
Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Who do you love? (part 2)

A reader writes (my answers in bold):
So I am looking for your opinion again... It has been a couple of weeks since I posted the original question to you. He has been non-stop in begging me to take him back under any conditions. Stop smoking pot, stop drinking, no more lies, etc. Classic behavior to wrap me back in. Yeah, he probably figures that the longer you are with him, the harder it will be eventually to leave him. So as long as he can keep delaying...

Admitting to how stupid he was, swearing he just went off the deep end when his wife left him 2 years ago and suddenly these girls (many) were interested in him and he was living the "guy" dream. Ha, or the sociopath dream. Power = excitement, which is a primary motivator for sociopaths. Having people want you sexually = power.

Used the same flattery on all of them. When we got together he was in the relationship with the married woman, telling her how much he loved her. Swears it was all pillow talk, swears he only wants me. He could have meant this sincerely, at least when he said it.

Told him he lies, I don't believe anything, I don't trust him and that I think he is a sociopath. He swears he feels things, swears he feels horribly guilty, hates what he did to me, blah, blah, blah. He's been back on looking for his next target. Told him the only way I will even consider allowing him in my life is to go to a psychologist and be tested for APD with me giving the psychologist all of his history. He swears he is going to do it, is off and basically saying he is not going to screw this up. So.... Is this typical? Sociopaths can actually do rather well with clear cut instructions in personal relationships. I always tell my "loved ones," you have to tell me what to do, otherwise I won't know. If you tell me, I will do it. I know how to manipulate and control myself. Sure I may do horrible things, but let me make up for it by using my sociopath skills for good in the relationship.
I hear so much about how people with APD won't accept any responsibility, etc. so I don't know what to think of this. He may not go through with it and that will be the answer to my question. Right, I've heard that too. I mean, I am quick to justify my own actions and slow to think I did something wrong, sure. But that is partly because (1) I really do put a lot more thought into my actions than most people and so have readymade justifications at hand and (2) I have a different value system than most, I think different things are "wrong" and "right," and I'm not going to accept "responsibility" for things that other people think are "wrong" just because they say so.

I told him I have no restrictions, I owe him nothing, I can date, etc. but if he has any contact whatsoever with other women I am completely out until the stuff with the psychiatrist is resolved. What do you think? Could work. If it doesn't, what are you out?

99% of me wants to just have him disappear but it is very hard when someone is so adamant that they want you in your life and that they love you so much and want nothing more than to be the man you deserve and make you happy. Ha, yeah, we're charming.

Don't you get sick of us over emotional people?? lol Only when it turns into a hate fest.


  1. That dude sounds like a douche bag. I would recommend not wasting anymore of your time on him. He is not going to change and his actions will eventually show it if you stay. You sound like a sweet lady who is deserving of much more than what he can offer.

  2. If a psychiatrist finds out he has APD it would screw him over for government jobs, possibly effect his insurance and if he is accused of a crime... well he would be fucked. He doesn't know what he is getting into with a psychiatrist and neither do you frankly. Confidentiality only goes so far. A psychiatrist will NOT be able to help him if he is a sociopath and will write him off immediately. It will go absolutely no where. I can't stress enough... DO NOT go down that road if you even care for him a bit.

  3. Sweet lady? The 50's called, they want you to shut the fuck up.

  4. Ya know, a lot of empathetic people try to either change the sociopath, or the sociopath tries to change for the empathetic. I just got out of a two year relationship in which I was trying as hard as I could to love someone I didn't respect because they loved me so muych and I loved that. I had total power over them, and I wanted to convince myself I could feel love. But for the sociopath, love will not come from a relationship where there is no respect, and generally the sociopath will not respect someone he or she has control over. My ex boyfriend was pathetic to me because i had so much power over him. Because I could so easily be in control of his love for me because of the chameleon nature of a sociopath. The solution I found is not for a sociopath to try to feel, but for a sociopath to meet someone who will not expect them to.
    In my case, this is another sociopath who has accepted that they are a sociopath. Or at least sociopathic tendancies. The mutual respect, understanding, and control in a relationship promotes respect from both sides and makes love possible. I'm the sociopath that allows control, being the female in the relationship, I allot my love power over me, and he knows this. And he respects that power because he understands i willingly give it, and he doesn't take it. If I were an Empath, he would simply take power because I would be blindly loving him as all do, but we share an understanding he could achieve with no empath. I recommend this bond to any sociopath. Find someone you can respect as your equal, and you will be eternally happy as well as devoted.
    My self sociopathic realisation is a recent development for me, so this is the first real relationship i've been in. The first I've not been the controller in, and the first I haven't just had my own personal slave in. i would not have it any other way. I will never again date someone who can emotionally love me in a way I will never know. That kind of love is a need, and almost seems desperate to me, and is reserved for sheep of the world. A shared sociopath love is such a strong bond of understanding that no sociopath should go without. You share the same view of the world, and therefore share a real kind of love that needy people can only dream of. Not having the emotional needs of an empath, this kind of love only makes sense, and is far stronger than you can yet know.
    The damper, sociopaths are rare, and often not yet knowing of who they are and the strengths that come with that power.

  5. Jasnowflake, two sociopaths will get along only so long. I've been in the same situation as you. I'm a male sociopath that was with a woman sociopath. The blowout when you do break up will be epic. I almost wish I could see it just to compare notes. Just wait until one of you breaks the illusion of control not over the other one but the relationship itself. Epic.

  6. Thunderball, I find it interesting that you comment and focus on the "sweet lady" compliment. Is it possible everything else was offensive because its more than likely the truth,relatively speaking?? The village called, they want their idiot back.

  7. Why the fuck would I care if that chick's boyfriend is a douche bag? Not like you are coming off as any less of one. The truth doesn't mean much to me so it's a wasted point. I think you are the melodramatic shithead that has been posting here. Your probably found your way here from one of the victims of sociopathy forums, right? Keep trying internet tough guy.

  8. The reason you should care is because I'm sure you're just like him. Since the truth doesn't matter to you I can see why you would say as much. Your boisterous ego is appaling..I was simply attempting to help the girl out.

  9. Reader... you're setting yourself up to be a victim. Read this blog, listen to the responses of the sociopaths that post. He might not be a 'bad person' but he will never be a real one either. If that doesn't convince you that the only way out of it with your sanity is complete severance, than you deserve every tear you're going to cry and every woman's bra you find in his glove compartment. Run for your life, you can't save him if you are the one that needs saving.

  10. Anonymous said...
    "Your boisterous ego is appaling.."

    Hi, my name is Thunderball and I'm a sociopath. *everyone in the room starts clapping*

    Wait this isn't a Sociopaths Anonymous meeting? Shit.

    Maybe I am like him, maybe not. Then again even if I was, not like I'd give a fuck.

    Tell me, what is it like to be an insipid intermeddler?

  11. Whats wrong with tears and women's bras? I like both. I don't think I'm alone here. I think anonymous just likes to buy womens bras, put them on and cry while dancing to Lady in Red. It's okay dude. We are here for you.

  12. See, but the illusion of control is the responsibility of any woman to give to a man. "Any man who thinks he's in control is a relationship is a fool, and any woman who does not make her man think he's in control in the relationship is a fool." The case is true in any relationship, sociopathic or otherwise. But perhaps failure in this situation was only the fault of your relationship. Maybe you hadn't met the right sociopath. So you clearly are a sociopath who must be in control in a relationship. That just means your relationship with a sociopath failed because you're looking for the security boost. Insecurity is the killer for you. You're still looking for the girl that will love you so much it makes you feel amazing and powerful. When you stop searching for that an equal relationship can be had.

  13. Thunderball,You are not as intelligent as you try to be. Anyone can use a dictionary to look up words, but that doesn't make them intelligent. By the way, I am a female. Thank you.

  14. Jasnowflake, very astute. I want what you describe but I don't look anymore. I just do what I want and see what I land. I don't want an equal relationship to be honest. I can't understand out why you would either. I read what your wrote but it just doesn't fit together in my brain, can't relate you know? To each their own I guess.

  15. Anonymous, wouldn't I use a thesaurus? I digress, you are using straw man arguments against me. I win, you lose. Feels familiar to me... how about you? Are you hot? Or are you some fat chick releasing on the internet?

  16. TB, you may not be aware but the dictionary or thesarus ends at the same place, a word you use to attempt to make yourself 'seem' intelligent. The point is more important than word choice. I don't think you won anything, what is there to win or lose in this scenario. My appearance is none of your business. Fat, skinny,ugly,and beautiful are all relative. Pish posh. I remain where I stood w my original post and opinion. The lady is wasting her time. I'm sure that's familiar to you as well, always wasting empaths time.

  17. LMFAO, you are fat.

  18. Again, my apperance is none of your business nor does it matter, now does it??

  19. "Fat chicks need love too...they just have to PAY!" - Quagmire (Family Guy)

  20. Because two heads are better than one. It's mutually beneficial. We improve each other's game and catch each others holes. And we laugh at idiots together. It's fun to have someone to laugh at people's sheepishness with. And when we meet someone interesting, we dissect them together. It's actually great fun.

  21. Anonymous, stop letting yourself be manipulated. He isn't even trying that hard.

  22. I wish anonymous fat chick would use a name. It would make the twinkie eater easier to pick out.

    Jasnowflake, what you describe is exactly how it was for me and her. Do you have an open relationship? Just curious. ;)

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. The open relationship thing is something we're both surprisingly opposed to. Again mainly for practical reasons, and for that if your in a relationship that doesn't satisfy you to the point that you can be faithful, you should just find another one.

  25. Too bad Jasnowflake.

    Anonymous fat chick, your appearance matters as much as you do, not at all. So don't worry, I don't care, just like everyone else.

  26. You're not amazing enough for me anyways, thunderball. I have high standards, and it takes more than just being able to manipulate. I require more than anyone who's dictated by insecurity. So when you stop using the world as an ego boost instead of a tool for world domination I'd be more inclined to consider, but even then, I've already got that, so no luck.

  27. World domination? You are out in lala land if that is your bent. I love having my ego boosted, if that is insecure, well, sign me up. You are preceptive, so I belive you are a sociopath. But, you are out of touch with reality concerning yourself. Not surprising, the sociopaths I have met all suffer from lack of self scrutinization. It's easy to pick apart others when you have no understanding of yourself. Not that I think you are picking me apart, I just picked that up from your ego inflating restaurant reminisce. I don't really have high standards, give me a white trash dumbass any day. I love a hot bodied retard. Good luck on the world domination thing though.. you dating Kim Jong-il by any chance? Cause that dude is not doing so well on the world scene. Just sayin.

  28. Lol. I don't mean that literally, but I mean to say you're wasting your gifts as a socciopath. You toy with your talents for short term things. At least it sounds that way. Maybe not insecure, but if all you aspire for is an ego boost and to get by well enough, I search for more. If you had long term in mind, you could get by with a lot more, and it seems clear to me that that is not in your plans. That's all I mean by world domination. Knowing your better and being able to do something with it. A little work now for a big payoff later.

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. I like to think on my feet. Long term doesn't really fit into my reality. It seems all the short term things I do fit together into a bigger and longer objective, even though I change that objective at a whim. I correct my course when needed. I assume you are looking/have found someone with power, money and leadership. I have all relative to my status and position and I entertain myself accordingly. Though money doesn't interest me in the least. The end goal also has never interested me, only the journey to it. Thats why I guess I change it. Ehh, I'm drunk and rambling. Anyways, best of luck reaching your goals with someone who has the same dreams. Thats what really matters I guess. Having the same dream.

  31. Lol. That's the point. I do the same thing, so I'm not looking for someone who thinks short term. Nor am I looking for the money or the power. I seek the respectability of someone. I seek someone who balances my strengths and weaknesses. The practicality. You use your manipulation just enough, as do I, so what I seek in a relationship is someone better than me in that aspect. Someone I can respect for that, who I balance in some way similarly. Love is matching someone so as to be even more powerful and enhance each other. You lack the ambition. So you should seek it. TO be unstoppable, not just powerful.

  32. It sounds like you are looking for someone to guide you. Give you a goal, something to strive for. I don't have a interest in love or balance. My views are more akin to Tyler Durden's or the Joker's philosophy. I'm more sociopathic then you I guess. You are more interesting then most of the people on here, I will give you that.

  33. The scotch is wearing off. I understand what you are saying Jasnowflake. It makes sense to try and blend in through someone who is better at masking their traits then you. Learn from them, all that jazz. You are a parasitic chameleon, and I mean that as an objective compliment.

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. And thank you. I understand what a compliment being called interesting is.

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. Damn I like the way you think jasnowflake! You got a sister? ;)

  38. Lol. I'm a commodity. Alas, no sisters. Just brothers, and they both lack sociopathic tendancies. And I don't know anyone like me. With the exception of my boyfriend.

  39. jasnowflake said...
    "Lol. I'm a commodity. Alas, no sisters. Just brothers, and they both lack sociopathic tendancies. And I don't know anyone like me. With the exception of my boyfriend."

    Too bad. One of the games I’ve been thinking of playing is a big one which would span decades. But I can’t conceive of playing it without having at least one person that I could take the mask off with. I would not have the discipline to wear the mask 24-7. But if I had a certain type of partner standing with me, one who could appreciate what I was doing and why, one who could see the chinks in my armor or the flaws in my plan and help me shore them up… man, what a benefit that would be. If I could find a woman who instead of being appalled by my idea would actually support it, I’d do it. And being a partner in this endeavor, I’d see to it that I helped her in whatever manner she needed in return.

    Oh well, a man can fantasize, can’t he?

    Anyway, good luck jasnowflake!

  40. you clearly get it, sir. Be content in knowing it exists and you've something to aspire toward. It is so much fun to share with someone all the joys of sociopathy. They don't expect you to love them unconditionally or stupidly, nor do you expect it from them, so there's no lie, no facade, no faking it, and no tediousness to endure over time. Like emotional turmoil that you always have to fix. As i said, once you go sociopath, you never go back.

  41. Oh and the nicest thing! You don't try to change anything about each other. It's not like "I love you but". There's no "You need to quit smoking" "you need to call me more often" "You should do this, that and the other for me" "hy don't you ever take me here" etc. Those are the people and relationships you laugh at. Insecure people that need each other and only are together to make themselves feel better about some quirk they can't cope with in themselves. Phooey to insecurity and fake love. The sociopath is the only one that can really know it. But only when they've found confidence.

  42. Just going to chime in on the little love discussion here. (It is very insightful.)

    While TB is right--having an empath love you unconditionally and hugely is an ego-boost, it is rather shallow and dull after a while.

    It seems almost pointless (After so many times and so many people) to the point that I don't even want to try for such a relationship through manipulation. I'm curious: have you come to this same conclusion yet, TB? Or anyone here, for that matter?

    I've met a really interesting person who actually isn't all that afraid of me or what I do to people and actually finds the misery I cause somewhat funny. Unfortunately she's married and our ages differ hugely.

    Life is cruel, lol.

  43. Omg this is hilarious.
    Interesting person-someone who is entertained by my menacing ways muwahahaha!
    Why do you even crave relationships like this? We all know you can get sex if you want it and you are social and have plenty of friends. Go out and cause chaos, gauge the pathetic reactions, and in sit around watching planet earth in between. geez.

  44. And this crazy sociopath with a sociopath idea...seriously? How is that ever going to be satisfying, you can't cause one another real pain, so the reward to any games wouldn't mean much would it? We empaths are your fools but you absolutely need us. Relationships are about hopes and dreams for the future. Romantic relationships are not for sociopaths, who live in the now. That's just silly.

  45. I've got to say, scarlett is in line with my world view. I find everything dull after a while... that's why I move on. As for the shallow, I don't pretend to have depth anymore. Too much work. Like I've said though, I probably rate higher on the sociopathy scale then most of you. I'm not bragging about it. I think you guys complicate what is pretty simple. Look for a long term mate is the furthest thing from my mind and even if it did happen it would be more of a convenience then anything.

    Jasnowflake, what did you delete? I assume you initially thought I insulted you. Maybe I'm wrong. I am curious as to your response, negative or not.

  46. Thunderball said, “I think you guys complicate what is pretty simple.”

    You’re right. As soon as you look beyond the present moment, as soon as you decide to go after something other than easily attained pleasures, things become more complicated. Fuck buddy’s are cool of course. I for one would love to have a “partner in crime” so to speak. If a person ever wants to fry bigger fish, having a partner instead of just one more person to fool/manipulate would be helpful.

    But hey, to each his own I say. In the end, we all do what works for us, normals included.

  47. Everyone stumbles into long term relationships. It's when you stop seeking you get what you want. So, I still say you are complicating things unnecessarily. Long term plans always change. Everyone stumbles into what they become and who they share that with.

  48. Thunderball said... “Everyone stumbles into long term relationships. It's when you stop seeking you get what you want. So, I still say you are complicating things unnecessarily. Long term plans always change. Everyone stumbles into what they become and who they share that with.”

    Oh for Pete’s sake, now you’re getting all Zen on me! lol I have to disagree with you on the long term plans thing. Perhaps you’ve changed your long term plans regularly, but that isn’t necessarily true for everyone else. Granted, long term strategizing may be a relatively rare thing, especially on an individual level, but it happens. I know because I’ve done it myself. In my mind, it’s akin to a college freshman embarking on a quest to get his medical degree. We’re talking at least 8 years of formal education and god knows how many more years after in post graduate training, depending on one’s chosen specialty. (I’m referring to the US method of educating medical doctors, just in case there are any international readers like Tinkerbelle here.) The determined, smart and aware pre-med freshman (emphasis on smart and aware) would at least consider the various contingencies that might occur during a span of time ranging from 10 to 15 years or more, including possible romantic entanglements, and plan accordingly. Of course life can’t be rigidly controlled and of course every circumstance can’t be planned out in advance. But that doesn’t make the opposite of that fact the only remaining truth either.

  49. "Interesting person-someone who is entertained by my menacing ways muwahahaha!"

    Not necessarily.

    There's many types of "interesting" people out there.

    For example, if I were to have an "interesting" scale, I'd have intellectual people on at a 7, people who like what I do at a 5, intellectual people who like what I do at a 9, and well, I'm not sure what I'd define as a 10...

    The key things that are interesting in people to me is intelligence, not fearing me, not hating me, and actually finding what I do humorous.

    The people who do hate me and think horribly of me are pretty pathetic to me. I just laugh at them.

  50. I think Jasnowflake has the right idea. Well, it's more or less the same idea I have, save that I haven't ran into anyone suitable yet.

    It definitely seems like it must be useful to attach oneself to someone whose a little more together and high-functioning. But I would think an open relationship would work better. It's incorrect to assume that two people need to provide everything sexually and emotionally to each other.

    And yes, provide emotionally does apply.

    This could just be my predilection, however, as I very much like open relationships. Sex is pretty meaningless, but it's fun. Also, the need for variety is pretty strong, so why try to control or limit that?

  51. "The key things that are interesting to me in people is intelligence, not fearing me, not hating me, and actually finding what I do humorous"
    I think that those are really strange criteria. I always think intelligence, crazy experiences, unique and fresh perspectives are qualities of an interesting person. Yet you judge it by how they see YOU. I am not being a jerk it is just so fascinating. Or maybe I am feeding your ego...or maybe it's FASCINATING.

  52. Why do sociopaths think they are supreme beings? Most normal empathetic beings spend a lot of time emotionally bonding with others. How ermpty it would be to play everyone as a game day in and day out.

  53. That's like saying life would be empty without crack cocaine.

    Only if you need it, my friend. Only if you need it.

  54. Daniel Birdick said... "Oh for Pete’s sake, now you’re getting all Zen on me!"

    I find the philosophies of taoism and buddhism very fulfilling... up to the point of helping others. Then I give up. I'm all multifaceted and compartmentalized up in here. That's church yo.

  55. Now this is what i call juicy ENTERTAINMENT!! Oh how i do love a good argument, (it makes me feel all goey inside)....and i didn't even have to start it!!

  56. Most sociopaths aren't that high functioning, something like 2%. The rest are fairly pathetic losers, inhabitants of prisons or mental institutions or drinking sadly at home. No self control, no ambitions beyond immediate gratification, and with a deluded sense of self, so they wind up on sites like this, telling everyone how great and dangerous they are. If you were,you wouldn't dare, too high a risk, and you wouldn't have the time anyway, too bust doing stuff, not writing about it. There are only wannabe's on these sites.

  57. Wannabe in Denial said: “Most sociopaths aren't…”

    Here are 3 things you might want to learn about, just for shits and giggles:

    First, give spell check a try. I hear it works wonders for the literately challenged.

    Two, give logic a try as well. Find out the meaning of phrases like “straw man” and “non-sequitur” especially.

    Third, psychological projection. Humans very often see in others the very characteristics they unconsciously reject within themselves or unconsciously wish they had. (Emphasis on the word unconscious.) So, I’m wondering, which is it for you?

  58. DB,
    Typo's happen, get over it.

    Try, statistics.

    Give up pop psychology, why would anyone want to be a sociopath? Sorry I hurt your feelings, the inadequacy must be hard to deal with.

  59. Wannabe my friend, who said anything about hurt feelings?

    Statistics you say? Alright if you have a link, post it. I'm a fan of evidence.

    Again, who said anything about wanting to be anything? This is why I suggested you read about the straw man fallacy and projection. You're responding to statements that appear to only exist within your own mind. Why?

  60. This is odd.

    I feel psychic (Of course I know that's a load of bullocks) because it seems as though things I think about happen after I think about them.

    ex. I thought someone would come to this site and talk about how they think we're not really sociopaths.


  61. Life said: "/off-topic."

    True enough. I know better than to respond to trolls, but I was bored this morning, so I thought why not? I'm going back to my usual policy now.

  62. LOOD:
    Johnny boy, there's still hope for you. Just because your sociopathic parents left you in the metaphorical gutter doesn't mean you're condemned to a life of meaningless anger and emptiness. I suggest you seek counseling instead of trying to fit in with the sociopath crowd. How would your foster parents feel if they knew what you were up to? This is no place for a little kid. You're damaged, but your mind and body are far from done developing. Tell someone you've got a problem, and they might be able to help--as long as you do it soon. And remember: they can't diagnose a kid with APD.


  63. HANG ON A MINUTE!!! do you know LOOD personally or something? that was bang out of order, even i wouldn't sink that low!!! And i always hit below the belt (but i never swallow lmao!!) Why not share your name anon, or haven't you got big enough balls??? if not give me your address and i shall send you a nice big juicy pair in the post.

  64. Wow Tink! You are on fire this morning! LOL!

  65. I don't know LOOD, but I've done my research. It's a nasty habit I have.

    He's a dumb, misguided kid, who needs to go see a shrink. He doesn't belong here. I didn't post anything that could practically be used to identify or locate him, and I'm not planning on it.

    And no, I'm not going to share my name. Goad me all you want.

    However Tink, I'll give you an address if you'll come visit me in person. ;)

  66. the good old pussy cat dolls would say..."be careful what you wish for... cos you just might get it" ;)

  67. I really think that's the point, Tink. Please, by all means, come visit me. I think we could have a lot of fun.

    I've also decided to be courageous and post my name. My balls feel larger already. What do you think?

  68. Look at me, I'm Peter Pan. T-shamon!

  69. awww i "get it", how awful and romantic!..well hello Peter Pan!! wow that was stupid now everyone is going to eat you because you have identified yourself as the "troll"!!! This should be fun. lmao. Guess your going to have to soon change that username! At least your balls have grown though.

    Besides what have you got that i need,in order for me to come and "visit" you??? im quite curious to know....over to you Mr Pan. Come on give it your best shot... x

  70. The troll? You mean that idiot running around saying stupid shit like, "you are inferior to us! we are awesome and godly, and we love playing, with you! i hope, hope, you then now suffer, comma, comma comma!"

    No, I actually have a feeling that's LOOD, trying to insult people without tarnishing his "rep." Plus, the guy just sounds like him. Really, go back and read it. That's actually what prompted me to look into the guy in the first place.

    I was the anon who posted saying the other (troll) anon was an idiot, relieved that Thunderball called him out on pretending to be a sociopath. I was also the anon saying that you were entertaining, egging you on to annoy whoever it was you were annoying. (Go Tink!)

    And why change the username? I like it, and besides, I don't care if you insult Peter Pan. Go ahead--do it! I dare ya! It's all good. :)

    I'm sorry if I offended you, Tink. I didn't mean to, but you jumped up in defense of that guy. I guess I just felt threatened. I just don't want kids getting mixed up with people like these, and I thought maybe he should know 1) how vulnerable he is here and 2) how far real sociopaths are willing to go. Is that so bad? Maybe I was a little harsh, but what else could get through to a kid like that? Anyway, I wasn't trying to insult you or anything, and even though I may have been a little rude, I think my heart was in the right place. I love reading your posts, and I'd like nothing more than for us to get along. ^_^

  71. I'd like Tink a lot more if she had kept her blog up. That was some entertainment. Why do you care Peter what LOOD does? Not that I care if you run him off, just curious. How did you find your way on here? Stay under your name now so I can pick you out. I've found you entertaining so far.

  72. Every time he posts, it makes me cringe.

    "I think sociopaths are good. I wonder if sociopaths are good? Maybe sociopaths are good to some people, but sociopaths are bad to others. Us sociopaths are hard to understand."

    I mean honestly, how can that not get to you? Everything the guy says just screams, "Please! I'm a sociopath! Really, I am! Honest! I want to belong! Adopt me! Adopt me! I don't want to feel! Please! I want to be dark and scary!"

    Read his blog. Dark, scary music everywhere. Post after dreary post about being a sociopath, preaching about sociopaths, is my step father a sociopath? are there sociopath dogs? I wonder if airplanes can be sociopaths. I think I finally understand sociopaths: they're disconnected from their emotions. Seriously. Fucking. Annoying.

    Everything he says is about being a sociopath, or about some damn sociopath stereotype.

    But whatever.

    I was planning on sticking with this name. I thought it would be cute to keep it, due to the association with Tinkerbelle.

    Did she take down her blog? I read a couple entries a week or two ago, I think. I didn't realize it was gone. That's a real shame, if it is.

    Anyway, I'm happy I could entertain you.

    *bows out*

  73. Thunderball said, "I find the philosophies of taoism and buddhism very fulfilling..."

    If I could be religious, I'd probably be a Zen Buddhist. I think out of all of the religions, Zen, Taoism, Advaita Vedanta and probably a handful of others from the east actually have something useful to say.

  74.!!...i guess i wasn't expecting that response. So where do i start???
    well firstly, you didn't offend me, im not easily offended, im too slow for that.. lol, so no need to apologise, as for being rude....well i didn't find you to be rude to me either. Ithink it was me who referred to your scrotum. he he, thats such a naughty word. (Forgive me im so childish). I just thought your comment to LOOD was quite horrible, mentioning his parents. To me thats a "no go" area... i hope LOOD is a sociopath actually so that personnel attack didn't hurt his feelings. As for your user name (you do realise you are going to make the pair of us look reeeaaally cheesy!!)shhh lmao. So before anybody posts it...NO I DON'T DO PANTOMINES!!.. as for Peter ask his agent!!

    All stupidness aside, yeah i get along with most people, so i shouldn't see why i won't get along with you. Here are some questions im asking myself...(feel free to answer talking to myself)
    1. You could actually be a real sociopath and as much as i find this blog entertaining i don't want to turn up at your house to "be dinner". lol.
    2. Why are you even following this blog? (i do because people on "normal" sites think im quirky and loopy. Yet i find the people on here refreshing)
    3. still can't think of that question....i forgot to take my medication today lol.
    4. hmm nope, il get back to you when i remember...

    Anyway, i think you are very sweet Mr Pan, whether or
    not your telling big whopping lie's well who knows :) awww you made me smile.

  75. Tink, let's just forget about the possibility of me being a sociopath. I've got my fair share of problems, but I do have a conscience buried somewhere in that heart of mine. I didn't really expect you to come visit me, and while the thought of having you for dinner is very ... exciting, I realize it will never happen.

    So let's just post and be merry, shall we? :)

    All praise M.E.! Or something.

  76. LMAO OMG I CAN'T BREATHE!! Peter Pan i just read your reasons as to why you commented on LOOD and i haven't laughed that hard all week!! jesus christ my stomach hurts...(so sorry LOOD it was the way Peter Pan worded it)....

    Hey guys stop reading my diary!!! oh the shame....ha ha ha. Im glad in that case that i get bored and keep deleting it every other week, i know im annoying because i annoy myself, hence the reason why i delete...delete...delete....I had no idea people were reading it!!! In my defense im crap on computers iv had this laptop since christmas just so i could internet shop for nice high heeled shoes without having to stand in line to pay at the check out...i ALWAYS get stuck behind some incontinent old age pensioner who stinks of piss and walks (in zig zags so i can't get past) slower than the pace that a snail slides..

  77. Michael Jackson is dead! No feelings about that? What a bunch of cold heartless jackasses.

    Alright. Who gives a fuck. My question to the sociopaths: what do you do about the inevitable ratfucking revenge? Nobody scores more enemies than an S, and it’s a matter of time you’ll piss off the wrong person. I knew a guy who got his black ford bronco painted up with big pink and yellow flower power shapes, and a girl who quit her career because of death threats. How do you cope?

  78. Hahaha, I just checked out LOOD's blog and it's a hoot. Seriously dangerous levels of angst.

    Can emos be sociopaths?

  79. "Johnny boy, there's still hope for you. Just because your sociopathic parents left you in the metaphorical gutter doesn't mean you're condemned to a life of meaningless anger and emptiness. I suggest you seek counseling instead of trying to fit in with the sociopath crowd. How would your foster parents feel if they knew what you were up to? This is no place for a little kid. You're damaged, but your mind and body are far from done developing. Tell someone you've got a problem, and they might be able to help--as long as you do it soon. And remember: they can't diagnose a kid with APD.


    Interesting. I was surprised you found so much so quickly at first, but after thinking it over some, I realized most of the stuff you just now said was right in front of everyone in my blog.

    What I find interesting is that you use my real name. I've no clue how you found it.

    Either way, it was interesting to see that you cared for some bizarre reason to research me. I've always wondered how much information I've left in public eye, so to speak.

    I'll also admit: I've said some really stupid things in regard to sociopaths. And out of humility, I apologize. If that means anything.

  80. LOOD, for the sake of your future, delete everything you can from the net, blog, facebook, myspace, etc. Start over. Employers will search you out and if someone already found out who you are... well you've left too much of a trail. Backtrack and delete if possible. Don't think, just do it dude.

  81. nimbus said... "My question to the sociopaths: what do you do about the inevitable ratfucking revenge?"

    “You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life.” - Winston Churchill

    I've always just dealt with it when an angry somebody comes along. What do you mean cope? Not like I stay up at night crying about it.

  82. "I suppose us sociopaths are very unfathomable. We destroy almost anything through manipulation, even our own kind. It seems practically worse than vampires because they actually care for each other as a family."

    Hahahaha! Yes!
    The vampires care for each other as a family! Us sociopaths are definitely unfathomable, huh?

    If there's a blog post about how your aunt took you from your fucked up parents and sent you off to live in various foster homes, please give me the link. Judging from the above, it'd probably be worth a few good laughs!

    Now, John, I hope you know I'm just kidding. But I really do think you should seek counseling as soon as you can. You're young enough that you can probably get a lot of your emotional issues worked out before it all gets set in stone. It would take a lot of work--a LOT of work--but I assure you that your life will be better than if you start and spend your teenage years browsing the net, idolizing and learning how to relate from sociopaths, of all people.

  83. The internet is full of rejects who try to help others but cant help themselves. Just a passing thought.....

  84. I completely agree with you, Thunder.
    Seriously. I do.

  85. Thunderball,
    In other words, you don’t expect it when you least expect it.


  86. TB, I think is who asked, I deleted a few comments that just had one or two personal details. Like about my ex, or my new boy, and I prefer not to leave all that on blast. I realised post posting I was being a bit too open. And it is REALLY really hard to make me feel insulted. No such occurance.

    And to the Micheal Jackson thing... I believe Katt Williams said it best when he said FUCK Micheal! Fuck his child molestin white female noseless ass. Fuck him and fuck his drug overdose, and fuck his sunken ass face.

  87. You know what jassnowflake? Fuck you too bitch!!! Michael Jackson was brilliant you stupid cunt!


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