
Thursday, February 26, 2009

Sociopath quotes: evolution

“Man is something that ought to be overcome... All beings so far have created something beyond themselves; and do you want to be the ebb of this great flood and even go back to the beasts rather than overcome man? What is the ape to man? A laughingstock or a painful embarrassment. And man shall be just that for the overman: a laughingstock or a painful embarrassment...”

Friedrich Nietzsche, ‘Thus Spake Zarathustra’


  1. Nietzsche is a personal favorite of mine. Too bad he isn't socially acceptable to mention, due to the connotations with Hitler. I usually mention Hsun Tzu or Plato instead. Machiavelli is trails to a close second.

  2. Replies
    1. I would think there would be more on this blog about Nietzsche... He seems to be a prominent sociopath to me. Anyone who thinks that humans in their natural state "like" to see others suffer must be a sociopath.

      I don't like to see others suffer... it fills me with sorrow and pain to see it. Living in a world where so many are suffering so horribly puts a damper on my joy. Nietzsche would call this weak from my understanding and this reflects shallow thinking to me. If such people could only understand that to be truly selfish we must create a world where suffering is at a minimum because that is going to bring more satisfaction than not caring a wink and letting every one go to hell for your own aggrandizement. Living in a world where there is so much suffering is only bearable for someone who does not care about others. However - not caring about other beings leads to annihilation. How satisfied will the sociopath be then? Nietzsche has unfortunately had a huge influence on our society.

  3. As excellent a sociopath as Nietzsche was, he is dead. He will never appreciate your comments. Also, it's a shame that as intelligent as he undoubtedly was, he didn't know the most elementary facts about avoiding hazardous sex and died of a STD. Even if you (reading this) are a path, wear a condom even if you are carelessly using a sex partner for meaningless, exploitative sexual gratification.

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  6. More people need to be on

    !!! it used to be connected to this blog but was disconnected over a year ago. We need fresh blood and lots of interesting things have happened recently (relates to drama: that will go down in the forum's history! Be sure to check out too, as some of its regulars are regulars on SC too!

    Fucking ME won't reconnect the forum to this blog so we SC goers will just have to spam the comments section w/ advertisements like this!


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