
Friday, June 1, 2012

Can sociopaths be religious?

The easy answer is yes. Look at all the crazy things people have done in the name of religion. Of course people have often used the pretense of religious belief to magnify their own power or influence, but I think that many sociopaths are actually capable of religious/spiritual beliefs independent of the motives of trying to fit in or manipulate others. At least many famous sociopaths have expressed such beliefs at one point or another.

I'm religious/spiritual. I guess that might seem surprising. I was grateful to be raised religiously because it provided me with a standard of morality that I could follow and use to fit in perfectly with my community. As much as people try to argue otherwise, legal systems and social norms are very closely linked with religious concepts of morality, so learning a religious code taught me a lot about what was expected of me in society. Being religious also gave me a built-in excuse for any eccentricities in behavior. I am still religious, I think, because I like the idea of there being a creator of all things, including sociopaths. I like having a check on my behavior, a reason for being a good sociopath. And I like the reward for good behavior -- the feeling of elation and other-worldness inherent in religious devotion.

But I do not allow my religious devotion to confuse me or to make me feel conflicted about who I am. Like one of the brothers Karamzov said:
I'm a Karamazov... when I fall into the abyss, I go straight into it, head down and heels up, and I'm even pleased that I'm falling in such a humiliating position, and for me I find it beautiful. And so in that very shame I suddenly begin a hymn. Let me be cursed, let me be base and vile, but let me also kiss the hem of that garment in which my God is clothed; let me be following the devil at the same time, but still I am also your son, Lord, and I love you, and I feel a joy without which the world cannot stand and be.
- Fyodor Dostoevsky, The Brothers Karamazov


  1. It seems you hold your beliefs for pleasure and not much else. Eventually, the belief's reason leads back to your own gain.

    As for morality, I'm not exactly sure how I came about mine.

    I guess it happened through me being an empath and finally becoming a sociopath as I awoke due to different things irritating me in life. So, I had a set of morality already and I eventually just looked at it objectively, looked for reasons to keep one moral belief over another eventually finding a pretty suiting moral code.

    Something like basing it off of observation of other people's morality and then taking only the good parts--in a parasite-like manner.

    1. So you became a sociopath? Tell us more of your wonderful recovery.

  2. "something like basing it off of observation of others people's morality and then taking only the good parts in a parasite like manner"............

    Well Life's Outcast Of Death..... that sentence pretty much sum's up the way the entire bible is used anyway. Doesn't it?..

    As for Religion and sociopathy, who knows? Not all so called mentally stable people believe in God, so i guess its a case of each to their own.

    I myself, realise that i am a dreadful sinner and always will be, because if i wasn't then i most certainly would be God "itself" and i definately know im not. ha

    I believe in God, i have finally, after many sleepless nights of pointless procrastination, concluded that the world is a giant intricate chess board and its creatures the chess pieces. We as people/whatever are nothing merely than a social experiment. God was extremely bored on those 7 days, hence giving up on Sunday.

    The reason for evil is because Adam/Eve broke the 1st major rule of the entire "game"....and there and then is where is got interesting for God.

    Then when God decided the game was not going his way like a child he tipped up the board game to start again....hence the flood and Noah etc....

    I believe it won't be long before God tips up the board again...mind you the world could do with some much needed refreshing.

    Those worthy of heaven are kept for later use, because they are the best of a bad bunch (so to speak)...the undesirables go to live with the Devil, because all good games need a nemesis!... A bit like Charlie and the chocolate factory.

    I have a firm belief that there is a God. The great thing about God is that its unable to be seen so one has to learn to trust their basic instincts and go forward blind...anyway imagine if God had an office, wow the world would be in total chaos as hoards of worshippers lined the streets..society would be at a complete stand still...The game would be over.

    Isn't it far more interesting for God to gaze in on the world from a distance, sit back and allow for free choice to reign. Sought of like watching the plot of a gripping blockbuster movie unravel.

    We all have matter how slight they may be. And God had choice's to make different races, animals, plants make the game interesting.

    And that crap i'v just typed is a classic example of why i need to cut down on my meds and get out more!!!

    1. i see but in my case i had religion pushed down upon me so i read religions books of all kinds to fit in with many different types of people see my family taught that god controls your entire life and you only are going through the motions one i don’t like having no control over your life in any reason like they would say if someone was murdered it was destined to be murdered and that person was meant and created to basically murder that person to me that takes away all power in my life so i prefer to be an atheist also i have read the book of Mormon the bible and the satanic bible their were alot of these types of people in my area and it would probe their minds it seems that religious empath people are easy to manipulate for the most part they seem to care what people think about them

  3. the way hi Mr.Birdick (Life's Outcast of Death)...Tinkerbelle xx

  4. " the way hi Mr.Birdick (Life's Outcast of Death)...Tinkerbelle xx"

    Ah, am I honestly that much of a version of him? I found myself to suit him in a syntax-like manner, but not much else. I am someone else, however hello to you.

    "Well Life's Outcast Of Death..... that sentence pretty much sum's up the way the entire bible is used anyway. Doesn't it?.."

    How true. Cliche.

    "I myself, realise that i am a dreadful sinner and always will be, because if i wasn't then i most certainly would be God "itself" and i definately know im not. ha"

    I think we're neither God nor at the bottom, simply the balance between.

    "the world is a giant intricate chess board and its creatures the chess pieces."

    I don't believe we as people are actually confined in such a manner.

    Evolution really does show we have absolutely no limit to what we can become. It all depends upon which traits are the best. There truly is no "perfection" it just goes on forever and ever.

    "Those worthy of heaven are kept for later use, because they are the best of a bad bunch (so to speak)...the undesirables go to live with the Devil, because all good games need a nemesis!... A bit like Charlie and the chocolate factory."

    It seems as though sociopaths would actually neither really conform to Heaven or Hell. They're more of an in between, so to speak.

    I've studied religion and the God concept thoroughly. It always fascinated me. I've came to the conclusion that there is no God after months of contemplating and seeking out arguments/evidence for God.

  5. I have as much reason to believe in god as I do the Loch Ness Monster. I have no use for religion on a personal level. I can however see that in the right (meaning sufficiently intelligent) hands religion can be a powerful tool. Servility is an apparently widespread human instinct. If billions of people are determined to act like slaves before their invisible friend, why shouldn’t the power hungry become their visible master? Give people meaning, easy answers, and a reason to think they are “special” in what appears to be a meaningless, inscrutable and indifferent universe and they are yours.

    Life’s Outcast of Death said: “It seems you hold your beliefs for pleasure and not much else. Eventually, the belief's reason leads back to your own gain.”

    That’s true of all religious people, isn’t it?

    Outcast also wrote: "I've studied religion and the God concept thoroughly. It always fascinated me. I've came to the conclusion that there is no God after months of contemplating and seeking out arguments/evidence for God."

    I agree, only it took me years of sorting through all sorts of religions before I could finally shake it off altogether. When it comes to religion, there really is no there there.

    " the way hi Mr.Birdick (Life's Outcast of Death)...Tinkerbelle xx"

    Howdy Tink!

    Tinkerbelle also said: “And that crap i'v just typed is a classic example of why i need to cut down on my meds and get out more!!!”

    LOL! I hope this means you don’t actually believe any of things you typed. You seem too intelligent for that.

  6. "That’s true of all religious people, isn’t it?"

    Yes, in her case, I found it to be overly apparent. I doubt this is visible to most people, though.

    "I agree, only it took me years of sorting through all sorts of religions before I could finally shake it off altogether. When it comes to religion, there really is no there there."

    Dude, check out spiritual Satanism. It's hilarious. They basically talk about how Christians are all liars and are spreading lies about Satanism while Christians talk about how Satanism is bad and Satan is the king of lies. It's loltastic.

    "LOL! I hope this means you don’t actually believe any of things you typed. You seem too intelligent for that."

    My thoughts exactly.

  7. Is this an American site?? I have a very English sense of sarcastic dry humour. I can very self deprecating...

    My version of God was me being my usual sarcastic self..ha. I do believe in God purely because i "like" to. Its a source of self comfort i guess. A bit like masturbation.....ha ha


    1. No she is Austrian or from that time zone

  8. I base my sense of honor and ethics on logic and fairness, since I'm an atheist. Some people call my ethics evil or some synonym, but at the end of the day, it's easier to set some sort of boundary for yourself, and I have a line or two I won't cross for any reason.

  9. Anonymous said, "I have a line or two I won't cross for any reason."

    You sure about that anon?

  10. if someone says something like:
    "i choose to believe because i want/like to"
    i immediately lose all respect for them because they must have no self-knowledge and no desire for their beliefs to have any correlation with truth.
    it is disappointing that M.E. thinks like that.

    1. So you really care for ME? Infatuated?

  11. This seems quite interesting to me, if one claims to be truly intellectual and reliant on facts and evidence, then one would come to the conclusion that the matter of arguing whether god exists or not is a moot point.  It's very obvious the human race knows nothing about the existence of god, and a purely logical viewpoint-or even analysis-would be to say, one does not know.  We don't have the power or information to make any empirical judgement on the matter.  It would appear that psychopaths, just like empaths, are influenced by the belief of society and detachment is not a shield for "SELF" opinionated stupidity.  

    I read somewhere that some psychopaths are prone to settling for less--growth of intellect is not barred from that.

    If there were a god (philosophically speaking god wouldn't exist in the material--as in some interpretations, god is no-thing) it would make sense for a psychopath to take a position on the "winning side".  So it wouldn't be far fetched to muse the idea that there are even higher level psychopaths that either have a neutral stance or do believe in a diety.

    The demiuge

  12. Discussions like wether god exists are only popular because they cannot be refuted by testing the evidence. Therefore both sides of such debates naturally attract idiots seeking attention and status by presenting indefensible positions in a convincing way, and maybe convincing themselves of their own bullshit as well, since so many people live in a pseudo-reality created by words.

    But of course beliefs have a practical effect by influencing human behaviours. Contrary to Richard Dawkins and the New Atheists, religion improves family size and therefore evolutionary fitness. Of course such religious practice (not the explanations) evolved for a reason, ask Richard Hoste, Kevin Macdonald and now even Susan Blackmore who has now admitted that the costs of religion are outdone by its benefits in a value-neutral, Darwinian sense.

    1. Thank you for this comment. Indeed, only those who are in need of proving bs by presenting bs could argue for or against existence of god(s). Agnostics are the ones who don't need to spend any energy on this debate.
      it is in a sociopath's best interest to appear with God, to go for the local church where the richest go.

  13. Discussions like wether god exists are only popular because they cannot be refuted by testing the evidence.

    Clare Bear, sometimes the absence of evidence really is evidence of absence. Theists have no more reason to believe in god than you have to believe in flying unicorns. Why? There isn’t any evidence.

  14. Absence of evidence is only evidence of absence when positive evidence can otherwise be expected. (For example the lack of physical Nessie remains in an area as small as Loch Ness, or the absence of hard evidence for alien visitors, despite all the UFO sightings that are reported and no reason why there should be any less of it than there is for human aviators.) There is no default position where statistics based upon evidence cannot lead someone unbiased to a default position.

    1. You can find evidence of absence in the fact that religious beliefs not only don’t describe reality, but mislead the believers when they need to assess it. The absence of correspondence between beliefs and reality is a good evidence of absence. That you cannot certify the absence of god itself is not so important if you can verify the absence of logic in religious belief, and that's easy. Western societies abandoned the collective religious belief and adopted religious liberty when it was for them empirically evident that taking religious belief as an interpretation of reality was a sure recipe for social, political and economic failure.

  15. But Clare Bear, we can expect positive evidence of most god claims: miracles, prayers answered, lives changed in ways that can only be explained by invoking a particular deity, a neon sign written in the stars saying something along the lines of “behold, I am the lord your god”... you get the gist. Notice how nothing like that has ever been reliably reported or found. Ever. In the absence of said evidence, the most rational default position on the question of gods is that there probably aren’t any.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I don't care what you believe in. As long as you don't try to mind fuck my kids into a life of crime because god said it was cool to sacrifice my kid for your drug dealing business, what the fuck would I care? Don't think I'd not tell myself God whispered in my ear to sacrifice you and shoot your bloody head off, feed your brains to my cat, and fry up your liver, to feed it to my cash-poor, anemic sister. Waste not want not. If I lived in the times where people didn't get arrested for that, I might have done this and then prayed to god you didn't have some fucked up poison in your bloodstream that killed my cat or sister.

    2. ^this freak is an atheist.

  17. I'm a moderate sociopath but at a young age and through most of my childhood I was raised as a deeply religious Catholic. I think that is one of the reasons that I'm not as violent as I might be. I still believe in God, but I also believe that most of my sociopathy is out of my control and ergo I am blameless for most of what I do. While I do lie, and cheat and such, it's almost never to a criminal extent, besides it's peoples own fault for being near me. I tell them to leave and if they don't that's their own damn fault.

    1. I can't get past the spam filter to post "first", Lol! :p

    2. anon 8:47 is tnp.

    3. How old are you, tnp?

  18. I am actually very grateful I was raised deaply releigios, because even though I'm not as deaply prectising as I was when I was a child/adolescent (though the power of my parents) It gave me somethign to sort of 'replace' my conscience and without it I'd probably be even worse than I am today. I fully believe that the only reason I haven't done something seriously wrong ,(like kill or assault someone) is beleif in god and hell. I don't care about hurting people, but the fear of hell has kept me from hurting people to an extet, and that's the best I can hope for. It may not be the healthiest way to live, but I don't care and it's better than rotting in prison.

    1. my mom says the same. scary.

  19. I'm an atheist. I simply don't find any use of God and it is lacking evidence, in my opinion. But I could change easily if I would find a reason to (but I don't) :)

  20. Depends on what you mean by religion. This is my best guess. I don't claim to speak for everyone. If you define religious by.

    1)A social system based on text and values that are derived from revelation rather than reason............NO

    2)A force outside of one self that has a relationship with you and gives you comfort............NO

    3)A spiritual, non physical, entity that care about you................NO

    4)A powerful dictator that is physical and care about what you do and will help you if you believe in him/her.................Yes

    5)An alien that created life on Earth............Yes

    6)Cult hand books, such as the Bible and Koran............NO

    7)A system of words, values, body language, and clothing that can make people do what you say and give money to you................YES

    8)An idealized version of self.............Maybe

    9)A ritual that has a special emotional feeling that is not rational ............YES

    10)A place to go to compare clothing...........Yes

  21. Seems I chose the right moment to come back to the comments. Glad to see Birdick around.

    1. Oh, and blah blah blah, nihilism, etc. Facsimile of on-topic discussion. Sarcastic remark.~

    2. Those are old comments, but yeah, he does still lurk around.

  22. For Dostoievsky, “Without god, everything is permitted” This sounds very anti-social, doesn’t it?

    1. Don't talk about Dostoevsky. I know you can barely read, and that you have no idea what you're talking about, but come on.

      It sounds anti-social because you're projecting that on it. Sartre expressed a similar sentiment in Existentialism and Humanism, and used it as an argument for personal responsibility and self-determination.

    2. Ur smart Post ^

    3. Sartre never ever said anything like that, you dunderhead. You'd better go to google and find out who Sartre was.

    4. The sentence sounds anti-social because you can infer from it (if god gave you this ability, inference, I mean, which is not your case)that without god, men laws are of no avail; so if you say that without god everything is permitted, society itself has no authority on human beings.

    5. Dostoevsky once wrote: “If God did not exist, everything would be permitted”; and that, for existentialism, is the starting point. Everything is indeed permitted if God does not exist, and man is in consequence forlorn, for he cannot find anything to depend upon either within or outside himself. He discovers forthwith, that he is without excuse. For if indeed existence precedes essence, one will never be able to explain one’s action by reference to a given and specific human nature; in other words, there is no determinism – man is free, man is freedom.


      Shut the fuck up, José.

    6. And before you try to clumsily argue semantics with me:

      He discovers [...] that he is without excuse.

      This is personal responsibility.

      ... there is no determinism – man is free, man is freedom.

      This is self-determination.

    7. Jose, bullshitting is worse than outright lying.

      Hopefully this material will keep you busy for a while and learn you a thing or two.

    8. But if you are too lazy (which you have shown yourself to be) this will suffice:

      "It is impossible for someone to lie unless he thinks he knows the truth. Producing bullshit requires no such conviction. A person who lies is thereby responding to the truth, and he is to that extent respectful of it. When an honest man speaks, he says only what he believes to be true; and for the liar, it is correspondingly indispensable that he considers his statements to be false. For the bullshitter, however, all these bets are off: he is neither on the side of the true nor on the side of the false. His eye is not on the facts at all, as the eyes of the honest man and of the liar are, except insofar as they may be pertinent to his interest in getting away with what he says. He does not care whether the things he says describe reality correctly. He just picks them out, or makes them up, to suit his purpose."

      "Both in lying and in telling the truth people are guided by their beliefs concerning the way things are. These guide them as they endeavor either to describe the world correctly or to describe it deceitfully. For this reason, telling lies does not tend to unfit a person for telling the truth in the same way that bullshitting tends to. Through excessive indulgence in the latter activity, which involves making assertions without paying attention to anything except what it suits one to say, a person’s normal habit of attending to the ways things are may become attenuated or lost. Someone who lies and someone who tells the truth are playing on opposite sides, so to speak, in the same game. Each responds to the facts as he understands them, although the response of the one is guided by the authority of the truth, while the response of the other defies that authority and refuses to meet its demands. The bullshitter ignores these demands altogether. He does not reject the authority of the truth, as the liar does, and oppose himself to it. He pays no attention to it at all. By virtue of this, bullshit is a greater enemy of the truth than lies are."

  23. Why did god create sociopaths? To make sure hell would have any sense at all? Maybe hell was already created and it had been very costly and God said to himself "it's not good that hell should be empty, I will make an inhabitant suitable for it" and then he created sociopaths.

    1. I don't agree with that, Jose. Some people are born as a sociopath. Some get that way from abuse. NOT all sociopaths are immature assholes. Some are, but not all <3

    2. Is is meant to be sarcastic and is simply a way of showing that it is a little absurd that God would create people without heart.

    3. It doesn't seem to be without a heart.It beats, it sees, it is very alive. It does not let others penetrate consistently. That is half a heart.

  24. Jose- a great philosopher once said "hell is other people" meaning all people. Again look at history your everyday folk (normal, empath, etc.) have committed some of the greatest atrocities in history ex: the Inquisition in Spain was something that the "god fearing" everyday people believed in and the good priests and people of the church carried out. Were they all sociopaths? I don't think so they thought they were doing something "good";) look at the crusades, best example look at nazi Germany all the good German people (with very few exceptions) either participated or turned a blind eye to the mass murder of their neighbors. Are you going to tell us all German citizens were sociopaths?

    Jose you have this odd label that sociopaths are the scum of the earth..not true they have an innate nature each can choose to do what they want with it. It's called free will. There are plenty of socios who keep themselves in check. There are plenty of "empaths" who do not..ex: kill someone they "love" out of extreme jealousy or emotion. Then they call it temporary insanity.

    You are simplifying blaming sociopaths for everything you see as evil.

    A sociopath simply processes emotions in a different way..they react with more logic than emotion. They may react coldly to other people displaying emotion because they may perceive it as fake since they don't feel things in the same way.

    In fact..I would say oftentimes it's the so called "good" people who are truly evil...behind the fake smiles and b**s*** most people are competitive and are ready to stab other people in the back to get what they want. At least socios are more honest with themselves about their nature and don't lie to themselves about how perfect they are.

    1. I do not imply that sociopaths are necessarily bad; all I say is that if they become religious they must admit they are the representatives of evil. I'm not, myself, very religious. Religion forged the basic structure according to which we evaluate empathy and the sharing of feelings by the community. It’s religion who tells you what you should feel, and they tell you that if you can’t feel it, you should at the very least feel guilty.

    2. Jose, this hit me last night when I was watching UKan. UKan does not represent all sociopaths, just as Son of Sam does not represent all Jews. If someone who was not Jewish tried to tell me how I should feel about the Holocaust or anything related to being Jewish, I would want to wring his neck. They need to ask me, not tell me. Then, we can dialogue.

    3. Jose - why are socios the representatives of evil? There are many who commit no crimes and keep a lid on what they do..if we go strictly by religious interpretation of religious people then all religious people must consider themselves evil since everyone has...lied at some point in their life? Or has lustful thoughts for someone they were not married to? or committed the sin of gluttony? or how about may be well acquainted with that one? No one is perfect.

    4. Religion forged the basic structure according to which we evaluate empathy and the sharing of feelings by the community.

      No, you daffy Spaniard, you've got it backwards.

    5. daffy Spaniard lol

    6. lmfao

      I love this guy

    7. Socios don't feel empathy, so they don't love their neighbour, so can't be saved, according to christian doctrine. Without a heart, you cannot receive God's grace, you cannot repent and you cannot obtain forgiveness.

    8. No way is that true, Jose, with all due respect Sweetie.

    9. Anyone, even the "worst" of serial killers like a Dahmer or a Son of Sam, can accept Jesus ( and did, in these cases) Jesus changes the person. That is the cruz of Christianity, Jose. You COME dirty, messed up, and fucked up. Jesus does heart surgery. If you missed this, Jose, you missed Christianity.

    10. Funny enough, "hell is other people" is Sartre again.

    11. YOU showed me that, Medusa.

  25. The thing about God is that once you see it, it is like one of the pictures where you have the 2 images, but one is hidden. Before you see the second one, all you have is the first. However, after you see the second, you can never go back to not seeing.

    1. It is normal to talk with god, but if god talks with you, you will be locked;)

    2. If religion were a hoax, we would have a world filled with followers of thousands of different reeligions, all fighting over which one was right, all willing to lie, or kill, or indoctrinate thier children at a young age so as not to reveal the hoax, all of them delusional and crazy and ....oh wait....

    3. I had a most fascinating evening with God after being a little bit greedy with the magic mushrooms. Interesting chap.

    4. UKan is the fake Alterego.

    5. No he isn't, I am

    6. Ok, that clears things up.

  26. Depends what He says

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. Ok, I'm bored and this topic is not very interesting for me, so i'll jus't write something else.
    If you are new here and want to know if you are a sociopath for some reason, just don't bother. This discovery won't change anything. It took me a lot of time to completely diagnose myself and know I think about the time I wasted on this and it really was pointless. I haven't changed my behaviour in any way (I wasn't planning, but still) and nothing changed (nothing had to change). Only upside is that now I know more about psychology, which is useful in some situations and I realised that I can make my manipulations even better and that I can gain even more if I'll pick bigger goals (but you don't have to diagnose yourself for it).
    You really should stay here, because in this blog you can find lots of useful information, just ponder your thoughts and debate.
    After a while in here one interesting thing had happened to me. I started to feel little thrill and tension in some situations, where I haven't felt it before, it's actually satisfying to feel something new.
    That was me being motivational, lol

    1. ^These new feelings are moving you into a better person? hmmm, maybe, you won't have to spend so much
      time in the shadowlands (hell) after all in the next

    2. Hell ? ^ Next life ? ^

      We take the words of men and women who have researched, experimented, and found the truth, then had these truths verified by other men and women who literally antagonize the hell out of an idea with scientific scrutiny. If it stands, it is true.

      You believe something that in no way requires the same rigorous standards of evidence.

      *Golf Clap*

  29. Passing of the holy spliff. Love, munchies and nap time!

    Peace...... wouldn't that be nice ?

  30. Theme for Understanding Religion in a Simple 5 minute Tutorial

  31. Amusingly none of the worlds elite are openly atheist, secretly they are. Humans are idiotic filth and need religion to keep them restrained, a necessary lie.


  32. Themes for Understanding High level Science in a Small Tutorial

  33. What books or courses can one take to become a better sociopath ? I have learned a lot from psych's I have talked to. But still feeling a bit weak in English. Not my first tongue.

  34. If you don't have a heart, God is just an image for you. So you must first decide if you have a heart or not.

  35. Next you're going to ask if sociopaths can float.

  36. Well... we know we don't have to put a blog asking if narcissists can be religious. :D


  38. This is an interesting post, having lived a large part of my life in a deeply religious and backward country, I got the impression that there were a lot of sociopaths among its representatives. The lack of tolerance and the extremely obtuse interpretation of religion drove me away from it. I did not want to have anything to do with those people, or the ideas they were trying to force down my throat as a kid. They were a bunch of fanatic bullies.

  39. Also your post is funny in a strange way, a sociopath trying to get to heaven.

  40. Of interest for M.E.

  41. Maybe they can believe in god, but they dont give a shit about god, and that is one reason they are posssessed by the evil that controls them, because they allowed it over time. And it gets worse and worse. It amazes me that some "Humans" dont even care or fight back. I think some humans may not be humans at all, but rather a portal for demons. In other words, if the body had a good or neutral soul, it probably was forced out by a stronger one, since their soul was obviously weak and unprepared. I think we ALL go through this at one point, making no one better than anyone. God was smart enough to be fair like that. Think about it, Would it really be free will if we werent in control of our own actions? We truly are. Life is fair.

    Dream on

  42. And let me add, they have no idea what "God" is because the are forced to be blind to it. In other words, the demon is pure ignorance and cannot see truth. Only lies will be believed. This is the higher power and even more proof it exists.

  43. And it all connects...the reason why souless demons would need to be here is to teach us who do have souls, lessons. I know demons have taught me a lot and I thank them from the bottom of my heart. God is the demon, The demon is God. It's all connected. This is easily seen once you look within yourself and eliminate the distractions.

    The english language sucks. Whoever created it CAN GO EAT A DICK, FUCKING FAGGOT

  44. Its amazing the number of sociopaths out there. Our pastor Victor Kim of Remnant church was recently caught in an 10 year affair. Pastor Victor's name is everywhere on the internet. In additional to the affair, he has been discover taking church property and selling it for cheap to his family members. pastor victor is pretty well know.

    We had a sociopath pastor at the previous church I attended. It's amazing how sociopaths seem to find their way in churches. Why can't other leaders identify them until they do harm? If sociopaths are so different than normal people, why can't other pastors identify these sociopaths? I'm just so surprised that sociopaths can get into pastor positions. Are they vetted? Church leaders and pastor need to do a better job identifying these sociopaths and protect their people.

  45. However, spirituality goes beyond religion in that you do not need religion to have a spiritual experience, but you do need spirituality to have a religious experience.
    Eye of the Psychic


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