
Saturday, July 25, 2009

Criminal sociopathy (part 4)

Last installment. (As a sidenote, there are a lot of things I know about my readers who email me that I don't include when I publish about them. I know that means you don't get the whole story, but I weigh that against other considerations. I have this guy's backstory, and if he is who he says he is, then he is who he says he is.) My comments in bold.
The truth is most people make me sick. They disgust me. I don't care about them, because they don't care about themself. I don't respect them, because they don't respect themself. Luckily I think that a lot of people are sort of charming. I can be very fond of people, but definitely not anyone who is a self-hater. Those people are lost.

I hide behind the mask because if they knew how great I really felt and who I really am they would hate me because they can't be that way. Yeah, I think you are right that they would hate you. I don't know if it would necessarily all (or even primarily) be because they are jealous. I feel like it is more because you threaten their very way of life, are a parasite, someone who is at least capable of doing terrible things to them.

The vast majority of people besides sociopaths are insecure, self loathing, self hating, miserable people guided by their weaknesses who will never change. I wonder if your opinions are somewhat influenced by who you have found yourself surrounded by in jail and with the gang. I think a lot of people are great. I myself have met many smart, really dedicated people who are not at all a drain on society.
Psychologists who call our personality types evil and a mental illness are leading the charge. Blaming everyone for their weakness. Pointing fingers at us calling us evil, because they can't 'treat' our 'illness'. They can't manipulate us, in fact they fear us because without even studying psychology we can manipulate them. Its no wonder they have a high suicide rate. This sounds accurate, although I don't know about the correlation with the high suicide rate and their failure to treat sociopaths.

I want to end in this. Know yourself. You are your worse enemy. Learn to identify other leaders, or 'sociopaths' and be honest with them, don't try to manipulate them because they will also become your worse enemy. Right, making enemies with sociopaths is a losing scenario for both empaths and sociopaths. It's like Dangerous Liaisons -- stuff will turn needlessly ugly for both of you.
Don't try to be weak and insecure like them and have them tell you that you're sick because you don't feel guilty, insecure, and negative about yourself. You are amazing, gifted, and the most important person in your life so live that way. I like your style. You sound like you have worked out a great life philosophy for yourself. Stay gold, Ponyboy.
A little more commentary about this: when I first read it I was turned off (apparently, like many of you) by all of what seemed to be braggery. I don't know what I was expecting from my first exchange with a criminal sociopath, but I was surprised, particularly on the second reading, to see how much we had in common. To a large extent when i read things like this, it is like looking into a mirror:
Most 'criminals' lack any sophistication to put anything out there on the internet or any media for people to understand us. I wanted to change that. I also wanted to see if there's people out there like us who understand maybe that's on another walk of life. I found your site when doing research on sociopaths trying to find a positive alternate view. I found a dr. as well who says he leans towards a minority opinion that it might be a personality type which I agree with.

Most 'disorders' are personality types in my opinion or everyone would have a disorder. I think the DSMIV was written by weak minded psychologists who seem to dominate the industry. Which is why the majority are bananas themselves.
From reading the websites on sociopathy there seems to be a growing trend of people who want to be sociopaths like its a badge of honor. Maybe we might be getting some positive reviews as people now. The strange thing I've found is the fact that people hate us so much by definition but in reality we are surrounded by everyone who looks to us for guidance and leadership. Its a ironic contradiction.


  1. I like to tell myself im not manipulative. I know it's a trait the majority of people don't particularly like in people. But despite what i like to tell myself im constantly discreetly manipulating. I wonder why i do that? Manipulation is not something i have to try at, it happens naturally. I pick up on a persons facial expressions, body language, tone of voice and immediately tune into that. I would assume thats the way everyone interacts though? However i use all those cues to disarm the individual to get them to view me in the light "i want" them to.

    But hey thats women for you!! ha :)

    I really believe manipulation is a "female trait" lmao

  2. when i first read it i was turned off

    Yea I was pretty turned off as well. I tried gaming this guy into giving more info by posting under a few fake people calling him out, just because I was curious. He took the bait a little but not enough to get anything really good. Even though this guy can be articulate enough to post something other then, "kill you bitch." I still don't like overt criminal sociopaths. They give us all a bad name and I don't totally disagree with locking them up and throwing away the key. They put balanced sociopathic people in jeopardy because empaths like to paint us all with the same brush.

  3. Some study came to the conclusion Tink, that both sexes when young manipulate just as much, yet in different ways. Girls are more prone to manipulating others emotionally, whereas boys are more prone to manipulating through threats.

  4. A sociopath code of ethics? Balanced sociopaths? What is this a club house? Knights of the Sociopaths? It figures thunderball would say that.

  5. What exactly is a balanced sociopath, thunderball? A sociopath with a moral compass? Isn't that by definition not a sociopath? You really are still trying to come across as a master manipulating carefree sociopath? How do you not yet realise that you're just an empath who wishes you could have the power of being unemotionally driven?

    And jeepers, What's with these ACTUAL sociopaths coming on this silly sociopath website giving all you "functioning" sociopaths a bad name? The nerve! I mean really. Surely they should be locked up!

    Please note the sarcasm in that statement, thunderball, it's directed at you.

    Or maybe they just call you out on your bullshit. How sad and funny that this post goes against your morals. Why is that? protect the empath from the drug dealer? Seriously?

  6. Please note the sarcasm in that statement, thunderball, it's directed at you.

    Noted, princess obvious.

    What exactly is a balanced sociopath, thunderball?

    I never mentioned morality. Read about secondary sociopaths. You are not going to win an argument with ignorance.

    How do you not yet realise that you're just an empath who wishes you could have the power of being unemotionally driven?

    Sociopathy is defined by a lack of empathy, not emotion. Fuck, read a book. I'm not the one that wants to be a robot. You seem to though.

    Or maybe they just call you out on your bullshit. How sad and funny that this post goes against your morals. Why is that? protect the empath from the drug dealer? Seriously?

    Uhh, again you are taking one part of a whole and presenting it as everything. Why would I care about some drug dealing loser who thinks he is the shit? Machiavellism has always appealed to me more. I can't help it if the idea of some black drug dealer gets you wet. Different strokes for folks.

  7. Thunderball:
    "Even though this guy can be articulate enough to post something other then, "kill you bitch."
    "Ehh, I found out he was black and from Cali. You win some, you lose some."

    Is Thunderball also a closet racist?

  8. Is Thunderball also a closet racist?

    Even Chris Rock said there are niggers and black people. Guess which one this guy is?

  9. Wow someone's true colors come out. Why don't you join the KKK instead of the 'Knights of the Sociopath'. Seriously who's the ignorant one?
    Given that studies show that a large percentage of prisoners are sociopaths how did you expect to be painted as calling yourself a sociopath?

  10. Wow someone's true colors come out. Why don't you join the KKK instead of the 'Knights of the Sociopath'. Seriously who's the ignorant one?

    haha, yea, whatever.

    Given that studies show that a large percentage of prisoners are sociopaths

    You can't win an argument with ignorance and fake statistics.

    I hate quoting wikipedia, but:

    A sample research finding is that between 50 percent and 80 percent of prisoners in England and Wales meet the diagnostic criteria of dissocial personality disorder, but only 15 percent would be predicted to be psychopathic as measured by the PCL-R.

  11. Its actually 75 percent apd and 25 percent (Psychopathy: Antisocial, Criminal, and Violent Behaviour) of those qualify as sociopaths. Let me correct the verbiage since we need to be a stickler: large number.
    You need to stop your emotional attachment to this sociopathy obsession of yours thunderball it's ridiculous. I've read your articles and it makes me laugh. Your search for yourself? What a joke.
    You don't want to believe a guy like this would be associated with your great belief in sociopathy since this would destroy the new identity you've found. It's ridiculous. It's like you've turned psychology into religion.
    Of course you have nothing to speak on since you yourself were a criminal. Not against dope fiends but your own friends:
    "I was far more introverted in my teenage years, perhaps more thoughtful in my actions. Mind you, I was violent as a teenager, as I felt I could get away with it. I also stole quite a bit and was very manipulative. To the point now I don't have any contact with people I was friends with at that time. Dare I say they don't want any contact with me."
    Strange statement from someone who doesn't want to be associated with criminals. Or is it just a lie to fit into the sociopathic stereotype?
    The rest of the article about yourself seems like a classic case of someone who's confused and depressed. Do you want to cut your wrists? Doubting yourself,lacking confidence in your actions as well as your rambling dribble:
    "I try to improve on my interactions but ultimately I see all the little and big flaws in myself and actions."
    Or how bout:
    "I even feel like what I have written above lacks a certain subtlety and sharpness. I am doubting myself right now in a big way. Hence the 20% of me questioning who I really am. Wouldn't a sociopath not care?"
    Or how bout:
    "People tell me I come across as extremely bright and communicate well. I don't really feel that way."
    Your comments sections are you calling everyone else fake sociopaths, under anonymous names when you put out your real opinion on a idea that would contradict yourself (You give yourself away by having the same writing style), or trying to get attention. Never on a strategy for manipulation, or anything a sociopath would find useful.
    My suggestion would be excellent for you.

  12. I forgot about the contradicting statement about being a narccissist. Certainly the above doesn't sound like one.

  13. Never on a strategy for manipulation, or anything a sociopath would find useful.

    Actually I made a comment with a bunch of reading material for Peter on that very subject. I've read many books on psychology and sociology, rules of power and the such. They are all good reads but don't help or capture what it is like manipulating people. What is the saying? Anything worth learning can't be taught. This place is terrible for getting info on how to manipulate people. If you want to learn to manipulate people go to victim of sociopathy forums or any number of forums for people with exploitable disorders. I came here to read about other sociopaths experiences and solidify my own ideas. The people getting angry at me are some good entertainment as well.

    You don't want to believe a guy like this would be associated with your great belief in sociopathy since this would destroy the new identity you've found. It's ridiculous.

    Naa, I just don't like black people. Didn't you get the memo?

    It's like you've turned psychology into religion.

    Well, what do you think ME is doing?

    Of course you have nothing to speak on since you yourself were a criminal.

    True, I did that kind of stuff to keep them in line. I'll admit that.

    Or is it just a lie to fit into the sociopathic stereotype?

    I'll give you a hint. I change story, time and give generalities just in case by some fluke someone I know comes on here. So my answer is yes it is a lie and no it's not.

    The rest of the article about yourself seems like a classic case of someone who's confused and depressed. Do you want to cut your wrists?

    No, I think that you are thinking of Daniel.

    Doubting yourself,lacking confidence in your actions as well as your rambling dribble

    I admit that sounded more dramatic then it should. I do annalize to death everything I do after the fact. I doubt what I have said had the intended effect or was misinterpreted. It helps me improve my interactions.

    Or how bout:
    "People tell me I come across as extremely bright and communicate well. I don't really feel that way."

    I don't feel any negative emotion in regards to that. I've always been taught to question what I think of myself and how others perceive me. People try to be nice and will never say, "you make no sense." Everyone has their thoughts on you and what they will actually verbalize. Except for the interent, the great equalizer.

    Your comments sections are you calling everyone else fake sociopaths

    I do that with jascumflak because I don't particularly like fucked up bitches who are looking for sociopathic soul-mates. I did that with mr crime spree because I wanted to call him out to find out more. I was hoping he was stupid enough to try and back himself up with hard evidence.

    under anonymous names when you put out your real opinion on a idea that would contradict yourself (You give yourself away by having the same writing style), or trying to get attention.

    Ehh, I like the attention and I've given myself away at times. Point out who is me and I'll let you know if you're right.

    The one thing I love is how seriously you and others have taken me. Why would you care? This is one thing that baffles me while up looking up into your ivory tower. I like attacking people on the internet and having them mad at me. I can be whoever I like on here. What you write is not the real you. I am not the real me. Get off your soap box and stop yelling at the pedestrians you internet preacher.

  14. I forgot about the contradicting statement about being a narccissist. Certainly the above doesn't sound like one.

    Well, thank you. :)

    I actually hate narcissists and I try my best not to present myself as one. Sometimes it slips through. On here, I guess I've been both humble and a narcissist. I am full of contradictions as you know. ;)

  15. Thinking about these criminal sociopathy blog entries, the most satisfying thing is, I totally sidelined this guy. :)

  16. I almost knew your answer before you said it. You typically do say your 'manipulating' people when you contradict yourself. Your manipulation is elementary at best.
    Your real thoughts and personality is clear as day from the article you wrote and the comments you make. You have low self esteem, suffer from lack of attention, you have no opinion, you have no confidence, and outside the internet you get no attention so you try to cause conflicts here in order to get it. You don't hate black people that is just yet another petty attempt at getting a rise out of people, yet you are entirely ignorant of black culture since you secretly think most are criminals and inarticulate.
    You have started kissing ass to peter pan so you can have a ally since peter pan had you figured out and started putting you out there. You don't like jsnowflake because your girl left you for a sociopath. Maybe that's what triggered you coming on this site trying to be one.
    You can be what you want to be on the internet. You are right. You can even be a emotional wreck with low self esteem trying to fit into a sociopathic world.
    I won't tediously list your anonymous comments as you've already given yourself up.
    The soap box is all yours my friend. Surely your the one who hordes it on every comment section only to find yourself defending your identity.

  17. Yes thunderball at the beginning of your article you said to ME that from the comment section he should be able to tell you are a narccissist. Yes, you are most def full of contradictions, however it's not a show of manipulation. It's a show of weakness.

  18. LMFAO, so far off the mark. Good try internet psychiatrist. I do have an opinion, it's that you are a dumbass.

    I can't decide if you are trying to game me into giving more info about myself or if you really this stupid. Anyways, there is no way to defend myself without giving way too many details about my personal life. So, I'll leave you with your assumptions.


    Defeating Psychopaths and Sociopaths Online!

    -They're experts at pouring on the charm, charisma and personality.

    -They seem exciting, reckless and irresponsible as hell, yet still quite exciting.

    -They love engaging in textual battles.

    -They're typically very witty and experts at insulting other people.

    -Regardless of their age or the level of maturity that you might expect of them in accordance with their age, they're likely to demonstrate the behavior of a highly temperamental adolescent when they don't get their way or when something or someone crosses their grain.

    -They demonstrate a complete disregard for rules. When questioned about this, their response typically includes chronic justification or nonsensical rationalizations for their antisocial behavior.

    -Because of their bilateral brain functionality, they tend to contradict themselves regularly, and may often come off as a blatant hypocrite.

  20. -They love engaging in textual battles.

    So true. I wish there were more interesting links posted here like this one.

  21. Believe me we've heard enough about you, and I'm sure everyone here knows what's true and what's false.

  22. Believe me we've heard enough about you

    Impossible. It's been all about me for a while now. This place is boring as shit without me. All you have commenting is housewives and armchair intellectuals. ME's posts leave something to be desired sometimes as well. If you don't like me, don't comment back. This is the great thing, I've obviously got you all worked up, analyzing me. I know you love to hate me, and it's okay. I understand how interesting I am.

    I'm sure everyone here knows what's true and what's false.

    I'm sure I care. In fact I stayed up all night thinking about you, pager, not accepting me. I cried the fetal position screaming, WHY!? Ohh, how you have you've pick apart my life and destroyed all conceptions of myself. Am I a man, monster or a kind hearted bipolar man-child waiting for someone to love me? Maybe it's like jasnowflake said, all I need is the love of a soul mate! Because isn't that what we all need, just a little love. lol

  23. "Impossible. It's been all about me for a while now."

    This must be a pleasant change from real life for you thunderballl since everyone in the outside world ignores you.

    "If you don't like me, don't comment back."

    I never said I didn't like you. Your the funnest person on here to make fun of since you put so much about yourself out there.

    "This is the great thing, I've obviously got you all worked up, analyzing me."

    I analyze everyone. I make fun of the ones I find to be weak. Like yourself. You amuse me.

    "I'm sure I care. In fact I stayed up all night thinking about you, pager, not accepting me. I cried the fetal position screaming, WHY!? Ohh, how you have you've pick apart my life and destroyed all conceptions of myself."

    I'm sure you did since your last answer last night was at 10:05pm and you answered two paragraph responses to my two sentences first thing at 8AM the morning. I'm the last thing you think about when you sleep and the first in the morning.

    "I know you love to hate me, and it's okay."

    I don't hate or love you thunderball. Just like I dont hate or love my xbox. Both of you are similiar. I just play you and you amuse me.

  24. Lol, I'm not going to win. We can counter each other until the end of time, obviously and I'm sick of defending myself against false assumptions. I cede, you win. How can I win against a coward I know nothing about. The sole reason you seem to be on here is to attack me, and least I can take a little solace in that.

  25. Your the funnest person on here to make fun of since you put so much about yourself out there.

    Thats an interesting point, poignant for here and real life. People who are shut down, and don't feel comfortable with themselves, deflect a lot of their issues onto others who are more open and comfortable with themselves. It's an ego boost, something that I most definitely do. If anything you've shown me how feeble minded and what a waste of time it is. For that, I thank you. You've served as a mirror in this regards. Your really did read me wrong, but you sticking to your strong assumptions, and knowing you are too small minded to accept you could be wrong has taught me that sociopaths and empaths alike are equally unreasonable and worthy of scorn. People are people, stupid, angry and frustrated, no matter what personality disorder they have. Lupus est homo homini. So long meat sacks! And I honestly don't care if you think I am a sociopath, not a sociopath or cared if I was one.

  26. "Thats an interesting point, poignant for here and real life."

    I imagine people pointing and laughing at you at work.

    "People who are shut down, and don't feel comfortable with themselves, deflect a lot of their issues onto others who are more open and comfortable with themselves."

    No actually sociopaths don't put themselves on blast all over forums with a bunch of self hating and self doubting dribble. I for one wear a mask because if self hating people like yourself found out how great I actually am you would conspire for my downfall. People like you are called haters.You opened yourself up for attack then started attacking other people on here. Dumb move.

    "Your really did read me wrong, but you sticking to your strong assumptions, and knowing you are too small minded to accept you could be wrong has taught me that sociopaths and empaths alike are equally unreasonable and worthy of scorn."

    I could be wrong about some things, but since you are double answering everything I would say it hit home in a lot of places. Everyone is worthy of scorn. You're just more worthy of scorn than others since you hate yourself so much. Sociopaths are not exempt from scorn anymore than someone who's bipolar. It's a personality not a religion.

    "People are people, stupid, angry and frustrated, no matter what personality disorder they have."

    Lets change that: Thunderball is thunderball, stupid, angry and frustrated, no matter what personality disorder he has.

    "And I honestly don't care if you think I am a sociopath, not a sociopath or cared if I was one."

    Funny because the majority of what you've said on this site is you defending you're a sociopath, or you stating someone else isn't one so you look more like one. That's what made me get on you to begin with.

  27. Funny because the majority of what you've said on this site is you defending you're a sociopath, or you stating someone else isn't one so you look more like one. That's what made me get on you to begin with.

    Ironic that you are doing the same thing now. ;)

  28. I can understand your concern regarding decision making. My S ex was very bright but also profoundly gullible and her judgement sucked. She was in constant debt mainly through appalling financial decisions and spending on expensive gadgets to avert boredom.

    I have a few questions. During the devalue phase, does the S actually believe their insults? Eg when she says I treat her like shit, that I am a "pedo" and "having affairs" (it was the other way around in all cases) is she consciously aware of the falseness of these statements or does she believe them to be true?

    Secondly, how does devalue serve the S? The end result with me is I despise her and she can no longer tap me for money and favours. If she had maintained a modicum of pleasantness she would still be parasiting from me. The devalue is obviously of far more "value" to the S than maintaining supply, whatever the supply may be. Why?

    Thirdly, I am still in contact with an S that I met 20 yrs ago. Even after all these years, she still delights in sticking the knife in. This happens only when she finds that I have suffered a setback eg illness. Is there any hope therefore that an S will ever come out of the devalue phase, or will it linger forever?


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