
Thursday, July 19, 2012

Sociopath poetry

This Is Just to Say

I have eaten
the plums
that were in
the icebox

and which
you were probably
for breakfast

Forgive me
they were delicious
so sweet
and so cold

-- William Carlos Williams


  1. As pretty as those words actually are...if that had been my breakfast you'd "stolen" (yes id class it as such lol) id have had no choice other than to strangle you, then demand you get me some more or else you could wave goodbye to sex for the week! but i don't like plums anyway...nice poem though. Who wrote it???

  2. Sociopaths are red,
    Empaths are blue,
    Control is sweet;
    And so are you.

  3. That was the worst poem ever TB, but good try!!

  4. That poem was fantastic. Have I told you any of my Ovaltine jokes?? Those are the best, the best!

  5. I want to know what the ovaltine jokes are!!! lol......(just because im nosy, i can't help myself)

  6. And you didn't share?!
    I'm appalled.

    I like the poem.
    It's elegant but essentially shallow--just like a sociopath.


  7. Hey Pete, WARNING!! i think i'v taken a liking to you. Be very afraid!!! Lmao
    i might just get you with my magic fairy dust ;x

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I like Peter Pan too! His words of wisdom are priceless!

  10. i guess no one caught thunder's seinfeld reference. what is this world coming to... first michael jackson, now this.

  11. who the hell is seinfield???? and will all the anon posters pleeeease think of a simple username, go on it really won't kill you i promise....its just that im easily confused and sometimes i forget that anon isn't the same person posting over and over...

  12. click the link tink... your explanation is there.


  13. Lmao hey "not anonymous" how did you know id need that kind of help!!! ha ha ha. just watched a clip on you tube and that is seriously my idea of funny!!! Why do i not know any men like that!! i finally found what iv been missing in my life!!!! This is depressing!! I can't find him on tv... Im going to have to find sienfeild (or whatever his name is) on dvd. I may never return to the internet, instead il be in my pj's eating ben n jerrys ice cream watching back to back episodes once i find them..God bless you not anon...god bless, you have changed my world!! lol

  14. glad to help.

    here is where you can get it from.

    pre-order for full set.



  15. Thank you, not anon.....jeez you could have thought of another username....i've decided im going to call you Bob!!! lol

  16. NPR did a piece on this famous poem.

    The unapologetic apology poem. Various people were asked to write their own version of the poem. Alot of interesting (some quite funny) version emerged.

    A sixth grader wrote the following.

    Sorry, But It Was Beautiful
    by Andrew Vecchione

    This is just to say
    sorry I took your money
    and burned it.

    But it looked
    like the world falling apart
    when it crackled and burned.

    So I think it was worth it.
    After all
    you can’t see the world fall apart every day.

  17. Now Keats wrote some amazing poetry...especially ode to melancholy... thats something else...that poem up top was sweet but didn't make a stamp on my memory. Poetry should be like deep sea diving, you need to reach rock bottom to find the real treaure.
    wow i actually managed a whole paragraph without taking the

  18. I had an amazing thought,
    but i forgot what it was.

    That man just looked at me funny.

    I know she's sleeping with someone else, and she'll pay.

    I can drive my car so fast, it doesn't hurt.

    There's blood everywhere.

    Why does my life suck?

  19. A Poison Tree:

    I was angry with my friend;
    I told my wrath, my wrath did end.
    I was angry with my foe:
    I told it not, my wrath did grow.

    And I watered it in fears,
    Night & morning with my tears:
    And I sunned it with smiles,
    And with soft deceitful wiles.

    And it grew both day and night.
    Till it bore an apple bright.
    And my foe beheld it shine,
    And he knew that it was mine.

    And into my garden stole,
    When the night had veiled the pole;
    In the morning glad I see;
    My foe outstretched beneath the tree.

    William Blake

    Moral of the story: don't eat other people's fruit ;)

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Very cute, Gungy.
      Who's the charming narcissistic author?

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Wow, truly a man of many talents.
      Nothing better than a handsome poet who's not afraid to fight for what he believes in. That's why I've always loved Byron.

    4. Thank you. I have gotten a bit better since my early teen days, but this one I thought fitting for this joint.

    5. Lets hear some more :D

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    7. Also, I posted one earlier (scroll down a little) "Stay". I wrote that one last month.

    8. God, that's awful. Are you sure you're 45? I thought that kind of poetry died out at 15.~

    9. To which do you refer, Postal?

    10. Like nails on a chalkboard inside my head.

    11. For REAL, Mrs. Kany... cause I'll write them all friggin night!

    12. Can we go back to books?

  21. Someone on the Forum is asking if her post will be deleted by Mods LMAO

  22. See these eyes so green
    I can stare for a thousand years
    Colder than the moon
    It's been so long

    And I've been putting out fire
    With gasoline

    See these eyes so red
    Red like jungle burning bright
    Those who feel me near
    Pull the blinds and change their minds
    It's been so long

    Still this pulsing night
    A plague I call a heartbeat
    Just be still with me
    Ya wouldn't believe what I've been through
    You've been so long
    Well it's been so long

    And I've been putting out the fire with gasoline
    Putting out the fire
    With gasoline

    See these tears so blue
    An ageless heart that can never mend
    Tears that never dry
    A judgement made can never bend

    See these eyes so green
    I can stare for a thousand years

    1. I missed this until just now. Nice Bowie shout-out.

  23. End of the Place or Not?July 19, 2012 at 5:12 AM

    Soo... will the domain reg for this place be renewed after it expires on September 15? Opinions?

    1. Why would you end it?

    2. An interesting question. ME once wrote that s/he does things in 2 year increments. That is, s/he will only commit to something for 2 years at a time. Given that this first post was in August of 2008 it might be that the commitment will expire this year with the expiration of the domain. Of course, the commitment might be renewed for another 2 years or ME might just go with whim -- creating new content and recycling old content as it suits her/him.

      Just renewing the domain will allow the forum to continue but since ME chooses not to have a voice there why would s/he want to continue?

      So will the (Sociopath)world end on September 15?

      I can imagine that ME might be enjoying people's speculation and might even take delight in it. After all, s/he truly has ultimate control here and holds the fate of everyone in this world in his/her hand. ME gets to play God -- the ultimate sociopath goal.

    3. This place is going to die die die!!!!!

    4. What good does worrying do? We should preemptively create a sociopath blog about ME. IF s/he deletes SW, fine.
      We'll have a back up blog and me can still watch us bitch about him/her.


  24. Kany
    What does personal power mean to you?

  25. Monica, it probably means a gas powered generator

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. In stead of throwing criticism (which is welcomed and digested when the source is a know source), how about you throw out a poem of your own Mrs. Kany?

    2. Poetry is something I left in my childhood as well.

    3. Well, there went your credentials as a poetry critic.

    4. Here, something I did for a design.

      It lives and breathes

      She is a simple place.
      she is open and clean
      And welcomes me in
      And allows me to get to know her.

      But she is not always so warm.
      I came into her empty,
      And she can feel so empty.
      so vast and powerful, as the confines of space,
      and now I am lonely.
      but when she has less attitude
      she pulls me in and let's me.
      allows me
      And grows me
      Holds me and shows me.
      She knows what to be
      And what she'll show me.
      Let me and grow me to be
      That better piece of me.
      As the better piece of her I see,
      so I see the same in me.

    5. Re Gungy's comments, let me remind you of tu quoque.

      Being a critic doesn't require the skill being criticized, else whence would all the art critics come?

    6. This really didn't help your credentials.

    7. Postal, I realize this. I suggested that if poetry was something that she hadn't played with since her youth perhaps her criticism just wasn't worth anything.

    8. I told you, I left poetry behind. You too could move on.

    9. At least I know it isn't my calling.

  27. Ell
    Do you want to put "who did what to whom" behind us?

  28. Once on Valentines Day with one of my first boyfriends, I bought as really expensive box of chocolates. The BOX was chocolate. I spent the entire day picking it out for the guy I wanted to impress.

    The train ride was long.

    I ate my love

    I downed them with no milk or water

    I ate my love

    I told you I did it and you looked confused

    I hate my love

    1. THAT was the most beautiful piece of important, literature, I have EVER heard.

  29. I love how everyone becomes a poet when ME posts something artistic....

    Its completely relevant. And the poems are entertaining too. I had no idea Sociopaths were so eloquent.

    1. Oh crap. Two of my sentences rhymed. Clearly, mental illness is contagious. I am obviously now a Sociopath.

  30. For those who may not be familar:

    Yeh, it goes away
    All of this and more of nothing in my life
    No color clay
    Individuality not safe

    As of now I bet you got me wrong
    So unsure you run from something strong

    I can't let go
    Threadbare tapestry unwinding slow
    Feel a tortured brain
    Show your belly like you want me to

    As of now I bet you got me wrong
    So unsure you run from something strong

    I haven't felt like this in so long
    Wrong, in a sense too far gone from love
    That don't last forever
    Something's gotta turn out right

    You sugar taste
    Sweetness doesn't often touch my face
    Stay if you please
    You may not be here when I leave

    As of now I bet you got me wrong
    So unsure we reach for something strong

    I haven't felt like this in so long
    Wrong, in a sense too far gone from love
    Strong, I haven't felt like this in so long
    Wrong, in a sense too far gone from love
    T hat don't last forever
    Something's gotta turn out right

    -Jerry Cantrell

  31. William Carlos Williams is one of my favorite poets.

  32. (wow) Someone? Anyone? Green synonymous with?

    1. I already understood the envy implication. I still don't follow.

  33. It is hard to be Post's intellectual equal, Gungy. Few are.

    1. To be fair, it's hard to be Gungy's intellectual equal, too. Most people die when they've sustained that much head trauma.~

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Complete rubbish. Stick to being fodder for terrorists.

    4. The thing about songs is they lose a lot as text. From a purely lyrical standpoint, I'd call you derivative and uninspired. Maybe music makes up for it, but I don't hold out much hope.

    5. I think poetry was a youth phase, for you. You've hit your prime.

    6. Mrs. Kany, are you suggesting that I maybe somehow emotionally stunted; retarded to a juvenile age?

    7. No. I'm suggesting poetic symbolism is not your forte. Maybe you have the emotions, but you can't convey them in any way that's relevant or significant.

    8. Then, please, show me how it's done.

    9. Consider yourself shown. Now let's talk about the symbols and content. You're poem is trite. The structure and rhythm are acceptable, but the diction gets stuck in it and becomes dragged down into a lack of substance. Its timid, and repressed.

    10. Now there's the narcissist I've been looking for! You really thought that any better? I never said it was my calling either (maybe why I'm a Marine) but I do point out that rather than pull apart and try to find meaning, discuss what I might have been thinking at the time; you all just shout: "Rubbish; trite; sucks, sucks, sucks... why was that?

    11. Also, I thought I covered why I was here.

    12. No. I said I didn't think it was. That's why I have a right to criticize. And if you want sensitivity to what you go through, there's a site called love fraud that would be more than happy to oblige. We go with facts, and the fact is your poetry sucks. And I think even your taste is trite and shallow, and gratifies the immediate. The emotional. The in complex.

    13. Please don't go into that again! I mean why are we here? The purpose conversation.

    14. "Its so cute that you're mysterious. Shrowd in illusion and elusiveness."
      (Just thought we could tie these together). Agreed. Everything I do is self serving for as much immediate gratification as I can possibly get. My poetry might suck, may be not; to each their own, but I do have the right and nerve to share. Again, if you say it sucks... go ahead, rip that symbolism apart and see if you are even close sister. Take a shot at either poem I've thrown on here... or are you afraid your opinion would then be open to the loonies?

    15. Rip me apart. I'm not giving you the attention to seethe your boredom. I'm really over you. Eden's poetry I ripped apart. It evoked her and deep archetypes. You'd be like picking apart a 12 year old, as all nrcissists are, so frankly I'm over you.
      If you want someone to pick you apart, say something worth reading.

    16. Cop out. Your scared of what they'll say of your opinion. You're scared of these sharks.

    17. A marine who writes poetry. Cute.

      Kany, you cannot state that someone's poetry sucks as a matter of "fact". You may state that it is poorly written. You may expand upon valid criticisms concerning style, substance, content, composition and flow. But art appreciation is wholly subjective, and poetry is a profoundly intimate form of self-expression. There are no rules to follow, unless you are an English major studying under the questionable auspices of a professor with a pole snugly nestled up his tight ass.

    18. Right. I'M scared. Terrified. I'm a closed book. An elusive mystery. An enigma. No one knows the real me, my opinions are guessed at, at best.

    19. May I, alter. Oh I AM glad.

    20. I will tell you what you are: you are easily manipulated into meaningless conversations when the op for deep down questioning of another individual's psyche is there. Yes, you are scared of that, missy; as well as easily manipulated. And tell, UKan it didn't cost a $100.

    21. God, you must have been a masterful Candyland player. Then again, just declaring victory over and over doesn't really count as winning once you grow up.~

    22. Lol. Like button, post.
      Maybe your idiocy is still amusing, gungy. These delusions are a lot of fun.

    23. Explain, Posty. Explain. Just saying something isn't doesn't make it go away either.

    24. Since you insist upon being so dense:


      1.A thing that is indisputably the case.

      2.Information used as evidence or as part of a report or news article.


      1. a belief or judgment that rests on grounds insufficient to produce complete certainty.

      2. a personal view, attitude, or appraisal.

      You're welcome. :)

    25. Eden's poetry I ripped apart. It evoked her and deep archetypes.

      her poetry was worse then gungy's lol

    26. Her poetry had a stylistic element that revealed an aspect of herself. Which I consider to be strong enough for amateur or personal experimentation. Art is only good if and when it gives away an aspect of the artist. Eden's had that,so though I don't prefer it, I appreciate it.

    27. stfu you just think she is in love with you lol

    28. Lol Anon 3:00

    29. No, I think she sees me as something to destroy or break down.

    30. then you are stupid lol

    31. I don't mean I'm a project, I mean its how she totals me.

    32. you never make sense kany. just shut up

    33. I read your poem, Kany. You are no William Blake, but it wasn't half bad.

      Sounds to me like you were projecting upon a physical space the emotional emptiness you feel inside, juxtaposed with a desire to allow that harsh emptiness to nurture, shape and mould you, as you realize the potential therein. Rather than allow it to dwarf you, you embrace the way in which it engulfs you, and so revel in it, stretching your tendrils outwards, timidly, as you grow beyond yourself.

      You stated that you are open-minded to a fault. I think this poem expresses that belief you hold about yourself very well.

  34. That's the worst poem ever! lol! Just goes to show that socios aren't very creative! No offense but I believe there's some truth to that.

  35. Oh, ouch, stop... stop! I just can't take it. Nice to see you tonight UKan.

    1. You still have not explained your implication of envy. Is your strategy always to dodge away when you've nothing to say?

    2. Oh, so sorry. Why the comment towards the theme? I only took ill towards it as I believe the last time I was referenced by you was: "idiot"... and we've never spoke.

    3. Most regulars have a theme or two. You've been here under a week and have 3. Either you stir Themes up in some weird way, or you lack depth and placing themes on you is easy. I just find it curious.

    4. Hmmm, fair enough. I do try on the depth end, but as I said it seems as though anything I share about the topic of the day starts with decent discourse then one of these regulars jumps in and begins arguments with others... very little seems to get said here. I tried discussing books, no good. What brought me here, nope. All mind you with the subject of the day as the certain of the topic. Just seems like people want to fight here; which is cool to.

    5. People who talk too much lack depth. Silence is golden.

    6. So says some... but then again, if we aren't talking why the heck are we here?

    7. Purpose is an illusion. We are here because we are here.

    8. Oh, you're the Zen guy. Got it. I'm here to talk if you don't like what that, well; I don't know what to tell you, Postman.

    9. No, no. Now we're getting somewhere. Why are we here, gungy?

    10. Please, please, stop telling us that you're here to talk. Say something with meaning or fuck off, cause so far you've said fuck all.

    11. Zen is for the intellectually lazy or inept (inclusive or).

    12. So you are saying you're... intellectually lazy or inept (inclusive or).?

    13. Alright, I'm tired of your idiocy. It's official.

    14. Would you please explain. What idiocy? What have I done but spur conversation through expoture of my life with nearly (mostly, a lot of) all questions answered. Please,, critique and give me reason to cut deeper into myself... but no. I just get: You suck, you're and idiot. EXPLAIN, then.

    15. You've done everything but spur conversation.

    16. And what have you said that has split the atom? Give us something to talk about. If I am the all so stupid. Enlighten me all knowing grand po ba's! Why does every one keep coming here if no one says anything?

    17. I'm obliged to entertain you? I amuse myself. I belong here. What's your place?

    18. What idiocy?

      The fact that Zen was the only thing you could think of when you read Postmodern’s reply, for example. And that's just to keep things simple and appeal only to your short term memory.

    19. This comment has been removed by the author.

    20. I've also been told throughout my life that I didn't and don't now know what love is though.

    21. Gungy
      What was your childhood like?

    22. Anon:

      "People who talk too much lack depth. Silence is golden." and;
      "Purpose is an illusion. We are here because we are here."

      These are extremely zen like in their phrasing. What else do I get, I person who takes themselves way to serious and in fact themselves lack depth. Anyone can quote Yoda, just make it mean something.

      We are on a blog site, talk. talk. talk. that's why we are here. Purpose is an illusion? Whoa, I'm so deep. Really? I have purpose, to perpetuate my survival. If you don't have one, good on you. Remain a fringe dweller of society if that's your gig. mine is to swim in the pool with the fishies and take a chomp when I can.

    23. Anon: a little less general please. that could take all night.

    24. And yet you're not talking, instead perpetuating your meta-discussion about blogs that no one else is interested in. If you want to talk, present something interesting or write to the author. Maybe you'll be published.

      Constantly reminding everyone that you're here to talk is not the same as actually being here to talk, unless you mean in the sense that small talk qualifies as talking. Perhaps you'd be better served on a weather blog.

    25. Weather blog LOL

    26. On any other day (not the Police song), I would agree with you whole heartedly, Postoperative; but to today seemed to be poetry, so I posted. You guys say I suck, great let's throw yours up here and talk about that. I give you what I got and you say it sucks. you don;'t say why. You're like my kids with green beans; can't tell why they don't like them they just do. So either talk about my shit, throw your own shit out here, or get to steppin.

    27. I did enough of both. And

      So than you can't say your wife is a possession. You can't keep her. So what made your relationship crumble?

    28. This comment has been removed by the author.

    29. You have to give if you want to take. Dissect my poem, then maybe I'll go further into yours. I haven't gotten anything from you. Its your turn. Conversations are two ways.

    30. "People who talk too much lack depth. Silence is golden." and;
      "Purpose is an illusion. We are here because we are here."

      Gungy, that's fucking common sense.

      And you're thinking of Yoda and Zen only because your general knowledge doesn't seem to expand beyond the cheap trivialities pop-culture has fed your brain.

    31. Wow. You owned her, cheated on her, rejected her, and gave her nothing... I'm so impressed. You're such a shallow strong man.

    32. Yes they are and I asked about the drug dealing thing and have still gotten no answer. I answered yours, tell me about the drug dealing thing while I go read your poem again.

    33. I find your insistence on simple rhyme schemes hackneyed, your imagery childish and overwrought, and the obvious self-aggrandizement off-putting. No well-developed imagery arises from anything you've posted so far. Your style seems ripped from the likes of the musicians you idolize, well beyond mere imitation. These are the poems of a shallow person playing at depth.

      As for my own work, I won't be putting any up. I'm actually published, and that would be a bit revealing.

    34. Alia:

      I didn't figure these to be the types to get Huang Po. Pop Culture is a pass time but I take it for what it is, bubble gum for the mind. I just took nothing out of Posty's quotes because they sounded like the same shit i digested and crapped out about 20 25 years ago. Hence, yoda was popular back then.

    35. Ah, now you have said something posty! Lets's see if your close though. What musicians do you think I idolized (from my tone)? What did you get from the poem as to the meaning. Big words are great but... you are more than like correct about the self aggrandizement, of that I have been guilty before.

    36. No no. I have given, and you wish to take again. Sharing is caring.

      Also, you list your favorite music on your profile page.~

    37. LOL. Nicely played, postman. I really didn't think anyone would bother looking at that. I'm faltered. What is you might want me to give if the poetry (if shitty at that) to my soul weren't enough? What do I give to hear your sage opinion?

    38. Flattered. too.

    39. You did ask... rather suspiciously I might add, so maybe I won't discuss that aspect of my life with you. Your insatiability there is somewhat off putting, don't you think?

    40. Imagery. Thank you post, that's what I was looking for. That's the biggest thing that makes it empty.

    41. Mrs. Kany, I read your poem. Thought it sound a little like something Robert Smith might write.

    42. There's little I want to know except if the accusations were true. If what was said had any truth.

    43. You want to try those questions again in English?

      When were you a Marine? Where were you stationed? What unit were you with?

    44. RIP Gungy dude. I'll just stand here and watch this time.

    45. This comment has been removed by the author.

    46. This comment has been removed by the author.

    47. Gungy
      Talk from your heart, not bullshit, if you don't want to be eviscerated.

    48. The singer from the cure?

    49. Anon: this is it, Buddy. This is the real deal. You suggest I have a heart.

    50. Yea, The Cure. It seemed a little self pitying to me. It wasn't bad. I used to like the Cure

    51. He'll get eviscerated either way.

      Kany, where did you post your poem?

    52. For those waiting for evisceration of The Gungy... I ain't got it happin'

    53. What color is a junior DI's belt?

      As for your question, there are several flaws to any answer I could give (and in your ability to reason about them):

      1. I reject the idea of intrinsic meaning.
      2. Whatever meaning I describe, nothing stops you from simply saying "That's not what I meant, nyah nyah."
      3. In the face of this, I would posit that the poet's intended meaning and the meaning found by the reader need not be similar, and this dissimilarity does nothing to invalidate the latter's reading.

    54. So you cant't take care of your family, and you're white trash sewing rumors of insanity about people you should be protecting.

    55. A marine and you can't protect your family. Wow.

    56. The GungyJuly 19, 2012 3:18 PM

      For those waiting for evisceration of The Gungy... I ain't got it happin'

      We are in for a long night, then.

    57. Really? prove myself? The belt is green... Only the senior DI wears the black belt. I think you take the easy way out. You are right about me being able to give you the "No it's not!" business, but I really would like to see if I was so transparent or perhaps there was something deeper that I could own up to. I hope your not afraid of a possible "nyah, nyah" when you could open someones mind. are you?

    58. Self pity? It wasn't actually about me, so that makes perfect sense. I was empathizing with an ex who the design was for, and he's the most self pitying person I've ever known. I think I did well than with my sense of empathy.

    59. This comment has been removed by the author.

    60. Again, Kany, i didn't say your poem was bad. Not my cup of tea. But yea, looks like you nailed it. Self Pity.

    61. Is that your idea of manipulation?

      I take the path of least resistance. I think your poems are meaningless because they do not describe anything relatable. The merit of poetry rests on its ability to move the reader, and I am unmoved. If I were fifteen, fresh out of a break up, and recently got in an accident which robbed me of my testicles, my assessment would likely be different.~

    62. But you were spreading things. Telling your family your wife is crazy.

    63. And who said I thought you did say it was bad?

    64. I, for one, am not eagerly anticipating your evisceration, Gungy. You're alright.

      Can you tell me where Kany posted her poem, since she won't respond to me?

      And it's "sowing" rumours.

    65. Of course you like him ego, he's you.

    66. Last I checked, I was not a poetry-writing marine who delights in bragging about his inability to protect his family from himself.

      I love my family. I would throw myself in front of a freight train to save their lives. They are MINE, and I protect what belongs to me.

    67. Gungy, forget the poetry stuff for a while and tell me: how was it for you to kill people? Was there a single time you felt pity/remorse as a consequence? Was it a thrill for you?

    68. Hmm. Based on your tenure and location, I guess that puts you squarely in 2nd Regiment, making you something like one of about 2500 Infantrymen (unless Battalion size has changed without me knowing about it). Let's see what slips so we can reduce that number a little, hmm?

    69. You let Kany pull your chain too much, Alterego. Fuck her.

    70. She's not pulling my chain; I've been pulling hers by correcting her grammar and undermining her intelligence.

      As for me, I will do as I please.

    71. WOW! Postman. You Deliver! I believe Foreigner sang it best: "You're as cold as ice"... but please, let's see where you go with this.

    72. This comment has been removed by the author.

    73. Did you miss the part where I have to wait for you to slip? I can't just conjure up your identity out of nowhere.

    74. Gungy, didn't they test you for ASPD/other psych stuff before enrolling? I mean, do they let sociopaths be soldiers like that? I bet the official policy forbids it.

    75. Please answer my question before Postmodern kills you around here, please.

    76. I wonder if he was in the Battalion that was pissing all over Taliban corpses.

    77. Actually no. I really don't recall any psyche test. But then again I am a very good test taker (I can game the game most the time). But as for soldiers and Marines being sociopaths, why not? Who is there better to look another human being eye to eye and put two in their chest and one in their fore head... then be able to go out and do it again and again if need be? I would say sociopath. As I have also said, I believe I know more than a few sociopaths who have no idea what they are; and then some do.

    78. This comment has been removed by the author.

    79. The real question being if I stop being a Marine, what am I?

      This Gungy guy is amazing. Up until now, I thought his kind existed only in bad, cliché ridden American movies.

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. You're so sweet.

    2. Like chocolate truffles when I want to be.

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. Grungy, tell me what you were going through when you wrote the second poem.

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Sorry for the spelling of your name , it's was a honest mistake, really. Just along day.


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