
Thursday, September 6, 2012

Are sociopaths psychologically dumb and blind?

It has been said repeatedly that by definition it is impossible for a sociopath to be introspective and insightful. Why is that so impossible? Very few people bother to answer that question, so I thought I’d share my own ideas about it.

First let’s look at the definitions. The operational definition of introspect is to examine and comprehend one’s own thoughts, emotions and actions. I’m broadly defining sociopaths as people who have little to no conscience, who have flexible personality structures and who are emotionally indifferent to social norms. And I’m defining insight as clear and deep perception. I think these definitions, taken separately, would be generally agreed upon by most people. What I don’t see is why any of them, taken together, must also mean that people without conscience have to, by definition, be incapable of introspection and insight. The very people who say that immediately contradict themselves when they go on to say, for instance, that sociopaths disdain those with consciences and are themselves master manipulators. How would a sociopath know that she doesn’t have a conscience without examining her own thoughts and emotions? And how else would a sociopath be able to so effortlessly manipulate people around him unless he had clear and in-depth perception of other people’s psyches? Also, if one needs to be an empath to be introspective and insightful, how do we explain the prevalence of denial, delusional thinking, neuroticism and self destructive behavior in the ‘normal’ population? It doesn’t take a scientific study to see that knowing one’s self isn’t on most empaths' to-do list.

There’s something rotten in the state of Denmark and it isn’t the herring. It’s the stereotype of the psychologically dumb and blind sociopath. It's spread by professionals and laymen alike and it is based on what they think a 'typical' sociopath says and does and not on how a sociopath sees and feels. The uninformed empath believes this stereotype because they can’t imagine that a sociopath could possibly examine his own thoughts and emotions, with depth and clarity, and not condemn himself. It is quite literally unthinkable for them.


  1. it has been said repeatedly that by definition it is impossible for a sociopath to be introspective and insightful. why is that so impossible?

    I think the heart of this particular piece of pigeonholing is this: most people link introspection with moral development. If you’re introspective, the reasoning goes, you will surely stumble upon ‘moral truths’ of one sort or the other, which would of necessity lead to a change in outlook and behavior if you’re failing to live up to said moral discoveries. Since sociopaths by definition never develop a normal conscience, they must therefore be incapable of introspection. Or, again, so the reasoning goes.

    (Btw, what the hell are ‘moral truths’ anyway? That’s an oxymoron of the highest order. Moral truths are equivalent to Narnian geography or Emerald City politics as far as I’m concerned.)

    What do notions of ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ have to do with self examination? An empath will chime in with, “Well if you examine yourself and see that you don’t have a conscience while most other people do, why surely you’d realize that you’re somehow deficient and in need of serious psychiatric attention.” The unspoken assumption here is that there is such a thing as ‘moral truth’ to find in the first place. What if there isn’t? What if morality is just an emotional program evolution loaded most brains with that doesn’t exist anywhere else in nature?

    it is quite literally unthinkable for them

    It might actually gall normals to think that a person can examine his internal world, notice that he lacks a conscience, and be just fine with that, hence the vehement protestations that sociopaths and introspection never mix. This faulty assumption amounts to little more than the ‘argument from incredulity’fallacy: I don’t like the conclusion, therefore it must be wrong. Finding an observation unpalatable doesn’t make it false. Just because you don’t like something doesn’t make it go away.

    1. well i would think that a sociopath would be fine with not having a conscience since he/she doesn't care. caring=conscience (of course i'm stating the obvious). :-)

    2. I am no expert on sociopaths, but I see no reason why they wouldn't be capable of introspection and reflection. I do, however, disagree with your argument against moral truths being valid. You say (as I understood you) that because "empaths" and sociopaths are both capable of logical thinking and self-reflection, but come to different conclusions about moral truths, then the moral truths are not true. I would say that it's more a matter of intellectual honesty, of your actual beliefs and the "hypothetical" conclusions you can and do arrive to being coherent with each other. Apparently sociopaths lack that coherence, because you can explain them very well the logic behind conscience, but they will ignore what the conclusion implies, like Anonymous said, "he/she doesn't care". So they are (willingly or not?) being incoherent with their thoughts and their actions, they're simply intellectually dishonest. The issue of there even being a specific moral truth should be examined separately, just because sociopaths are capable of logic and introspection and at the same time don't hold any VALUE to moral truths, doesn't mean that moral truths are false or don't exist. If you really want to prove the concept of conscience wrong, you have to do it based on the concept itself, which I would be very interested in reading.

  2. No, it isn't said that sociopaths lack introspection. It's said that psychopaths lack this. The fact that the majority of psychological studies do not note the difference leads to a variety of generalisations. The very fact the most sociopaths aren't in prison (while compared to a large amount of psychopaths) shows a capacity for introspection, or at least cautiousness.

    1. I'm confused as to what the difference between the two are. I read on here that a sociopath's circumstances were caused by society and life, sounds like one of those "non born psychopaths". Many psychs don't really believe that's how it works. So if that's what one is, many psychs believe that sociopaths don't really exist.

  3. True anon, but as you said, the distinction isn't consistently made. Many people who are familiar with the terms psychopath and sociopath still confuse and conflate them on a regular basis, hence the common belief that a socipoath wouldn't know he's a sociopath because... drumroll please... he lacks the ability to introspect and he can't be insightful.

    1. All it takes is realizing there's a difference between you and other non sociopaths. Like the emotions they experience, their reactions, empathy etc... wouldn't you have to be very delayed to not notice? Just about anyone here who talked about life experiences reveals that they notice empaths are different from them.

  4. As far as I can tell, there's no agreed-upon distinction made between psychopathy and sociopathy. How are you two defining sociopath differently than, say, Robert Hare's definition of a psychopath? It seems to me that many people on this site relate to the majority of Hare's psychopathy-checklist, particularly the factor-1 traits.

    Robert Hare, by the way, claims that the vast majority of psychopaths are not in prison nor physically dangerous (from

    Psychopathy may prove to be as important a construct in this century as IQ was in the last (and just as susceptible to abuse), because, thanks to Hare, we now understand that the great majority of psychopaths are not violent criminals and never will be. Hundreds of thousands of psychopaths live and work and prey among us. Your boss, your boyfriend, your mother could be what Hare calls a "subclinical" psychopath, someone who leaves a path of destruction and pain without a single pang of conscience.

    Is your term sociopath equivalent to Hare's term subclinical psychopath?

    If so, what makes you assume that clinical psychopaths lack self-reflection?

  5. The difference between sociopaths and psychopaths is somewhat like the difference between early and late onset bipolars; the first kind is oblivious to themselves, due to how they know nothing different. The second kind, on the other hand, remembers what normality was like, and thus is able to more easily distinguish themselves from others - introspection.

    1. "I'm confused as to what the difference between the two are. I read on here that a sociopath's circumstances were caused by society and life, sounds like one of those "non born psychopaths". Many psychs don't really believe that's how it works. So if that's what one is, many psychs believe that sociopaths don't really exist." <--- so it's like this?

  6. I think it's a result of the value system of the psychological community. They value empathy and thusly introspection through empathy rather than intellect. Largely due to the fact that most psychologists are empathic and all humans overvalue the qualities they themselves possess. But there's also fear. People fear sociopaths more than any other defined deviant? Why? (With deviance being defined simply as 'deviation from the norm')

    Every human exhibits some form of deviance. This is how we prosper as a species, by a diversity of manifestations we can adapt and multiply within numerous environments. Sociopaths have a certain deviance that is hated above most others. But that's just because most people exhibit emotional deviances they've learned to be ashamed of, deny and hide, and sociopaths by nature easily identify the emotional deviance in others. The weak spots. If people wouldn't lie to themselves about their own deviant needs and desires a sociopath would have no advantage over them. But they do, without fail. And you can't notice someone exploiting something you deny exists.

    I do love the irony that the psychiatric community has such a skewed clinical understanding of the 'emotionally deficient' because of their own emotional baggage.

  7. It’s true Orm, there are no widely agreed upon definitions of sociopath. And the term psychopath isn’t even included in the DSM IV or the ICD-10, although Hare’s work on it seems to be widely accepted otherwise.

    Is your term sociopath equivalent to Hare's term subclinical psychopath?

    My own sense is that the term sociopath is definitionally a cross between Machiavellianism and subclinical psychopathy.

    If so, what makes you assume that clinical psychopaths lack self-reflection?

    I don’t. This is an assumption that I’ve run across multiple times in my personal research on all this. I certainly don’t believe it’s true as I’ve suggested in previous comments. I’m largely in agreement with ME’s post. People whose personality traits are best described as Machiavellian and/or subclinically psychopathic are just as capable of introspection as any average Joe. I see no reason to believe otherwise.

  8. One thing which led me to initially believe sociopaths lacked introspection was their apparent similarities to narcissists. Sociopaths seem to act out of emotionally-defensive self-denial when pressed to explain certain lies, but, in fact, they are manipulating. As I got to know certain people who I eventually came to think of as sociopaths, I started to notice inconsistencies between their stories and my observations. If I addressed these with them, they found ways to make me feel ashamed for asking, and foolish in my interpretations. Initially I thought this was me empathizing with their emotional-defensiveness--that they were in self-denial that they could be this way. This led me to believe that, like narcissists, these people were not introspective, and were atypically self-delusional.

    However, as I got more familiar with these situations, I began to realize that what had appeared to be self-denial was actually calculated behaviour to put me off their trail. Making me feel shame and stupidity was a diversion-tactic which stopped me from persuing the matter more deeply with them.

  9. Orm, what you just said is very true. And it illustrates why Narcissists are such easy targets for Sociopaths. They would rather allow themselves to be exploited than to admit to the weakness that is being exploited. If that makes sense. There's a post on this blog that is titled A Bully's Bully, it kind of explains this. If you've ever read Les Liaisons dangereuses (not the movie, it's different) it shows the exact dynamic between a female sociopath and a male narcissist. And like the post A Bully's Bully, the only cure for a male Narcissist, is a female sociopath.

    And by 'cure', I mean 'ruin'. Obvs.

  10. Hardly. I would not be surprised in the least were I to learn that most if not all of the important (as opposed to paycheck) psychologists in history were sociopaths at one or another point on the spectrum: peircing insight, grandiosity, confabulation, charm, aloofness, cashing in on all of the above – check, check, check, check, check, check.

    Wouldn't it be a barrel full of chuckles if someone were to prove it and tell the world?

    Dr Whom

  11. i think lack of insight or introspection could be evidenced in particular i some of all yalls weird tirades on normals. and speaking of the influences of others perceptions without recognizing or caring anyway about your own.

    course i would say the same with reguards to some of the crazier "empaths" as you would call them.

    you don't have to be a sociopath or pyschopath to have deficits in insight or introspection.

    it has nothing to do with recognizing a lack of conscience.

  12. "because they can’t imagine that a sociopath could possibly examine his own thoughts and emotions, with depth and clarity, and not condemn himself"

    What emotions ?

    1. Oh goodness, another ignorant empath who thinks that sociopaths completely lack emotion. If that's the case, you can leave this blog, because M.E. claims to have them.

  13. You'd need to have emotions, to examine them, innit.

  14. I believe most of these weird conclusions are actually written by self-preservation minded sociopaths in academia trying to obscure our 'gifts' from humanity at large.

  15. Replies
    1. I mean as first as you can be with these reposts.

    2. Great honor BOD. Go YOU :D

    3. No, I wanted to be first >:O

  16. Yay, BoD :)

    I've been having a ... free and frank exchange of view, I guess you'd call it ... with a bunch of empath victims on a blog about this. They are not at home to Mr Reasonable on this point. If I'm introspecting, I'm not a sociopath, or I am a sociopath and I'm lying about introspecting. Because sociopaths are lying liars. And anyone who disagrees with them is also a sociopath or a lying liar. Circular logic. And then they congratulate me on having a conscience if I'm telling the truth about knowing the difference between right and wrong.

  17. I reject the premise of this post. I've always been very introspective.

    1. And... are U a psychopath?


    2. Anonymous, do you know that or are you ruling him out because he's introspective? The owner of the blog himself seems introspective to me through what he writes about himself. Is he not one too?

  18. UKAN,
    Are you around? (Are you the new vegitopath?)

    As much as I have many times reacted to what I perceived your superficial socio identity I have come up to a conclusion that I learned most from you in my efforts to understand sociopathy, and I have come to a conclusion that I have been raised by someone very much like you and have learned to love him as a parent, yet chose to keep away from him as best I can. The relationship with him is the easiest from afar, he is unable to hold the mask on longer than a day. Strangers sure get the best of him, and when I was a kid I used to never understand how come dad was nicer to strangers than to his own family.

    Are you seriously considering having a child one day? If so, and if you'd like to hear some of my views as being the child of a sociopathic dad and a narcissistic mom, feel free to shoot. I may have more to learn in the process as well.

    Kany may have questions as well. The offer is the same.

  19. I agree with V, I have read all of M.E's topics/responses and I find a similar undertone throughout which is uncertainty. He/she seems highly introspective, but almost in a self doubting sort of way. Its just my opinion and a "feeling" I get that his/her diagnosis of sociopathy is in does seem very circular and unlikely that a true sociopath would demonstrate such a high level of introspect.

    1. Close, but ...

      I'm as capable of examining my motives and thoughts as anyone else, empath or sociopath. The difficulty seems to be that I can do so and reject another's assertion that I must do/feel as they say, simply because they say so. Most empaths are unaware to what extent emotional and societal conditioning forces them to bypass logic.

  20. I guess the introspection I find reasonably understandable from a sociopath would be more of a selfish self examination, not one of weights and balances. I just find too much attachment to uncertainty in some "sociopaths".

  21. And might I point out that your Defining line between my introspection and a socios introspection is the inability to see how emotional norms and socitetal norms have conditioned us so much it forces us to bypass logic.......stands to reason that we could be conditioned out of either state we are in, socio or empath?!?

    1. Not quite. I'm not saying that's the defining difference between the types of introspection. I see it as, my introspection is judged to be false or non-existent because my conclusions don't match theirs. They see only one truth, based on their conditioning, and any other conclusion must therefore be untrue. As I think has been said above somewhere, for me to examine myself and decide I'm ok with what I am and what I do must mean I'm not really looking, since by their standard I'm not right and I'm not ok.

  22. Let me ask this. Does introspection always lead to insight? By insight, I mean a clear seeing of reality.

    I think of myself when I went to all the shrinks( which was most of my life). I had introspection out the whazoo, but very, very little insight.

    I could talk your head off with all my "introspection", but as far as true insight into lie, I had precious little.

    1. *life*
      Nice Freudian slip though ~

    2. in·sight (noun)
      1. an instance of apprehending the true nature of a thing, especially through intuitive understanding: an insight into 18th-century life.
      2. penetrating mental vision or discernment; faculty of seeing into inner character or underlying truth.
      3.Psychology .
      a. an understanding of relationships that sheds light on or helps solve a problem.
      b. (in psychotherapy) the recognition of sources of emotional difficulty.
      c. an understanding of the motivational forces behind one's actions, thoughts, or behavior; self-knowledge.

      I think it comes down to how we are able to accept things as truth. Introspection and Insight should go hand in hand, but I can see where one might lead you into a black room with no light source if you are not able to discern truth... Often I have heard young Marines ask an older more senior Marine for a light (a light for a cig, ya know) , a funny reply from the senior Marine might be, "I am the light, it is fire you seek." I think there is some truth to this... however, more often it is fire (thirst to know oneself) we posses with no reference of truth for light. This can cause major problems for insight no matter how much introspection you are capabale of. What can you see in a dark room? Or the inside of a dog for that matter...

    3. You can't experience introspection when you are blaming others. Does a narcissist ever have introspection?

    4. I think a narcissist could very easily conduct introspection, it would be the insight that would elude them. It's hard to learn anything when you already know everything.

  23. Emotionally indifferent to social norms? As in they don't feel anxious or nervous about being seen as different or weird or not following them, being criticized etc?

    1. This is the attachment I'm speaking of. A true sociopath would seem to be more apathetic and indifferent. A who gives a shit attitude concerning social norms......just shows too much "caring" to be sociopathic?!?!?

    2. What are you talking about? Who are you? I don't see anything you're speaking of, because you aren't the one who wrote this blog entry. Are you saying the author shows too much caring to be sociopathic? Why would sociopaths automatically be apathetic and indifferent? They can't get a feeling of loneliness with being kind of rare compared to others in the world, et cetera?

    3. They can't get mad at being judged? Cause that rules out quite a few people I've seen, who saw professionals (in cases of crime, you may take a psychopathy test)

    4. "caring" and "sociopathic" in the same sentence?????? I'm sorry, but you cannot be both. You either are or your not....fence riding this one.

    5. That's what I'm talking about. Why can't I care about something? If it matters to me, why shouldn't I? If it happens to be something you feel is 'morally' worthwhile too, that doesn't mean I'm also making a moral judgement, rather that I've reached that conclusion differently.

    6. I don't buy it. Louis in interview w vampire struggled between what he truly was while grasping for remnants of his humanness.....He could not fully let go and settle into acceptance of his nature, in turn, never depicting a true sociopath.....Lestat on the other hand had fully accepted himself and lavished in who he was..... Fully depicting a sociopath. you would have to change the definition of sociopath to make Louis fit the profile, although he exhibitted many parallels, he was not in the fullest sense, who he was.

    7. Or ... and bear with me here ... you could acknowledge that those are fictional characters whose thoughts, feelings and motives were determined by an author who is probably not a sociopath, and therefore using them as reasons to reject the experience of an actual sociopath renders your argument invalid.

    8. Sociopathic doesn't mean you don't care about ANYTHING. For example, a sociopath certainly cares about himself. He may care about others in terms of caring if they stay and entertain him- not really caring for *them*. Your argument was stupid. It would only make sense if I used caring to describe caring about others.

    9. A sociopath can get frustrated with others, or offended, or angry too. If you amount what I said to saying that they are "caring", then those are examples of "caring" too. A sociopath can want company, they may feel hate or at least bitter dislike. A sociopath can even rage. So really, you just think sociopaths have no emotions what so ever. It's clear you're not one.

    10. 534 Louis....and fictional yes, depictions are spot on. Caring how others perceive you is def not typical sociopath.....manipulating how others perceive you makes sense

    11. Anonymous, where's your source? I really think you're just assuming that you can't make a sociopath mad or do something to you or rile them up with that.

    12. Either way, all you said was "typical" sociopath.

    13. I've certainly seen that they can be just like everyone else in some things, and this is one of them. You don't have to make sociopaths complete aliens.

  24. It's an oxymoron is what I am saying or simply a very broad range of sociopathy which would be highly suggestive that there are MANY More people that would fit the sociopath profile. I just believe the term is loosely used and overly analyzed broadening the boundaries for a sociopaths "criteria" and merely anyone could find themselves questioning their tendencies. No reason for defensiveness..... Just an exchange of OPINIONS

  25. Academy Award Series for SW Regulars

    The Baddest Ass in his own Mind Award.................................

  26. I friggin hate being knifed in the back

    1. You hate being knifed in the front.....get real!

  27. Amazing what being a student of pain can teach us

    1. Yes, I got freaking everyone coming at me from one end or another, but strangely, I am strong.

  28. Pain will either define us or make us stronger! kudos for strength!!

    1. Thanks. Through it, *I* am getting reborn. The PD( co-dependency and whatever else I had) took away my power. It gave me fear that my worth depended on others approval.
      I am being forced to take a stand as I was pushed beyond my bottom line BUT it is a free fall like I am flying back to myself.

    2. Monica do you know what happens to me when I realize what you do? I can't stop crying. It is bleeding. i have been doing this bleeding now every single day since 2007, after a trauma put me into borderline crazy behavior. Will i be all healed up one day? it has been 5 years.

    3. No, I am getting strong. I am hurting. I have a headache and I am scared, but inside I am singing.
      However, I will add something. I could not do this without the living and ever present Jesus, who will never leave me or forsake me <3

    4. How are you singing inside if you are all of those things? Isn't pain and fear internal? Sounds like you're repressing, and saying its what Jesus wants you to do.

    5. I am singing inside because I am choosing my own integrity over this man whom I love and have been close to for many years. The Mal Narc threatened me and he won't stand up for me, so I will move on. I got a great idea to expand my own business from all this and I am really excited, so it worked out to be a blessing that the Mal Narc did this, not a bad thing.

      Mainly, I am happy because I value myself more than him or his business or my place in it. If he can't stand up for me, I don't want to be there, anymore.

    6. Monica

      You choose men that have the same traits as you? With all your counseling I am surprised at this.

    7. How so? He was a person I worked with, a friend, not more.

    8. Monica

      "This man who I love and have been close to for many years"

      Reread your 6:54 post for clarity.

    9. I know when I wrote what I did, it was unclear. Sorry!

      It is a business relationship but I had a strong bond with him--platonic and a great respect for him. I said that I love him, because I did, but in this way, as we got very close, but always in a business/platonic/ friendship way.

    10. So this man was the mal narc?

    11. NOO lol
      The woman is the Mal Narc.The man is the head of the organization and is being manipulated by the Mal Narc. The man is a very cool person, but not strong enough to stand up/ and or see the Mal narc for who she is, so is siding with her( or just staying neutral.

      At any rate, all this mess has turned out well, as a new career opportunity opened for me, as a result of all this, so all is well.

      I, finally, stood up to a Mal Narc and told her what she was. It was a mountain I needed to climb, so it all worked out but it sucked in the doing.

      How are you :D

  29. Funny how we all congregate together's like two ticks and no dog....trying to suck out of each other a supply that neither one can give

  30. Monica i don't know why, but your flaunting your relationship to Jesus is funny to me.

    1. Why do you call that flaunting?

    2. I am coveting your object relations and making fun of myself.

    3. I am making fun of an imaginary person who would be a dick and get angry at you for being happy. there are people who do that. I spent time with them. SOmetimes I make fun of them by pretending to be like them because i find them ridiculous. it is just a brand of humor people here don't all get.

      But i do envy religious people.

    4. Oh lol
      Well, I find Jesus because He was the last house on the block.

    5. i am a dick sometimes, too. it is compulsive.

    6. LOL
      I have a lot of compulsions too :D

    7. Monica i will do anything for you, my love, but i draw the line at the body of christ, mkay?

    8. do you think jesus was a sociopath, monica?

    9. oops i have to go. bye for now.

    10. jezus was a socioapth and hare is satan lol

  31. Monica, how is it going with the mal narc? I was kind of worried last night when I read your messages. I hope you're doing better. I have had the same kind of experience with one at work, if you're interested I could share it with you.

    1. Please share. This Mal Narc has blown up my life. I don't know where I am going to land, but I know I will be OK because if God takes me out of one situation( even though I loved it there, He will put me in another.

      Tell me about your Mal Narc situation.

    2. I respect your beliefs and I really believe that god might help you. I am sorry to hear about this situation, I went through hell with this mal narc. I already wrote about it in one of ME's articles a long time ago, I think it was in the article where ME answered questions, or around that time. Could you send me a link to that article? If I had it, I could find my story I wrote in a few minutes, and add additional details about this situation I lived, and how I was able to win.

    3. I don't know where it is. Try to Search this site for ME's Discussion etc

    4. I can't find it. My story's long and I really believe it could have helped you. Sorry.

  32. Academy Award Series

    Award for the Most Heart and Soul On SW......................................................

  33. My sociopath raped me, we were having sex in his room and suddenly he turned me around and stuffed his cock up my rectum. I told him to stop at first but he didn't and told me to shut my mouth or he was going to shut it for me. He drove me back home as if nothing happened and told me I was the most beautiful girl he's ever laid his eyes on, and loves me. I love him so much, I don't want to leave him. I cried all night in my bedroom and in the shower. What should I do?

    1. Relax and enjoy--given your stupidity in saying you still love him. You may also want to keep your ass-hole clean.

    2. I didn't rape you, I just stuffed my cock where you didn't want me to.

      I meant what I said, you're the most beautiful woman I've ever laid my eyes on, please don't go around making me look like the bad guy here, your behavior hasn't been the best lately either.

    3. extremity, is that you and why are you admitting to rape on this, if this isnt a joke

    4. ........................./´¯/)
      ...................../..../ /
      ..........''...\.......... _.•´

  34. I recently dealt with a malNarc too.

    She was incredible. Projecting all her actions unto me, and like you Monica I cut the chord and I feel sooo good about it.

    It is not clear if and with what kind of game she'll be back but I take it she'll try at some point because I still am a potential narcissistic supply.

    Nothing will work, I am committed to not providing any resources to this woman. She is the type who perfected getting things with crying and then going into rage when her crying does not prove to be effective. Far out.

    She fits the profile where she learned to get a lot of rewards by crying when she was young.

    Below is an interesting piece from a psychologist:

    different brain regions and systems mature along different timetables. There is no single age at which the adolescent brain becomes an adult brain. Systems responsible for logical reasoning mature by the time people are 16, but those involved in self-regulation are still developing in young adulthood. This is why 16-year-olds are just as competent as adults when it comes to granting informed medical consent, but still immature in ways that diminish their criminal responsibility, as the Supreme Court has noted in several recent cases. Using different ages for different legal boundaries seems odd, but it would make neuroscientific sense if we did it rationally.

    Second, science has never had much of an influence on these sorts of decisions. If it did, we wouldn’t have ended up with a society that permits teenagers to drive before they can see R-rated movies on their own, or go to war before they can buy beer. Surely the maturity required to operate a car or face combat exceeds that required to handle sexy movies or drinking. Age boundaries are drawn for mainly political reasons, not scientific ones. It’s unlikely that brain science will have much of an impact on these thresholds, no matter what the science says.

  35. the sociopath likes(/loves) himself the good, the bad and the ugly

    1. therfor there is no need for intospection

  36. honestly, i think anyone with a personality disorder is delusional!

  37. Themes for SW RegularsSeptember 6, 2012 at 1:37 PM

    Academy Award Series

    Award For Most Delusional Self Righteous Idiot On SW.......

    1. Award For Most Delusional Self Righteous Idiot On SW goes to Themes

    2. Themes does not do drugs. He comes by his idiosyncrasies, the natural way~

    3. always make me laugh, themes! thanks!

    4. Drugs are bad, Mmmkay.

    5. Thanks Anon 1:43 !

  38. For one, if you don't have a conscience you couldn't understand what it is.

    Two, master manipulators do not need any understanding of psyches... just practice and more importantly the ability to not give a shit.

    I know what manipulation is and what manipulative actions are and could easily use them... the problem I run into is I give a shit about how I look to people. Using passive aggressive crap or bullshit moves to get what I want is entirely lacking in character and makes you appear childish to other people.

    Now that being said it should be considered that the so called master manipulators can only manipulate people who allow them, i.e weak low character and or emotionally unstable people. Why would a sociopath hang around strong real mother fuckers??? Because theres nothing to gain, the sociopath walks through life thinking they are the shit when really they only interact with people who enforce their thinking. Any empath could do the same thing they simply choose not to because they give a shit, either about how they look with this behavior or the feelings of the other person.

    There are people who give a shit and those who dont. Thats it.

    The real qualities they lack are dignity , integrity and pride. Just evaluate if a person demonstrates those things and theres nothing to worry about. Sociopaths arent scary unless you do what they tell you to.

    Why the fuck would you do that?

  39. Almost funny how once you become discarded by a sociopath, they then begin to project all that THEY truly are onto you. you become the malnarc, the bipolar bitch, the disordered individual.... No wonder they like us so much.....we become your play thing, plus a place to project your miserable selves onto when your finished playing. Truly a pathetic life.

  40. Themes for SW RegularsSeptember 6, 2012 at 2:46 PM

    why treat somebody worthless with respect? that's not projection, that's common sense

  41. We are the only things that make YOU real....I think that makes you worthless

    1. Your full of shit! Up to your eyeballs......

  42. Face it, we are your only supply of life. Without us, you would know nothing. You learn to mimic us for mere survival, you prey on us to validate the only sense of self you have which is control. We bring you to the threshold of love and sincerity that you will never experience. We become your puppets because out of A kindness that you will never understand, we believed in goodness and honesty, but you rape that because it pisses you off that you can see it, but you will never posess it......

    1. anonymous, get out of here. writing an open letter to all sociopaths? you're ignorant. not all sociopaths have preyed on people, because not all need to. not that all the ones who do needed to anyway. now youre just being a jack ass and trying to rub it in their faces that you experience things they cant- thats just it, they cant. so face that fact and move on. they will never know what empathy is, or why you think things have a right or wrong, or what having morals feels like. you know, though, and you know better than to post this trying to offend someone.

  43. Oh, but it's okay for YOU to call people worthless because they FEEL? To openly ridicule victims of horrible exploits? You can do these things but how DARE I step on a raw nerve of truth that may implicate you? BULLSHIT! I thought I was the one needing coddled. Buck up and deal with it. If you can dish it out, then you sure as hell should be able to take it.


    If a guy/girl was ignoring you/playing hard-to-get, what would you do?

    1. i can tell you what one of my exes would do.

    2. Consider myself above her and move on... but that's just me

    3. roger why wouldn't you just consider her not interested and move on? i mean even if you could tell she was interested and playing hard to get.

      i will tell you a secret about people who don't know what they want. They often don't realize they wanted it until the window of opportunity is gone. Women get offered sex all day long. You all look the same at the end of the day, tbh. It isn't personal.

      Just corner her one day and tell her her window of opportunity is closing. THen walk away. SHe will wonder who the fuck you think you are. IOW, she will be wondering who the fuck you are. :0

      COme back and report asap!

    4. I understand what you're saying, Anonymous. My reasoning is based on my own personality and what my mind will/will not allow me to do. As I said before, that's just me.

  45. I am a sociopath and ive been planning for 12 years how to take over the global economy threw energy leverage. After the oil crisis. Everyone on this little blue planet will see the coming of a new age of technology and the end of monotheistic belief systems. I will herald the dispora and post-humanity.

  46. How do you deal with a child?? My sons doc has given him the title of sociopath and he's only 13..I am so worried and full of what ifs..his futures in my hands..not that ppl take you serious when you tell them he sees counselors but yet no change..strange is I have 2 children by same dad and they are both in the same boat and one by another dad no problems at all..does DNA play a part...


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