also tend to be too stuck inside their heads so they either cant or dont try to rub people the right way.

  145. Marla, I think it usually has to do with the self confidence sociopaths tend to have. Most people are insecure and searching for direction, and sociopaths always seem to have an answer. Whether it's right or not, it's an anchor that can give people comfort.

    Excluding any manipulation on the part of the sociopath, of course.

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  147. I'm up for anything, really.

    Whatevah, you know?

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  150. Marla,

    "Sociopaths are always happy and enthusiastic. So empathic people recognize and are attracted to that."

    Maybe that's a front, Marla, because the ones I've met are actually quite bi-polar seeming... at least when you get to really know them.

    One minute, you think you're in the presence of a sweetheart.

    Then, you're in the presence of absolute pure evil.

    I don't know how the hell they mask that shit so well.

  151. Daft,

    "ever the fucking apple polisher with a smile"

    Haha. If you've ever had me closely pegged with anything, it was that!

  152. Peter,

    "Honestly, I think it's reflective of the ridiculousness of the "quality" conversations you folks usually have. You can only talk about how you have no emotions, love to manipulate, etc., so many times before it starts to get old. Eventually, you're just rehashing the same shit, masturbating your egos."

    Which is EXACTLY why sociopaths NEED empaths, or at least a damn good narcissist. Holy shit, your lives would be so damn boring, otherwise.

  153. Anonymous,

    "My theory is, the guy actually found logic within a belief system. When he talked of sociopaths (not referring to himself), he kind of made it sound like if they weren't a Christian, they have a major spiritual problem. Their spirit needs to be reborn like anyone else's.. and that sociopaths who came to Christ were kinda sorta de-fanged.

    That is what he reminded me of. A de-fanged sociopath. It was a truly fascinating find."

    Once a sociopath, always a sociopath. They can learn the systems of anything, but will always exploit it just like anyone/anything else.

    De-fanged sociopath. hahaha!

  154. Oh, and Anonymous:

    "There are two distinct possibilities.

    1. He is not a sociopath. He suffered emotional trauma and healed from it.

    2. He is one, and has experienced real growth and change. But is still a sociopath."

    BOTH of these possibilities are bullshit.



  155. This comment has been removed by the author.

  156. PP said: "I write my own inane bullshit to match yours."

    Your shit is typically pretty good, but my own shit will always smell better to me.

    There are an unlimited number of places for various neurotics, children, and goobers to sling their shit on the interwebs. Yet more and more are clogging up the plumbing here.

    jus' saying'

  157. Daft,

    My goodness, hooker pants.

    I got this x 100:

    I've never tried to peg you with anything, I simple played along with all stuff you think I was trying to peg you with, its actually a mirrored version of what UKan said, only without the foul language and English slang."

    We are on the same page.

    For now.

  158. Anon said: "That is what he reminded me of. A de-fanged sociopath. It was a truly fascinating find."

    Sounds like he just had a good story to sell.

    "Spirituality" has an almost unlimited capacity to draw soft and foolish people. You have to get closer to see if that snake never bites.

  159. This comment has been removed by the author.

  160. "You have to get closer to see if that snake never bites."


    At least, you were warned.

  161. Daft:
    Anything that breaks from the norm has potential to break the stagnation. Unfortunately, I'm too lazy to create a new set of names to offer more realistic dissenting opinions, and this name is far too tainted to be taken seriously. Daniel et al immediately ignore me the moment I disagree with them, especially if I express any hostility. I haven't been doing the greatest job of stimulating interesting conversation, but stirring the pot every now and then is good enough for me. It's become a bit of a casual time killer, like playing Freecell.

  162. This comment has been removed by the author.

  163. Pan, I have a spoon that I use too. But I tend to stir just so the sludge doesn't burn to the bottom of the pot.

  164. Peter Pan said, “Honestly, I think it's reflective of the ridiculousness of the "quality" conversations you folks usually have. You can only talk about how you have no emotions, love to manipulate, etc., so many times before it starts to get old. Eventually, you're just rehashing the same shit, masturbating your egos. You aren't learning anything, and you're not expanding on any of M.E.'s points by regurgitating the same shit repeatedly. I get sick of reading it, so I write my own inane bullshit to match yours. At least it has the potential to generate interesting reading if a dissenting opinion is brought into the mix, but I typically don't believe most of the shit I post, so I can't approach it seriously. In the end you folks just wind up bringing it down to the level of a pissing contest, talking about how some person or idea doesn't matter, you don't care, blah blah blah.

    I've been pretty happy the past few days, though, with all this posting from Sarah, UKan, etc. Sarah had some interesting insights, and she got you folks talking about shit that was worth reading. And UKan... well, he's just plain entertaining.

    Anyway, back to the point: the quality was never here. Even when it's just you and Daniel posting, the shit usually isn't worth reading. Honestly, I don't even see how you can get any satisfaction out of that shit.”

    To the guy who posts as Peter Pan:

    What are we going to do with you man? You just can’t stop yourself from sticking uncalled for insults in, can you? Ah well… I for one would like to thank you for being one of the handful of commenters here who unknowingly assisted me as I worked through my own thoughts about all of this. Early on, your comments were challenging, in a good way. Later your challenges turned needlessly… ‘negative’. I could say other things, but I’ll leave it at that. By the way, I do not deign to respond to hostility in my offline world as well. I’ve made it crystal clear to the people in my life that they will treat me with the respect I know I deserve or they will cease to exist to me. I’ve carried that attitude on to my online persona here. That’s why I, from time to time, ignored your comments. Having said that, for a while at least, you were useful.

    And I agree with your ‘rehashing’ remarks. What else is left to say at this point?


    *I posted your entire comment because you have a tendency to delete them after a time. This one stays for the record.

  165. Daft,

    "I think he'll get bit and then learn from it."

    Maybe a bit. Maybe a lot.

    Seems like more than a few people end up broken addicts after their experiences.

  166. "I do not deign to respond to hostility in my offline world as well. I’ve made it crystal clear to the people in my life that they will treat me with the respect I know I deserve or they will cease to exist to me."

    So daniel...On that note. Do you reciprocate this 'gesture' or is that a one way street for you? Just curious.

  167. Just because someone is a pastor doesn't change if he is a sociopath or not. Just because your a sociopath doesn't neccessarily mean you are on a constant path of destruction and malice. This whole tendency to believe sociopaths are inherently evil is ignorant. If you do believe in it being a mental illness than the 'good' in you should stop you from discriminating against the mentally ill. However, I really can't see someone being mentally ill who is manipulating people who are supposedly sane.
    Sociopaths have power. There is no question of that. Power in random peoples hands is dangerous, but this is how it is. I think most people would abuse power if they had it. Its difficult not to. Its easy for people who don't have power at all to not understand the temptations that come with it.
    Sociopaths tend to get bad press because people only identify the ones who go crazy with power. They are drunk with it. They spiral into out of control power hungry control freaks. Touching on the pastor and the article I think these are two examples of people who learned enough about themselves to wield that power correctly.

  168. This comment has been removed by the author.

  169. Ukan, your last comment was spot on. I completely agree.

  170. I do have to give it to you sociopaths. How you're able to charm and manipulate everyone - even the most disgusting, worthless, annoying people. As much as it's a dangerous type of charm, it is a great ability!

    I can't even bring myself to smile, or even look at people who bother me. I'd rather puke up a lung, than smile and charm everyone.

  171. Sociopaths for the most part have no idea they have any power because they deny leadership to escape the responsibility of where they lead people. It took me a long time to admit to myself that I was manipulating people and sending them on downward spirals. Most sociopaths get stuck on that phase. Power is like a drug. You start getting consumed with it and before you know it you've completely changed and everyone around you fears you instead of loving you. if you reach a point where you get older and wiser you learn how to direct that influence toward something that's sustainable and not just a instant gratification. The problem with most of us is the fact that we want to learn everyrthing the hard way because we're so narcisstic, so reaching that point is difficult.
    The pastor sounds like he's channeled his lust for power into religion, but he has his flock and he's happy there. I think a lot of the pastors are sociopathic given the fact that they are intelligent enough to understand the bible, but preach about it like its true. I can't see how some of these pastors are convincing a multitude of followers to believe women came from a rib, adam was created frtom dirt, or that there was talking snakes. However pastors use these fables to put their own ideas and life lessons to further their agenda.

  172. Uk,

    "Sociopaths tend to get bad press because people only identify the ones who go crazy with power. They are drunk with it. They spiral into out of control power hungry control freaks."

    Which is why better public awareness of sociopathy is needed -

    But, you guys are either unaware of what you are, or choose to stay in the shadows, because of the benefits.

    "However, I really can't see someone being mentally ill who is manipulating people who are supposedly sane."

    That's because "sane" empaths tend to assume responsibility for the sociopath's behavior.

  173. "I think a lot of the pastors are sociopathic given the fact that they are intelligent enough to understand the bible, but preach about it like its true. I can't see how some of these pastors are convincing a multitude of followers to believe women came from a rib, adam was created frtom dirt, or that there was talking snakes. However pastors use these fables to put their own ideas and life lessons to further their agenda."

    Because some operate with emotional understanding of subjects, rather than strictly logical.

    Empaths can easily accept moral doctrine and esoteric, symbolic meaning if it reinforces their emotional boundaries.

    Sociopaths don't get that, for obvious reasons...

  174. DirtyHarriett said, “Empaths can easily accept moral doctrine and esoteric, symbolic meaning if it reinforces their emotional boundaries.”

    I agree with this wholeheartedly. This is one of the reasons religion still thrives to this day, despite all of the scientific progress we’ve made. As you said DH, it has absolutely nothing to do with facts and everything to do with reaffirming egoic boundaries.

  175. Daniel, the "negativity" was in response to the "negativity" in Harry's comment. He made a pretty foolish assertion about the quality of the comments section. I was merely pointing out how stupid the comments usually are to begin with, and I was careful to include some positive points. I also don't recall anyone else giving props before I did, so if nothing else, give me credit for that.

    I think you're confusing opinion with insult, and perhaps, on occasion, disagreement for "negativity". I'm not going to sugar coat my opinions for you because you might be offended, and the fact that some of my thoughts paint your opinions, or a group of people you identify with, in a negative light, doesn't make them negative per se.

    The comments here are frequently stagnant and masturbatory, and stating as much is no more negative than noting that a broken dish is broken. Now, if I was complaining just for the sake of complaining--for example a random remark about how crappy the comment quality becomes as more people post--then I would agree with you, but that wasn't the case.

    Nearly everything in that comment was pertinent to the opinions expressed by Harry. There was definitely some unnecessary vulgarity and overly dramatic phrasing, mainly to keep the posting fun, but there was no actual "negativity."

    I'm not sure why you'd let your pride get in the way of participating in an anonymous internet discussion. Who cares if my posts aren't respectful? Are you trying to keep up appearances? Is it going to hurt you somehow if Thunderball or M.E. see you openly responding to "disrescpectful" comments? If it's not for appearances, I honestly don't understand it. A "FUCK YOU" from you means nothing to me, so I don't give a damn if you sprinkle them between every sentence. That doesn't mean I don't respect myself.

    There are times when I'm obviously just trying to argue for no reason whatsoever, and I'd ignore me in those situations, too. But seriously... respect and negativity? What the hell are you talking about?

  176. Just say it like you want to, Dano!

  177. Hi, it's the anonymous here. I felt like my intelligence was insulted by the warning to stay away from him. Yes, I am an empath. I should probably register here, since I am atypical.

    I'd add.. I've known a harmless sociopath, who valued good.. despite not having an emotional world. I talked to him for probably ten thousand hours. Usually about psychology.

    I am not getting closer to anymore antipaths.

    I find it easy to talk with them.

    At this site, I once read about some empath's delusional rant about having a sociopath boyfriend who "taught" her how he thought, and she felt she had such a good understanding of sociopaths, blablabla. I am like her except without the delusional thinking.

    Oh, and I gotta say, Jesus is the only hope for antipaths. Not to change their psychology, but to better their lives. It's not different from anyone else.

  178. I suddenly understand, a little, why a sociopath would take advantage of an empath.

  179. okay, so somewhere at the beginning of these posts, before the bitch slapping war started, someone mentioned that sociopaths would be 'weeded' out before birth... what i am wondering is, who BUT a sociopath could actually do the weeding? and, would they come back?

  180. Guns N' Roses: I have to disagree with you about gays(I know, I know I'm changing the subject a little)...The genetic revolution will eliminate the need for natural reproduction altoghether, making the basis of sex, solely pleasure based. I thought I heard a "Brave New World" reference in what you said... That book exemplifies this idea. Plus gay rights is the new thing, just like women's rights and then black's rights. It seems to fit into the next slot of human history, as long as you're following the path in American history anyway.

    And to the guy that wrote the main article... The sociopath has certain strengths as well as certain weakness....for example, you say you know how to manipulate people and you are really good at it...What about that friend that came to you crying about the Identity incident? You fell short on your manipulative skills there didn't you? why? Because of your emotional barrier. Had you learned to harness your emotions to the point of control, your friend would be indebted to you by your support. By being a sociopath, you are limiting yourself to...yourself. No one loves you, everyone hates you. Pure and simple....anyway I'm getting carried point is, learn to make yourself into a better person(as you define, it your sociopath tendencies) but also learn to make attachments to people that will make you stronger.

  181. demons are us, we create them, they live in our thoughts, they suffocate when we do not give them attention. my demons are fighting for survival, they are selfish cruel and evil, and i let them in. I WONT LET THEM WIN

    1. NO they are NOT us, but they leech off our good nature.


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